Resampled001B6DE8 Octet Lesagehasit 1 CENT SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURI)AY October 13. 11 and 15 Here are a few of our Specials:-- 36c Tin Orange Btonnom $ 1.00 Bottle Bcc( )vosT&1com.............. 2 for 36c I nn&) Wine.... 2 (or 60c Jnr Jontccl Cold $ 1.00 Bottle Emubioo Cream .......... 2 (or 51& Co&) Liver OR ...2 &or $ 35c Tube Klcnno Tooth Ooc IVcitiog Pn&t 2 Ior &1& Pn&tc .......„. 2 gor 26c 35c Package Writing 35c Tooth Brush ..... 2 Co& 36& Paper nn&) Fnvelopcn 2 fov 36& $ 1.00 Bottle Rcxnu Hair 15c tvnnh Clotho ... 2 Ior lsc Tonic .......... 2 foc $ $2,00 Fountain Syv(ngo 2 for $ 2.01 75c Bottle Georgia Bath 60c tvntcrpmo( Bnb&'n Salts .......... 2 &or 76c Pants 2 for 5&c 35c Tube RcxnR Shoving Ioc Black Band iNipplcn 2 for & tv Cream ....... 2 for 36& 10c Rnhy'n Bottles 2 for Ilc 60c Jnc Jontcol Face $ aoo Ladies Fancy Rub- Poox)cr 2 for htc hcr Apron& .. 2 for $ 1.01 $2.60 Hot )voter Bottles 2 for $2.3) 16c Package Epoom Salt& 2 for 16c Lesag'e Drug Store ew Building--Corner slarine and 11th. IVe deliver anywhere. &No Order is too small WEST 323 Lesagehasit power -- ~ DeVeloped the ra$er a e I/1J~ .J ~ ~~ )&lgnw&n BACE in 1909, when electric power fromLake Buntzen crossed the Fraser River, the Fraser Valley leaped forward. It wss then that the B.C. Electric pushed its interurban line eastward towards Chilli- wack, adoring venture but significant of the faith of this company in the valley. The fast, frequent electric trains, the boon of electric service,and now motor transport have brought the conveniences of the city to the country. The B.C. Electric will always take a keen interest in the Fraser Valley. nm»no GSS&mm 2IZCf&nc)b&n&(or0« .=a@ -PASEP VALKY ~ I LKfor 5afety A Creorno llfagon on every street-every mor7)ing Phone the Plant or call the milhman 9ruser VaQeg J4lh. 9 quarts for $1.00 North 122 &bi. V) I O)b I It ~T hTI()si TO BE IHIII.T HERE l)Y B. C. E. it ind&cat&&e of the gro«th of the mun&c&palit& is the announc( ment of the British Columbia Yl- ectric Ib&ilway that a new sulw stnt ion for light and pocver is to be erected nt Eighteenth avenue aml Bellevue to ca&co for the needs of the increased p&&pula. tion. Compnny officials state that the new stntion, including cost of machinery, will cost in the neighborhood of $50,000. )York on the t&nil&ling, it ls stnted, will probably not sa&rt until enrly next yenr as the pres- ent stntion will hnve sufficient power to satisfy the needs of the conlmunltv. It ls stat('d, ho'&e- ever, that, &v&th the growth of the municipality the new centre must be in operation by the fnll of next yenr. K. Le Chance is spending a few days holiday at his home at 17th and Bellevue. ~ ~ ~ Both the l&oys'nd girls'hoirs &vill hol&l their regular practice tomorrow morning at the liollyburn School, l&oys at 10 o'lock. girls at 11 o'lock. ~ ~ ~ &slrs. Tom Johnston spent last &veek encl with her mother-in- lasv, &birn. 5&1. Johnston, 14 th and I'Vnterfront. 51rs. Johnston ls just recovering from an i(ines~ which necessitated n stay in the hospital. Lyman )V. Jones is buihling n house nt 22nd and Bellevue. ~ ~ ~ On Sntur&lay Inst a very plens- ant musicnl evening wns given by Nr. nnd Mrs. S. Paton, 15th aml Esquimnlt, on the occnsion of the depnrture of Nrs. A. Brer- eton who is going to Okanagan Valley for the winter. The guests included Mr. aml isfrs. A. Ii. Brereton, Nrs. Elgar aml Mrs. NcCa&v of Vancouver, and Nr. and Nrs. N. Williamson. islrs. an&i Miss Marjorie Thomp- son and )V. Davie, and C. Prosky of North Vancouver. Several violin numbers were beautiful- ly rendered by Nr. Williamson also solos by Nrs. )Villiamson an&i Nrs. A. H. Brereton which were greatly apprecinted. Each selection was charmingly ac- companied by Miss Thompson at the piano. The table decorations were Michaelmas daisies and old rose Chrysanthemums. Wlr. and kfrs. P. )V. Ra&vson of ('apiiano Road. District of North Vancouver, have rented s&irs. )Vatson'6 house at 25&th nnd Kings. ~ o ~ Wiiss Eleanor Gillies nnd &51iss Wlargaret liemlerson of Vancou- ver. were &reek-en&I guests of the illisses Helen an&1 Betty Nathe- son at their cottage in Caulfeil&l. ~ ~ ~ Sir. Rambo, I I'lh and La&vson, has tnken Mr. Black's house at 27th nnd klathers. ~ ~ o )Vest Vancouver L.O.L. No. 2990 met on Tuesdny evening. 4th instnnt, nnd received reports from delegates to county lodge sessions. On October 20th the lo(ige '&v&ll pa) a visit 'to I I'Ince E&hvard L.O.L. No. 235&9 in order to take part in the degree cup competition. The next regular meeting of the lodge will be hei&I in Dundarave Hall next Tuesday nt 8 p. m. ~ o ~ Nrs. E. Flaherty entertained 25 members of the staff of Davicl Speneers Ltd. on )Veclnesday at her home in Caulfeild. o ~ o &51rs. Johnson, Keith Roa&l aml Esplanade, left on Sunday for Victoria, where she expects to remain a &reek. A meeting of the North Shore )Vatershed Forest Protection Committee was held on )Vednes- day at the office of the District Forester in the Court House, Vancouver. On the invitation of the District Forester Councillor Leyland represented the council at the meeting. '& o o The timber reserves of British Co. lumbio are no great that with then& could be constructed n pin&&k walk 100 feet in width around the earth at the equator 140,000 times. o Percy Downey, 22nd and Mar- ine Drive, left on Friday for a trip to Gull Lake, Saskatchewan. o Preparations are being made at the ski camp on Hollyburn Ridge for an active season this winter. Lumber is being hauled up with which to buil&1 some new cabins. Registered plnyers nt G&len- eagles Golf L&nk~ during w&«k of October 3rd to 8th. T A qpenc«r G Barr J It Sigmore. Thos. Yinnie, L. A. Yin- nie, J. A. (YIengny, )V. B. Hick- man, J. B. Leylnrul, R. Allan, Mrs. R. Allan, ( wen &)icGregor. Dorothy Claughton, )V. D. Bal- four, W. G. Harrison, A. G. Lar- son, T. Killin, R. J. Yorsyth, Ii. E. Sheppnrcl, iblrs. Barr, H. I.. )Villiams, G. D. I)ho&les, II. Rho&l- es, Y. B. Sweet, A. Johnson, T. B. Love, Mrs. Love. Reeve an&i Nrs. Vinson, silas Y. NcCleary. AIrs. )V. Manning, H. L. Wilson. G. S. Conway, Miss E. Lofting, Miss N. Murray, 91iss G. Kidd, C. A. Goddard, iblt«an&I Mrs. A. S. Smith, Harry Booth, A. T. Finnie, Miss E. V. Rogers, 91iss Craig, Miss D. King, Joseph Howe, John W. Allan, Miss E. ~ Miller, Capt. R. V. Lovegrove,~ M. E. Nasmith, Nrs. Nasmith, Mr. an&1 AIrs. McKenzie )Valkem, Gordon Robson, N. E. Garvin, Nan Martin, Capt. an&I Mrs. Binks, Dr. F. E. Dorchester, M. A. Hutchinson, M. )Voodward, i&lr. and 51rs. J. C. Stuart, Mrs. Blackney, Capt. C. J. Archer, Geo. C. Archer, H. Hollos, S. G. Hodge, J. Dunning, Mr. and Nrs. J. R. Sigmore, Mrs. Dorchester. )V. B. A. HOLD SPECIAL i)IEETING TONIGHT A special meeting of the )V.B. A., West Vancouver Review No. 24, will be held at the home of Mrs. P. H. Johnston, 18th and Fulton. tonight, Friday, at 8 p.m. All members are invited to be present. I.O.D.E. TO HOLD MEMORIAL SERVICE ARi)IISTICE DAY The Duncan Lawson Chap- ter, I.O.D.E., has been granted permission by the council to hold a memorial sen ice on Armistice Day, November 11th, at 11 a.m. at the Memorial Arch. HUMOROUS SIDE OF LIFE IN THE NAVY IN I'EACE AND )VAR IN "THE YI.AG LIEUTENANT" There's nothing funnier on a British battleship than the com- icalities that develop in the ever- lasting rivalry between the sail- ors an&I the marines--the "Tars" and the "Jollies"--in peace or war. They are great good friends throughout, but they get after each other morning, noon ancl night. You see this feature of British Naval life admirably brought out in the great new British film production, 'The Flag Lieuten- ant," which will appear at the Hollyhu&m Theatre next Nomlay aml )Ve&lnes&lay. "Stiffy" Steel, the marine, an&i "Dusty" &%filler, the sailor, are pals, but rivals too. You will delight in seeing them together in action. It's a regular treat. True British humor, every phase of it. Just the touch of pathos aml true comradeship, too, when the marine gets a wound, and his pal helps him out. Then, too, there's a carload of action, a strong story-plot. There is love, romance aml thrills by the score. Produced on a gigantic scale with the direct co-operation uf the British Admiralty and based on the romantic drama of the Navy from the play l&y Major W. P. Drury and Slajor Leo Tre- vor, one f&n&ls everything in this great British production, which is sure to rank among the f&nest of the year. Nr. )Va&ldell, 29th and Belle- vue, left yesterday on the Emp- ress of Asia for the Orient. J. P. King is excavating pre- paratory to building 0 house at 11th and Duchess. o o John Harte has built an addi- tion to his house at 17th and Esquimalt, and completed a new fence round his property there. Master Allan Vaughan was host to twenty-four of his young friends at his home at 18th aml Duchess on Saturday evening. on the occasion of his birthday. The youthful guests masquerad- ed in fancy dress and a splendid time was enjoyecl by all. P. T. A. At the recent meeting of the P. T. A. it was decided that the members would assist with the tea to be served at the Teachers Convention held on the North Shore, Nrs. Leyland to be con- venor with the assistance of members. Following the transaction of business, the president introduc- ed Miss Cotsworth, who gave a very interesting lecture on Phys- ical Education. She said that children need this training, as it is an absolute necessity if they are to make a success of their studies. The three most import- ant aims for the development of a normal healthy body are: (I) The proper balance of tho body. (2) The carriage of the hips. (3) The correct posture of the hea&1. She stated this woul&l not be a waste of time if made a regular part of the school curriculum. The meeting was then opened for discussion, questions were asked by parents and answered very fully by isiiss Cote~orth. 51iss Durbin and Nrs. Herring contributed solos which helped to make the meeting a most en- joyable affair. 1)IRS. MASON HONORED Nrs. Annie Iilabon, 11th and Esquimalt, was presented with a Silver Tea Service by the staff of the Mothers'ension Board in Vancouver on Thursday, Sep- tember 29th. The presentation being made by Mrs. NcNab, Sec- retary of the Board. Nrs. Nabon, who resigned owing to ill-health, has been with the Pensions Board for over seven years and f&nds it neces- sary to conserve her strength by a few months rest. Nrs. 51abon has been a very active woman and has been a hard worker in all organization an&i business matters she has undertaken. Her many friends hope that sho will, ere long, resume her active association among them. B.C. manufactures seventeen differ. cnt kind& or cheeses, among them ('.hoddnc, Stilton, Chonhirc, Edam, Cronm, Cottage, Rocqucfort, the 1st- tvc being made from goat'n milk, B. C. consumes about 2 I-Z lbs. og cheese 9&r year pcc person. There is $3,933,327 invent&&) in tho 29 nlnntn manufacturing &horn&col pro- ducts in B. C. Their plants employ 490 workers on&) turn out goods val- ue&i at $ 1,930,611. PER.SON~&I,g Sin& sn&tn &opt ing not IP gi& 0'h& Sown& (bo ot n&nol town& &fbi& nigh« 7h& sold ~&&I&& "91 go&o got 6 "to ob&1 go o o&g&I bt& go n& Jin )1& ebon lie)9 sotb Ao rig)( so, 1 Lo A( Lo m&P nnd "5 po&o "l& Scl It&en ml&n c&ncb lion! Bo long I& "WS )on W wife A1 p&m &om g&01 Tl g&ol W Iron "I ann "1 acn . "1 los. "1 Ion& "1 "1 &o&y *I ank tog 1 "( hoot 'vh& vge& &ngb "I tohh ning (bon hho So So n qn "A p&co noo& Jo &on, bb, )oil!