Resampled001B6DE8 THE WEST VAN NEWS EVERY WOMAN SHOULD VISIT this store. Vge do not claim to have in stock absolutely every- thing in Dry Goods and Notions, but you &vi)) fin&i that the goods tve offer are most reasonably priced and that honest endeavour is made to please and satisfy you. Orders taken for Indies Specinl Ready-to-IVear ('ats, Suits and l)resses. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHI'RCH EDIFI&'R 20&6 aad Boqu&mal&, Hoflybuta Sunday Service at 11.30 a. m. Subject October 16th "l)O('TR)iVE Of'TONEh)ENT" Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Toot(mony h)cating every Wwd u&&day at 8.16 p.m. 1460 Marine Drive TOYS and Orders Taken for N0Y E LTI ES Hemstitching. Rev. David Long, Pastor. The Ilfth anniversary service of the West Vancouver Baptist Church tvi)) be hei&i next Sunday at 11 a. m. The preacher will be Rev. Reynokls of Kerrisdale. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Church Service, 11 a. m. IVeekly prayer service each Ivednesday at 7.30 p. m. United Church Woman'0 hliswsionnry Society H. PERRIN, R.o. OPTOh)EI'RIST aud OPTICIAN trcdno&day& from 2 p. m. Evwry Eveu)ug from 7 p.m. Royal Bank Bldg. HUHybutu The regular monthly meeting of the Women'3 Missionary So- ciety will be held on Tuesday afternoon, October 18th, at ".15 in the Church Hall. All ladies R. B LOX HAM St. Anthony's Church h(ASON. CONTRACTOR Spoc)any. Fireplaces aud Tile )Haut&)U, Sinks, etc. Phone: West 397. are &velcome. Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, S.SO a. m. UNITED CH()RCH )VOSIEN High hfass, 10.30 a. m. TO HOLD "AT HOylE" Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a.m. J. M. Morgan Pbuuc West 173 WEST VANCOUVER Teacher uf Voice Production and Singing VANCOUVER STUDIO Phone Seymour 101 LOCAL MADE BREAD & CAKES delivered right to your door. STRATI'ON'S BAKERY bas a reputation for making good things tu Uat. WU u&U only the purest ingredients aud work under the most sanitary condi- tions. Phone aud have Uur delivery mau call daily. WEST 27 STRATTON'S BAKERY Amblsside Tea Rooms Patty Vfbatl WEST VANCOUVER Camp asd P)cu)o Supp))aa, Tabaccaa, atc. A School for Cirls KlNDERGARTEN Now Open at 23rd aud BUH&vuw by h)ISS PHILIP Ptuspcc&us Ua Application Special at&out(ou given to French. The )Vomen'3 Association of the United Church &vill be "at home" to members and friends of the congregation next )Ved- nesday, the 19th inst., in the Church Hall at 8 p.m. An at trac- tive and unusual program has been prepared and it is hoped that a large number will avail themselves of this pleasant op- portunity of getting together. St. Stephen's Church Children's Day (Oct. 16). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Children's Se&wice. 11.15 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. October 16th, the nearest Sun- day to St. Luke's Day is kept throughout the English Church in Canada as Children's Day. At the Children's Service at 10 a. m., hfr. )V. A. Rundle &vill speak to the Sunday School and in the evening His Grace Archbishop de Pencier &vi)l preach and dedi- cate a new oak font, the gift of the Junior Auxiliary. At the Women's Auxiliary meeting Tuesday afternoon a start was made with the mission study book for the year "Africa and Her People." A donation was made to the furnishing of a room in the ne&v Anglican Theo- logical College and December 2nd was set as the date of the autumn bazaar. Officers were inducted at the A.Y.P.A. meeting Tuesday night and an objective set for the year's efforts. The executive will meet next Tuesday night at the home of Miss Ivy Miles to complete the drafting of the year's programme. The junior A football team made its debut last Saturday afternoon in the rain with an 8-0 victory over Christ Church at Hollyburn School. NO liVFECTIOUS DISEASE IN )VEST VANCOUVER The hledical Health Officer announces that )Vest Vancouver is practically free of all disease of an infectious nature. We are to be congratulated upon the fact that at the present time there is not a single case of any kind of infectious disease in the mun- icipality. )Ve should feel thank- ful for this, especially so when so many districts are called upon to handle cases of infantile par- alysis, which has been prevalent in a number of places in the country. The Lesage Drug Store is hold- ing a One Cent Sale today and tomorrow. Two articles for the price of one plus One Cent. Icing 1 Egg White )6 tsp. Lemon Juice I cup Icing Sugar Pinch Salt 1 tsp. Sugar. Beat the egg wh&te shghtly As it begins to stiffen, gradu- ally add the remaining sugar and salt. Add the lemon juice and continue beating until it holds its shape. )Vhen shampooing the hair, add the juice of a lemon to the final rinsing water. This makes the hair fluffy and shiny. The best way to wash a dj)qy clothes-line is to wind it round a long board and scrub the line with abrush. This prevents it from becoming tangled, and makes it easy to wind when dry. ' O ~ Children will eat fruit for breakfast if you selwe them with sliced apples sprinkled with sug- ar and cimmamon. West Van Nees Published Every Friday H. HODGSON aad F.F.LO'VEGROVE Publishers Phones: West 412LWest 363 Buoiuoa& aad Editorial Office: 1361 blat(us Drive bfaH Address: P. O. Box 101. HUH) burn, B. C. $ L00 a pear by mail or carr(or, News stands 6c por copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF AVEST VANCOUVER VOTERS'IST 1928 Persons desiring and entitled to have their names placed on the Voter's List for 192S as Househoklers or I icence Holders, must file a declaration (which may be made before a Notary Public or the undersigned) in the form provi&le&l, on or before the 31st day of October 1927. Forms may be obtained at the Municipal Hall. Dated this 14th day of October 1927. JAS. OLLASOiV, 51unicipal Clerk.Hollyburn, B. C Grigor'S Dry GoodS Store Baptist Church October )4, 1927. EYOI.UTIOiV The E&litor )Vest Van &Vews Dear Sir:-- Your correspnmlent, Mnry ('ornish places herself ln a very weak position whqn she attempts to pit religion agnlnst science. Religion ns &le)inc&i by most preachers, is believing in the un- seen. Science, )s tnbulate&l knowle&lge; an&i knowledge is thnt which is gaine&l by experi- ~ ence, observation nn&l experi- ment. Science exp)nina an&i what it &loss not understnnd it persistently investigntes until it does, but religion merely nsks you to believe, or in other words have faith. Darwin &lid not in- vent evolution: it is n nntural law thnt he investigated nn&i to the unbinse&l can be seen in oper- ation all aroun&l us. It is the law of change. There ls nothing constant, but chnnge. An&i this law applies to religion as well as everything else. iVow about the story of the creation. Scientists have proved that matter is in&lestructible; in other words it has no end. Then how could it have a beginning? It abvays was; if we assume a creator we are up against thu query of who created the cre- ator? An abusr&lity! That the universe is run to schedule is ob- vious to all but when we come to describe the &lirector as n being in the shape of a man it must be taken on faith and no questions. )Vhich is certainly not the meth-, od of studious people in this age. We all wish to a&Tive at the truth and perhaps what we nee&l most to help us is more of spirit of tolerance in our &)isc()s- sions. Yours, etc. T. RUSSELL. )IODBRNIS)I Fditot tvc&t Vaucouvtt Now&l I bats boca studying the to)a&(ou& Uf tong)ou and &c(oucc at intervals o(uco I wao a bay of IL I wa& brought up a fuadamou&ano&; aud an (usta(uod con&a&vs&)va habit nf mind impelled mo to resist every mndotu- (ot roach&&)on until the weight of ev(dtnca hm) become tuu strong. Evou now I havo uot moved ao fat as many have movod )a a fow man&ho. I hesitated for yeats over &bo &ovou days of et&a&(ou, &ha au&(qui&y of man, aud ovo)ut(ou, I never ma&IU a study of wba& are known a& "unsettling books"; but the evidences Uu wh(ch modotu(&1 coaclu&)ouo ato based pout cd Iu upon ma &boa. a& they ato Pour- (ug In upon every tca&let of books aud maga&(ue& today. Bu«ha ()na) imp&&&&iuu Icft nu my mind by years Uf reading aud listening (o that It docs uot ma«cr tu the to)lg)ouo Hfo wbo)h- er a mau Is a funda&a&stan&t or a modern)&&. Thu reality Uf h(& robg(ou depends upon quite other circum&&auc co. I am uot (n the )caot a reng)ouo mau; bu& the rca&oa Ho& uut (n my iuabilny &o ac&opt cortaiu parts of &ha Bible. It lies In a want of tovttaacc, inherited apputcu&ly from my grand- father, for I certainly did uot )whet)& it from either parcun The ptact(ca) questions Uf the t&Hg- ious life atc fat tuo compflcatcd ta be solved by any such easy mt&had as the pu&nug of the ro&pou&)bfl(&y for irreligion tu &bu aceous& of mod- Utu)om. The second yoat of the war saw &bou&aud& lose bent& in a r(gh&U- ouo government Uf the worl&I, whose faith would have stood up aga)uot any ordinary test. h)auy of &bcm do uot seem &o have rccavcrod their faith even yct. That lo&s of faith is largely rcopouoib)U for the return tu the old idea Uf au )mm(neat Second Coming. It may be worth while tu remember that we ato UH mod&ra(ot& &o a great- && extent than lvo tcafl&U. The brunt of the attack Uu modernism is bc)ug borne by evolution; but evolution )U by uo means the biggc&t part of mod- otuiom. No change in mou'U attitude towards religion will be brought a- bout by evolution lvh)ch will begin to compare with the chaugu which was wrought two centuries agu by the a&- cap&ant& of the idea that the earth went round the suu. Anyone who cares to make a study Uf coutruvcro)a) literature in the 17th century will find in it an overwhelming array Uf argu- ments based ou the Bible, a)) going &o show &hat the new views Uf the earth would undermine religion. Voflva today dcaouuco& the fouuda- mcu&UH&to as worse traitors tu the Bible than any modern)&t, because they uo longer believe in a flat aud &tat(Unary earth. But where is the fuudamon&auot who will lose any sleep over the fact that VUI(va has the )ot- tor of Scripture behind him? It is 'quite a common thing for va- homout couttovoro)aflot& to represent the acceptance Uf evolution as the de- liberate rejection of a divinely in&pl&- cd rove)at)on. Speaking from some knowledge Uf men who have accoptod evolution, I know that it did not Dr&- sent itself in that light to most of them. It presented itself as a choice between a Gud Uf caprice whu made random incur&iou& into the world of life, aud a God who bad impressed upon the world of life the orderly tendencies aud far-roaching unity which ato shown Uo clearly in the world of math&mat)cs aud mech&a(co. They felt that such a God might be trusted to bavo the needs of the be- w()doting)y complex moral world in mind. Io &hat au irreligious idea? It does uot solve the mystery of the ox- (&&caco of pain aud evil; bu& it helps towards a patient acceptance Uf them, aud does uot impede the action Uf the moto personal elements of religious faith. I am uot among those who UUU uo difficulty in reconciling religion aad science. But If I have learned nothing else. I have at least learned &o wait. I often think Uf Prof&&&or Henry Drummond, wbo attempted to recon cfla the two in hi& "Natural Law in the Spiritual World." In the ordinary sense the book faued of (&& purpose. But it wao full of an eager belief in a God of truth which ho maw&god &o impart &U even critical readers. HU bao Ia(u in his grave for thirty your&; bu& there are many &nfl living who look back to him, not &o much as the defender of evolution, but as one of the &iuoot examples of a Cht(&t)an gentleman which b)& ago produced. There (o ao be«ct commentary oa hi& life than that Uf an old Hobtow ptuph- et:--'Wvba& doth the Lord require of thee, bu«o do Justly, and to love mercy, and &o walk humbly with thy God?" Such a lite wao worth more &hah any "reconciliation" bo cuubl effect. The one thing wb)ch seems to ma Uf )mput&auca in Coaucc&)ou with the present can&tave&&y over m&x)ctn)&m is (&& reaction Un young mcn. A tc- Hg)uu& controversy ba& &o be carr(cd ou with the highest aims and by tha moot houotab)o methods it it )& uot &O PO(&un the springs Uf religion in the minds of the young mcu who look Uu, even If they &ak& uo patt. Yours truly, J. PORTER. Ho) lyburn. I'ROPOSES BAND FOR )VEST VANCOUVFR Dear Sir:-- I hate been consldenng wilt mg to your paper fo) some t&me concerning a subject which I think would be of interest to a great number if not all of the )Vest Vancouverites. Now that the winter season is with us do you not think it pos- sible to arouse some of the mus- ical talent that we have here, sufficiently to commence upon the organization of a band? I have been toll) upon goo&i authority that IVest Van. has its share of good musicians. VVhy should the gift of music be con- fined only to the home or a (very occasional) concert? I am also told that at least two band con- ductors have taken up residence here. )Voul&l they not be inter- ested in this plan? It struck me as being very odd that at the time of the Diamond Jubilee and other celebrations that we had to send to Vancou- ver for our music. Why not b" able to call upon our own hami on such occasionsv In closing, I also wish to men- tion the remunerative value that would ensue from week-end con- certs held at Ilorseshoe Bay etc &vhich would) certainly go a long way in buying uniforms and put- ting the organization on a soun&) basis. I hope to hear from other bandsmen an&i music love)'0, through your valuable column, their views upon this subject. Let's have a "get-together" on it at least. IIAROLD A. DOWNEY. The above letters on "Evolu- Iion" nnd "slodcrnism" are the last we can publish on the sub- ject. We have not the space to enter upon a lengthy discussion of these matters and havmg pub- lished correspon&)ence dealing with it in our last three issues, we feel Ihat reawonable oppor. (unity has now been given for the airing of views --Ed. CORRESPONDENCE bcr 1 the C pisttict Dg)('I )(DN A Hf" &HO& & &O&(O &'o&P V&U&ou &» fb&U 1 „ f&r &O THEEEA &(&&Os» M&li&O D,)&o 3™ ,&U i& &hl &b& COOP&l l )'Olx&U w)do&lol( &od w+ Do C&P)l& ANID 'WH 0( OU&b l Fo«7 Tb &g &1& P &bo F owl ~stood Said «O& AND (f) HU&dud )&&o (Ins sob& i&&w Hfd&w) AND W&H the m&'o(&od &P'&&HO« Ayp W) said Con &Ubm)xgo E)o«orn AND WI ( lacy &o t the &u&l HU&d&od ()3333 0( Eleven Tl 'l interest, Om&UO& &' &Ud Ni&o Do))&&& ( thirty fel &O)d )OOU I (O&f&&t &U AND W) of &bo wb HOU, &&&& »»m&O& ()OU Nine Tbo&&&w) Five Do) 1 »&o»w) ~mount 1 ~&I Fifty »d 3(n) m&I(og 0 Three I Th&u&&U& Seven Dl AND W whole lo PO&&l(OU, A»O»U&I Million, '&d &Ud 'I O&d the MRHUU Tb&U&OU Seven D ( &Oz&&1&l Hundred One HU lars (Is, AAD W'oymm& of »b Of &1& » dred an, (Inszs &O leVy raise n, Aine H, »n n) c&)ou)o(l l&(O&b)O ments, NO'(V ' Council &tie& meeting ()) I of &bo I b&t&by, l&COUO&t the Con~ &&&fag& & new I aad COO&&t&l, (7) ReeVe O( I Clerk of 1 )O&U fl&l )OS q, ttwg& o( UO&l(OO &U&l Of who)o 0 Tw&U&y 00) o&d V Inulo R trod() &bo Two&& ss) (a, 7 &ho ~M'U&O