Resampled001B6DD5 SPKCIALS This Week Am r esit e .um)er Co. Marine Drive at 16th St. West 199 Hollyburn Theatre Open hioaday, Wednesday Friday aad Saturday Admission zsc aad lsc. Friday aud Saturday September 30 and October 1st. The Thief of Bagdad DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS Monday and Wednesday October 3rd and S&h. "Poker Faces" I AURA LA PLA.ITE Enjoy a Game of BILLIARDS at, CHET SHIELDS IITH STREET right at Railway Crossing TOBACCO CONFECTIOiNERY "Tiddles," a nine-months-old black and white kitten belonging to Mr. F. D. Davies of Farnham, toddled off one fine morning five years ago and did not return. It was mourned for a time, then forgotten. But the other day a black and u&hite cat, hungry and tired-looking, appeared at the door of the old home, and showed by a display of the little tricks learned in kittenhood that --it was Tiddles. In a Parliament Hill Fields cricket match a fieldsman, run- ning for a catch, caught two balls, the second having been hit by a batsman on an adjoin- ing pitch. The Phantom Pool of Kenfig, the largest fresh-water lake in South Wales, has moved nearly half a mile towards Kenfig Hill in the last ten years. At this rate it will take less than forty years for it to reach the nearest village. LESAGE DRUG STORE jIIOVES TO NEIV STORE AIONDAY The Lesage Drug Store will move this week end to the new store at the corner of Marine and 14th--the neiv building just erected for Air. Geo. Hay. In an interview with Nr. Lesage, the proprietor, and Mr. George Reid, the manager. they inform- ed us that it is their intention to carry an even &rider range of goods in the new store than was possible in the old one. Custom- ers will be served from the new store on AIonday. L. iAIiller, a former IVest Van- couver resident, but now of Van- couver, was a visitor in the dis- trict on IVednesday. o ihfrs. Hastings of "Bonnie Doone," Marine Drive, has re- turned from a short visit to Cali- fornia. 1V. Cameron has rented the Hopkins'ottage on 24th Street for the winter. AIr. and Airs. Allen, 28th and Bellevue, are moving back to Vancouver. o o v The float at Dundarave Pier has ben towed back to Eagle Harbour, where it will remain until next spring. i o A. P. Maxwell, who recently moved over to the city for the winter, visited Dundarave Wed- nesday. i o ~'Ir.Scott, 24th and Haywood, moved on IVednesday to Vancou- ver. o Afrs. IVilliamson, who has been occupying the Campbell cottage on 23rd and Heywood, left today to reside in the city. AIiss Marjory IVoodward ent- ertained at the tea hour at her home on Haywood Avenue on Sunday afternoon. The guests included Ãr. and Mrs. R. H. IVhiting, AIiss Doro- thy Lamb, Miss Beryl Dickinson, isfiss Audrey Dickinson, Miss iVicola Hutchinson, Miss Violet Hicks, AIiss Lucie Clegg, Miss Vera Calland, isfiss Barbara Cal- land, Miss Dorothy Findley, Miss Dorothea Sweeny, iAIr. IV. Wilk- inson, Mr. Douglas AfcKeddic, AIr. Tom Hutchison, Nr. Elder- ton, Mr. Buster IVoodward an&i Mr. Duncan Rose. VERNON FEED FUEL, FEED, STORE Phone bVest 9 CEMENT, ETC. lx8 No. 3 Fir Shiplnp.............310.00 per AI. Ix8 and 10 No. 2 Fir Shiplap 318.00 1x6 Ceiling and Flooring..... 312.00 No. I and 2 E. G. Ix3 Flooring 366,00 No. 1 and 2 E. G. 1x4 Flooring 350.00 Ix4 Good Crade Flooring........ 318.00 1x3 Good Grade Flooring........ 318.00 and other Specials. See us first. Window Glass in All Sizes carried in stock. THE IVEST VAiV NEIVS Tom Lipstone, who has been visiting his cousin, Captain Roy Barry. 12th and Duchess, has gone to Nanaimo. o v ~ Harry Farr. of the West Van. Garage, ivho has been indisposed for a day or two, has sufficiently recovered to be able to be back in his office. ~ ~ ~ ihir. and Nrs. Aiilner. 14th anil Bellevue, are moving to a house at 16th and Esquimalt. ~ ~ ~ N. V. Collins hns been appoint- ed in charge of the sale of elec- tric appliances for the B. C. Elec- tric Co., for the whole of the iVorth Shore west of Lonsdale Avenue. ~ ~ Captain and Airs. Roy Barry who have been living at 12th an&i Duchess, are moving to 23rd and Marine Drive. o v ~ Aiessrs. Newman and Robbins, builders and contractors, have moved from 29th and Nathers to their own house at 28th an&i Marine Drive. ~ o iAIiss Leona Taylor has return- ed to Crescent Beach after spend- ing a week's vacation here, the guest of Mr. encl Nrs. IV. R. Taylor, 21st and Marine Drive. AIr. and Nrs. E. IV. Harring- ton of Vancouver, have rented one of the Lambe cottages, 19th and Bellevue. AIrs. Johnston, 14th and Wat- erfront, who has been in hospit- al for a few days, is now able to be around again. Mr. and Mrs. Hailstone, Esqui- malt and 12th, are moving into the Bones cottage on Duchess near 13th Street. o The Naomi Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold their dance in the Hollyburn Pavilion on Thursday, October 6th, in- stead of on the date previously announced. Mr. Henningsen of Vancouver is moving in a few days into his house at 21st and Fulton. o o Stanley Jones, Cypress Park, wrote the council asking that the road in front of his propeidy be gravelled. The matter was referred to the municipal engin- eer. o o The council has adviesed the Goods Roads League of B. C. that Reeve Vinson, Councillor Ray, and the Municipal Clerk. have been appointed as the West Vancouver representatives at their convention in Nanaimo on 17th October. Miss Gwen Hodge has retumi- ed to her duties on the B. C. Telephone staff here after a short absence due to sickness. o o o Mr. and Mrs. Grant are visii,- ing their daughter, Mrs. Jupp„ 20th and Inglewood. C. Wa&ldingham, Fulton and Marine, has left for Seattle. o ~ AIrs. F. X. Hodgson has ar- ranged for a concert at Dundar- ave Hall on Tuesday, October 25th in aid of the Orange Home for Children at New Westmin- ster. The programme will con- sist entirely of city talent, a- mong them the Routledge-Smith quartette, who have appeared here before on several occasions at St. Stephen's Church. Lace curtains hang much bet- ter if placed on rods before they are thoroughly dry. ihirs. B. L. Gemmill of Pilot ihiound, is paying an extendeil visit to her son an&I &inughter- in-law, Mr. nnd ihlrs. George Gemmill, 16th an&I Esquimalt. ~ ~ Nr. nml Airs. I'enn an&i family, 19th an&i Bellevue, have return- e&l to the city. ~ ~ ~ Air. and ihlrs. R. Aince an&i family, 17th nnd Clyile, nre mov- ing to Vancouver. ~ ~ ~ Oscar Lynn, 27th anil Belle- vue, an&I Harry Atkins, 18th nncl Aiarine Drive, have returned from n trip to IVilliams Lake. ~ ~ ~ Miss Gallop an&I ihiiss Har- rington, who have been spencling the summer living nt 24th Street aml Bellevue, have returned to Vancouver o ~ ~ Airs. IV. Simpson, 17th and Duchess, who recently umler- went an operation, has returned to her home from the hospital and is doing as well as can be expected. ~ ~ A meeting was held on Friday night at which it was decided to form a West Vancouver football league composed of teams from the Pauline Johnson an&1 Holly- burn Schools and probably a team from the first year scholars of the high school. ~ o ~'ir.and Airs. Brumlrett, 26th and Lawson, moved on Tuesday to Vancouver. c F. H. Cooper is building a cot- tage on Mathers Avenue, east of 22nd Street. AIr an&1 Mrs Stephen and son of Vancouver are moving into the Morris house at 24th and Bellevue Mrs. Wells of West Bay, has moved to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Davidson and family, who have been spen&ling the summer at Caul- feild, have returned to their home on Matthews Avenue, Shaughnessy Heights. Mr. and Nrs. Frank Vyvyan, 17th and Fulton, have moved into a house on East Beach. POKER FACES AT HOLLYBURN THEATRE NEXT bVEEK A special treat is m store for patrons of the Hollyburn thea- tre when "Poker Faces," a Uni- versal Jewel co-starring Laura La Plante and Edward Everett Horton appears next Monday and IVednesday. The story is done in the ini- mitable style of the director, Harry Pollard, credited with be- ing one of the greatest comedy directors of the motion picture industry. Laura La Plante aml AIr. Hor- ton are both well known for their leading roles in pictures in the lighter vein and a combination of two such laugh imlucers as- sure an unusually uproariously jolly time here when the picture is shown. The story is from the pen of Edgar Franklin and was turned into a photoplay by Mel Brown, an experienced scenarist who has adapted many of Reginald Denny's pictures for the screen. In the supporting cast of this happy presentation of the maze oi'ircumstances that can be built up about city life are George Siegmann, Tom Ricketts, Tom O'rien and Leon Holmes. PERSONALS September 30, 1927. "The Best Procurable" That s whnt you get ii hen you deal here Our first concern ls oui i eputai ion and I oui sntIsfaction finality is not sacrificed for price in this store. The Store «iih n Riputntion GreenWOOd'S GROCERY We deliver West 16 EsinhlLshed over G I'& Years C. J. OVERINCTON 14th nnd Aiarine BARBER For tho coavcaicoco of tho iadica of &ho Dia&rict I have had the telephone installed PHONE WEST I,'15 aad make an appoiotmcnt. People Will Talk It's as easy to make a bad name for yourself as it ia Io make a good one, '&Vhon people aro pleased with, the Laundry they deal with they just keep on tciiing their friends. s Aod that's exactly why wo have ao very many thoroughly aa&iaficd~ customers. The Burrard Laundry Limited For People Ivho Are Particular TIIIRD ST. aad ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. bVest Van Representative F. RIVERS Phone IVest 457Y3. %Vhen Did You Paint Last? ~cm:~~m Houses in this district painted with Ayres Paints usually deceive strangers who find it diffu.ult to be lieve a three year ol&l job was not done last year. This store recommemis Ayres Paint because it is made right here in Vancou- ver to'suit our climate. R. SEEDS General Aierchants Hardware Paint Macine Drive, Ambleside Phone IVest 28 IONO-0- TONE 115 I iftcenih Street bb«sl NORTII VAN&:OUVRIC Fiom 1 to 9 I M Moro&ago by appoiotmcot. Phone North 1082X Jordan is the name of the well- known sacred river of I'ulestine. It rises in the north among the foothills of the Lebanon Moun- tains, and flowing southward in a very sinuous course, passes through the Sea of Galilee or Tiiierias, reaches the Den&I Sea, which is 131G feet below the level of the Afe&literranean Sea. The length of the River Jordan is 120 miles. Iemia 5~cut llIjI[$ll hl B&uoc" & brsi ttoild,'Lmd ' Uiiii ezccupre IIou: 'rshies Vice prc ~ &very fu iu ouch Roll 'o" mumbo& &outs tu sm oi tve&I P lt)'I tlou to ladi& meetiui sile&so home & 15th u wolcom IIr. sud B~ 3 hou'rive. CUUX RE'u I diicua fore tl euiug'. s new the fol passed '"rli ~+ al Goi . ~ .be oatl iucorii all&i pl stands lsw to one.ha (iucluc Capila plans i en au Drive clusiv& Au the Ri Board iuterv obtain wideui Drive of I new I ah will COUl l Uud peri ol 6 conf lug, oiia i oiik "I il vithi nota lime 'I a&I Uii «'ill iios, I, pubfi youl Casa&