Resampled001B6DCD September 23, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS SCOTTISH SOCIETY A well attended meeting of the Scottish Society was held last Friday in "the Clachan," when several items of business were dealt with and a social hour was enjoyed by alL A large box of purple and white heather was received by mail from Mr. and M1 s. Jack Bruce in Inverness, Scotland. This kindly remem- brance was much appreciated by the members and each one re- ceived their "spray frae the hills," some being aside laid for absent members. Tea was served by Mrs. McVean, Edwards and McGowan. A cinderella dance under the auspices of the Society will be held on Saturday evening, 16th October, from 8 to 12 in the Hollybu» Pavilion. Old time square dances will be interspers- ed in the programme. There will be tables of cards for those who do not dance with prizes for the high scores. Eight volumes of Wilson'6 "Tales of the Borders" were don- ated to the society's library by one of the members. This lib- rary started last year and af- fords a great deal of pleasure tn the members. COUNCIL TO CALL PUBLIC MEETING ON ROAD AND BRIDGE BY-LAIV At the council meeting on Monday night a letter was re- ceived from the Ratepayers's- sociation containing a copy of the resolution passed at the As- sociation's meeting on 18th in- stant, relative to the proposed $300,000 road and bridge by-law. The council has advised the as- sociation that they intend call- ing a public meeting to explain the by-law when they have fully considered the proposition tn present. 80 per cent. of B. C. coa! is sold for consumption in Canada aud the balance is exported to the United Su&tee. CHIROPRACTOR Yates Building Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver Roberta A. Vass D. C., PII. C. Graduate of Palmer School COLDS Prevention is better than cure, but if you have a cold, chiropractic adj ustment will give you relief. No matter what ailment you have, the chiropractor can help you. Consultation free. NORTH SHORE CANADIAN CI UB The North Shore Canadian Club will hokl its first supper on Wednesday, September 28th, at the K. P. Hall in North Vancou- ver, at 6.30 sha». The speaker will be Mr. E. J. Pratt, an eminent Canadian Poet and at present a lecturer at Vic- toria College, University of Tor- onto. While addressing his audi- ence on Canadian poetry gener- ally, it is expected that Mr. Pratt will deliver excerpts fronv his own works. At noon of the same day Mr. Pratt addresses the Canadian Club in.the City of Vancouver. During October and November the Club expects to have as their guests Hon. Herbert Ames, former Financial Secretary of the League of Nations and also John IVilson, head of the Can- adian Air Board. Definite in- formation will be made public as soon as possible. Those wishing to join the Club are requested to advise Mr. J. B. Leylan&1, the President. UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY ON SUNDAY Next Sunday is rally day at the United Church Sunday SchooL Advertisements relative to this have appeared in THE NEWS for the past week or two and it is expected there will be a big increase at the roll call next Sunday morning. Parents are asked to see that their child- ren are at the church a few min- utes before ten o'lock on Sun- day morning. An invitation is extended to all children who are not regularly attending other Sunday schools. ONE OF THE FUNNIEST "Oh! What a Nurse!" the new Syd Chaplin picture which comes to the Hollyburn Theatre next Monday and Wednesday is said to be one of the funniest pictur- es ever screened. Critics in other cities have used up all the ad- jectives they'e got in trying to say that this picture will get every laugh you'e got. They all agree it is funnier than "Char- ley's Aunt" or "The Man on the Box," the pictures that lifted Syd Chaplin to the top as a screen comedian. The new picture was written by Robert E. Sherwood, editor of "Life," and Bertram Bloch, It concerns the mad adventures of a newspaper reporter, who, forced into the garments of a bootleg queen, runs into an as- tounding series of misadventur- es aboard a lugger. North Shore Motors Ltd. CHEVROI.ET and OLDSMOBII.E Motor Cars 135 First St. W. Phones: West 628Y West 17 North 1186 1928 Oldsmobiles ARE HERE We would like you to see them. We know you will be impressed with their comfort, refinement and mechanical perfection and that you will agree with us that they are abso- lutely enequaled in value. The Price of the COACH fully equipped is only $1375 Please phone H. C. OSBORNE our West Van. representa- tive, he will be glad to give you full information an&1 shoivn you any model you irish. There will be no obligation on your part. For Many Years Groeem!tha of London, have made fine perfumes. Any old country person will tell you of their wonderful PHUI NANA. an Indian fragrance. We have this odor also SHEbIEL NES- SIM, an Arabian odor, aud their exquisite English OLD COT- TAGE LAVENDER. Price no& more than you pay for ordinary makes. Come in and get a sample card of each odor. See our window. WEST VAN PHARMACY Phone West 37. Night Calls -- Emergency only--West 321. Correspondence CHANGING OUR NAME Editor West Van Neivs. I do not think Mr. Guy Faulkner can have seriously con- sidered the bearings of the ques- tion of re-naming our municipal- ity. Any change would involve substantial expense and lead to a lot of confusion and trouble. The handicap under which he says we labor by reason of the name, "West Vancouver," is purely imaginary. That name is thoroughly appropriate; and it is not disfigured by flunkey- ism. If a prize is to be offered for anything, let it be offered for the retention of the present name. Yours truly, J. PORTER COOKING SCHOOL BIG SUCCESS The Cooking School held last Monday and Tuesday afternoons at Hollyburn Theatre was very well attended, there being over 400 ladies present to listen to Miss Agnes M. Reed, the domes- tic science expert of the B. C. Electric staff, who gave the lecture. The classes and dem- onstrations ivere arranged by the B. C. Electric Co., and none but electric appliances were used for the cooking of the various dish- es, the Hot Point Automatic ranges being featured at each session. Numbered folders con- taining useful and practical rec- ipes were given each member of the audience, and at the end of the demonstration a lucky ticket was drawn for an electrical per- colator. This was won by Mrs. Hampson, 20th and Fulton. To say that the demonstra- tion was a success is putting it very mildly, as the big audience was intensely interested in the remarks made by Miss Reed, and the many useful and practical hints and suggestions given by her. The utility of the electric range was made very evident, aml the rapidity and ease with which all classes of cooking were handled would unquestionably make each member of the audi- ence desirous of owning one of these ranges. The local office of the B. C. Electric Co. carries a stock of all electrical cooking arul household appliances, and is ready to give demonstrations of these at any time to interested parties. In our issue next week we shall give several of the recipes maile up and used by Miss Reed. The bathing season is about over, although u few are still to be seen going down to the beach to tal&e a swim. As there is no further use for the float at Dun- darave Pier, the council has ord- ered it removed to Eagle Har- bour, where it will be protecteil from the winter storms until the 1928 season opens. . iletter PRODUCED IN NORTH VANCOUVER QOU'LL gee better gaz if you fill up with P. Q.--the cryo&a! clear, aboo!uee!y pure gao that gives more power because of ita purity, aad is therefore more econom- ical in uoe. Users are enthusiastic! Watch for the P. Q. sign aud pump-- fill up with this !oca! gaz aud watch results! Fill up at these NORTH VANCOUVER Foremaa'a Garage-- Esplanade East Louoda!e 51o&ora- 15th aud Louoda!e North Shore Garage-- First St., Iveoe Reliable Service Station-- Third St. & Forbeo Ave. N. Shore Stations WEST VANCOUVER Ed. Black- 25th Ave. & Marine Drive West Vancouver Garage- Amb!ex!de. SECOND NARROWS Burrard Service Station-- Second Narrows Bridge. The !argeot aud most wouderfu! meta!!urg ca! plant in the world is in Trail, B. C. This plant has facilities for handling silver. lead, gold, zinc, aud copper; it ref!sea a!! these metals aud manufactures lead pipe, sheet lead, zinc aud copper rods, etc. MOTHERS For West Vancouver Properties see SAVORY DUVAL Come occasionally yourselves aud zee the large variety of REAL HOME-MADE 5!EAT aud FRUIT PIES, CAKES, PASTRIES BUNS, Etc. in our store. IWe make them fresh every dayh Then you can send the "kiddies" along with your orders. They will be as carefully served as if you come yourselves. MRS. DRAPER 8 SON 2435 DIARINE DRIVE Nixi Duaearave HalL Note Phone: West 366 1439 !4erine Drive Phone West 349 Specializing in IVest Vancouver WEST VAN RESTAURANT Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker & Jeweller Marine Drive Between 14th and 19th. PITI)IAN BUSINESS COILECE DAY aad NIGHT SCHOOL You will receive intensive indi- vidual training. 4 22 Richards St. Phone Sey. 9135. Coc. Hastings LADIES HAIRCUTTING aud SHINGLIiVG, any Style HOLLYBURiV BARBER SHOP 25 years experience IVM. NEIVBY Prop. T. WAL SH Polittlitg in all its branches Phone: )Veae 604-0 C!aches Hotel Pearce's Drygoods 14th aad Marine Phone West 144 Window Blinds sad Awnings ESTlalATES FREE HARRON BROS. S& WILLIAihISON g tinetal 6trectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 56 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 NORTHERN LIGHT P.Q. GAS Produced in North Vancouver by the VANCOUVER OIL CO. LTD. An AR-British Columbia Concern