Resampled001B6DCD THE II EST VAN P&ENS September 23, 192&. List'esagehasit CUT RATE DRUGS FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS Complete list of specials page 4. every week. under Cut noc Btsir'1 Ecscms Ointment . 29c 60c Blair'1 Pyorrhoes Rem ..... Sac 60c Blair's Rcd Pepper Oint... 29c 60c Blair's Meathst Sulphur Ointment ..............., 29c Ooc Blsir's Syrup of Figs... inc 26c Seidnts Powders.......... 1 ic 60c Castor OB .............. 2rc soc Glycerine, 6 os ....... 2ic noc Ccconn ....................... 29c rnc Hospital Cotton. I lb........ dtc 60c Ipsas Tooth paste......... $9c in Thursday night's Province, Rate Drugs. i 26c Ssl Hepatica...,..... Ssc $ 1.&0 Ssl Hcpstics ........... $ 1.26 $ 1.W Esos ....................... nec noc Pnad's Creams ........ Snc nac I'hiuips'nlt htsgncsis ... &nc Soc Andrew's Sstmo ...... 29c EXTIIA SI'FA IAI $ 1.26 liam&a&on Seamless Hot-aster Bottles 99e I SAVAGE Washes and ries the Clothes 53.50 Down pats 1 Savage elec- &lie wsehel ead dr&el lo yoav home. $ 1 1.00 1 moolh&ore&ghleea moathe covem the balance. Tata this ogel aow. NOT only does the Savageotectric washer wash the clothes, it also blues, rinses and dries them. Sort your dothcs, put a tubful into the Savage and you will not need to touch them with your hands again until they are dried. Here is what the Savage relieves you of: handling the ctothen, piece by piece to put through a wringer, depending on the weather to dry them; of using set tubs for rinsing and blueing; of putting your hands into hot water and of doing any work on washday. Sce this wonderful washer at our nearest store. See it do the whole job without ye&sr help. PHONE OR VISIT OUR NEAREST STORE Itn&rtnn 0nsnnM 2&ncnncnn&n&ny0& ~ll cevreu mesc& lite Oeeovnlv meee& Chan eeh North eed wool veeeoovvr Ahholo&oed 9 quarts for $1.00 in&orth 122 Lesag'e Drug Store JVorth Side Marine, near 14th We deliver anywhere. No Order is too small WEST 323 LesagehaSit bir. Edgar has been appointe&l to the staff of the Hollybuln School. ~ ~ ~ IVinter sports have so fnr not been started at the schools, but arrangements &vill be made shortly, now that the scholars have settled do&en to the winter' work. A volley ball net hns been set up in the grounds of the Pnul- ine Johnson School. nnd the game is very popular &vith the chiklren. ~ ~ ~ bir. Brown of the Capilano Scbool staff hns been trunsfer- red to the staff of the Pauline Johnson school. bir. Robinson is taking his place at Capilano. ~ ~ ~ Mr. Leggatt has purchased the IVoodley cottage. corner 2Gth and Haywood. Snd is making ex- tensive alterations to it. ~ ~ lbir. and Mrs. William H. Irv- ing and family of Vancouver, have moved into a cottage on the IVaterfront near 13th. ~ ~ ~ Several minor improvements to the interior of Dun&lurave Hall are being made, thereby adding to its attractiveness and making it more suitable for engage- ments. ~'ir.and birs. A. E. ibiorris an&1 daughter Sylvia, who are spend- ing a holiday in California, are expected home shortly. Miss S. L. Shaw, who has been a guest at "the Clachan," has re- turned to take up her residence at the Castle Hotel, Vancouver. e 1 Mrs. L. E. Short has rented the Jaggard cottage on 22nd Street for the winter. 1 1 Mr. and AIrs. J. Sheasgreen, 23rd and Bellevue, have returne&l to Vancouver. Reeve V. V. Vinson, Councillor K. A. Ray and James Ollason, municipal clerk, are named as the IVest Vancouver representa- tives at the annual meeting of the Union of B. C. municipalities in Nanaimo next month. Nr. and bIrs. Urry, 28th aml IVaterfront, have returned to the city for the winter. '1 The West Vancouver sports- men who &vent up Howe Sounj for the opening of the hunting season returned and none of them even saw a deer, much less enjoyed the doubtful pleasure of firing a shot at it and registering a miss. IVhere the deer have disappeared nobody seems to know. Possibly they were dis- turbed by the late earth disturb- ance. be it earthquake or sub- terranean explosion, and have de- parted for the more northerly parts of the province. 1 1 1 This year there are 695 pupils at the public schools, made up as follows: Pauline Johnson, 306; Hollyburn, 316; and Dundarave, 73. Hollyburn School had a re- ceiving class of 35, the largest on record. This furnishes indis- putable evidence of the growth of the eastern end of the district. 1 All the anglers were out in full force on Sumlay, when the fine weather brought in a big run of salmon along the shores of West Vancouver. Every boat at Hollyburn and Dundarave piers was out. All those who went out from Dundarave hooked sal- mon, but unfortunately only suc- ceeded in landing three of them. The Hollyburn iloats were moru fortunate, coming home with fourteen salmon. C. J. Overing- ton, the Ambleside barber, made the biggest catch with four fish weighing altogether 42 lbs. birn. Proctor of Vancouver, is n guest nt "the Clachan." ~ ~ ~ Nine Owen I la&lge is nlvny fram her duties with the 11. C. Telephone staff here ns the re- sult of fnlling nml injuring one of hcr arms. ~ ~ ~ II. P. Tearoe, IGth and lluy- woo&l, who has been nwny for some time in Suskatchelvnn, hns returned home. ~ ~ ~ &bliss Agnes Spenrs of l(srrin- &1nle, is visiting AIrs. P. C. Steven 22ml an&I Inglewoo&l. ~ 1 ~ Ifor Itiorgan, son of Ex-Reeve and Nrrs Dnvid biorgan, West Bay, who has been visiting his parents, left on IVednesduy to return ta Santa Domingo, Cuba. ~ ~ ~ Nr. aml birn. Eustnce Smith and family, who have been holi- daying nt their summer home nt IVest Bay, have returned to their home in binrpole. 1 ~ F. A. NcKelvie is moving inta the Smith house on Esquimalt, between IGth aml 17th Streets. ~ ' Oscar Lynn, 27th nn&1 Belle- vue, and Han~ Atkins, 18th aml biarine Drive, left on bIomlay for a trip to IVilliams Lake. bir. and Nrs. L. A. IVhite, 1329 Esquimalt Ave., are mov- ing into Colonel Pringle's house nt 21st and Bellevue. ~ 1 1 Captain Stratton, who has been on an extended visit to her par- ents, Nr. and Mrs. J. M. Strat- ton, bIarine Drive at Ambleside, returned today, to Kamloops. She was accompanied by her mother, who is going to speml a holiday there. Mrs. McCall, 17th aml Duchess, is moving into Hugh May's house at 18th and Esquimalt. e e A. E. 51atthews has purchased IV. R. Taylor's house at 13th and Esquimalt. Colonel and Mrs. Pringle an&i their son, 21st and Bellevue, have left to take up their resi- dence in Point Grey. Marjorie Dodd, daughter of M, Dodd, 22n&l an&1 Queens, was the victim of an unfortunate acci- dent on Monday afternoon. Step- ping in front of the municipal bus, which had stopped at the corner of 21st aml biarine Drive to disembark fen~ passengers, she was struck by a pasing auto &vhich was proceeding west, an&i was severely bruise&1. I. O. D. E. The Sixth Annual Hallowe'en dance to be held on Wednesday evening, October 26th, at Holly- burn Pavilion with the Edna Haywoo&l orchestra in attend- ance, was arranged by the mem- bers of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., ut the first meeting of the season held on bIon&lay afternoon, Sept. 12th, at the home of Mrs. P. C. Chapman. A presentation was authorize&i to Jimmie Jackson, a IVest Van- couver boy, who was sent out on the "Empress of Canada" as bridge messenger by the Navy League of Canada. The proceeds of Tag Day he«i by the Chapter on June 25th for work at Memorial Arch umount- ed to 550.06. The Chnpter will commence this work during the present month. Two new members were re- ceived. Reports of activities during the summer months were presented. At the close of the meeting tea was served with Mrs. P. C. Chapman and Mrs. Walter Gourlay acting as host- esses. PERSONALS Curried I'ork 14mnve skin nnd fnt from two un&i a half poumls of fresh pork nml cut it inta smnll pieces. I'ut into n saucepnn with a little but- ter and fry brown. Ad&i two chapped onions. n tablespoon of curry powder. anil salt nnd pep- per to tnste. A&Id two cups stock, bring to n boil aml simmer for an hour. Rcmove ment from ttqutd nml keep it lvarm. Boil the liquid rapidly until it is re&luce&i to half its originnl quantity. anil serve lcith n border of boils&i lice. Cream of Corn Syrup Three cups corn, fresh, few slices of onion, three cups milk, three teaspoons butter, three tnblespoons flour, snit, pepper, pnprikn. Cook the corn, onion nml milk in n double boiler for twenty minutes nnd then rub through a coarse sieve. Add but- ter nncl flour rubbed together, stirring constantly. Season to tnste with salt, pepper un&i pap- rika, sprinkle each serving with chopped parsley. Fluffy IInahed I'otntoen Four cups hot mashe&1 potnto, one teaspoon salt, one-eighth t aspoon white pepper, one-quar- ter cup milk, two tablespoons butter, two egg whites. To the potato ad&1 seasonings, milk aml butter. Beat until smooth an&I light and then fol&l in the egg whites that have been beaten until stiff. Then turn into the entree of the crown roast amb ~ put into a hot oven to reheat and brown slightly. The potato muy be reheate&l in a double boiler arranged in the centre of the roast an&1 sprinkled with pap- rika instea&l of being browned in the oven. Or it may of course, be baked in a snparute dish. Grape Cream I le Grape cream pie is unusual and good. Remove the skins of the grapes, put the pulp in n stewpan and bring to the boiling point; let it simmer for five min- utes,then force through a strain- er to remove the seeds an&i add the skins to the pulp. There should be one an&i one-half cups. Nix two cups of sugar, a few grains of salt aml two table- spoons of flour. When bien&led thoroughly add two eggs well beaten and one tablespoon of melte&l butter; add the grapes and bake between crusts. Cottage Cheese To begm with, the milk must be thick-sour (clabbered) aml should not be stale; about twen- ty-four hours'tanding is right. Pour the milk intoaclean shallow vessel, taking care to break the curd as little as possible. Heat slowly; don't let it get too hot; if the bottom heats quicker than the top, turn the curd over care- fully with a large spoon. Try every now an&i then by rubbing between the finger and thumb, aml when the curd does not dis- solve but feels solid, take it off at once aml pour into a piece ot muslin lai&l over a milk strainer, uml let drip until the whey is nil &trained off and the cur&i is firm. The muslin must be perfectly clean as the cheese absorbs ad- ors. IVhen dry turn into a bowl salt well, sprinkle with paprika or a&i&i one tablespoon pepper- grass, chapped fine. Ad&I a little cream and melt butter to moist- en. Make into pats or pile light- ly on a pretty &lish. Stale bread is excellent for cleaning light-colored suede glov- es. I'owdered borax is the best thing for exterminating beetles. Apply freely in the places they frequent. gbIB 10I C~ B&9 IVhitu 2nd I«'Io'inst I Cia+ 1st bir nn. Onus I ~ 1st, birn'Cksn ill B&Muitn 2nd, bi"'!nss 11 1st, bl" R&gunkcr (]nun ii ! 1st b«n. Connnt Cln&d I: 1st b«1. bliss R bl Cinss I blls& M&9. I, B. Cisnn i! int, b«n Ck&ns I Colkicn Class I 1st, bi&9 quaker. Class I i,t, birn. M&Ewen. Class I 1st, b«9 R, Reid. B( Class I 1st, bits. +Daniels. ~ 'lass I ries--1st Mrn. Mcl ! Class I 1st, birn, Rcid. Chsn 1 2nd, birn, Clnss 1 1st, b«n Mrn Rha Class '. ries--1st 2nd, birn Class I ries-1st birn. Hn& Class! -1st, I Leylnnd, Class -1st, bl Class 2nd, bir DO Class -1st I! Rhodes. Clans berry ! birL Gnl Clnnn 2nd, kiri Clans 1st, bi blillnrd. Clans »t, birt A. Rny Clnsn iy-lnt, MissJ I Class ~birn, Eit Clnsn »t, birn Gray Clnnn 1st, I Elgnr, Cinnn 'I bit& bi& E&ccn Cktns -1st I! ~ Reid ' Clntn lunker, '& Rk birn. Rh