Resampled001B6DDE THE IVEST VAN NEIVS October 7 1927 c.t Lesagehasit CUT RATE DRUGS FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS Complete list of specials in page 4, every week, under Cut poc 51&vi ..... .............. . . 69& i $ 1.26 Electric Oil.............. 69c $ 1.26 Thermos Bottle........ 79c 60c Cess&in ..................... 29e 76c Cod Liver Oil ......... 59c 6 lbs. Epsom Salts......... 25& ooc Phil(ps Magnesia........ 46c goc Ipsho Tooth Psete ............. $9e 35c Tooth Brush lac& 2 (or $5c 40c Cas&ovis ......= . $3c Zsm Buck ........... 35e 60c Bisiv's Sirup of Figs .. ~ 3c First Aid Ointment..... 4$e Thursday night's Province, Rate Drugs. Pyvvobocs Remedy ............... 39c Ecsems Ointment ................ $9e Cars Remedy ................... 2$c I lb. Talcum Powder ......... 2$e Rubbing Alcohol ............ 49& 65c Hospital Co&&os ........ 49& 76c Pvtvnistum ............. 49c $ 1.00 Lie&veins ............ 79c 76c Bisurs&ed Magnesia...... 6.'Ie Glover's hisngs Cure ....... 79c Cu&ieuvs Soap ....... 3 (or 59e Hu& Wster Bottles ... 96c Snap ................................ 19e Free Attachments- with Standard Model ROM October 1 to 31 we will give awayFa full set of attachments with every Standard Model Royal electric cleaner sold. And besides that the Standard Model for this month is priced at only 662.50 cash, or 569.50 on easy &e&vnm The Royal hss always been far in the lead as a cleaner and now with this exceptional niger it is easily within the reach of every $300 D pats one In year home. Balance $4.75 monthly. Hove ie demons&re&ed ls your owu horns wnbout obagsuos. PHONE OR VISIT OUR NEAREST STORE gmvma Cmnagu& g&gcnucgtmwarCo. &ecw wceesdoeecc Nor&h eod wee& veoeo «c Ahho&e&ord chauwech gag n, all kinds gtt~g the I V&4& ne5er Rrus / ZERO 8 9 quarts for $1.00 North 122 Lesage Drug Store New Building--Corner hlarine and 14th. We deliver anywhere. No Order is too small WEST 323 Lesagehasit ST III'll K&V AIORTON leASSES AWAY The death occurred on Friday at his residence, Twenty-third avenue and Inglewoo&l street, of Stephen Bryan Morton, age&I 35. The deceased, who was n native of Scotland, resided in West Vnn- couver (or four years aml is sur- vived by a wife and eight chil&i- ron. Funeral services were held Alon&lay at the Burrard Funeral Chapel, North Vancouver. In- terment was in the Capllnno View Cemetery, West Vancou- ver. Mr. Morton was 0 former resident of Calgary. PL4RSONA.LS hlr. an&I hire. F. R. Murphyand family, 19th an&i Nanne Drive, have moved to the city. ~ ~ ~ hlr. an&I Mrs. E. A. WilLsher,"the Lilacs," Dun&larave motor- e&l with friends to St. Ilelen'6 Church, South New Westmin-ster, last Sunday to attend theham est festival service. Nrs. F.X. Hodgson of IVest Vancouver,was the soloist. Rev. J. G.Dingle, who is the rector of thischurch, is well known to the people of IVest Vancouver as thefm'mer rector of St. Stephen'6 Church. After the service Mr.and Airs. Dingle entertnine<heir friends at the rectory fortea. ~ ~ Deputy Game IVarden Hard-man has been granted permission by the council to erect 0 signon the Western boulevard of22nd Street denoting the factthat the area is a Provincial Game Refuge. This is for theattention of hikers who are, itis reported, in the habit of carry-ing .22 calibre rifles in their packs with which to shoot birdsand small ammals on the ridge.~ ~ e Anent the charms of West Vancouver, n resident has receiv- ed in a letter from Cnlifornia friends who visited here this summer tktb following tribute."If you have a terrible onslaughtof tourists in West Vancouver next year it will be our fault, because every account of ourtrip begins and ends with "BUT'ou"SHOULD" see West Van- couveI'. W. II. Walker, 26th and Law- son, has written the council de- manding 6260 for compensation for alleged injury received by his wife &vhen the municipal bus on which she was a passeng&r. col- lided with nn auto on Marine Drive between 26th and 2Gth Streets on 2Gth September. The matter Is being investigated. ~ ~ ' The P. G. E. Raihvay applied to the council for title to the right of &vay through Block "F,w D. L. 879. The matter &vas re- ferred to the reeve &vith power to act the railway to pay the cost of registration. In reference to 11th Street bus traffic the council have decided that until further notice 11th Street from Esquimnlt to Ingle- wood is to be restricted to one- &vay traffic northbound only nnd thnt same be posted for the in- A. 51. STEI'IIEN Al'I'OINTED WRITEIIS'XECUTIVE A. N. Stephen, poet and novel- ist of Dundarave, wns chosen to represent Western Canndn on the executive committee of the League of Western Writers at its annual meeting in Seattle last week. The langue has for its object the formntion of 6 per- manent organization of writers on the Pacific Coast and devel- opment of cultural interests of the West. formation of those using the road. o o e SURI'RISE I'ARTY The f1&ends of Mr. Snd Mrs. D. S. Heaslip gave them 6 real surprise party on Thursday eve- ning, 29th September, on the oc- casion of their first wedding an- niversary. A most enjoyable evening was spent in games, dancing and singing contests. Good prizes were given and an excellent supper was served. The guests were: hIr. and Mrs. W. R. Coulter, Mr. and Nrs. F. Blair, Nr. and Mrs. T. Blair, Nr. aml Mrs. McCrae, Nr. and Mrs. hfcLeod, Mr. A. Heaslip, Mr. A. NcPherson, Miss Arnott, Miss K. Blair, Mr. and Mrs. AHan, Mr. and Mrs. Menzies, Mr. and Mrs. Rimmer, Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Nash, MIr. E. Smith, Miss May Smith and Nrs. Smith. H. Bradley, 24th and Jeffer- son, is building a house for hIr. Parker at 13th and Haywood. o hIiss Currie of the HoHyburn School staff, Mr. IViHiams of Vancouver, and his mother, AIrs. WiIHams, are guests at the For- tune Cup Inn. e Stucco is being laid on the east wall of the Royal Bank building at 17th and Marine Drive. 'e Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Willoughby 19th and IVaterfront, have mov- ed to a house at 19th and Mar- ine Drive. e On Tuesday night a farewell party was given by Mrs. G. Bulkley at "Dreamy Nook," in honor of hIiss Camp, as she is leaving the district for the win- ter months. The little home was profusely decorated with Vir- ginia Creeper, dahlias, and sweet peas. hfr. Blanchfield in a well chosen speech presented the lady with a prettily worked Laundry Bag as a mark of esteem from the hostess. Music and cards were enjoyed by all, and after speeches by the gentlemen pres- ent, refreshments were served, at which the gentlemen made themselves very useful with their kindly help. The evening ended by the smging of "She'6 a Jolly Good Fellow" and "Aukl Lang Syne." One morning last week astranger rented a boat fromRawkins'oat house at Holly- burn pier. He came back at noon, and after lunch went out again, but that is the last that has been seen of him. The police have been notified, but so far have been unable to obtain anytrace of the man or the boat. He seemed to be a poor oarsman, and asked a number of anglers round the dock to row the boatfor him. e e The Council have received an invitation to be represented at the third annual conference of the IVestern Canada Develop- ment and Unity League, which is to be held in Victoria 20-21- 22 October. It is possible that Reeve Vinson will attend. I. O. D. E. The regular meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., will be held next Monday afternoon at 2.16 at the home of Mrs. W. D. Watson on Gordon Avenue, between 13th and 14th. CHIROPRACTOR Yates Building Marine Drive, Ambleside siss at Vancouver Roberta A. Vass D. C., Pk. C. Gesdus&s ul Palmer School Are You Depressed? Impulses are transmitted over the Spinal Cord and. nerves to all parts of the body. Chiropractic adjust- ments will make you well. Ross-Wald ron Wedding hlr. Sime Ross, only son of the late Mr. John Ross of Glasgow, Scotland, and hfrs. C. M. Ross of HiHcrest, IVhytecliff, married last Saturday at Chalmers Unit- ed Church Manse (Vancouver) Miss hIina Gladys IValdron, only daughter of Mr. an&I Mrs. Nelson caldron Tyne Valley, Prince E&hvard Island. Rev. E. McGou- gan officiated in the presence of immediate relatives, and Mr. J. A. Corte gave the bride in mar- riage. hlr. and Mrs. Sime Ross have many frtends m the city, the latter having been a gold medalist of the Vancouver Gen- eral Hospital, class '25, and a member of the staff during the past two years while the former served overseas with the 47th Battalion. Following the cere- mony a luncheon was held at the home of Mr. and hire. J. A. Cor-'ie, 1777 Thirty-sixth avenue east, after which the bride and groom left on a short honeymoon trip. Returning they will reside at University HiH. SCOTTISH SOCIETY The next regular meetmg of the above society will be held on Friday, October 21st, in the "Clachan" at 8.15 o'lock. As this is the Annual hfeeting and the election of officers takes place a large turnout of mem- bers is requested. Invitations have been issued for the "Cinderella Dance" of the society on Saturday, October 15th, in the HoHyburn Pavilion, from 8 till 12. Old Time dances will be featured in the program and there will be cards for those wishing to play. Those wishing table reservations phone Magnus Ross, or president Robt. NcVean West 136L. A beautiful volume of Buch- an's "Scottish Tongue" was sent to the society library from Mr. and AIrs. J. Bruce in Inverness, Scotland. A cordial invitation has been received from the officers and members of St. Andrews'nd Caledonian Society, North Van- couver, to all members of the IVest Vancouver Scottish to at- tend the installation ceremonies in North Vancouver on October 12th. Anyone intending to at- tend, please communicate with President NcVean. JOIN THE HOLLYBURNI PUBLIC LIBRARY located in G Ehlhl ILL'8 DRUG &ITOIIE Cor 14th aml hfarine DI ive Annual subscription 61.50, About 1000 volumes to choose from. A. Ig'. VALENTINE Csnsdisu IV&udow Bakeries Agency. 1106 hier&us Drive FRESH CAKES AND BREAD DAILY S&sis Cakes, daily, s& Reduced Prices, LIOIIT I.UN(:HRS 6&ore Closes 9 p. m. TEAR e mg tb II acorn S,c Iuocthm pmiiui gtov fallow cicg 6 their tavicg &ui 'oAb ntcco (gu "„ larger tbgt 9, oi tbo Iw'o Iabavgb ttcr t joke agd tbggian, bl ou'I ggiost ticulg" I~g ls or bc «Aawb Tbc b Ivom the An Aber o I big nit 'dou. H" ghat iI wgg « bgli peggy ecd gabe&~ 0 wgy south dwag ggkc .Iyccl cnoug b I got ou Aa god mgoag'db Hridgc, but Forth 8(idge up 'with log( my ba Pen& i„g Claggo there Ig a macbiao, You' you have strength the p poc morning 5 digcovcrcd in I dition baogiog He bad been tl I e ! Two Abcrdoui are the polic uuk aod dig& $IIc hearing of I asked the PI where's the otbi other mga,gir I" paid for the drii e ~ An Abevdonl ccivcd a note tl which read as 'on'tsend the pc er today. The & mouse," A tramp gtopI isn in Union S "Can yc spare a kcn wbaur ye av tbc pedestrian, dean." Two Aberdon were attending ergtood wgg 3 Landau. Durini the mcetmg a c( nounccd . Tba I the two Abavdon out. Sacicty Xcug elya are infa khcpbergon is gldayg in England. i»pcudiog. Ed ~ ~ There wag tie Decgide, a b river gad bjust ; , a biu time b tb ga bad calme hero wag a a cr aml" you tb,~Y laddie?" a eYCgp 'l'I UFg b&g b ~ ~ Sandy 3 .whilst I 'mth int I'avelliug0 coavev .g I pasgc gatlou . ager. pipe When ndy to fumbl I"a 4 446 y "a'i ad ov „mi obl;g ProcacI4 atcb 'va lett 46'I, b waII e &Ittev 'ePliedyc'6, a aic bao'&ud. c itu