Resampled001B6DD5 September 30, 1927. British Israel Association Branch Formed for West Van- couvev' branch of the British Israel World Federation has been org- anised in IVest Vancouver, the executive being: Hon.-President--Mr. J. D. Tait. President--itir. John Lawson Vice-President--Mr. Partington Sec.-Treasurer--Mr. Crickmay Librarian--Mr. H. G. Ware. The meetings are to be held every first and third IVednesday in each month in the Ambleside Hall commencing at 8 p. m. The membership fee is twenty-five cents per year. These meetings are of wonderful interest, and every resident in the municipal- ity is accorded a cordial invita- tion to all the meet'ings. Ladies B. I. Auxiliat~ prayer meeting will be held IVednesday afternoon at 3 o'lock at the home of Mrs. Cornish, corner 16th and Gordon. Everybody welcome. THE WEST VAN NEWS PROFESSOR BUCK GIVES TALK ON GARDENS AND GARDENING The lecture given last Tues- day, under the auspices of the West Vancouver Agricultural and Horticultural Association by Professor Buck was very well attended and showed unmistak- ably how great an interest is be- ing taken by West Vancouver citizens in "Gardens and Gard- ening." The good work being done by this association was rec- ognized by those present and the interest with which Professor Buck's remarks were listened to. It was a very able address and much useful information was ob- tained by those present. Profes- sor Buck has the happy knack of presenting his subject and his fund of knowledge in an int- eresting manner. Sincerity Is the keynote of advertising. Misleading ads. ara wovsa than useless. Oav Store is truly "THE STORE OF SERVICE." Call up West 87 the next time you want anything from thc Drug Store aad note how promptly it will be delivered at your door. Call us up if you need any information and you'l be answ- crcd courteously aad to the best of our ability. We'e maintain- ed this service for West Vaa. people for seven years now. "The Store of Service" WEST VAN PHARMACY Phone West 37. Night Calls -- Emergency only--West 821. Mr. and Mrs. Leppard, 19th and Bellevue, have moved into a house at 21st and Marine Drive. COUNCIL PASSES RESOLUTION REGARD- ING ROAD BY-LAW In connection with the much discussed proposal to place be- fore the public a by-law for wid- ening Marine Drive and building a new bridge over the Capilano, the following resolution has been passed by the council: "That, provided the Provinci--'~ al Government authorities can~e satisfied as to estimates, eng- ineering supervision, quantities and price generally, this council stands in favor of submitting by- law to people for a sum equal to one-half the amount it will cost (including a new bridge over Capilano River according to plans already submitted) to wid- en and hard surface Marine Drive from Mile 1 to Mile 12 in- clusive. A motion was also passed that the Reeve and Chairman of the Board of Works be authorised to interview George S. Hanes and obtain from him his views on widening and surfacing Marine Drive from Mile 1 to Mile 12. Before a large gathering of the North Shore Canadian Club, E. J. Pratt of the University of. Toronto, delivered a stirring ad- dress on Wednesday evening at the If. P. Hall, North Vancouver. It is not too much to say that hisaudience was not only intense- ly appreciative, but at times was thrilled. Mr. Pratt gave several recitations from his own pen, and his interpretations were exquisite in their rendering. Himself a son of Newfound- land and possessing a magnetic personality, he showed complete mastery of the romance and his- tory of that sea-girt island. Every human emotion, pathos, tragedy and humor, finds a place in Mr. Pratt's works, and every verse not only rings with the song of the sea, but breathes the spirit of those whose business is found among the fog banks and ice floes of Newfoundland waters. It is certain that Mr. Pratt's verse is a valuable contribution in the field of New World poetry and literature has been much en- riched thereby. The speaker, who is the first man of prominence touring under the auspices of the Can- adian Clubs to address the North Shore branch, was introduced by the president, J. B. Leyland. Announcement TO THE PUBLIC OF WEST VANCOUVER In announcing the opening of the new building at the corner of 14th Street and Marine Drive, in which will be located our new office, I wish Io advise the public of West Vancouver that I shall take personal charge of the office from that date, and will devote nly time and attention specially to the West Van- couver business. I would also take this opportunity of thanking my friends and clients for the happy associations--both business and personal--which I have enjoyed and which have stood the test of time, even through the pioneer days. The future of West Vancouver looks very bright. My own confidence is expressed in the conslruclion of this new build- ing. Having been closely associated vvilh the affairs of IVest Vancouver since 1912, and therefore acquainted with the vari- ous stages of its development, and with present day values, my office is well equipped lo give reliable service in all branches of the real estele business. This experience is at vour service either for valuation, buying, selling, renting, building loans or notary work. You will be welcome io call at this office at all times for information, whether you come as clients or not. The reorganisation of the business means better office equipment; and the desire of myself and my associates is to merit confidence and render acceptable service. We will still have the connection wilh the city office, and will work through it for business requiring Vancouver silen- t ion. I, and my associates, extend a cordial invitation io the public generally lo call upon us in our new office, and assure you that any business you care io put through us will receive conscientious attention. GF.O. HAY. The West Vancouver branch of the Women'8 Benefit Associa- tion is giving a progressive whist drive at Ambleside Hall on Wed- nesday, October 12th, at 8.15 p. m. sharp. There will be good prizes and refreshments. Tick- ets 50 cents each. Remember the date, Wednesday, October 12th. A. F. Valentine of the Canadi- an Window Bakeries, Marine Drive at 14th, has purchased the newly built house at 11th and Esqiumalt from Mr. King. Mr. Valentine with his wife and daughter will take up residence there next Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Valentine have been living in North Vancouver, and had been trying to sell their house there ever since coming to West Vancouver. Now that they have disposed of it, they are happy to be able to live here in closer con- nection with their business and the friends they have niade since coming to West Vancouver. Mrs. F. X. Hodgson will pre- sent her vocal pupils in recital at Dundarave Hall on Friday, November 18th. The proceeds will be in aid of the building fund of St. Stephen's Church. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Willsher, "the Lilacs," Dundarave, enter- tained last Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Brenda Wad- dell of England, who are making a world tour. The rooms were prettily decorated with autumn flowers and roses, and music and dancing was enjoyed. The vis- itors are the parents of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Webb of Altamont. a Dr. F. E. Dorchester lectured in Hotel Vancouver ballroom yes- terday evening on "The Com- monsense of Health." He dealt with the fundamental factors underlying man's health and ef- ficiency. Owing to the interest shown by the public in matters of food and body activity in re- lation to health,.Dr. Dorchester had been requested to give this lecture. West Vancouver has still "growing" weather. Frederick Searle, 29th and Mathers, is picking large strawberries in his garden and has a healthy second crop of beans and peas well on the way. Mr. and Mrs. Foran, who have been occupying one of the Ley- land cottages at 29th and Belle- vue, have left for the city. s ~ A smalll fire broke out on Tues- day in the roof of Frank Guin- an's house at 25th and DIathers. Only slight damage was done, it not being necessary to call on the fire brigade for assistance. Mr. and Mrs, T. C. Clark, 31st aml Waterfront, have moved to the city. North Shore Canadian Club w. B. A. To GIvE WHIST DRIVE v ~ ~ MORE POWER, MORE QUALITY IN THIS LOCAL PRODUCT BECAUSE of its purity. P. Q. Gas gives more power aad is therefore more economicaL Note its crystal clearness in the P. Q. Visible Pump. P. Q. Gas is 100 pcr cent pure--all corrosive compounds aad other foreign matter are eliminated by the special fractioaatiag process. Fill up with P. Q. Gas and watch results. Fill up at these NORTH VANCOUVER Foreman's Garage-- Esplanade East Loasdale 61otors- 15th and Lonsdale North Shore Garage-- First St., West Reliable Service Station-- Third St. S Forbes Ave. N. Shore Stations IVEST VAiVCOUVER Ed. Black- 25th Avc. dt Marine Drive Ivcst Vancouver Gavago- Amblesldc. SECOiVD NARROWS Bastard Service Station-- Second Narrows Bridge. Of the industrial workers of British Columbia, 3346 work less than 44 hours psr week, 25,115 work 44 hours weekly, 66,079 work 48 hours pcr week, 16,988 from 48 to 60 hours. and the balanca, 3686 work 60 hours or more per week. MOTHERS For IVest Vancouver Properties see SAVORY DUVAL Come occasionally yourselves attd sec the large variety of REAL HohIE-51ADE 61EAT aad FRUIT PIES, CAKES, PASTRIES BUNS, Etc. in our store. (We make them fresh every day). Then you can send the "kiddies" along with your orders. They will be as carefully served as if you coma yourselves. MRS. DRAPER 8 SON 2435 5IARINE DRIVE Next Duadarave HalL Note Phone: West 366 l429 Marine Drive Phone Wvsl 340 Specializing in West Vancouver WEST VAN RESTAURANT 1421 blarlae Drive at 14th St. Phone Wast 611-0 Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker lI Jeweller Marine Drive Between 14th and 15th. T. WALSH Pailltillg in all ita branches Phone: West 604-0 Clachaa Hotel Pearce's Drygoods 14th aad Marine Phone West 144 Window Blinds and Awninia ESTnllaTES FREE I'ITNAN BUSINESS COLLE(tE DAY and NIGHT SCHOOI, You will receive intensive indi- vidual training. 4 2 2 Richards St. Phone Soy. 9135. Cor. Hastings LADIES HAIRCIJTTING aad SHINGLING, any Style HOLLYBUIIN BAIIBER SHOP 26 years experience WM. NEIVBY Prop. HARRON BROS. Sc WILL IAittl SON funeral QIrectnrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 IVest Sixth Street Phone Vorth 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Produced in North Vancouver by the VANCOUVER OIL CO. LTD. An All-British Columbia Concern