Resampled001B6DDE THE IVEST VAN NEIVS Octnbei'. 1927. RED AND WHITE CHAIN STORES Friday and Saturday Specials F1NFST RECt.FANFD CURRANTS ..... F! I&EST (OOKtNG Mot.ASSFq, regular )Sc. Si)RF!lilED ('OCOANUT COLEStAv&LS h(USTARD. &v lb. Tine, F!NEST SINGAPORE PiiNEAPPLE, 2 ib. i,u SiiAKER T1NS SP)CES. ynuz choice RED A'Nt) u!))ITE MAT'c')tES &onw . B. a K, CREAM ROLLED OA)S GR!5(BI.E'S ENGLISH MALT V!NFGAR .„ TEA, Our Owu Blend COFFF., Frc.hiy Gruuu&t h!A( INTOSH APPLES .. ORANGES. 2 ibs for 27c pcr &in 11'ic ... Pev un 19c ... Per (iu 25c fnr 25r .. 3 for 2Sc 3 Boxes for 23c 7 ib. wack (6c Quart bottle i9c pvr Itx Sile pev ib. 59& .... 4 ibe fur 2!ic 2 dozen for 43c Roberts'etter Meats 14th and hlarlne West 190 kVhere Service and Quality Count 1VE DELIVER 9:30--East 25th Only 11130--from C4&pilano to Caulfeiid 3&30--East 25th Only For Sale -Essex Coach Bread New Essex Coach, 1!Iss model fully equipped. This cur bee never been used and will be a good buy at the price asked. 1Vrite P.o. Box 306, Hollyburu, for full particulars. SATURDAY Oct. 8th. io. 1 STEER BEEF-- Boiling Beef, pcr ibioc R 12c Pot Roast, per ib... )sc 3: 15c Rolled Rib Oven Roast, ib 26c Stewing Veal. Pcr ib.. )2&)c Veal Oven Roast, lb..... 20c Pork Oven Roast, ib........ 27c Legs New Zealand Lamb, 1b ssc Loin, New Zealand Lamb ib ssc Rib xud Breast, New Zealand Lamb, pcr lb........... 25c Shoulders, New Zealand Lamb pcr ib ..:.... ......................... 25c Salmon. half or whole, lb.. 15c NEW ZEALAND BUTTER 3 ibe $ 1.35 ROASTING. BOILING AND FR'11NG CHICKEN EGGS--BABY EXTRAS 2 dozen 52c Cottage Hxm. boneless, sliced per ib................... 35c Cottage Ham, boneless, by &be piece, per lb........ 32c A)vxbwc Bacon, sliced, lb. 35c Cambridge Sausage.... 2 lbs. 25c Pork Sausage, our own make per ib ............... 30c Beef Dripping . 2 lbs. 25c APPLES, cooking.... 5 )bm 25c Tomatoes, per lb..... 10c &9 15c Grapes, Dessert .......... 2 ibe. 25c APPLES, 40 lb. Crate $ 1.50 SION DA Y Shamrock Lard. veg 25c lb. 2 lbs. 42c Liver, Fresh, per lb... 10c TUESDAY Shoulder Steaks.. 2 lbs. 25c Cooke((, per lb....... 2)c WEDNESDAY Cambridge Sausage, rcr ib loc Corned Beef. Boneless 4 lbs. 50c TH 1 RSDAY Stewing Beef, Boneless 2 lbs. 25c FR1DAY Haddie, Fiiiei&e, Pcr ib 22c JAMES Slh)PSCii'S PREDICTION. MAN'S GREATEST WAR. GET YOUR MO)(OPLANE. THE QUEEN BOBS HER HAIR. kixucfxctumzs that produce, merchants that distribute end workers that depend for employ- e&wit ca gmmraiiy prosperous con- d!lens wiii be Interested in one paragraph ef a letter fust received irwin Ha James Simpson, presi- dent ei Marshall Field 5) Company. The Queen of Belgium bobbed her hair, aud there is much excite- ment. Kings aud Queens take up uew ideas cautiously. The King of England still drives to the open- ing of Parliament in a gilded coach drawn by xix or eight crcamwolored horses. Aud h e wears a crown on State occasions, although everybody knows that the crown hax long been the prop- erty of the House of Commons. 1f Carlyle, crea(or of "Sartor Rezar- tusr were here he would find deco meaning iu the Queen' bobbed hair. Be among the firs to gec one of cbe mouopiauee that will "fly 140 iuiies an hour, aud carry a useful load of 2,000 pouude. Such a machine, once he knows bew te ruu it, ehouid enable a young man of the right kind (o earn $100 a dap. Aud that eum, $600 a week, would be s "useful load" to carry home each Saturday. For information write (o Henry Ford, or better still, to Edsei Ford, Dearborn, Hicbigxu. Hark ibis prediction: 'iyitbin twenty years a million Americans Chat uow ride in automobiles, label- ed "Ford," will fly in airpieuez also labeled Ford and go 100 miles on a gallon of gasoline aud uo tire wear. Smith 's Grocery 2(&b AND 51ARINE, Opp. Duudarave Hail, 1'bone )VEST 469 ) Icard )iirsf WVords Dr. Thomas A. )VS&eon, who v nrked with Alexander Graham Bell inventing the telephone, heard the nrzr zcuud nv word ever trans- mitted by &viw, In the test, hiv. Bc!i spoke cvci the phone saying, "Come here, Wa(son, I want you.d A tablet wax recently unveiled ccm- memoraiiug the 60&k euniverzavy of this great xcicn(iflc marvel, the telephone. FIRST SNOtV ON THE NORTH SHORE MOUNTAINS There is snow on C rouse hfountain and on the summits of the other North Shore moun- tains. An inch fell at the Chalet on Tuesdny and another inch and a half on )Vednesday. The tem- perature since has not been warm enough for any melting to occur. This is unusual for early October. FAIR RUN OF SALMON IN FRASER A survey by officers of the Dominion Fisheries department in regard to the snckeye run in the Fraser River is bearing re- sults, and a statement issued yes- terday by A. P. Halladay, dis- trict inspector, discloses encour- aging reports from the nearer spawning grounds. Observations taken at . Pitt Lake and Pemberton grounds show a good run of parent fish, and while no definite reports have yet been received from the interior, it is too early to con- cede grounds for pessimism, since the fish are probably on their way, Mr. Halladay states. The fact that an average of six or seven sockeye were brought in by Fraser River fish- ing boats today proves a con- siderable number are moving up river, and while the quality is only fair from a merchantable point of view, the fish are part of a school which, when they reach the spawning grounds, will be potential parents of a large run for the new season, it is said. tVhite spring salmon are still predominating in the daily catch- es of Fraser fishing boats. The average today was 150 pounds per boat and at the price of two and ofie-half cents per pound constitutes fair fishing from the catcher's standpoint. Some co- hoes are finding their way into the nets, their appearance being gratifying to fishermen, who are paid eight cents per pound. Quality Meats (IET TIIE BEST HERE 4VITIIOUT I'AYIN(i SIOST You &lon't have to pny exhorbltnnt prices to gct quality meats --not if you trmle nt Je(tories. 1)clicious cuts &&I thc finest meats nt prices that allow you to cat ns much as you desirc. Phone Your Order 1Vest 3 JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET i HovE wgsr 3 nosso vnunsnav ar i omcocn ivE DR(.ivpn LUMBER'~ FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE IiVSURANCFz, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone hvest 55 Marine Motors 22 Marine Drive IVest 177 If you are bothered with oil pumping or piston wisp in your car bring it &o ux. 1Ve guarantee io stop the trouble. Old cylinders made like new through a cyidiuer hcneiug process which stops loss of com- pression and gives your car more pep. No Job too Big. No. Job too Small. Ask hIickie. 16&k 0 MARINE M. WILLIAMS AMBLEs(DE CUSTOM TAILOR ORDER YOUR FALL SUIT NO)V. Come and see our Patterns. Large selection to choose from. Dry Cleaning and Pressing )Ve Ceil For wud Deliver. CITY PRICES Dyeing, Repairs and Alterations 1'HONE ivEST 20. IS THAT CAR INSURED AGAINST ALL RISKS? PARTICULARS FI40hI GORDON GRAY Prices ere reduced In uii gvxdcx icuui $3.00 iu $5.00 per 51. Take advauinge oi the prceeu( iew prices emi au(le!pete fuiuve ueeiie. ! lligh Quality Lumber is Cheapest in the end. West Vancouver Lumber Co. Resi&lcnce Phone: 1Vest 3581. 6 9 Vol. II gpU There st the Theatre ~vc sn& ion&I snd to be vet& The reer& mg Ssv( h).iaw 4 supp«'core ef 'ethetni present t from 3 1 The pres costing p& tensnce c ing fund the new 69,724 3! be no m'p years, permsner rond wss . ~ The devel cnd ef thi + the prep( ~ third res, crease Ill taken pis building 0 the muni acres in ti municipal fit. A f fact that ment, ne clsssiiied we did noi they wou then calli shsre of reason we em tenni! wsy. Tl very poor thousand Year frer, &)s. The m followed 'he ordei Tiie sup I to miiei snd from feet. made H length si hitulythi& he with 5 cp carrying snd rend $ 16,ppp SOME SPEEDER Hozt of ue do uot know bow much speed we ceu develop, either pbyxicai- iy or men&clip, until we are put to z test. An old black man wbo bed spent &uauy years in a wheel chair wan&cd zo go on one last coon hunt before be died. Sc be aud graudcbildrcu. ac companied by several dogs. czar&ed 0&i '&. Hardly bad &bey penetrated the swamps when they mei a bear. Aii turned tail aud ran, !caving grandpap (o bix fate. As they came panting into &b. pard they called, "Oh, mammy, mam- my, grandpap done got v& up by b'ac!" "Fcolixbmcut what &v'peaks, chiL lcu. Yo'xudpxp done come in &cu minutes ago wid dc dogs!" Paula: "Pansy won a loving cup !ac& night." Paul: "Ob! I didn't know they gave prizes for that" THE JOLLIER He doesn't always mean it, When be comez along each dxy ivi&b e cheery bii of smiling, And a pleasant word &o cay. I know be bas bix troubles And life isn't all a song Bu& he's trying to forget 'cm Aa be jollies folks along. He isn't a!i uuxeifizb As be greets biz fellowman; He's quick &o awk a service, Bui he'l du one if he can; His kindness is something Tba( iii-ior(une cannot budge; It's only just a jolly, But it's better than a grudge. A iNon-Stop Smoker G. T. Everden, of Maidstonc, who is eighty-two, possesses more than ninety pipes, and claims to smoke sixteeen ounces of tobacco a week. He smokes a different pipe each day. BRITISH COLUi%1BIA TO RECFIVE PUBLICITY IN THE OLD LAND British Columbia's industrial and tourist attractions will be presented to the public of the British Isles in a series of mag- azine stories to be published this winter, according to information received from the publicity bur- eau. These stories are now be- ing prepared by the editorial de- partment of the bureau and will be distributed by F. A. Pauline, agent-general for British Colum- bia in London. hlr. Pauline will return to Eng- land this month. Officials of the publicity bureau stated that he is planning an extensive winter advertising campaign this year in co-operation with the bureau. Office--Seymour 4991, 1002 Credit Foncier Bldg. CHEYROLET AND OLDSMOBILE DEALERS North Shore Motors Ltd. 135 First St. W. North Vancouver Phones: West 628Y North 1186 )). C. OSBORNE, hVest Vancouver Representative Ce The pr& w turn in ~ whhh „ westher. srsnte( prep&xwd i fig pf proximsh to Gr Penuhti ( th est hii ~e v&nt~ enceur Ceu en&i he nie! mer, umn m+e tsxe syer ,er ei tlpoint I +&tub