Resampled001B6DD5 Come in and see our goodc, and get our prices. Then you &vill realise that it pays to buy at Grigor's. IVe are in business to please you. To give you what you want and at a fair price. Dry Goods, Ladies'Vear. Children's Garments glen's Furnishings Grigor'8 Dry Goods Store 1460 Marine Drive TOYS and Orders Tnken Ior NOVELTIES Hemstitching. H. PERRIN, R.o. OPTOhlETRIST aad OPTICIAN Wednesdays from 2 p. m. Every Evening from 7 p.m. Royal Bank Bldg. Hoiiybuvu R. B LOX HAM MASON, CONTRACTOR Spcciaityi--Fireplaces aud Tile Mantcic, Sinks, ctc. Phone: 1Vcct &97. J. M. Morgan Phono 1Vcst 173 WEST VANCOVVER Teacher of Voice Production and Singing VANCOUVER STUDIO Phone Seymour 101 Order your Bread from Strat ton's It is made from the best and purest ingredients that money can buy. Baked to perfection in Hygienic Bak- eries. Healthful and nour- ishing for every member of the family. Bread, Rolls and Pastries. Phono West 27 and our delivery man will calL STRATTON'S BAKERY Amblenide Tea Rooms Ferry Whavf WEST VANCOUVER Camp aud Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, atm A pessimist is a man who bur- ies the hatchet of enmity, bu? carefully oils it to keep it from getting rusty, and also keeps a spade to dig it up. St. Stephen's Church Trinity 16 (October 2nd.) 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.15 a. m.--Holy Communion 4 p. m.--Holy Baptism. 7.16 p. m.--Evensong. The monthly meeting of the Church committee will be held next Tuesday night in the Par- ish Hall at 8 o'lock. The St. Stephen's branch of the Anglican Young People' Association, organized for its second year's work on Tuesday'ightat a &veil-attended meet- ing. The programme and ob- jectives of the branch were dis- cussed and the following officers elected: President, Mr. IVilfred Hawkes; Vice-President, Mr. Vernon Lester; Secretary-Treas- urer, Mr. Ken Garland; Execu- tive Committee, the Misses S. Chapman, N. H. Cornish and I. Miles; Representatives on Local Council, &61essrs. E. Grout and C. Chapman. The Sunday School has enter- ed a team in the Junior A Div- ision of the Sunday School Foot- ball League of Greater Vancou- ver. The annual harvest supper on Monday night was a great suc- cess, Ambleside Hall being crowded throughout the evening. After supper community sing- ing was indulged in, and the short musical programme which followed was much appreciated by the audience. Vocal selec- tions were rendered by Mrs. W. L. Berry, J. H. Smith and Major Lester, a violin so!0 by Mrs. Knight Hodge, and Peggy Bark- er and Marjorie Rivers gave fancy dancing in costume. Dur- ing supper Mrs. Knight Hodge on the violin with lairs. A. L. Grout accompanying gave a number of solos. Mrs. A. L. Grout also was the accompanist for the community singing. United Church "I was just about to propose-- "This is so sudden." "That we take a ride--" "I just adore motoring." "when the weather gets warm- er." THE The regular meeting of the IVomen'0 Association of the Un- ited Church will be held in the church hall next Tuesday after- noon. October 4th, at 2.15. The president, Mrs. D. C. Ritchie, will speak on "The IVatchers." &'Ht&R&'H EDIFICE 20th aud Evuuimait, Hoiiybuvu Sunday Service at 11.30 a. m. Subject October 2n&l "UNREALITY" Sunday School at 10.00 ~ . m. Testimony Meeting ovary 1Vcd- nccday at 0.16 p, m. British Israel Association of Went Vancouver Witt meet Next IVednesdny (Oct. 5th) at 6 P. hi. in the New Ambleside Hall Corner Itth aad hi»viue Drive Speaker: Mr. Percy King Subject: "1Vhy Should One Become a hlcmbcv of the British Israel World Federation." You are welcome. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.80 p.m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a.m. High Mass, 10.30 a.m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a. m. SCOTTISH SOCIETY TO HOLD CINDERELLA DANCE Invitations have been issued by the West Vancouver Scottish Society for a Cinderella Dance to be held in Hollyburn Pavilion on Saturday evening, October 15th. Dancing 8 to 12. There will also be card games for those who pre- fer it. The Scotch people of West Vancouver have the repu- tation of being very fine hosts and hard workers for any task they undertake, so judging from past experience one can be sure that this Cinderella Dance will be a big success and a pleasant evening for those attending. A good orchestra has been arrang- ed for and refreshments will bc served. Mrs. J. D. A. Tripp was the hostess of a large at home yes- terday afternoon at her resid- ence, Point Grey Road, assisted by her daughter, Miss Elizabeth Tripp, who on the occasion made her formal entrance into society. Pink dahlias were used for the floral decoration in the hall and reception rooms, and the tea table was effectively centred with clusters of pale pink asters, maiden hair and asparagus fern in green glass bowls, and pale pink tapers in low green glass candlesticks. THE WEST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUVER The Store for Dry Goods September qft PROTECT YOUR BUILDINGS High School Notes Trouble-Saving Ideas HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ASSN. ELECT OFFICERS The West Vancouver High School Students Association held their annual election of officers last Friday. The results of the election were as follows: President--John Allan, Grade 11. Sec. Treasurer--Robert Blox- ham, Grade 11. 1st Vice-President -- Murray Watson, Grade 10. 2nd Vice-President -- James McGeachean, Grade 9. 3rd Vice-President -- George Gray, 2nd year Commercial. 4th Vice-President -- Alee. Grieve, 1st year Commercial. The new officers are preparing a list of debates 2nd entertain- ments for their Friday afternoon sessions. Spices, including pepper, shoul&l be kept in tins with tight- ly-fitting hds. Velvet can be cleaned by rub- bing with a cloth dipped in pow&l- ered magnesia. Finger nails that are inclined to be brittle should be soaked oc casionally in olive oil Gilt frames may be cleane&l with warm water to which little ammonia has been added. Silk handkerchiefs and rib- ~ bons should be washed in salt and Water, and ironed while wet. 'Two or three stalks of celery boiled with cabbage improve the flavor and lessen the disagree- able odor of cooking. IVhen cleaning knives add a little bicarbonate of soda to the cleansing powder. This helps to remove stains.The students have startedpractising both kinds of football. On Tuesday a soccer practice was held on the Hollyburn school grounds. An endeavor is being made to get a rugby team to- gether, and a game was played on Thursday afternoon at Amble- side Park. Vinegar will keep flies off wmdows and mirrors Spnnkle a few drops on the wash leath- er. Pull stockings into shape while still damp; they will last longer if they are not ironed. If new-laid eggs are placed for one minute in boiling water they will keep fresh for a longer time. COUNCILLOR POSTPONES TRIP FOR A FEIV DAYS Councillor K. A. Ray who had intended leaving today on his European trip has postponed his departure for a few days in ord- er to be on hand for develop- ments regarding the Road and Bridge By-law. Two ounces of fuller's earth boiled 1n half a pint of vlnegal and the Iuice of three omons is splemlid for removing seor&'h marks fiom hnen Women's Benefit Association of West Van will give a PROGRESSIVE WHIST DRIVE at AMBLESIDE HALL on Wednesday October 12th. at 8.16 p. m. shaiqx Good Prizes and Refreshments. Tickets 50c ench I'nint will preserve nnd Im- prove Your I'roperty. The I'aint thnt costs the lenst ls 'the Paint that covers the grentest surf&tv~that takes the shortest time to npply-- that wears the longest. hlnrtin-Senour"100'&Pure" Paint does nil three. Here's the proofPure" Paint covers 900 square foot of surfnee per gallon Ran&I-mixed-lead-and-oil, encl chenp prepnred paints, cover only about 600 square feet. The greatest cost of painting is for Inbor. It takes less time to apply Martin-Senour "100'J pure" I'nint becnuse its fine, even texture spreads much easier. IVhy use cheap paint--thnt is expensive to put on--whenMartin-Senour "100'jb Pure" Paint wears nearly twice ns long 7 Distributors for West Vancouver Hollyburn General Store (Hooper and Son) 17th and Marine WE DELIVER I'hone IVest 46 gcptei Tgdl &(&& by bf thc & cack »hcs vchicl br(dr en e&'6&on hon,t I gfide over of lsi «8 quaff mcfs cY ed al maid II Y III As' Tbsi Ph lVest Van Neios Published Every Friday H. HODGSON aud F.F.LOVEGROVE Pabiichcvc Phones: IVest 412LWest 363 Buciaccc aud Editorial Oflice: 1361 hfaviua Drive Rail Address: P. O. Box 101, Holi&.bura, B. C. 21.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands Sc pcv copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION IVEST VANCOUVER BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES WANTED -- Night School Teacher in Shorthand and Typewriting. Applications will be received by the undersigned, up to and including Tuesday, October 4th, for the position of In- structor in Shorthand and Typewriting for the Night School Class which starts Tuesday, October 11th. All applications to be addressed to H. B. GARLAND, Secretary Board of School Trustees. P O. Box 231 Hollyburn %Ve have now installed the New American Sole Sewing Machine This is the latest and most up-to-date machine on the market for sewing soles on Shoes. Come in and see it working or, better still, send your shoes to be repaired on this machine. TITE'S NU-WAY SHOE REPAIR Yates Block -- hlarine Drive -- Amblesidc