Resampled001B6DDE October 7, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS ~ Don't Get Tired by making cookies and eat- ables for the party. Buy them here and so be fresh to enjoy the party yourself. REAL HOME COOKING MRS. DRAPER 8 SON 2435 bIARINE D!!IVE Nest Duocacave Hall. Note Phone: West 366 P ERSONALS Crystal Clear A better, purer gasoline, made in North Vancouver! H. E. Reynolds and sons, 13th and Jefferson, have sold the house they built at 19th and Es- quimalt to Mr. Graham of the P. G. E. Railway. A. F. Tabor, 13th and Ingle- wood, who has been away on an extended trip to his old home in New Brunswick, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. McCullough of Vancouver, have moved into T. C. Clarke's house at 31st and Bellevue. As clear aa crystal--100 pcc cent. pure gasoline--free from corrosive sulphur compounds aud a!! impurities-- that is Northern Light P.Q. Gaa, your owu local product. Aud bccauac of ita exceptional purity. P.Q. gives you more power, more mileage. biotoriata in increasing numbers are proving these important facts. You can prove it yourself by simply filling up at one of the stations listed below. Make the test today! o a Douglas Watt, son of Council- lor J. T. and Mrs. Watt, is back home after having had his arm reset at the North Vancouver General Hospital. o Mrs. P. C. Stevens and daugh- ter, 23rd and Inglewood, have returned home after an extemled trip to the Old Country. c Mr. and Mrs. P. Hopkins, 24th and Marine Drive, have moved into a house at 19th and Water- front. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harris and family, who have been spending the summer at West Bay, have returned to the city. ~ v a Mrs. Owens and family of Van- couver have moved into the Wil- son cottage at 18th and Belle- vue. E. J. Davies, who has been a- way in the northern part of the province, has returned to his home at 20th and Marine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Turner, 17th and Fulton, have taken a house at 17th and Bellevue. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Burley, 28th and Bellevue, are guests at All Hallows Lodge, Yale, B. C. Mrs. Helen Ruthet&ord Clark of West Vancouver, who died on 21st July, left a net estate of $7,430, equally among two sons and two daughters. v Mr. and Mrs. Handford, 28th and Bellevue, moved to the city on Monday. The B. C. Pond of the Order of the Blue Goose and the Fire Insurance Agents Associations of Vancouver, New Westminster, and other parts of the province are for the fourth year offering medals for the best essays from pupils of the schools. An en- graved gold medal is offered for High School Scholars and a sim- ilar medal for the scholars of the public schools. Those competing must hand in their essays to school principals not later than 15th November. It will be re- membered that last year Stan- ley Boshier won the public school gold medal for the district in competition against all the North Shore scholars. PITNAN BUSINESS COLIECE DAY aad NIGHT SCHOOL You will receive intensive indi- vidual training. 4 2 2 Richards St. Phone Scy. 9135. Cor. Haatiaga NORTHERN LIGHT :~.t;.. GAS VANCOUVER OIL CO. LTD. An A!!-British Co!umbia Concern Mrs. Logan, 13th and Marine Drive, has moved to a house at 12th and Waterfront. The North Vancouver Board of Trade entertained the Asso- ciated Boards of Trade of the Lower Mainland to a banquet last night. Colonel Savory and Hugh May were present as the representatives of the Board of Trade here. Mrs. Stevens of Vancouver, has moved into a cottage at 25th and Bellevue. o a Mr. and Mrs. William Black 27th and Lawson, have returned to Vancouver for the winter. George Clarke, 29th and Math- ers, had a narrow escape last Friday morning, when his auto skidded on Marine Drive at Cap- ilano and turned over on its side in the ditch. Mr. Clarke escaped with a bruise on his head, and the auto was only slightly dam- aged. a The open night given by the West Van. L. O. L. No. 2990 in the Dundarave Hall on Wednes- day evening the 28th ultimo, passed off very successfully. Fourteen children from the Prot- estant Home in New Westmin- ster gave exhibitions of folk dancing, singing and recitations. Grant Thompson, -Vancouver, County Master, and L. Dench, the Grand Master, were the speakers of the evening. J. Fid- des contributed several solos. Mr. and Mrs. Jones, who have been camping at 24th Street, have taken a house at 23rd and Haywood. Mr. and Mrs. Short, who have been camping at Dundarave, have taken a house on 22nd St. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn, Sandy Cove, had an addition to their family on Thursday, 29th Sep- tember, when a baby girl was born to them at the North Van- couver General Hospital. Both mother and baby are doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Dean, 17th and Duchess, have left for a trip to Vancouver Island. Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker 8 Jeweller N. Shore Stations WEST VANCOUVER Ed. Black- 25th Avc. & Marine Drive West Vancouver Garage- Amb!ca!dc. Fill up at these NORTH VANCOUVER Foreman'a Garage-- Esplanade East Louada!o Motors- 15th aud Lousda!a North Shore Garagc- First St., Ivcst Reliable Service Station-- Third St. 4& Forbes Avc. Marine Drive Between 14th and 15th. HARRON BROS. Sc WILLIAMSON ffIIneral 6IEectaEII SECOND i!ARROWS Buccard Scrvicc Statiou- Sccond Narrows Bridge. Recipes from Electncal Cookmg School North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 Cut slice from top of cabbage and hollow out leavmg a thin shell, make a stuffing of the other ingredients and pack into the cabbage. Fill only % full. Tin in cheese cloth to preserve shape. Place in steamer, cook 1V hours. The following are the recipes given by Miss Agnes M. Reed, Domestic Science expert, who conducted classes at the Holly- burn Theatre recently under the auspices of the B. C. Electric Company. Whole Wheat Bread 8 cups Whole Wheat Flour. 1 cake Yeast (dissolve in V cup lukewarm water) 2 tsp. Salt, 2 tbsp. Molasses, 1 Egg. 1 pint Water (half milk if pre- feryed) Combine bread according to general rule. Let rise double in bulk. Place in oiled bread pans to rise again and let increase only one-half in bulk instead of double in bulk. Temperature 400 degrees F. Bake from 1 to 1'4 hours. ~ RESTAURANT 1421 hiaciua Drive at 14th St. Phone West 511-0 Ei cry Day Fruit Cake 3 cups Quaker Cake Flour 3 tsp. Baking Powder tsp. Salt 1 cup Sugar 1 cup Raisins bb cup Cunants tk cup Mixed Peel 2I3 cup Crisco 2 Eggs 2!3 cup itlilk Sift together the flour,salt and baking powder. Cut in the crisco, add the raisins, currents, candied peel and sugar and stii well. Then moisten with the well-beaten eggs and milk. Set control at 350 and bake 1M hours. For iwest Vancouver Properties see SAVORY DUVAL Whole Wheat Nut Loaf I Egg, beaten 1 cup Milk 2 cups Whole Wheat Flour bk cup Nuts, coarsely cut &5 cup Raisins 14 tsp. Salt 'k cup Brown Sugar 4 tsp. Baking Powder. Mix flour with dry ingredients and beat egg and nulk--combine mixtures. Bake one hour. Put in oven with bread. 1419 )lariat Drive Phone West $49 Specializing in West Vancouver Salmon SouffleNOT ON TRIFLES Him--"I wish you to know I don' stand on trifles!" Hcr-- (g!anciug at bia feet)--oNo, dear, I aca you don'." 1 can Salmon V tsp. Salt 3 Eggs 1~8 tsp. Paprika 2 tsp. Lemon Juice bk cup Soft Bread Crumbs 1& cup Milk. Thoroughly rinse salmon, re- move bones and skin, separate into flakes aml add seasonings. Cook bread crumbs in milk five minutes, add salmon and the egg yolks beaten until thick and lem- on colored. Then cut and fold in whites of eggs, beaten until stiff and d&Y. Turn into butter- e&l dish and bake in a moderate oven about thirty minutes. AnnoIJcement THIS IS OUR BIRTHDAY LEGION SOCIAL SUCCESSFUL Date and Orange Cake 1 cup Sugar 1 cup Crisco (scant) 2 Eggs (savmg 1 white for icing) % cup Sour Milk with 1 tsp. Soda stirred in. Pinch Salt 2 cups Quaker Cake Flour 1 cup Dates, cut fine. Grated rind of one Orange. Cream crisco and sugar, add eggs, then alternate milk and flour; fold in dateru Bake in moderate oven. Set control 350. Time, 45 minutes. After re- moving from oven pour the juice of one orange over it. Spreml with icing. The Canadian Legion Social last Friday night in Dundarave Hall, was quite successful, the musical programme being a par- ticularly good one. The soloists were James Ha&Tison of Vancou- ver, gold medallist, J. A. Flett, Mrs. F. Barbour and J. Fiddes. Geo. Childs gave some fine selec- tions on the one-string violin, and Joe IVard of North Vancou- ver, sang a number of comic numbers which brought down the house. Mrs. H. M. IVatkins was the accompanist. After re- freshments had been served the evening was brought to a close by dancing, for which the Child' Orchestra supplied the music, their snappy playing being much appreciated. The reeve an&1 several of the councillors and their wives were present, also the regent and a number of members of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E. T is Seven years since we opened the first Drug Store in West Vancouver. Since then it has been necessary to move into our present larger store at 14th and Marine. iNice Rolls 2 cups flour '-'bsp. Crisco 2 tbsp. Sugar 1 egg I tsp. Baking Poivder tsp. Salt hiix all these ingredients ivell together and work into a stiff i!ough ivith a little milk. Roll it out Sld inch thick and cut into rolls. Throiv into a pan of boil- ing ivater on the fire, and &lircct- ly they rise to the top, ivhich ivill be in a minute or so if the ivater is really boiling, tak» them out aml put them in a hot oven 425 degrees. Time, 20 minutes. Steamed Stuffed Cabbiige 1 solid Head of Cabbage I lb left over bleat I cup Bread Crumbs v cup hIilk I Egg 1~8 tsp. Mace Salt and Pepper THE WEST VAN PHARMACY "The Store of Service" Day Phone--West 37 Night Phone--West 321 We wish to express our appreciation of the generous sup- port we have enjoyed and to assure you of our continued ef- fot& to serve you efficiently and conscientiously. As a bitthday gift we will present a useful souvenir to each adult customer visiting our ston. on Saturday, also a free ticket on the China Tea Set displayed in our window. This will be drawn for at 10 o'lock on Saturday night. Free candy will also be given all children who are accomp- anied by an adult on Saturday.