Resampled001B6DDE SPKCIALS This Week Ix8 No. 3 Fir Shiplap...... $ 10.00 pcr N. Ixs and 10 No. 2 Fir Shiplap $ 18.00 IxG Ceiling and Flooring........ $ 12.00 iNo. 1 and 2 E. G. I xa Flooring 555.00 No. I and 2 E. G. 1x4 Flooring $50.00 Ix4 Good Grade Flooring ....... $ 18.00 Ix3 Good Grade Flooring........ $ 18.00 and other Speciabx See us first. Window Glass in All Sizes carried in stock. Am) esic e '.Iim)er Co. Marine Drive at 16th St. West 199 Hollybttm Theatre Open hionday, Wcduosday Friday aud Saturday Admission--Evenings 26c &h &sc Saturday S&a&iucc 20c aud Isc Friday aud Saturday October 7th aud 9th. Richard 13arthelmess in The White Black Sheep Monday aud Wednesday October 10th and I'Z&h. Reginald Denny in Take in From Me Friday aud Saturday October &4th aud bstlu Colleen Moore in Orchtds and Ermine 61ouday aud Wednesday October lith aud 19&&u The Flag Lieutenant (A British Picture -- One of the Best) Friday aud Sa&urdsy October 21st aud 22ud. Gene Stratton Porter' Popular Story Laddie. Enjoy a Game of BILLIARDS aa CHET SHIELDS 14TH STREEr cigb& at Railway Crossing TOBACCO CONFECTIOiNERY LADIES HAIRCUTTING sud SHINGLING, any Style HOLLYBURN BARBER SHOP 26 pears super&caco WM. NEWBY Prop. SHOWER FOR 511SS EDNiA BOYD AIrs. J. Acteson and Miss Ruth Barber, Vancouver, &vere host- esses recently at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Edna Boyd, of 26th and Bellevue, whose marriage to Mr. Paul Act- eson takes place this month. The rooms were decorated in pink and &vhite, the same color scheme being effectively carried out at the tea table, where AIrs. Barber presided at the urns and Miss Bessie Gilbert served the ices. Serving were ihfiss Barber and Miss 5I. Dimock. Little Miss Helen Nary Acteson, dressed as a miniature bride, presented the gifts. Other invited guests &vere Miss W. Gilbert, Miss Scott, Mrs. J. Gray, Miss H. Acteson, Miss Annie Cavers, Nrs. J. Miller, lilies V. Miller and Miss Bessie Perry. COUNCIL'S CoihIPLAINT BE SEWAGE TO RECEIVE HARBOR BOARD'S CONSIDERATION The Board of Trade recently took up with the Council the question of the proposal by the city to build sewers at Brockton Point which would empty into the inlet, and the council brought the matter to the attention of the Harbor Board. The Harbor Board have now replied that so far they have had no intimation from the city in regard to the proposed sewers. In any case the Harbor Board's aproval to the scheme was necessary before any action could be taken, and, if such a proposal was brought for- ward, the council's complaint would receive full consideration. Ambleside Service Station (Harry A. Farr) Between 14th and 15th on Marine TIRES -- TUBES ACCESSORIES Hours--8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Nellie Harrison Howard Associate of the J. D. A. Tripp Piano School Pupils prepared for examinations, recitals sod fcs&ivsi work if desired. An pupils inspected monthly by J. D. A. Tripp. For appointment, Phone bVest 479R VERNON FEED STORE "i ho'YR "I 9 FUEL, FEED, CEMENT, ETC. October 7. 1927THF. WEST VAN &NEWS pos I ~ shiog 'y &0 for t shies pere 'h«. )I th&toesj" Ho RSAI tlRt, DR Pl&0 I[f jjjtjt &I ssd 'll &w vid&u &12 I FATHERPERSONALS 'biro De&hn Ra&lchffe Avenue West Bai left for n visit to point» in the east yester&lay. ~ ~ ~ The Lesage Drug Store hns now moved into their new store at the corner of 11th an&I Nnrine Drive, and wish to announce thnt owing to the upset caused through moving it was impos- sible to arrange the I cent sale for this week encl, as they had announce&1. This sale will be hekl in the near future. ~ ~ Dr. and &11rs. Wilson of Lvt- ton. 13. G., are visitors at the home of Dr. and Nrs. A. C. Nnsh, 15th Street. Dr. IViLson, who knew West Vnncouver some years ago, is amaze&l at the rec- ent gro&vtn of the district. 1 ~ ~ ~ IV. T. Pulsifer, 2620 IVest 37th Avenue, Vancouver, is getting out plans to buil&l a cottage on Nelson Avenue, near Bruce St., Whytecliff. ' 1 ~ A letter has been received by the council from eight residents asking that repairs be effected on 12th Street between Keith Road and Esquimalt, this portion having been badly cut up by heavy trucks during the recent construction work on Duchess Avenue. The matter was refer- red to the 1928 estimates. ~ 1 Two petitions for street lights were received by the council on Monday night, one signed by 4 ratepayers for a street light at the corner of 27th and Mathers, and the other bearing eleven signatures for a street light at the corner of 20th and Bellevue. Both petitions were filed for ref- erence until later in the year when new lights will be decided upon. Nrs. C. Read and Mrs. F. S. Jones Whytecliff are leaving this week on a motor trip to Portland an&i Salem, Oregon. V 1 1 The District of Burnaby is sponsoring a movement to form a Union Health Board to be made up of two or more of the municipalities bordering on Bur- rar&l Inlet and Fraser River Har- bours. The council have advised the District of Burnaby of their willingness to be represented at any meeting that may be held in connection with the matter. Dr. Frank Dorchester is leav- ing today for Winnipeg, where he will attend the national Con- servative convention as the West Vancouver delegate. He also ex- pects to give a "health" lecture while in that city. ~ O 1 Mrs. Cooke, who has been liv- ing in the city, has returned to her home at 26th Street. v ~ Nrs. Bibbs, West Bay, has re- turned from an extemled trip in the South. 1 1 Mr. and Nrs. hiace, 17th and Duchess, have moved to the city. ~ 1 ~ In spite of the cooler weather that has recently prevailed, fruit continues to grow in IVest Van- couver. Magnus Ross is still picking raspberries at his ranch at 24th and Ottawa. ihlrs. ihIcTavish, mother of ihirs. J. Tait of Aliamont, left Thurs- day afternoon for San Francisco. ihirs. Tait accompanied her ns far as Seattle. ~ ~ ~ airs. C. Scobie, 14th and Duch- ess, returned last &reek from 0 short visit to Hnrrison I lot Springs. 1 ~ ~ Ross Jackson, 12th an&i Duch- ess. has returned from Lake Louise anii Banff to resume his studies at the University. ~ ~ ~ A. 11. hlilner has moved into 1&Irs. York's bungalow at the cor- ner of IGth and Esquimalt. ~ 1 ~ The C. F. C. Q. radio entertain- ers, of &vhich H. E .Innes-Ker is 0 member, gave 0 concert on Tuesday night to the patients at the Shaughnessy hlilitary Hos- pital. The dra&ving for the doll ar- ranged by the I. O. D. E. for the providing of smokes for the pa- tients at Shaughnessy Hospital took place in the West Van. Pharmacy Wednesday night. Miss iVightingale of Dundarave did the dra&ring, and the win- ner &vas Nrs. Perkins, 126 2Gth Ave., East, Vancouver. 1 1 The West Vancouver Pharm- acy celebrates the Seventh Anni- versary of their business in West Vancouver tomorrow, and is advertising in this issue that souvenirs will be presented to all adult customers as well as a chance in the drawing for a tea service. Free candy will be giv- en children. 1 Mrs. J. 5L Stratton, Marine Drive at Ambleside, who has been spending a holiday at Kant- loops, returned home on Tues- dav. 1 The regular monthly meeting of the council of the Board of Trade will be held next Wednes- day at 8 p.m. in the Legion rooms. Dr. IVilliam H. Vass, chiro- practor, will be in attendance at the office of Dr. Roberta Vass, Yates building, for consultation purposes every Tuesday and Thursday from 5 to 6 p. m., eve- nings by appointment. Mary liIacDonald, daughter of Nr. Snd Nrs. MacDonald, 15th and Fulton, &vent to Vernon last Saturday for a two weeks'oli- day visit with her uncle and aunt Major and Mrs. LeDuc. 1 1 The salmon fishing on Sunday was good, and quite a number of anglers were out. Of the nine boats that went out from Holly- burn pier, seven returned with a good catch. Nrs. H. C. Osborne, 18th aml Gordon, has been seriously ill in St. Paul's Hospital, has returned home and is slightly better. 1 1 ~ Captain Stratton has returned from Kamloops, having been ap- pointed to the staff of the New Grace Hospital in Vancouver, which was opened by the Salva- tion Anny last Sunday. She started on her duties yesterday. The Classic Millinery Store Yateu Building Ambleside igc will hsvs for sale on Friday aod Sa&urduy FEI.TS, SATIN - VEI.VET nnd SII,K IIATS Regular price from $2 00S&L60 &o 66.76 for. Also Special Hs&s sold regularly for 67.60 up at very Special prices. 6&oir Ribbon, in sii colors, OM aod 6 Inches wide, regular Ooc for sic yd. Any kind of Fancy Narrow Ribbon for fancy work... &sc a yard. Docso'& of&co buy the Grocer&os bu& hs is Just ss sppcocia&ivs of goo&I food as is mo&hcr, anil uo matter how Sou&I a cook mo&hcr is she can't mako gom& things from poor ms&crisis. qual&&y is our grs& considor s&iou anil ouv prices sro always the ioivcs& cops&a&co& with qusi- I&y. Creeitwo oil's GROCERY We deliver West 16 Watch, Jewel« The ttratchlslEsiabl&shed over G»'enrs C. J. OVERINGTON 14th and liinrine hiss 8eigeeo BARBER For &ho couvcuisocs of the ladies of &ho District I have hsd &ho telephone ius&a&lsd HARROib WILI gijileral Ko&lh Va& 122 IVesl Phone N &v&& PHOiNE WEST 135 anil msko an appoin&mou&. People Like The 'Burrard'eople speak very nicely shou& the great care we &sko of every article sent &o us L'sih custom cr's parce& is treated scpara&cly asd promptly returned Aud our charges please everybody. Try us with s parcel this week. --. REST) I&11 bioriso yhoso The BII'ard Laundry Limnod Fov People B ho Are Psc&&cuba& IVcst Vaaco SA'I DU THIRD ST. aud ST. DA VH)S North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 457Y3. Lasts Longer Looks Better Iln llsi&( ki& Speci iv [ Ccg.~e3 Ror 0Rls-"I wish o&osd on irigvo! "vv-igiascisi deov, I om yo„ We &Ion't say all the good lookmg houses &n th&s d&s- t»ct we& e pamted w&th Ayres Paint but all those painted with Ayres I'aint a&e good look&ng Th&s store &s glad to &ecom mend Ayres Paint. EDS I THIS Ceneral Merchants Hardware I'aint Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 28 lpe &vish f sv& Port we ha to serve As a birtl t casto&a, oo the Chin 'aiodba«.F~c yaaa IONO-O- TONE 135 Fifteenth Stree( West NORTH 'VANCOUVER From I to 9 P. M. 6&oroings b appointment. I'hone orth 1082K VVEST VAN GARAGE &vow under maoascmos& of II E INNES-KERR &&™IT&oN spgc&Au&sv PHONE WEST &SO bay phon~vv i