Resampled001B6DCD September 23, 1927. List of Prize Winners at Horticultural Exhibition (Continue from last week) THE WEST VAN NEWS Cricket WEST VANCOUVER FINISHES SECOND IN CRICKET LEAGUE DRESSMAKING--Mra. Robbins, 29thand Matherz. Phone West 437R3. RADIO--See Wezt Van. Electric about your Radio. CLASSIFIED ADS. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Class 106, 'Best Home Made White Bread--1st, Mrs. Blair; 2nd Mrs. Lennox. Class 107, Best Home Made Brown Bread--1st, Nrs. Blair; 2nd, Mrs. Masterman. Class 108, Best Bread Rolls- 1st, Mrs. Blair; 2nd, Mrs. Mast- an. Class 109, Best Soda Scones- 1st, Mrs. R. Reid; 2nd, Mrs. Mc- Quaker. Class 110, Best Baking Powder Biscuits--1st, Mrs. McQuaker; 2nd, Mrs. Lennox. Class 111, Best Plate Pancakes --1st, Mrs. Gardiner; 2nd, Mrs. McQuaker. Class 112, Best Plain Cake- 1st, Mrs. Masterman; 2nd, Mrs. Conant. Class 113, Best Apple Pie- 1st Mrs. J. B. Leyland; 2nd, Miss E. Millard. Class 114, Best Lemon Pie- 1st, Miss U. McMillan; 2nd, Mrs. J. B. Leyland. Class 115, Best Gingerbread- 1st, Mrs. R. Reid. Class 117, Best Plate Plain Cookies--1st, Mrs. Gardiner. Class 118, Best Shortbread- 1st, Nrs. Blair; 2nd, Mrs. Mc- Quaker. Class 119, Best Fruit Cake- 1st, Mrs. Conant; 2nd, Miss J. McEwen. Class 120, Best Oat Cakes- 1st, Mrs. McQuaker; 2nd, Mrs. R. Reid. BOTTLED FRUIT Class 122, Best Jar Cherries- 1st, Mrs. Rhodes; 2nd, Mrs. Me- ~Daniels.~r Class 123, Best Jar Loganber- ries--1st, Mrs. Rhodes, 2nd, Mrs. McDaniels. Class 124, Best Jar Peaches- 1st, Mrs. Rhodes; 2nd, Mrs. R. Reid. Class 125, Best Jar Pears- 2nd, Mrs. J. B. Leyland. Class 126, Best Jar Plums- 1st, Mrs. J. B. Leyland; 2nd, Mrs. Rhodes. Class 127, Best Jar Raspber- ries--1st, Mrs. J. B. Leyland; 2nd, Mrs. G. F. Hodgson. Class 128, Best Jar Strawber- ries--1st, Mrs. Rhodes; 2nd, Mrs. Hodgson. Class 129, Collection Six Kinds --1st, Mrs. Rhodes; 2nd, Mrs. Leyland. Class 130, Black Currant Jam --1st, Mrs. McQuaker. Class 131,Gooseberry Jam- 2nd, Mrs. Rhodes. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Class 132, Marmalade, Orange --1st Mrs. Conant; 2nd, Mrs. Rhodes. Class 134, Marmalade, Rasp- ben~--1st, Miss E. Millard; 2nd Mrs. Gardiner. Class 185, Strawberry Jam- 2nd, Mrs. Rhodes. Class 136, Collection Six Kinds --1st, Mrs. R. Reid; 2nd, Miss E. Millard. Class 137, Crab-Apple Jelly- 1st, Mrs. R. Reid; 2nd, Mrs. K. A. Ray. Class 138, Black Currant Jel- ly--1st, Miss E. Millard; 2nd, MissJ. McEwen. Class 139, Apply Jelly -- 1st, -wn&znNrs. Elgar. Class 140, Blackberry Jelly- 1st, Mrs. Elgar; 2nd, Mrs. H. B. Gray. Class 141, Red Currant Jelly --1st, Mrs. R. Reid; 2ml, Nrs. Elgar. Class 142, Loganberry Jelly- 1st, Mrs. McQuaker; 2nd, Miss McEwen. Class 143, Collection Six Kinds --1st, Mrs. Elgar; 2nd, Mrs. R. Reid. Canned Vegetables Class 145, Peas--1st, Mrs. Mc- Quaker. Class 146, String Beans--1st, Mrs. Rhodes. Class 147, Tomatoes -- 1st, Nrs. Rhodes. The Wezt Vancouver Cricket Team defeated North Vancouver by 38 runs at Mahon Park Saturday in the final game of the season. The following are the scores: WEST VANCOUVER E. M. Baker, c Kirby, b Jenkinz.. 20 A. D. Frost, b Jenkinz ............,..„. I H. Rerrie, b Jenkina.................. 10 A. Grieve, b Jenkinz .................. 25 A. A. Rerrie, ibw, Jenkinz............ 10 G. Emerson-Court, b Jenkinz........ 0 F. Harrop, c Redgrove, b Jenkinz 8 P. C. Chapman, b Kirby................ G R. White, c Alexander, b Jenkinz.. 0 C. Hawarth, not out.........,.....„,„.. I Extras ................................„. „.. 11 87 Bowling: Irvine 0 for 31; Jenkinz 8 for 32; Alexander 0 for 11; Kirby I for 3. NORTH VANCOUVER F. Kirby, b Chapman .................... 9 R. Redgrove, b Chapman ................ 14 C. Smith, b Chapman ............... 0 A. Huiiah, b Chapman .................. 5 J. Irvine, b Court..................... 0 J. Alexander, b Chapman................ 0 B. Leigh, not out...................... 8 H. Jenkinz, b Baker............................ 3 M. Peters, c Chapman, b Baker.... 2 Extras ....................................... 8 49 Bowling: Court I for 17; Chapman 6 for 22; Baker 2 for 2. The average for the season of the West Vancouver players and the final standing of the various teams in the league are given below: Averages for 1927 Played 16 matches Batting Not Most Player-- Inz. Out Runs Inz. Avg E. W. Baker...... 1G 1 3G8 GG 24.6 H. G. Rerrie.... 12 1 167 69 15.2 G. E. Court...... 16 0 225 56 15.0 A. D. Frost...... 14 3 148 59 13.1 R. B. Grieve.... 3 0 25 25 8.3 P. C. Chapman.. 13 2 85 28 7.7 A. A. Rerrie.. 15 3 91 18 7.5 F. Harrop ....., 14 0 G4 14 4.5 F. W. Parker.. 10 0 36 8 3.6 R. Silva-White.. 11 2 23 7 2.6 C. Chapman .... 8 1 20 G 2.6 Also batted, 4 innings: R. Turner, highest score, 85 not out. C. Barwiz, one innings 110 runs. Bowling O. M. R. W. Avg. P. C. Chapman.... 92 7 354 49 7.1 G. E. Court.. G3 8 207 2G 8.0 E. W. Baker ...... 78 8 291 3G 8.1 A. D. Frost ........ 70 10 229 23 9.9 H. G. Rerrie ....,. 3 0 12 1 12.0 A. A. Rerrie ...... 30 4 131 10 13.1 E. IV. Parker ...... 7 1 27 I 27.0 NORTH SHORE CRICKET LEAGUE Final Standing Club P. IV. L. D. Pct. Lynn Valley ........ IG 12 3 I 25 Wezt Vancouver.. IG 10 6 0 20 B. C. Electric „1G 7 9 0 l.i Colts ................... 1G G 9 I 13 North Vancouver 16 4 12 0 8 Game Saturday, Sept. 24 Lynn Valley, league champions vz. rest of league. At the Boulevard, at 2 p. m. pron&pi. Mrs. D. Willington entertained last Friday afternoon a party of friends who met to welcome Mrs. T. Malpass, who has just return- ed from a two months'isit to her sister at Swan River, Mani- toba. Miss Lena Taylor of Crescent fteach, is visiting Mrs. W. R. Taylor, 21st and Marine Drive. a W. Dickinsonc14th and Esqui- malt, who has been spending a vacation at Squamish, returned home last Monday. Mr. Dickin- son is manager of the North Vancouver branch of the Royal Bank. Club Plans Dance The Otazel Club of Horsesho Bay held its first meeting of the winter season on Monday. The president, Mr. S. Thomas, gave a brief outline of the club's pro- posed activities during the com- ing season, stating this promises to be a. very successful one for the club. The vice-president, Mr. H. Libby, was also vety op- timistic in his repott to the gath- ering. The club will hold its first dance in IVillow Hall on Friday, October 21. ~ e Mrs. C. H. Thompson gave 0 delightful bridge tea on Wednes- day afternoon at her home at Keith Roe&I aml Esplanade. Mrs. Gould won first prize, the consol- ation prize going to Mrs. Mc- Gregor. Those who assisted in serving were Miss Marjorie Thompson, Miss Marjorie Pineo, Miss Stella Gould, and Mrs. F. J. Johnson. The guests were Nrs. Ashbee, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Dixon, Nrs. Gould, Mrs. Guth- ridge, Mrs. Hales, Mrs. Marsh, Ni's. IticGregor, Mrs. Partington, Nrs. IVilliams, Miss Marjorie Pineo, Miss Stella Goukl, an&i Miss Marjorie Thompson. Miss Margaret Fuller Taylor of Sydney, Australia, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Beatrice Grady, "Beach House," Dun&lar- ave, West Vancouver. Nr. and Mrs. IV. E. Williams an&1 their son, Jack, have return- ed to the city from their sum- mer home at Caulfeild. Pickles Class 149, Beets--1st, Mrs. Rhodes. Class 150, Cucumber -- 1st, Mrs. Rhodes. Class 151, Mustard--1st, Mrs. Rhodes; 2nd, Mrs. Conant. Class 152, Onions--1st, Mrs. Rhodes. Class 153, Sweet -- 1st, Mrs. Rhodes; 2nd, Mrs. Conant. Class 155, Chutney--1st, Mrs. R. Reid. Needlework Section Class 159, One Pair Socks- 1st, Mrs. Craig. Class 160, Ladies Sweater- 1st, Mrs. Eggens; 2nd, Mrs. Henderson. Class 161, Embroidered Tow- els--1st, Mrs. Craig. Class 162, Embroidered Bed- spread--2nd, Mrs. Masterman. Class 163, Baby Knitted Pull- over Suit--1st, Mrs. McTavish; 2nd, Miss Goddard. Class 164, Pair Pillow Cases- 1st, Mrs. Atkins. Class 165, Table Centre--1st, Mrs. Eggens; 2nd, Mrs. Atkins. Class 166, Afternoon Tea Cloth--1st, Mrs. Atkins; 2nd, Mrs. Craig. Class 167, Pillow Cases, Em- broidered -- 1st, Mrs. Master- man; 2nd, Mrs. Leyland. Class 168, Embroidered Cross Stitch--1st, Mrs. Craig. 'lass169, Embroidered Lunch- eon Set -- 1st, Mrs. Atkins; 2nd, Mrs. McTavish. Class 170, Embroidered Van- ity Set--1st, Mrs. Atkins. Class 172, Embroidered Table Runners--1st, Mrs. Eggens; 2nd Mrs. Atkins. Class 173, Cut Work, any art- icle--1st, Mrs. Atkins; 2nd, Mrs. J. B. Leyland. Class 174, Eyelet Embroidery --1st, Mrs. Atkins. Class 175, Best Sofa Cushion --1st, Mrs. Gardiner; 2nd, Mrs. J. B. Leyland. Class 176, Embroidered House Dress--1st, Mrs. Craig; 2nd, Mrs. R. Reid. Class 177, Embroidered Apron --1st, Mrs. Craig; 2nd, Mrs. Mc- Tavish. Girls Division Class 178, Best Loaf Bread- 1st, Mabel Phillips. Class 179, Best Pie -- 1st, Mabel Phillips. Class 180, Best Layer Cake- 1st, Kathleen Hodgson. Class 181, Six Baking Powder Biscuits--1st, Kathleen Hodgson R. P. Clarke & Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. NEW BUNGALOIV--Just built, ail large rooms, cosy fireplac, good furnace, large basement, garage; two lots in cultivation, very con- venient situation. Near ferry, pub- lic and high schools, post office. $4600, on terms. Would consider other house property as part pay- ment. $2650, or Near Offer--Neat four-room Bungalow, open fireplace, full plumbing, wired for range, good corner lot in lawn and flowers. Be- ing sold below cost to force quick sale. Terms arranged. CHEAP WATERFRONT LOT--Clear- ed up ready for building--$ 1400. Third cash, balance to suit purchas- er. Fiscal Agents: R. P. Clarke & Co. (Vancouver) L&d. 823 Hastings St. W. Sey. 7483, 7484 Local Repraeantatfva C. J. ARCHER. Went 451L NEW UP-TO-DATE BUNGALOW of Five rooms; just completed on splen- did view lot Gox140. Facing south. Real good value at $3200, on terms. DOUBLE CORNER, 100x122, 51atherz Avenue. Only $225; $50 cash and $ 15 a month will handle. LISTINGS WANTED GEO. HAY 14th and Marine Drive, Phone West 21 316 Cordova West Seymour 1260 BATTERIES TESTED--Wiring, etc Vacuum to rent. West Van. Electric Phone West 108. CHICKEN PENS RAIDED-- OWNERS MUST SEEK REDRESS IN CIVIL COURTS During the summer more than one case has occurred of chicken pens being raided and a number of chickens killed. The evidence has pointed to a dog or dogs be- ing responsible for the losses sustained by the owners. The council has now received a let- ter from the police commission- ers, in which the latter, while expressing sympathy with the owners, pointed out that any claim for damages would have to be made in the civil court against the owner of the dog or dogs when located. Meanwhile, the police will make every effort to trace dogs responsible for such losses. FOR SALE--One Pink Evening Frock beaded. rose sprays. Cost $60, will take $ 10. Size 36. One Golden Brown, patterned, knitted silk, cost $40, will take $7.60. Size 36. One Grey Tweed Tailored Suit, cost $45, will take $7.50. Size 38. Phone Wezt 310R. LOST~orden Setter Dog, long hair, black and Brown. wearing collar. Answers name Prance Phone K A, Ray, Wezt 30L. &IOOD RANGE FOR SALE--Phone Wezt 178K. WAVTED TO RENT with option of purchase, modern five-room bunga- low. West 629L. TAILORING--Children's Clothes. Ait- erationz. Phone West 53R3. LOST--Between Ingiewood and hiar- ine Drive, last Saturday afternoon, Silver Gray silk scarf. Please phone West 642L. FOR i&ENT--Unfurnished Five-room Bungalow on Waterfront at Alta- mont. Phone Leyiand, West 63R&. FOR SALE--Dining Table, Six Chairs Chest of Drawers, Sewing 51achine. Rug, Two Double Beds, Boys'i- eyeie, Bath Tub, etc. Phone, Wad- dingham West 121L 5IODERATE PRICED HO5IE WANT- ed--West of ferry. Two or three bedrooms, plumbing, fireplace. Ad- vise particulars, location, lowest price and terms for consideration. Post Office Box 1114, Vancouver. S5IALL Weil Furnished Fully klodern house, piano, electric washing ma- chine. Adults. Apply 2061 Ezqui- malt Street. HEMSTITCHING -- Pearcez. Dry Goods, 14th Street and hiarine. Phone West 144. VACUU51 TO RENT--See West Van. Electric. Phone West 106. NEW AND SECOND HAND Furni- ture bought, sold, and exchangoL Fred Tite, Kevili'z Old Stand, Am- biezide. LAWNS MADE--Cement Floors and S:dewaikz laid; Rock Walls built. T. Barnott, Residence Phone 672R. NEYV51AN & ROBBINS -- Builders and Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kaizomining, chimneys built. 29th and Matherz. Phone West 437R3. FIR WOOD--Cut any length. You can't get better. $8 per cord. Phone West 17. Hobb Coal and Tranzfi.r Coy. MONEY TO LOAN $500.00 ap No delay West Van. Investment Coy. Notary Public. West 102 Corporation of the District of West Vancouver ".AX SA: .= Lists can be obtained at the Municipal EIall. Pacific Stages Will run under Winter Schedule after October 1st. Please watch for announcements in daily newspapers or Phone Seymour 4000 SEYMOUR at B C MOTOR PHONE OUNSMUIR g RIAL@ SEYMOUR 4000 Vancouver, G.C. to be held at MUEIICIPAL HALL, HOLLYBURN, B.C. On Friaay, September 30th, 1927 at 10 o'lock a.m.