Resampled001B6DE8 October 14, 1927. RED AND WHITE CHAIN STORES The neii children's plat ground ivan officinfiy opened on hVed- nesday afternoon by Reeve Vin- son, ivho in his address, which was mailily directed to the ninny chil&i(ion present, tokl them he hoped they woulil show their ap- piieciation of «hnt hnd lieen clone for them by using the apparatus in 0 proper manner. Other places harl been provided ivith such playgroumls through the generosity of service clubs, but in West Vancouver the same had been provideil solely through the indefatigable efforts of the committee in charge and the gen- erosity of the many citizens who had sut&scribed to the fund. He called for three cheers for the committee, which were given in no uncertain mnnner by the children and grown ups who ivere present. Rev. A. Harding Priest comiucted the dedication service by reading n portion of the Bible referring to chililren and the recitation of a short prayer. Councillor Ray, chair- man of the playground commit- tee, spoke of thc work of his committee, and stated that this was only the first playground. It was their hope and intention to establish at a future date similar playgrounds at Houyburn an&i Dundarave, and a third in Whytecliff. Friday and Saturday Specials 6 BARS P. 6( G. NAPTHA SOAP, and a scrubbing brush for,...., 23c 1 ib. TIN C'RISCO .........................--.......--............... 26cRE4Dh CUT SIACARONI .- .............--...-.... 2 lb@. foc S.'icPHENIX C'HFESE, au ftx package 2(cBENSON'S FINEST CORN STARCH ............. 2 packages for 25c(VILD ROSE PASTRY FLOUR, 10 ftn sack ..... „......,........ aucMAFOLA SALAD OIL, t'u. Tin ............................„.........,.. SscFINEST TURKISH DATES, .................... 3 lbs. 2tcHUNT'8 SUPRfihifi SPINA&'H, fancy 2'n .................. 11'ic I ib. SIIITH'8 hIAS(POLE TEA &with 3 tall milks) ............... 69&c 1 lb. FRESHLY GROUND COFFEE &with 3 tall milks).... 69c Smith 's Grocery '(a'o Deliver A. HAR'VEY S(IITH, I'rnp. 2aih AND SIARIiNE, Opp. Du«due«co Hall. Phoae (VEST (69 3IRS. J. D. A. TRIPP EiNTERTAliNS Honoring ifiiss, W. H. ihlalkin, ivho plans to spend the ivinter in the east, Blrs. J. D. A. Tripp. 2440 Point Grey Road, Vancou- ver. entertained at two tables of bridge Thursday afternoon,ivhen the players (vere: illrs. iXIalkin, 31rs. L. M. De Gex, iXIrs. Boger, Mrs. A. A. Atkinson, iXIrs. Can- field, Mrs. isfacEenzie isfatheson and AIrs. A. IV. Duffus. Roberts'etter Meats 14th and Marine West 190 Suw logs produced in B.C. Iuut year scaled 2,918,119.202 feet. This is sufficient to build a plonk walk 50 feet wide from Vancouver to Persia. hVhere Service and Quality Count WE DELIVER 9:30--East 25th Only 11:30--from Capilano to Caulfeild 3130-- East 25th Only SATURDAY Oct. 15th. EXTRA SPECIAL Local Spring Lamb, Shoulder, half or whole, pcr ib.. 25c Local Spring Lamb Ribs and Breast pcr ib . .. ....... ..... Zsc EGGS -- Baby Extras 2 dozen 58c Pork Legs, fores, ib 22c New Zealand Butter 3 lbs. $ 1.38 Cottage Ham. boneless, sliced pcr ib...... 35c Cottage Ham, boneless, by thc piece, pcr lb....... 32c Ayrnhirc Bacon, sliced, lb.. 35c Beef Dripping.... 2 Ibu. 25c Cambridge Sausage, ouc owu make .. 2 Ibu. 25c Pork Sausage, our owu make por 1b ... .. ..... ... 30c Old Couutry Sausage Neat Our owu make, lb. 15c No. I STEER BEEF-- Boiling Beef, pcr Ibloc at 12c Pot Roast, pcr ib ... 12c (k 15c Rolled Rib Oven Roast, lb.. 25c Stowing Voui, pcr lb... 15c Pork Oven Roast, pcr lb........ 25c BOILING AND ROASTINiG CHICK Fif APPLES, cooking. 5 lbs. 25c Grapes, Dessert....... 2 lbs. 25c Apples, Mclutouh, 60 lb.crate.......... $2.20 Greco Tomatoes. 8 ibu. 25c Field Tomatoes.. 6 ibu. 25c Prunes for preserving, pur crate ................ $ 1.00 SIONDAY Shamrock Lard, pkg., rcg. 25c ........... 2 for uzc Potatoes, cook white aud fiaky ..... 100 lb. sack $ 1.(5 TUESDAY Shoulder Steaks....... 2 ibu. 25c Boiling Beef. lb............. tie IVEDNESDAY Boneless Stcwiug Beef 2 ibu. 25c Liver, Fresh, per lb....... loc THURSDAY Cambridge Sausage.... Z ibu. 25c Corned Beef. Boneless 6 Ibu. Soc FRIDAY Haddie Fsicttu. For Sale -- Essex Coach Brand New Fuucx Coach. 1928 model fully equipped. This coc hau never been used und will be a good buy at the price asked. Write P.o. Box 305, Hoiiybucu, for full particuiaru. The ogricuiturzi production of Bri- tiuh Columbia for one year. 1926, ia valued at gylct62409, an increase ofover $6,000,000 over the 1925 totaL JOY IN PAYING TAXES (Continued from Page 1) tion may come more frequently to some than to others, and may seem to find more spontaneous expression through some than through others, but it is safe to assume that there is no one ivho has not, at some time, experienced the longing to be of value to his community. 1Vould he but pause long enough to search for the correct counter-balance in iveighing his prob- lem of tax assessments, he should see that he could turn the fulfillment of this duty into an opportunity to render co-opera- tive and willing service to afi. IVith such an understanding the assessment becomes immediately divested of the sting of imposed obligation, and in place of a sense of burden or re- sentment, one may find himself quite properly indulging in satisfaction. Another illustration:--one man is successful; he acquires a business, a home, then possibly additional property and later a variety of stocks, bonds and other assets, and of course he is taxed accordingly. Another man may seem to be not so successful. Let us assume that he has neither home, business nor assets, and so is free from taxation. Who, in choosing for himself one of these two conditions, would not select the first, and woukl not be grateful that he had enough of this world' goods so that he could take his place, and do his part, beside other men of success? The thought of gratitude for the priv- ilege of being able to pay taxes may arouse a sense of derision within some, but for many others the merits of this attitude will be seen and they will be happy to join the ranks of the grateful. They will see that duty imbued with gratitude ex- pands into joyful accomplishment, which, in turn, tends to develop into,and attract greater success. Practicauy everyone loves little children, and au who do love them take great pleasure in providing for the general welfare, education and happiness, not only of their own, but of as many others as possible. To these the school tax is no burden. They take pride in the public school of today and rejoice at the provision of every improved method and facility whereby the children may receive additional advantages. Thus love and generosity join hands with duty, the tax becomes a gift, and aH concerned--the child, the taxpayer, and the com- munity at large--are benefited beyond estimation. On the other hand there may be a few who think they &lo not like children, and who regard most of the expemlitures required in their behalf as burdensome. However, even these will admit that when children must be about they prefer them to be order- ly, obedient and capable. And is this not something of an admission on their part for the necessity of training and edu- cating children? Even the most reluctant taxpayer must in au fairness concede that he gets returns from his school tax in spite of his opposition to them. Even He To consider this more or less unwilling taxpayer a little further, could the inmost secrets of his heart be revealed we might afi be surprised to learn how much this very one desires to be kinder and longs for that freedom and spontaneity which his neighbor, who has acquired the habit of kindness, possess- es, and who consequently is able to face his tax obligations with good grace. A few people in the «orld today understand, aml more are constantly arriving at the conclusion, that there is power inright thinking. Therefore is it so unreasonable to hope for the day when so much appreciation, satisfaction, gratitude, love,generosity and joy shall be put into the paying of our taxesthat it will be impossible for resentment, hatred and cunningto manifest itself. And upon considering how much more the taxpayer has tobe thankful for than he han to bemoan, may we not also lookforward to that happy state of tax reformation upon the partof the public whereby the politician may honestly gain votes by his assurances of certain additir&nal improvements to l&eprovided from public funds, rather than by having to longertread the well-worn platform of tax reduction. Your ilaily or(ler will be careful- Iv attended to if vou send it here. treatment anil reasonable prices and~bove afi-- the ve .-- he very best quality of meats is what you can he assured of when youn .ou deal here. Phone Your Order West & JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET I'HONE (VEST 3 CLOSED If(DRSDAV Ay I O'LOCK WE Dfii.ivfiit LUMBER(~ I'eicos aro roduced iu «R grades from $3.00 to $5.00 pur M. Teko aden«togo of the present low priccu ouii uuticiputo futus'0 i(i&sin. High Quality Lusher is Cheapest in the end. West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LIMITED Phone hvest 115 Residence I'hone: West:ifiSI, FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIICE INSUIIANOE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Marine Motors Phone West 55 22 Marine Drive West 177 If you are bothered with oil pumping or piston uiop In your cns bring it to uu. Wo guarantee to stop the trouble. Old cylinders mzdu like new through u cyidiucr honeiug process which stops loss of com- pression aud gives your car more pcp. No Job too Big. No. Job too Small. Ask Mickie. 16th uud MARINE Mo WILLIAMS AMBLFsiDE CUSTOM TAILOR ORDER YOUR FALL SUIT NOW. Come and see our Patterns. Large selection to choose from Dry Cleaning and Pressing % c Call For uud Dehicc. CITY PRICES Dyeing, Repairs and Alterations PHONE (VEST Zo. I'bouc Seymour 650 ESTISI ATES FitEE Vancouver Floor Surfacing Co. Floors Wa3(ced and Polished WITH NEtVEST ELECTI(ICAL i(IACHINE Resurfacing of old floors a specialty. NECESSARY KNOWLEDGE North Shore Motors Ltd. 135 First St. bV. North Vancouver 1'hones: West 628Y North 1186. II. C. OSBORNE, bvest Vancouver Representative Through the kindness of General Motors of Canada Ltd., our Service Superintendent has completed a thorough practical an&i technical course, instructed by the General bfotors staff of Automotive Engineers of Oshawa, Ont. Every known device for greater accuracy and speed has been employed in this train- ing, and afi Super Features on the latest designed Cars have been thoroughly explained and taught, so that we feel confi&l- ent that au our work will be efficiently aml accurately super- vised. It is our greatest desire to maintain 0 service unequalled and to have our customers'ars operated at the lowest possible cost Vol, ll B,tTEPA IIEEL The pr& Capilano fenurfac( out tbu I gno,ooo under th largest 0 tios lau storm of reason oi cil bad i this Anu atc by lf )Iarinc ij wan present Jfumbcr ratepayc proval oi aga of tl ously im,'wer Of tb would b( for aliCC'ider ma major ye most pr IVater, tioa, Tr opmest walks, Vf tantioa roads t coasidc right t stnicfi( taken, mainly visitor aidcrab plato c of aboi on Cap Hancu by the Engine pcndcn sought icism 1 bestur road-w of tb( uounde recent the firn icipabt clone which would a(era I~ lethe After sion oi lag yea Ca(y(a( jofity '%VI kiunic havu 6 atioa ( ai to 1 ror tk Brkig('ry Whar( cd ib( ((