Resampled001B6DD5 CHIROPRACTOR Yates Building Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver ROIJerta A. Vass D. C„Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer School GOITRE There is hardly any case of Goitre that will not respond to Chiropractic adjustments No matter what stage the Goitre has attained it iviH pay you to consult us. Cadet Classes Started Great interest is being taken by the West Vancouver scholars in the cadet classes which have been formed by H. E. Con&lan, 148 having joined up-to-date. The Hollyburn School class ivas started Tuesday, and it is ex- pected that the class from the Pauline Johnson school will re- ceive their first instruction to- day. Police Sergeant: "I think we'e found your missing wife." Henry Peck: "Have you I tVhat does she says" "Nothing." "That's not my ivife!" A. O'. VALENTINE Canadian &Vludnu Bakeries Agency. 1&on ntaciue tlclcs FRESH CAKES AND BREAD DAILY Stale Cakes, daily, at Bcduccct Prices. LIGHT LLHXCHBS Store Closes 9 p. RI. Lesagehasit ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE LESAGE DRUG STORE Lesage Drug Store North Side Marine, near 14th We deliver anywhere. No Order is too small WEST 323 Lesagehasit Orie Qui'it fi -"""/ Kiddies drink. t-RASERVALLD' l LKfor Safety Call the FraserValletj Man to-mornot0 moyTung A Cream Wagon on etyevy street -- etjert I morning 9 quarts for lii1.00 North 122 At the end of this week ive move into larger and more com- modious quarters at the North IVest Cornest of 14th and AIarine the new building just completed for Mr. Hay. Next Monday morning we shall be ready to serve you in the new store. At this time we would like to thank the people of West Vancouver most sincerely for the splendid patronage given us since we opened here on AIarch 15th. That we find it neces- sary now to move into larger and more up-to-date premises shows in itself that we are giving satisfied service to the resi- dents of the district. In our new store an even larger display of goods will be made and our already large stock will be augmented to embrace every branch recognized in Drug Store business. Our usual low prices will prevail and Friday and Saturday Specials will continue as usual. We invite the public to risit us in our new home. Please note that our semi-annual 1c Sale iviH be held next Thursday, Friday and Saturday. THE WEST VAN NEIVS September 80, 1927. PERSONA.L ibirs. Foster, 26th nnd Belle- vue, has moved to Vancouver. ~ 1 ~ It&est Vancouver LO.L No. 2990 will hold their regular meeting next Tuesaay at 8 p. m. in Dundarave ilail. 1 1 ' ikirs. Hopcroft of Caulfeild, has moved to Vancouver. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Simpson of Pitt AIeadows has purchased three lots on Palmerston Avenue. ~ 1 A concert iviH be held in Dun- darave Hall on the evening of the 25th of October in aid of the Protestant Orphanage Fund. The best available talent has been obtained for the occasion. The use of the hall has been granted by Airs. Mumlell for the concert, and it is expected there iviH be a bumper house for this very worthy object. 1 ~ ~ AIr. IVebb, proprietor of the Dundarave Shoe Repairing Shop, has purchased the cottage on Marine Drive at Dundarave, once the Bob Cripps property, an&i it is his intention to build an up-to- date shop there. 1 Miss Joy Raine is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Rain&, 2766 Lawson Ave. Miss Raine is technist at the Aberdeen In- dustrial hospital, IVashington, one of the largest hospitals of its kind in the United States, where she has charge of the X-Ray department. She gradu- ated at the Kamloops hospital and later took the post gradu- ate course of the American Col- lege of Surgeons at Vancouver General Hospital. Mrs. Gibson of Cypress Park, left last week on "the Empress of Russia" for the Orient, where she will pay an extended visit to friends residing there. ~ 1 Mr. and Mrs. Kidd, 19th and Bellevue, has moved into a house at 14th and Bellevue. ~ '.O.L. No. 1840, North Van- couver, is giving an old time dance at the Horticultural Hall, North Vancouver on Saturday, November 5th. AIrs. John Reddin of Caulfeild, and daughter Peggy, are guests at the Empress Hotel, Victoria, for a few days. ~ 1 1 Miss Nellie Stevenson of "the Clachan" has returned from a week's visit to Victoria. I ~ Mr. and Mrs. A. Gray, East Beach, moved on Tuesday to Vancouver. The salmon fishing was good in West Vancouver waters on Sunday. The anglers who went out from Hofiyburn pier secur- ed altogether eleven fish. The largest, weighing a little over 16 pounds, was caught by A. Chil- ton, manager of the Royal Bank here. "The Sonrisa" has been on the run this week relieving ferry No. 5 iihich is being o&erhauted ~ ~ The L 0 B A of tyest Vancouvei'ill hold a dance in Ambit~ side Hnll at Tuesday, October 4th. Dnncing 9-1&L Refresh- ments ivifi be served. Barry's orchestra will be in nttemlance. ~ 1 ~ Dr. H. Perrin, is moving short- ly into the house next door'o that which he at present occu- pies at 19th an&I tyaterfront. ~ ~ ~ J. N. Larney, 17th and Gordon, left on Saturday for Jervis In- let. He was accompanied by S. M. Gilbert of North Vancouver an&i Captnin Gray of Vnncouver. ~ ~ ~ The Blue Dragon Inn at Iyhytecfiff has now closed for the winter months. ' ~ ~ Mr. and Airs. IV. R. Taylor, 21st and Marine Drive, have moved to Mrs. Logan's house, 18th and Marine Drive. ~ ~ Frederick Newman of Apton, California, with his wife and son, are expected here tomorrow coming by auto to visit his fath- er, F. Newman, an&i his sister, Mrs. Robbins of 28th and Marine Drive. The visitor, who is man- ager of the Norton-Thelps Lum- ber Co., has not seen his rela- tives for 10 years, and the tele- phone call from California a feiv days ago advising his family of the visit naturally gave much pleasurable anticipation. 1 1 Miss Frances Guinan, the well- known dancer, is now playing in New York in the chorus of "Mer- ry-Go-Round," a musical revue which, after running over two months, gives promise of mak- ing a hit. The revue is staged at the Sam H. Harris theatre, 42nd Street near Broadway. Miss Guinan is taking dancing lessons daily, and has been promised a part in the play in the immedi- ate future. It may be spring possibly before she is back in West Vancouver. 1 Mrs. Faram, 24th and Belle- vue, has left for the East with her two little nephews and will stay at Niagara Falls, Ontario, for the winter. Hospital Auxiliary The annual bridge party an&1 tea will be held in the K. P. Hall, 4th Street, on IVednesday, Oc- tober 19th. Further particulars will be given next week. Coffee defiy Soak two teaspoonfuls of granulated gelatine in half a cup of cokl wnter, nn&l dissolve in three cups of hot, strong coffee; add half a cup of sugnr nn&l stir until gelntine a&Bi sugar ni'e dis- solved. Stir several times while cooling, then turn into a moki to hnrden; serve with fonming crenm sauce. Soften n scant half n teaspoonful of gelatine in two tnblespoonful of cokl water, and let &lissolve by setting over the teakettle; mid one cup of cream from the top of the milk bottle, two tablespoonfuls of vanifia; mix thor&Highly and when col.l beat until frothy. Green Apple I'ie Five or six large tart npples, one cup sugar, one teaspoon but- ter, one-quarter teaspoon nut- meg, one-eighth teaspoon cinnn- mon. Plain pastry. Wash, pare anti cut apples into quarters. Itemove cores aml slice thin. Line pan with plain pastry and put apples into it. Pour silgai'ver them and &lot with bits of butter. Sprinkle ivith nutmeg aml cinnamon. Moisten edge of pastry, cover with n top crust, trim an&I press edges together. Prick top to nfiow steam to es- cape. Bake in a quick oven ten minutes. Reduce heat to mod- erate and bake thirty minutes. I'ickle Onions Remove with a knife the outer skins of small silver-skinned onions. Put the onions into brine.+ strong enough to bear up an egg and let them staiul for twenty- four hours. Drain thoroughly, place them in heated, sterelize&l jars and separate with thin lay- ers composed of horse radish, stick cinnamon, cloves and a few whole peppers. Pleat to the boil- ing point two quarts of vinegar and one pint of brown sugar. Simmer for eight minutes, then pour into the jars, filling them to overflowing. Seal as for canned fruit. Tomato Dumpling Put a quart of ripe tomatoes in a shallow dish, add seasoning of salt, pepper and a little but- ter. Cover an&1 let them get boil- ing hot. Meanwhile make a drop batter with two cups of flour, sifted, two teaspoons salt an&i sufficient water to make a bat- ter that will drop from a spoon. Drop it from a spoon on top of boiling tomatoes. Cover closely and steam for twenty minutes. Sene dumplings as a border a- round the tomatoes. 1 ~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rainey, 17th aml Haywood, have moved to a house in Kitsilano. R. Turner, 17th and Fulton, is moving into a house at 17th and Bellevue. 1 Mrs. Thomas O'Hearn enter- taine&l a number of her friends at tea at her home on 15th and Esquimalt on Thursday after- noon, 15th instant. Thos invited were Mrs. Stronge, Mrs. A. C. Nash, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Gemmifi, mrs. Wifiiamson, Mrs. Hilton, Mrs.O'Handley, Airs. Dan Grady, ibirs. V. O'rady, Mrs. Aiatheson, Airs. Johnson, Airs. K. A. Ray, AIrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Clark, AIrs. Forrest, Mrs. Sheasgreen. T ycompanies to become bigger and bigger and in so doing companies are rendering better and better service to the public. Vancouver and the lower mainland are served by five B.C. Electric power plants, while another is building. These diverse sources of power reduce almost to an impossibility the chance of a prolonged breakdown of power supply. Only in such large interlinked systems can the best and the cheapest service be rendered. gmmsn QI,UlvtlIM~KLKCTIIICRHIIWHFQ. VANCOOVSR VICTORIA S~cpt cn&b $h I iikiy I ld indy trsffic t "It n g &ante CCP ' N'bt N&e I a'[ CuI sc&nnd A jui bend « none t' sIseiu ACevi sand i' &nnn, 'nake Y Tbe bpldint «Iypt @Io&n& ,": dicstio RNO u voice I ence. fungi pbnl 4 +'cumg for Iic pbni friend The vegets tbnt ti be toli Shaw. Cler ~4htitc's &. „kins 4 1 AHa Chica& "Id 1 ed in I ing.s I sn \ I lad'n an( They wbyl Dui Cuu Dul been knew 'lye Scetcl a girl want& ment. the r marti forth . I'm throu "'$ under Pr& splenI ~ 'ellp Col s pr 4enriI Fe& II "- Fir nee n g )opt Papa jiiubb .g'- D, ~ the n SbI place He get a