Resampled001B6DD5 Are Fish Affected RED AND WHITE CHAIN STORES Friday and Saturday Specials by Earth Vibrations The fishing industry an&i gov- ernment experts generally are puzzled over the shortage of the salmon run this year. The short- nge is general, extemling from ) Uget Sou&id 'to Alsisk&lsi &eaters. Practically nothing in nny case. is known of the movements and life of the salmon in the sea, ivhere moat of its existence is spent, because science knows very little about sea life of any kin&I nor of the land ivhich forms the sea floor. Our hydrographers have charted our coasts and is- lands an&I any shoals orrocks ivhich are n menace to nnviga- tion. All this, hoivever, concerns shallow water. The great depths which lie beneath the greater part of earth's oceans remain shrouded in as great a gloom so far as science is concerned, as exists in those tremendous chasms. The oceans cover the largest part of the earth's sur- face. IVe know that some parts of the ocean floor are higher and some lower, that mountain rang. es and continents lie submerged there. IVe have dredged up in nets some of the denizens of the lower depths, ivhose natural phosphoresence or body lights has revealed to us the profound gloom that prevails where they pass their lives. This and the knowledge that submarine vol- canoes exist and submarine earthquakes at times take place resulting in tidal waves is all that science can so far tell us. It is a very little, and the enormous water pressure is likely to pre- vent us for all time from ever increasing our present knoiv- ledge to any appreciable extent. The earth during the past three or four years has suffered from earthquakes to an unpre- cedented extent. Many of them have occurred in civilised lands, and in some cases our instru- ments have located them as be- ing in the savage places of the earth. Recently, however, there occurred a local disturbance a- round Vancouver which, while certainly not an earthquake, re- mains still a mystery. That it was of considerable force is prov- ed by the area that was affected. The indications point to a sub- terranean explosion of some kind in the gulf, but of insufficient force to raise a tidal wave. Is it not possible that it may have something to do with the short- age of the salmon run this year At any rate in Puget Sound? The mere fact that only a few years ago a French scientist proved by a series of experiments that fish were peculiarly sensitive to vi- brations in the water would give some color to such an explana- tion. MACINTOSH APPLES.. 4 Ibz BUTTER. NE&V ZEALAND, or FINEST AI BERTA .. 8 n;. for WHIZ HAND SOAI', Full Size Tiu........................... Per Tiu AYLMER SOUP. au kinds.. RED CUTLET SALAION, &a'e, splendid quality PURE RASPBERRY JA61, Full 4 lb. Tiu IVESTFRN BROohIS. 6 string, big value....... Fmrh SHRE1&DED WHEAT ................................... Pk&. QUICK QUAKER OATS, large package ROYAL C'ITY PEAS, Fine flavor. Sieve 4 .............Tiu DEL hIONTE PRUh'FS, good .Iae .....................8 Iba. DEL MOLTE PRUNES, en&ra fenny large ........ Per lb. 25c eiom ise ue 16&so 49e a9e ine 26c 17!'so 26c lae Smith 's Grocery VVe Deliver A. HAItVEY ShuTH, I'rop. 24th AND alxytINE, Opp. Duadasaze Ball. Phone WFCT 469 COOKING SCHOOL RECII'ES The recipes promised for this &reek ha&i to be held over. They &vill be in next iveek's issue.Roberts'etter GENERAL SUTTON PLANS RAILIVAY TO PEACE RIVER TO CONNECT IVITH P. G. E.Meats 14th and Marine West 190 General F. A. Sutton, late Master of the O&vlnance to the Chinese Northern War Lord, has only been in Vancouver a few months, but in that short time he has already made several large investments in Vancouver and other parts of B. C. His most recent large purchase ivas the Rogers building on Granville Street. He now has a plan for building a raihvay into the Peace River country to connect ivith the P. G. E. Raihvay, his idea being to construct a line from Peace River Crossing to Quesnel. He has purchased a Fokker air- plane and intends to use it for air surveys in the interior with a view to selecting the best route for the proposed raihvay. He believes he can secure sufficient English capital to build the line. General Sutton is a civil engin- eer, and previous to the war was engaged in the construction of many miles of railway in the Argentine. He ivas formerly connected with one of the largest British engineering firms, who undertake large construction work all over the world. Where Service and Quality Count WE DELIVER 9:30--East 25th Only 11130--from Capilano to Caulfeild 3:30-- East 25th Only SATURDAY Ocr. 1st. NEW ZEALAND BUTTER 3 Iba $ 1.35 EGGS--BABY EXTRAS 2 dozen 52e Cambridge Sausage 2 lbs. 25e Pure Beef Dripping.... 2 Iba. 25e Ayvzbsre Baeou, sliced, Ib 35o Cottage Ham, Boneless, by the piece, per Ib... 32e Cottage Hame, Boneless, Sliced. per Ib.......... 35e ROASTING, BOILING AND FRYING CHICKEN Pork Oven Roast, Ib . 27e Stewing Veal, Ib .. 15c Veal Oven Roast, lb. from 20e No. I STEER BEEF-- Boiling Beef, per Iblpe m lze Pot Roast, per Ib .... 12e dh 15c Rolled Rib Oven Roast, Ib 25e PRUNES, per crate...=. $ 1.00 Tomatoes, Field, per Ib = Ipe GRAPE FRUIT....... 4 for 2S« APPLES--COOKING aud EAT-ING...... 5 lbs. 25e GARAGE REPAIR SHOP CHANGES HANDS We have been informed that H. E. Innes-Ker, formerly with the Marine Motors, is taking over the repair shop of the West Van Garage from 1st October. Harry Farr, who is troubled with recurrent aftereffects of the war will operate the gas pump and the accessories part of the busi- ness himself, having found that running the whole of the busi- ness militated against his full recovery. 5IONDAY Stewing Beef, Boneless 2 Iba. 25e Pare Pork Sauaageu, zeg. 30e lb. for ..... 25e lb. TUESDAY Stewing Steak, pez lb.......... 15e Shamrock Pure Lard. 2 Iba 45eIb.... 25e First Sailor: "How do you like life in the navy? Quite a few turns for a'ellow to get used to, aren't there?" Second Sailor: "I should say so. At night vou turn in, and just as you are about to turn over somebody turns up and shouts, 'Turn out!' WEDNESDAY Cambridge Sausage, pev Ib Iue Beef Dripping ..... 2 Ibu. 25e THE RSDAY Corned Beef. Boneless 4 lbs. Sue Cooke&1 ...„.......2 lbs. 45e B. C. is third in the Dominion of Canada as regards the number, eapi- &at invested. values of production, amount of payroll, and variety of manufactured articles produced. FRIDAY Loggie Haddie, per lb... Iso EGG SALAD Six hard-boiled eggs, t&vo sar- dines minced, one pickle, salt, pepper, one-quarter teaspoon mustard. Vinegar to moisten. Cut eggs in halves and remove yolks. Rub yolks to paste with fork and add other ingredients. Beat well and refill halved whites. Serve on cabbage or lettuce le ves and garnish with radishes or sliced beets. A spoon- ful of mayonnaise or boiled dressing may be served at the side, or the drhssing may be passed. Two slices of dried beef may be minced and used instead of sardines. The firms engaged in manufacturing paint in B. C. pay ou& $ 192,000 each year in wages aud salaries. They employ about 100 wage earners. CLASSES commence in each of the subjects on Tuesday, Octob- er 11th, starting at 7.30 p. m. IVEST VANCOUVER BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES Night Classes will be held as follows: Manual Training at the I'auline Johnson School Shorthand and Typewriting and Dressmaking at the New School on Inglewood Avenue. FEES-- (payable on enrolment) hianual Training, $ 10 for the season. Each of the other classes $7 for the season. Phone Your Order West & JEFFER|ES MEAT MARKET I'BONE IVEST 8 CLOSED THURSDAY AT I O'LOCK WE 1)SLIVER LUMBER~ Prices are reduced Iu all grndou from $3.00 &o $&1.00 per M. Take adeem&age of the peeaen& low pzleea aml au&in&pate future needs. High Quality Lumber is Cheapest in the end. West Vancouver Lumber Co. Residence I'hone: tvesi 308L FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURANCE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone West 55 P. E. DolVNEY O'ONS Marine Motors SERVICE THAT SATISFIES Phone West 177 22nd and Marine 16&h aud hIARINE Me WILLIAMS AMBLESIDE CUSTOM TAILOR ORDER YOUR FALL SUir NOW. Come and see our Patterns. Large selection to choose fro&n Dry Cleaning and Pressing We Call For aud Deliver. CITY PRICES Dyeing, Repairs and Alterations I'IgoiVE WEST 20 You Never Know Your Luck SO WHY TRUST TO LUCK t Resid'eyyee Burglary lusurnyyee $ 8 0 pppp GORDON GRAY Office--Seymour 4991, Residence--West 9ZRZ. 1002 Credit Foncier Bldg CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBILE AGENTS kI. C. OSBORNE, West Vancouver Representative North Shore Motors Ltd. 13S First St. W. North Vancouver Phones: West 628Y North 1186 Quality Neats BEST HERPES I'VITHOLIT I AYIN(i HIOST You don t hnve to pay exhorbitant pmccs to get quality meats --not if you trade at Jefferies. Delicious cuts of the fincst meats at prices that nllow you to cat aa much ns you desire Voh H I,I&EIJI IIV I fieei'c'bs I submii by Is&& ening 9 iyrive I fiy and Cspllas The l be vole msnih. ficoy, pointed Ily. I io&-0 medial'IEACI E The 'v, ll hs 'ted ui P ihluniciIermin lieXL lots uci 'ovem tlous u csivud ant. 'ear p Novas rates i Byn ,for th& been a agents site Ie missio IV. B. The ! 'of the 1 Iion is drive Ivedn p. &is.sli LOCA Rut al sul yard I ,Vance netshi and n CnUVv and a archii curve Ih& iiie UUI in luc in thi a&i UI lt lin t&u i&i& QU un