West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Sep 1927, p. 2

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Resampled001B6DCD 21,1 THE IVEST VAN iNEIVS Manufacturers'amples REMNANTS TAI'ESTRY, SILK, )VOOI.I.ENS, and COTTONS All blanufacturers Sump(eu Dry Goods, Iiadies'Vear. (hildren'9 Garments bien's Furnishings W KST V AN COU V KK Christian Science Society f'IIURI'H Klltp ICR 90th aud Rsqulmslh Honybuva Sunday Service st 11.90 s.m. Subject September 25th "REALITY" Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony hiootiug every Wsd- uosdsy at ILIS p.m. United Church Sunday School H. PERRIN, R.o. Oi'TOSI ETRI ST aud Ol'TICIAN Wednesdays from e p. m. Every Evening from 9 p. m. Royal Bask Bldg. Hollybuva R. B LOX HAM hi ASON, CONTRACTOR Specialty:--Fireplaces aud Tile Mautels, Sinks, etc. Phone: West ~ 91. J. M. Morgan Pboos Wast 113 WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Product(oft and Singing VANCOUVER STUDIO Pbous Sei mous loi Order your Bread from Stratton's It is made from the best and purest ingredients that money can buy. Baked to perfection in Hygienic Bak- eries. Healthful and nour- ishing for every member of the family. Bread, Rolls and Pastries. Phoae West Zy aud our delivery maa will call STRATTON'S BAKERY Amblesid0 Tea Roams Perry Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp aad Ptecsis Supplies, Tobaccos, eta A wealthy business man who incidentally, had insured his life for 850,000, went on a trip to South America. Shortly after a report was pub- lished that the ship had sunk, and there was no news of the safety of the man in question. A vveek later, however, the brother of the missing man re- ceived a cable from Rio de Jan- iero: "Safe after a)L Break news gently to wife." West Van Nees Published Evovy Friday H. HODGSON aad P.P.LOVPAKOVE Publishecs Phones: West 412L St. Stephen's Church Parents'ttention Trinity 16 (Sept. 26th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.16 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 7.16 p. m.--Evensong. The annual Harvest Thanks- giving services trill be held on Sunday. The rector will preach both morning ami evening aml special music will be rendered by the choir including the an- them "0 Lord, How Manifold," (Barnby). The Harvest Supper will be held bfonday night at Ambleside Hall, beginning at 5.45. This event has been a feature of Church life for many years and is welcomed by the congregation and others both for the good things so lavishly provided and the enjoyable social intercourse of the evening. This year a brief musical programme will follow the supper and the Junior Auxil- iary will have charge of a candy stall. The Cougar Camp of Trail Rangers re-organ(zed for the season last Thursday night and elected the following officers-- Grand Chief, Roy Faulkner; Sub Chief, Dick Timbrell; Tally, Tom Timbrell; Cache, George Faulkner. The rector is mentor of the grou p and Mr. Terry Crickmay assistant mentor. By a margin of nine points over its nearest competitor, the track team from the Sunday School repeated its last year' exploit of winning the Allan Cupat Brockton Point last Saturday. That it was "team work" that gained the trophy is shown bythe fact that among the 46 points made only two first places were secured. The school last Saturday won places as follows: Juvenile Boys hvhee(barrow Race IVard & Farmer, 3rd; Junior Boys, Albert Kendrick, 3rd in Broad Jump; J. Cornish, G. Cor- nish, Beard and Kendrick, 3rd in Relay Race; Junior Girls, 50 yard Dash, Phyllis Johnson 2nd, Doris Rivers 3rd; 50 yard Skip- ping Race, Phyllis Johnson 2nd, Doris Rivers 3rd; 60 yard Shut- tle Relay Race, St. Stephen'0 1st (P. Johnson, D. Rivers, M. Daw- son, M. Edwards, J. Curtis, E. Black), Intermediate Girls; Re- lay team 3rd (B. Beard, A. Al- bin, F. Brydon-Jack, E. Davis, K. Hampton, D. Dawson). Sen- ior Girls, Basketball Throw, E. 51. Archer, 2nd. Hitting Hockey Ball, E. 5(. Archer 2nd, P. N. Smith, 3rd. All young people of the parish are invited to attend the open- ing meeting of the local branch of the Anglican Young People' Association which wil l take place in the Parish Hall next Tuesday at 8 p.m. Next Sunday is Ihe great day for hvest Vnncouver Boys and Girls. RALLY DAY All be on time at 5 min. utes to 10 and bring your friends 'to enroll ns new scholars. United Church Rev. J. Richmond Craig will conduct the morning servicenext Sunday. In the evening the ser- vice will be in charge of the Young People's Society, and the preacher will be Mr. A. L. Burch- ell of Columbia College, Nev )Vestm(nster. On Wednesday, September 28th, the meeting of the Young People's Society will take the form of a social in the church hall at 8 p. m. All young people are very cordially invited. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.80 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Iveek Days--Mass 8 a.m. BOYS'HOIR The regular practice of the Boys'hoir will be held on Sat- urday m Hollyburn School at 10 a.m. The attendance last Saturday was splendid and the young choisters are very keen. Parents who intend sending their boys please do so early as the work for the first concert has be- gun. GIRLS'HOIR Regular practice Saturday at 11 a.m. in Hollyburn School. Girls from 6 years and over. Mr. Frank Patterson has part- ly re-stocked his chicken ranch after having disposed of his choice stock last spring owing to ill-health. ~ ~ o Miss ibiargaret Henderson of Vancouver is spending a few days at Caulfeild as the guest of bfiss Catherine Harrison. CARD OF THANKS Business aud Editorial Oflice: 1301 Msvias Drive Mail Add&assi P. O. Bos 101, Hollybura, B. C 01.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands So per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. IVeekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. Albert S. Rand (brother) and the sons of the late Nrs. Julia Scott wish to thank most sincerely the Naomi Chapter, O.E.S., and the many other friends for their kind expressions of sympathy and for the florai tokens on the occasion of their sad bereavement. Grigor's Dry Goods Store 1460 Marine Drive ii'.ot'~~.. P~".~ TOYS and Orders Taken for iNOVEI.TIES Hemstitching. September 2.'I, 1027. "$gm the surface and you save ~"p~» alhTIDD There is a MARTIN-SE o O~yy 100)o Pure Paint and Varnish For Every Suciece eed Every Purpose. Ylgllllt I'AINT I'& 1K&'ll I'AINT 1 AKNISII STAIN 11E LUXK ENAAIKI I'K EPA lt RD lv A X AUTO KNAhIKI. CANOE ENAhIEI IVE CABBY A FUI.I ~ hIAKINR I'AINT 1K&IN I'ALVT \ itlsl I 'I& fsv uhlsglos 'l1 &1011 STAINS I'AINT RK11&IVElt S&'KIIKN I'AINT STD 'l' I'11' EN A hl Kl, STOCK. I.ET'S TAI.K IT OVER Groceries - Hardware Faints and Painting Supplies Hollyburn General Store (Hooper and Son) 17th and Marine WE DELIVER I'hone West 46 bIARRIAGE OF bl(SS RODCiEBS A pretty wedding took place at Killarney on Sept. 14 when, bfiss bIary Alena Rodgers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rodgers, IVhytec(iff, became the bride of Mr. Ira Steele Jones, son of Mr. and Nrs. F. S. Jones. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G. H. Hamilton, under an arch of wedding bells and pink and white flowers. Given in marriage by Mr. How- ard Rodgers, the bride wore white satin heavily beaded in pearls, her veil being held in place by a wreath. The brides. maid, Miss Gwen Clay, wore Alice blue georgette with beaded embroidery, and Mr. Kenneth Littler supported the groom. A reception was held, the bride'9 table being centred with 0 four- tier wedding cake, with vases of pink and white carnations placed about it. Presiding at the urns was the bride's aunt, Mrs. Steph- en Gray, and ices were cut by Mrs. E. H. Hogg. Serving were Miss Gladys Colwell, Miss Jean Dickson, Miss Emma Thorpe, Miss Gertrude Priest, bliss Jos- ephine Rodgers, Miss Mollie Ot- ter and Miss Rhea Barnett. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid was a silver mesh bag, and to the best man gold cuff links. Danc- ing was enjoyed, and later Mr. and Mrs. Jones left by motor for a trip through the Cariboo dis- trict. McNam~aunders The marriage took place on September 14 at St. Helen'9 Church, New Westminster, of Miss Gertrude Saunders of IVest Vancouver and Mr. Thurman G. McNames of Vancouver. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. P. Dingle. After a honeymoon spent motoring to California Mr. and Mrs. McNames will reside on Fifteenth Avenue west. (l(,EN EAGI.ES GOI,F COUILSE I'Ol'UI.AB I'LAY(il(OUND The popularity of the Glen- eagles Golf Course is well at- tested by the growing number of players each week. Last week end the following registrations were made on the club's register. The course is attracting many outside players and the fact that the membership is growing so fast makes one believe that by next spring extensions will have to be made to take care of the increase. bliss Martin, Mrs. Garvin, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. b(errick, Mrs. G. McGregor, Dr. Dorchester, bliss Dorchester, V. V. Vinson, T. Fin- nie, L. A. Finnie, D. W. White- law, L. D. Smith and bIrs. Smith, bfr. and Mrs. Pollock, H. Leg. gatt, Nrs. Leggatt, Mrs. Carter. C. C. Carter, H, Hollos, S. G. Hodge, E. L. Stubbards, L. B. Smith, A. Johnston, E. Johnston, H. Wilson, C. A. Goddar&l, J. Dunning, J. D. Forsyth, A. T. Finnie, bi(r. and Mrs. J. R. Sig- more, Mr. and Mrs. H. Perrin, J Ross H L McPherson Major and Mrs. IV. R. Flewin, Mr. and Nrs. J. B. Leyland, G. S. Conway, S. Boss, H. L. McPherson, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sawden, Frank Thompson, D. G. Caird, M. Mon- crieff, D. Sutherland, C. A. God- dard, E. C. Taylor, R. Dickinson, b(r. and Nrs, D. Merrick, Mr. an&I Mrs. R.,Allen, Lillian Hansen, J. R. Richardson, C. and G. Barr, H. L. IVilson, Gen. R. P. Clark, Capt. B. C. Binks, F. J. Merrick, J. Hart, B. D. Dickinson, E. P. Taylor, J. E. Taylor, W. N. Tay- lor, H. Booth, H. Chapman, Mrs. D. Whiteside, J. W. Allen, J. Mencheons, G. McIntyre, E. Dry- &len, Miss F. McCieery, Nrs. W. Manning, bfajor C. W. Erlebach, F. Johnston, J. Robertson, A. G. Larson, ib(isses Lofting, E. bior- ris, C. J. Archer, I. Leith, T. C. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. A .S. Smith, H. C. Blowey, Nr. an&I Mrs. C. E. Miller, Mr. and Nrs. B. D. Ner- kins, ll. H. Vinson. WEST VANCOUVER BOARD OF SCHOOI, TRUSTEES Night Glasses The Board of School Trustees is prepared to institute nipht classes during the winter months in the following subject;, provided sufficient applications are received: IVOODWORKING DRESSMAKING SHOIITHAND & TYI'EIVRITING BOOK-KEEI'ING BASKETRY M H.L IN ERY A minimum number of ten is require&l to form 0 class in any one subject, and all applications for enrollment may be made in writing, up to and including IVe&lnesday next. September 28th to H. B. GARLAND, Secretary Board of School Trusteem P. O. Box 23I, Hollyburn, (o 8 1(80. '((0)IS l(avoid h(fs ( R h& gho 8.0(e 8', nims ' ihl'sgh elved ( he fcceN~afi siav s 1[arise, fuse, Stfcel lieth saifdi Davhi fvujd ached to 8 ila steve" Iy','I aad 's clilfs Icee aap,sa "iaif,8'dwaf& &vere,a aco ia 9»"" . ' ita vividslit upi(i ed the I ai polo i 8(tchle aad P Jean Jag(tao pie&lated i ithOI glNDE igou fied e lllIS! Pcwpcctss Speclol o to vv Siontei FOII FOE Terms Hlh er (DI.Wj). (IS ! Phone Sel'uo Vano Re