Resampled001B6DE8 October 14, 1927. The Corporation of the District of West Vancouver BYwLAW WEST VAiVCOUVElt hiARINE DRIVE RECOVSTItUCTION hlONEY BY-LA)V iVo. 362 A By-law authorizing the recon-'truction of 51arine Drive within the Corporation of the District of )Vest Vancouver and to raise by way of loan the sum of Two Hundred end Twenty Thousand Dollars (8220,000:00) to pay for such work. WHEREAS the annunl charges for maintenance in connection with the 51arine Drive (including the Marine Drive Bridge over the Capilano River) can in the opinion of the Council of the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver be materially reduced. AND WHEREAS in the opinion of the said Council it woulfl be economy to reconstruct the wMarine Drive" by widening and resurfacing the same and constructing a new bridge over the Capilano Rwer. AND WHEREAS the estimated cost of such work is Four Hundred and Forty Thousand Dollars ($440,000.00) and the Public Works Department of the Province of British Columbia has agreed to contribute one-half of the said cost. AND WHEREAS the sum of Two Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dol- lars (8220,000.00) is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By law; AND WHEREAS it is necessary that the money to be raised hereunder be raised upon the credit of the said Cor- poration. AiVD WHEREAS the Council of the said Corporation has authorized the submission of this By-law to the Electors: AND WHEREAS it would be neces- sary to raise annually by special rate the sum of Three Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty Eight Dollars (83,938.00) principal and the sum of Eleven Thousand Dollars (811,000.00) interest. making together the total & amount annually of Pourteen Thous- and Nine Hundred and Thirty Eight Dollars (814,938.00) for the term of w thirty years (30) for the payment of said loan and interest thereon as here- inafterer mentioned. AND WHEREAS the Assessed value of the whole land of the said Corpora- tion, according to the last revised as- sessment roll amounts to Three Mil- lion Nine Hundred and Twenty Nine Thousand, Six Hundred and Twenty Five Dollars (83,929,G26.00) and the assessed value of the improvements amount to Two Million Pour Hundred and Fifty Two Thousand, Six Hundred and Sixty-two Dollars, (82,452,GG2.00) making together a total of Six Million, Three Hundred and Eighty Two Thousand, Two Hundred and Eighty Seven Dollars (86,382,287.00). AND WHEREAS the value of the whole rateable land of the said Cor- poration, according to the last revised Assessment roll, amounts to Three hiillion, Thirty Thousand Eight Hund- red and Twenty Dollars ($3,030,820.00) and the improvements amount to Two Million Three Hundred and Three Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty Seven Dollars (32,303,327.00) making together a total of Five hlillion Three Hundred and Thirty-four Thousand One Hundred and Forty-Seven Dol- lars (85,334,147.00). AND WHEREAS to provide for tl.e payment of interest and the creation of a sinking fund for the payment of the said principal sum of Two Hun dred and Twenty Thousand Dollars (8220,000.00) it would be necessary to levy a special rate sufficient to raise the sum of Fourteen Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty-eight Dol- lars (314,938.00) the amount to be calculated annually on the whole of rateable land or land and improve- ments. of the Corporation. NOW THEREFORE the Reeve and Council of the Corporation of the Dis trict of West Vancouver in open meeting assembled enact as follows:-- (I) The Council of the Corporation of the District of IVest Vancouver is hereby empowered and authorized to reconstruct the "Marine Drive" within the Corporation by widening and re-~surfacing the same and constructing a new bridge over the Capilano River and to do all things necessary in connection with the said work. (2) It shall be lawful for the I Reeve of the said Corporation and the Clerk of the Council, for the purposes aforesaid to borrow or raise by way of loan from any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, who may be wilL ing to advance the same upon the credit of the debentures (hereinafter mentioned) of the said Corporation a sum of money not exceeding in the whole the sum of Two Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars (8220,000- .00) and to cause the same to be placed in the Royal Bank of Canada at West Vancouver, British Columbia, to the credit of the said Corporation for the purposes above recited, and the debentures of the said Corporation to the amount of Two Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars (5220,000- ,00) in the whole may be issued by the said Reeve and Clerk in accord- ance with the "MUNICIPAL ACT" in sums as may be required of not less than One Hundred Dollars (8100.00) each. Each debenture shall be signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Clerk shall attach thereto the Corporate Seal of the said Corporation. The said Debentures shall be dated the 1st day of December 1927, and shell bear interest at the rate of Five per cent. (5%) per annum, payable on the 1st day of December and the 1st day of June in each and every year during the currency of the said De- bentures, or eny of them and the principal of the said debentures or any of them shall be payable on the 1st day of December 1957. There shall be attached to each of the de bentures coupons signed by the Reeve and Clerk for each and every pay- ment of interest that may become due, and such signatures may be either printed, written or lithographed. (3) The said debentures shall be expressed to be payable in lawful money of Canada. (I) The said debentures as to principal and interest shnll be payable at any branch of the Royal Bank of Canada in Canada at the holder'e op- tion by the Corporation. (5) There shall be raised and levied annually by special rate suf ficient therefor upon all rateable land or land and improvements of the Cor- poration the sum of Three Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty Eight Dol- lars ($3,938.00) for the purpose of forming a sinking fund for the pay- ment of the said debentures, and sum of Eleven Thousand Dollars (311.000- .00) for the payment of interest at the rate aforesaid, to become due on such debentures during the currency thereof (being the equal annual spec- ial rate of four decimal ninety three (4.93) mills on the dollar of the pres- ent land valuation) or such further or other rate as shall be sufficient for the said purpose, the same to be in addition to all rates to be levied and created in the said Corporation during the whole currency of said debentures or eny of them. (6) This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "WEST VANCOUVER MARINE DRIVE RECONSTRUC- TION 51ONEY BY-LAW No. 362, 1927." PASSED BY THE COUNCIL on the 10th day of October 1927, RECEIVED the assent of the Electors at the Election for that purpose on the day of 1927. RECONSIDERED and finally ADOPTED by the Council, SIGNED by the Reeve and Clerk and SEALED with the Corporate Seal of the said Corporation, all on the day of 1927. ............................REEVE. ..........................CLEIU(. TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the proposed By-law upon which the vote of the Municipality will be taken at 1415 Marine Drive, Ambleside, West Vancouver, B. C., on Wednesday, the 2Gth day of October 1927, between the hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p. m. (Signed) JAMES OLLASON, Municipal Clerk. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF IVEST VANCOUVER iVotice to Electors PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the vote of the electors qualify- ing on property situate within the Municipality will be taken on the above By-law at 1415 Marine Drive, Ambleside, West Vancouver, B. C., on Wednesday the 26th day of October, 1927, between the hours of 8 o'lock a. m. and 8 o'lock p. m. and that James Ollason has been appointed Re- turning Officer to take the votes of such electors with the usual powers in that behalf. (Signed) V. V. Vinson, Reeve. (Signed) James Ollason, Clerk. TOIVN PLANNING COM- MISSION RECEIVES SURVEY REPORT The town planning commission mct Wednesday night in the municipal hall. G. S. Conway submitted his topographical sur- vey of that portion of the muni- cipality lying betlveen 20th an&1 29th Streets as far north as Palmerston. The sun ey showed a new layout of the roads, none of them ivith grades exceeding 10/o instea&l of the 22/i grades which now occur in some cases. The advantages of such a layout to the property owners affected is obvious. Building bylaws came up for discussion, and it is the intention of the commission to make rcc- onmmendations to the council for a suitable garbage dump. Flight Upside Dolvn A Royal Air Force pilot recent- ly flew in a spccia!ly-equipped aeroplane upside down for four and a half minutes, thus beating the record of tcvo aild a half min- utes made by a Belgian pilot. THE WEST VAN NEWS Fall is with us, winter will soon come and go and then Spring with all her glories will be upon us. By planting bulbs now we may enjoy some of the beauties of Spring much earlier. There are so many varieties of bulbs, that surely all of us may find among them some var- ieties suitable to our own partic- ular needs. And how much we will enjoy their vivid colors in the early Spring after several creeks of dreary days. The tulips with their lustrous flowers atop their long stems will look enchanting amongst the evergreen shrubbery. The cro- cuses and snowdrops look their best ivhen planted in the lawn. They will come into flower early in March, or even late in Febru- ary, and will die down in time for starting the Summer's mow- ing activities. The sweet scent- ed Narcissus, the glowing Daf- fodil will also be appreciated in the early Spring in the corner allotted them. The Crocuses, Snowdrops and Blue Scillas may also be planted in the rockery to advantage. Practically all bulbs should be planted now before the heavy fall rains start, if they would prosper. The earth at this time is warm and the bulbs will root quite readily, and with the first sign of Spring's approach we will be well rewarded for our efforts now, in the realization of our fondest hopes. IVcst Vancouver with its early Spring, offers unlimited oppor- tunity for a profusion of early flowering bulbs, and a wonderful chance to show your city friends how much better garden oppor- tunities they would find in living on the North Shore. Let us make use of the wond- erful location and climatic ad- vantage nature has blessed us with and take more pride in our homes and gardens. Flowers are so easily grown in West Vancou- ver and certainly repay our ef- forts a thousandfold. NOTE--Taa wvlcvv wnl cowclchr Ic c slvciuvc lo cccwcv quvclloac ccccvvclws the Ccvevs la cele column. The quccuoac should Se addressee Ic the wrl err Ia care ol Isa Editor. Tbeanswer iu appear la ca va ly lccue or If ~ personal reply lc desired c stamped,self-addressee eqveloyc ~ I cule Sc eaclocvd. HALLOWE'EN DANCE The Sixth Annual Hallowe'en Dance under thhe auspices of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., will be held at Hollyburn Pa- vilion on Wednesday evening, October 26th, with the Edna Haywood five-piece orchestra in attendance. Fancy dress is op- tional. Prizes will be awarded for the best fancy, best original, and best comic costumes for both lady and gentleman. A special prize will be given for the best costume representing any one of the provinces of the Dominion of Canada. !)III ITARY IVHIST DRIVE NEXT hIONTH On Tuesday iVovember 1st a Mihtary IVhist Drive will be held in Ambleside Hall at 8 p.m. sharp under the auspices of the IVest Vancouver Horticultural and Ag- ricultural Association. There will be prizes and refreshments. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TO HOI.D BRIDGE TEA WEDNESDAY The North Vancouver Hospital Auxihary will hold a bridge tea at 2.16 p. m. next Wednesday, the 19th inst. at the K. P. Hall, 4th Street, North Vancouver. IVest Vancouver Board of Trade The Regular 91ceting will be held in the Canadian Legion Rooms Ferry Building On MONDAY Next October 17th, at 8 p. m. Wiring Radio Fixtures NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC 1640 Lonsdale Phone N. 79 "hVire and Wireless" LIMITED EDJVOj7D Roofs and Sfeetualts MAIN OFFICE PHOiVE NORTH 306 Pemberton and Waterfront Residence Phone: IVcst 816 Perefoiug'Ve recommend re-roofing over the old shinglep for the follolving advantages: (I) Saving expense and labor of removal of the old shingles. (2) Obviating the litter caused by their removal (3) House is fully protected in case of sudden inclement weather. (4) Increased insulation against heat and cold, due not alone to the double layer of shingles but also to the air spaces between them. (5) Gain in economy in home heating and double protec- tion against chance of leakage, even though the old roof may be badly in need of repairs. Nail EDGWOOD red cedar shingles right over chc old, worn-oul roof... ucmg zinc- coated nails end you'l have e new roof that will en- dure for 40 years or morel Ic's wonderful how Ic will brizhlcn up the whole appearance of your heave, coo... for EDG- WOOD rcd cedar shingles readily absorb snd rccein last- ing, lovely colors. Cuc always edge-grain, BDG WOODS cannot warp, cup, curl or split away from che naib. They lie tight and fisc co lho shcaching... crim.look-ing... and safe from the chance lodsmcnc of coaibuccible maucr. Rc roof che EDG WOOD wsy. Phone our Retail Sales Department for further information on re-shingling over the old roof. We will quote you, including labor, on the finished job. Builders and Contractors ATTENTION VYE ARE &'ARRYIiVG A LAI&CE STOCK OF Fir, Cedar and Hemlock Lumber Crude. (}uuliiy and Service (iuaranteed -- GET OUR PRICES,-- GARDENS AND GARDENING By hlliVA G. HUTT, Landscape Architect Cvcduale In Lccdvccpinc U. ol C, American School of Landscape Archn clove ccd Card win . Mvwecr Ncclcccl Lcwdvcase Service.