Resampled001B6DE8 October 14, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS Bread an4l Pies The real Home-made Bread, as made by us, is the most satisfying for every meal. Our pies are especially good. A trial means a re- peat order. MRS. DRAPER L SON 2135 hlARINE DRIVE Next Dundiirava Hall. Note Phone: West 366 PITNAN BUSINESS COIIECE DAV oud NIGHT SCHOOL You will receive intensive indi- vidual training. 4 22 Richards St. Phone Scy. 9135. Coc. Hastings Watch, Clock and Jeweler Repairing The West Van Watchmaker L Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside HARRON BROS. a& WILLIAMSON Ifnneral 6IrectarII North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 WEST VAN.- RESTAURANT 1421 Marine Drive at 14&h SL Phone Wes& 611-0 For West Vancouver Properties see SAVORY DUVAL 1429 Ms&inc Drive Pilose Wast 340 Specializing in West Vancouver 51RS. BURLING OPENS STORE IN NEIV SAGAR BUILDING Mrs. F. Hurling who formerly operated the Dundarave Hair Dressing Parlor is opening a new store in the Sagar Building, 1522 Marine Drive tomorrow as an up-to-date Ladies Hairdressing and 51'arcelling business. Mrs. Burling, who is well known to the ladies of West Vancouver, is having the store made very at- tractive and comfortable and it is anticipated that the expert service she can offer the ladies in this special work will be in~ much demand. The First Limerick Limericks have been very popular for years. The making of them has provided many with a pleasant mental exercise as well as creating considerable a- musement. Like wine they have apparently improved with the years, for the following, sai&1 to be the first Limerick ever invent- ed, is good, but not so goo&i as many later ones: I n&.'vel'alv a pul'pic cow, I never hope to see one; But this I know and tell you now, I'd rather see than be one." Football IVest Van. vs. Ex-Grandview The West Van. Rangers team will play Ex-Gran&lview in the league game tomorrow. The following players will line up for West Vancouver: Stronge, Bird, Colpitts, Davie, Ferguson, Seeds, Grout, Normand, Burns, Cullin Smith, Harrison and Ne- ville. DEATH OF H. R. HARDY Henry R. Hardy, father of Mrs. Grace Bowman, 15th and Esquimalt, died on Sunday at his home in Vancouver. The de- ceased was in his 78th year, and had been seriously ill for a long time. Besides Mrs. Bowman he is survived by his widow, one son, Harry, of London, Ontario, and three daughters, Mrs. H. W. Morton, and Mabel and Marjorie at home. The funeral took place on Tuesday at 1.30 p. m. from T. Edwards Co.'s chapel, Rev. Dr. S. S. Ousterhout officiating, and interment was made in the fam- ily plot, Ocean View Burial Park. MUSICAL SOCIETY TO GIVE CONCERT A miscellaneous concert will be given by the Musical Society ear- ly next month in the Hollyburn Theatre. The concerts of the So- ciety have always been of a high standard and have been looked forward to with pleasurable an- ticipation by all music lovers in West Vancouver. Particulars of the programme and the date of this concert will be announced later. IV. B. A. IVHIST DRIVE VERY PLEASANT EVENT The progressive whist drive put on by the Woman's Benefit Association on Wednesday night was a very pleasant event. Alex Stronge acted as director of play. Mrs. Burling was convenor; be- ing assisted by Mrs. H. Stephens and Mrs. C. Hay. The prize winners were: Ladi- es, first and second respectively, Mrs. M. Johnstone and Mrs. Harry Hodgson. Gents, 5Irs. Alex Stronge and Harry Hodg- son. Miss Woodcock was the winner of a special prize. The consolation prizes went to Mrs. W. Urquhart and Mrs. C. Hay. At the finish of the play re- freshments, provided by the members of the Review, »ere served. The gathering was a thorough- ly sociable one, and was much enjoyed by those present. It is the intention of Review No. 24 to hold a masquerade dance in the near future, and a special en- deavour will be made to make this an outstanding event. JAIIIES 51ORGAN NOIV LEADS UNITED CHURCH CHOIR Mr. James M. Morgan, direct- or of the West Vancouver Music- al Society, has been appointed choir master of the United Church and formally took charge of the choir work at the prac- tice held last night. Mr. Hadyn Young who resigned the position owing to ill-health will remain as a member of the choir and says he will assist Mr. Morgan in any way he can in making the United Church choir an out- standing musical organization. Mr. Morgan is too well knoivn in West Vancouver to need any of his history being given here, suffice it is to say, that he is one of the most successful choir dir- ectors in British Columbia and the United Church is to be con- gratulate&l upon receiving his services. IVe will watch the de- velopment of this choir with much interest. Miss Durbin will remain as organist for the church. Your Druggist Is more than a merchant. This week has been desig- nated Pharmacy Week throughout Canada. Its purpose is to impress on the public that a druggist is not merely an ordinary merch- ant but is a professional man of much study and training, the prime purpose being the protection of the public in the purchase of medicines. This store conforms to the spirit of this intention by having two registered druggists to serve you. "The Store of Service" &O & ~ .;,, / NORTHERN LIGHY .0!. GAs A North Vancouver Product Right in your owu locality is produced a gasoline ofsuperior qualities proven by scientific aud practical tests. P. Q. Gas is absolutely pure--note its crystal clearness in the visible pump. By an exclusive fvuctiouatiug pro- ull damaging corrosive compounds are eliminated, leaving the pure gas tp give you more power, more mileage. P. Q, Goc is produced in Niorth Yaucouvcr by An All-British Columhia ConcernPhone IVest 37. Night Calls -- Emergenc) only--West 321. FOR More Power, More Quality SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY OF WEST VAN. PHAR5IACY Mrs. H. A. Eager Wins China Tea Set. Saturday was the Seventh An- niversary of the establishment by George Gemmill of the West Van. Pharmacy, the first drug store to be opened in West Van- couver. A useful souvenir was presented to each adult custom- er visiting the store on that day, also a free ticket on a China tea set. Free candy was also dis- tributed to all children who came into the store accompanied by an adult. In spite of the heavy rain that poured down all day, Mr. Gemmill had a large number of visitors and customers. Mrs. H. A. Eager, 22nd and Fulton, won the tea set. SCOTTISH SOCIETY The annual meeting of the a- bove society will be held in the "Clachan" on Friday evening, October 27th. The election of officers will take place and a full attendance is requested. Cinderella Dance All is in readiness for the dance in the Hollyburn Pavilion tomorrow (Saturday) evening from 8 to 12, and the lure of the "old time" dances is bringing re- quests for more invitations. Thos. Killin will again be master of ceremonies assisted by sev- eral others. There will be "a "spot prize" during the dances and also a special "Cinderella" prize for ladies. This is novel and entertaining. Tables of cards will be in charge of Mag- nus Ross, and any friends wish- ing extra invitations or tickets pleaso communicate with Presi- dent Robert McVean, Vice-Pres- ident J. McGowan, or James Fiddes. SHOOTING SEASON OPENS --LOCAL SPORTSIIIEN ON THE TREK Quite a number of West Van- couver sportsmen are leaving the district tonight in preparation for the hunting season which opens at daybreak tomorrow. A- mong these are Charlie Roberts, the Ambleside butcher and his son Dudley, who with W. Mc- Quaker and Ed. Black make up a party going to the Ladner dis- trict. Dudley will return on Monday, but the others will be away for the whole of next &reek. A. A. Rerrie of the Capilano Timber Co. is another who will be making his annual pilgrimage to the sports ground or should we say water. The reputation of these resi- dents is at stake an&i lve expect to hear of "big bags." Just the same &ve might candidly admit that next to a good fish story we enjoy the finer flights of the hunter's imagination, The above gentlemen can be relic&i upon to do their best. Fill Dp at these NORTH VAiNCOUVER Fovcmuu's Garage-- Esplanade East Lousdalc Motors- 15th aud Lousdalc North Shore Garage-- First Sh, IVcvt Reliable Service Station-- Third St. 4: Forbes Avc. N. Shore Stations WEST VANCOUVER Ed. Black- 25th Avo 4& hlunuo Dnvo West Vancouver Garage- Amhlesido. SECOND NARROWS Bur&a&4 Service Station-- Second Narrows Bridge. WEST VANCOUVER LEADS IN TELEPHONE INCREASE The number of telephones in IVest Vancouver has increased from 677 on Jan. Ist,1927, to 815 on September 1st. This is an increase of 20.04/o, and by far the largest percentage of in- crease of any of the offices in the system with the exception of Balfour, which has increased its number of telephones from 7 to 12. The company operate 97,659 telephones in the province which, with 1341 on connecting companies makes a total of 99,-- 000. In Vancouver city there are 51,230 telephones. North Vancouver and district has 2628. The growth of West Vancouver is again well exemplified by this increase. LECTURE OiV ROSES TO BE GIVEN On Tuesday, October 25th, at 8 p. m., the IVest Vancouver Horticultural and Agricultural Association have amanged for a lecture on "Roses" to be given by Mr. Fyfe Smith in Amble- side Hall. This is one of the series of lectures arranged by this association. It will be re- membered that the last one on "Gardens and Gardening" drew a very large audience, and it is expected that the coming one will be even better attended. 51&os Dodd Thanks Hcr Fncuds Miss Marjonc Dodd daughter of Mro. Maud Dodd, 22nd uud Queens Avenue, wishes &o thank oll friends for their kind inquiries during hor recent illness. Especially those who acted oo promptly at the tium of her accident. Mr. E. Granger, Mr. Manners, Mr. F. Ellis, aud Mr. M. Hurdmuu. Also Dr. F. Staiushy for his prompt medical uid and kind attention. NORTH SHORE CANADIAN CLUB In response to many enquiries we are informed that the new Canadian Club has been organ- ised for the benefit of those on the North Shore who are unable to attend the noonday lunches of the Canadian Club in the City of Vancouver. Meetings will be held about once a month, taking the form of a supper, (beginning at 6.30 p.m.) followed by an address the meeting concluding at 8 p.m. The Speaker will be an author- ity on his own particular subject and will be sponsored by the As- sociation of Canadian Clubs. During the last 20 years the Canadian Club have established a branch in every city and near- ly every large centre in Canada. It is not in any sense a social or service organization, . but rather an educational body of those intierested in developing a national patriotism and wish- ing to study the institutions history, arts, literature, and re- sources of Canada. The organ- ization is absolutely non-political. The ultimate object is that citizens may become so inform- ed on subjects of national inter- est as to unite Canadians in an enthusiastic endeavour for the welfare of the Dominion. The iVorth Shore Club mem- bership is available to men and women who are British subjects by birth or naturalization. JACOB STER&V RETURNS Jacob Stern of Marine Drive IVest Bay, returned last week from an extended trip to Pacific Coast cities in the interests of his business. Mr. Stern deals in ladies'ress trimmings and has an extensive business con- nection. West Vancouver RATEPAYERS'SSOCIATION will hold a meeting on 1llonday 17th October in AifiIBLESIDE HALL SUBJECT Proposed Road and Bridge By-Law All members are requests&i to attend and prospective members are cordially invited. WEST VAN PllARMACY V~JttICpUvgR plL Cp. LTD.