Resampled001B6DDE Dry Goods. I 941es'Vear. Children's GarmcnLn Men's Furnishings Grigor'8 Dry Goods Store 1460 Marine D TOYS and iNOV E I.TI ES tv~est Fan garage Orders Taken for Hemstitching. H. PERRIN, R.o. OPTohlETI&IST and Ol'TICIAN Wednesdays from 2 p.m. E&wry Evening from 7 p. m. Royal Bank Bldg. Roll?burn R. B LOX HAM hlASON, CONTRACTOR Specialty&--Fireplaces and Tile Mantels, Sinks, etc. Phone: )Vest 397. J. M. Morgan Phone West l?3 WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Production and Singing VANCOUVER STUDIO Phone Sermour loi St. Stephen's Church Trinity 17 (Oct. 9(hL 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.15 a. m.--Morning Prayer. "&.15 p. m.--Evensong. The IVomen'6 Auxiliary will hold their monthly meeting in the Parish Hall next Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'lock. A hearty invitation is exteml- ed to all young people of the parish to attend the meeting of the A. Y. P. A. Tuesday night at 8 o'lock. United Church Mr. A. L. Burcbell of Columbia College, New Westminster, (vill conduct the morning and evening services next Sunday. Order your Bread from Stratton's It is made from the best and purest ingredients that money can buy. Baked to perfection in Hygienic Bak- eries. Healthful and nour- isbing for every member of the family. Bread, Rolls and Pastries. Phone West 27 and our delivery man will calL STRATTON'S BAKERY Ambieeide Tea Roeme Parry Vrkarf WEST VANCOUVER Ceunp and Pimie Supplies, Tobaccos, ets. A pessimist is a man who bur- Ies the hatchet Gf enmity, but carefully oils it to keep it from getting rusty, aad also keeps a spade to dig it up. "I was just about to propose-- "This is so sudden." "That we take a ride--" "I just adore motoring." "when the weather gets warm- er." West Van 1Vews Published Every Friday IL HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVE Publishers Phones: West 412LWest 363 Business and Editorial Office: 1362 Marine Drive hlail Address. P. O. Box lol, Hollyburn, B. C. 61.00 s year by mail or carrier, News stands hc per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON AYI'LICATION Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. The fifth anniversary service of the West Vancouver Baptist Church will be held next Sunday at 11 a. m. The preacher will be Rev. Reynolds of Kerriadale. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. IVeekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a.m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. IVeek Days--Mass 8 a.m. The IVo Sung Investment ~ Company, a Chinese concern have applied to the council for permission to build an eight- suite apartment house on Mar- ine Drive just west of Amble- side. The application is being considered. ihfr. and Mrs. Bibbs have rent- ed Colonel Trisbvam'6 house at West Bay. FRY'S CANADIAN SIAiNAGER HERE E. J. Greenway, managing director of Fry Chocolate and Cocoa Company, was a visitor in West Vancouver this week the guest of George Payne, who is Provincial isfanager for the com- pany. Sfr. Greenway attended the Eastern Star dance last night. The visitor, whose beadquart- era are in Montreal, was delight- ed with IVest Vancouver, this being the first time be had been over the whole district. Students of a medical college are offering themselves to be given toothache for experiment- aI purposes. IVhen the ache is produced, a drug is administer- ed, and the time it takes to re- lieve the pain is recorded. The Store for Dry Goods Come in and see our goods, and gol our prices. Then you &vill realise that it pays to buy at Grigor'6, We are in business tn please you. To give you what you want and at a fair price. THE IVEST VA&51 &VKWS IV EST V A N COD V El& Christian Science Society ('Hl'lt(.'H EI)IFI('B 20th and Faquimalt, Holb burn Sunday Service at s. m. Subject October 9th "ARI'. SIN. 1)ISKASK. and DEATH REAL?" Sunday School at 10.00 ~ . m. Testimony bleating svory Wed- nesday st 6.16 p. m. The (.'h(ldren'n I'Iayground al &)lentor(al I'ark. 19th and hlnrlne Drive. will be o(fic(ally npcned tomorrow. Saturday. at;l.30. All c(lixens of IVent Vancouver are invited and a 5 cry special Invila- lion is given Ihe children. EASTERiN STAR 1)ANCE V) KI.I. ATTE&N BED The &Vauml Chapter, Or&lop of the Eastern Star, hei&I their sec- ond dance of the season last night at the?follyburn Paviliou. It ives a happy gathering. The affair waa one of the most suc- cessful ever put on in West Van- couver. All the ladies were made happy by dancing every num- ber. Altogether it was like a huge family party, there being plenty of fun aud novelties in- troduced to give enjoyment to all. The Worthy hlatron, hIiss F. D. 31cCIeery, wan a very ef- ficient hostess and IVoythy Pat- ron J. McGotvatt, ivho acted as master of ceremonies, was the right mau in the right place. Dainty refreshments provided by the ladies of the chapter &vere served. Mrs. J. Garthorue was conveuor of the dance. FACTS KVorth Knowing Oclnher 7, 1927 IIISH&il'AI&NILq Itlitl Al&RS Fditor, lienr Sir&- The caurage of Bishop Barnes In proclaiming his Zoo Ancestry seems to have impressed a certam section of society. My thoughts go back to childhood' &lays &shen we were entertained at the circus by n clown and poor perform. ing ammals. He always introduced a &arge monkey as his brother and In the light of current events one wond- ers ought they not rather to have applauded his "courage" than laughed at what we took for simulated im- becility. One hns been saddened during the pnst week or so at the ridlculo and contumely brought on the Anglican Church by the bishop's "courage" nnd being one of those Anglirnns who still believe in nn unmutilated Bible, scientists and uther lenrned people to tho contrnry, I wonder whethe& the bishop hns knowledge of tho follow- ing. Are you pcrsundcd thnt the Holy Scriptures contnin suniciently nil doc- trine re&iuired of necessity for eternnl salvution through fnith in J&nlus Christ? And are you determined out of the said Scriptures to inst,ruct the people committed to your charge, and to teach nothing but that which you shnll be persuaded may be concluded and proved by Scripture? Answer.--I am so persuaded, and have so determined by God's grace. (2). WIII you be ready, with nil faithful diligencc to banish and drive a&ray all erroneous and strnnge doc- trines contrary to God's (Vord? Answer.-- I will, the Lord being my helper. The foregoing ivith other vows the bishop and every ordnincd minister of the Church of England must make before Almighty God at their ordin- ation. Let us look at what the Scriptures declare. They declare thnt the Adam- ic race hsd its beginning in a direct act of crention. They declnre that there was a spiritual separation be tween Cain--the first procreated mem- ber of the race--and Jehovah, from which period there wns a devolution of the Cain descent; ending in the tragedy of the Flood. Some will smile at mention of th» Flood, yet let it be noted that if we hsd not the record of the Flood in the Bible and tradition of the Flood a- I mong every branch of the human fern ily, there are such evidences amount- ing to proof afforded by various branches of scientific research as would make absolutely certain that the race was subjected to s tremend- ous, catastrophe . which reduced its numbers to a minimum at about the period of the world's history in which the Bible indicates the Flood to have taken place. Therefore devolution and not evolu- tion, seems to be the testimony of the Scriptures, for the family of Cam. There is a similar descent of the family of Seth with very few excep- tions. (Vith the exception of eight persons the family of Seth perished in the Flood. Then we proceed in God's story and find revealed the downward course of mankmd from which the great sacri- fice on Calvary redeemed us through faith in that sacrifice. If Damvin has triumphed (and Dar- win on his deathbed largely recanted) and man is climbing upward by a process of natural evolution, why does any bishop or other minister admin- ister the sacrement of the Lord's Sup- per, which commemorates that great act of redemption from thc downward course ? The Bible while telling of the fnit of the commencement of humun life by an act of Divine Creation, seems to previously indicate that there had been a preceeding order of life which beginning with an act of Divine crea- tion ran the downhill course to utter destruction. "The whole story seems to be told in the second verse of the first chapter of Genesis: And thc earth became 'Tohu'nd 'Bohu'empty and deso- late). lsiah, evidently commenting on tho above says: "He did not create it a'tohu'e created it to be inhabited." Is it not more than probable that those who are raking over the geo logical strata to fin&1 prehistoric re- mains--if they ure indeed making any discoveries such as they iniaglne- may be finding fragments of that life which bclongcd to the Cormer eru of life upon the earth? Is it the place of the outstanding leaders of tho Christian Church and faith to set such Crsgments against the el»or testimony of the Lord and say to men who are hungering for and should be fcd with the Bread of I.ife. "Darwin has tri- umphed." The vast majority of people gct the only teaching they ever receive Crom the daily pupers. They reud little else. From those papers they sre given to understand that the proofs of evolution have long since been dem- onstrated, snd that no intelligent mon with sny pretensions to scholarship, today, woukl dure to call these proofs into question. So they must be ac- cepted as the truth about the matter. That being so the eyes of the people ars turned sway from God. They have no room for H&m; they rule Him out of His umverse I'ersonally, we prefer to believe with all our heart that "The testi- mony of the I ord ls sure, making wise tho simple." "To ns many ns receive inm, to them gave He power to become the sons ol God." No room for Jungle ancestry there. Canon Liddon says:--There le n t great gsp between the highest animal instinct snd the reflective, self-mess urine thought of mnn. There ls a greater gap between life and the most highly organized matter. There ls the greatest gap of all between mntter nnd nothing. The crentivo will must havo Intervened otherwise thnn by way of evolution out of existing mat- erial. Yours fnithfully, MAR Y COI&&(IISH, WA&V'I'S HORSFSIIOE IIAY IVATERFRONTAGE AS I'IIRI.IC I'ARIt Editor, Dear S(r:-- Sinee the opening of the Mar- (no Drive extension, Horsesho& Bay haa become a very popular resort for motorial,s as is ov(d- euced by the fact that on Sum(ay afternoon &lur(ng the summer months the waterfront is simply a mass of cars, au&1 crow&la of visitors may be seen in the Park, on the beach, or in the water. I am notv making an appeal to IVeat Vancouver ratepayera to support the propose&I scheme of obtaining the above water- front for a public park. Already it is sufficiently de- veloped along business lines to become self-supporting, aud it will cost the municipality nolb. Jug, aud ultimately it will be- come a revenue producer, aad as- sist in relieving taxation. What about taxes? IVhat a- bout interest aud sinking-fuml on cost price? Incomes from the hotel, bath- house, anil boats will meet these right from the start. Vre, in Horseshoe Bay, who are interested in this scheme, earnestly ask the taxpayers to seriously consider it, as it will cost them nothing. I may say in conclusion that we wi11 have no difficulty In fimling a tenant who is willing to lease from the council so as to cover taxes, interest and sink- Jng fund. Do not Iet this beauty spot of IVest Vancouver become further commerciaIJsed, or ere long it will be like Cypress Park--no waterfront for the people. Yours s(ncerelv L. LAMBERT. Memories Backward, turn backward, 0 time in your flight, Give me long hair again, Just for to- night. Let me get busy; ere hle&nory fades tvashing my tresses and doing up braids. Let some beau call for me driving a horse, Even a buckboard would not be so worse; Let us come trotting back, mo at his side, Let me ssy "Thanks for the old buggy ride." Let me give parties where all behave well, Proper in manner or stories they tell: Let some good dancer with decorous grip, Waltz me round with no flask on III@ hip. 0, let me rest from this soul-l&llling pace, Throw sway compact, and cigarette case; Tune out the radio let me expand Playing sweet airs on the upright or grand. Let ms wear skirts that are down to my heels Put on a bustle to see how it Ceels: How I'd love low heels, regardless of height, Give me my corsets back, Just for tonight. COR RES VON DENCE I I ~pc«b , 81 Lp TP 'I 0 fiTbo op b& of Iquet, the ce ioplo &fbucz& l neWI E19P „IS ecclp liou »8&ccco b Iz Iuv oct tuuc& c(ub 8 Ieo oc lbc ovc scuzou II u«r, G«G IP888qs GIVS 9 Tbe II" ~ Yacbi Iea zuni lsiued tbei oud pock 6 gca&sivo 9 the eiuucl Tbe prize ezl Plate & ior Club zia13 in Iplb, Iu Ib'ieN, cor 831zbucy I Jovila(10" also aeg '0 pclobe. A Sc'lN r '2 'I~ ';dIr '.- Phoae 3& I i It I l 2!j, p;&, g,.I x'