Resampled001B6DCD RED AND WHITE CHAIN STORES Friday and Saturday Specials I have great faith in you, aiways &tid have, ansi always will. I don' earn what yeu do, what yeu become, whether yeu sueeee&t me&tera(sty or splendidly. That's not cons(ster&st In the cree&i of friendship. I am your friend. It is my jab te enreurage yeu, ta be loyal to you, fair with you and te help yeu In sny way yeu need. That's friendship. The msn or woman whe likes me because I suevee&t will hate me if I fail, snit that is not frien&teh(p. I knew quite a few peepie who sre like that and I pass them by with very Ht. tie eensideratiun. There are a good many peepie who treat me exeee&tingty nice now--but I can't forget. I har- bor na hatred, no resentment, but I know just hew to measure their pre- tended fr(en&rabin, just how tu distin- guish between the rear snit the coun- terfeit. Smith's Grocery 24th AN(l i(ARI.'&E, Opp. Dunuarave HalL I'hone )VFv)T 469 Frien&tship nsks no questions Over looks both faiiure an&i success. Gets beneath prosperity and failure to the real man anu the real woman. That' the kind nf friend I am, anu that' the kind of friends I want. VANCO(i VER Oll. CObll'AiNY HOI.I)S BAN(tUET Northern I.ight Gasoline Beconi- ing Very I'opular.Roberts'etter Neats 14(h and blarine West 190 Whimsical Review The North Shore has a num- ber of flourishing industries, but none have made greater progress in the year they have been oper- ating than the Vancouver Oil Co., Ltd., of Bewicke Avenue, North Vancouver. At a banquet given by the company to dealers and friends at the Grosvenor Hotel on Thursday night, Sep- tember 15th, the steady growth and glo)ving prospects of the company was the subject of much enthusiasm on the part of the various speakers. As G. Fo)vier, general manager of the company told his audience, there )vere now 40 dealers and service stations in Greater Vancouver handling iNorthern Light gaso- line and Vancouver Oil Comp- any's products. The policy of the company was to produce the very best products and to play square ivitb everybody. A. R. Chandler of Los Angel- es, ivho was present, gave a dem- onstration of a patented mach- ine for cleaning crank cases, dif- ferentials and transmissions of automobiles. The Vancouver Oil Co. has taken over the rights of this machine for Brit- ish Columbia, and it is likely that in a short time they will be in- stalled in au the service stations using the company's products, as the machine cleans oui an automobile at a much reduced rate over the flushing system and is much more efficient. A bIelvioe Dollar, chairman of the Board of Directors, stressed the point that no other oil comp- any held any shares in the Van- couver firm. "I perhaps cannot say they have no interest in it," be smil- ingly remarked, "because they have evinced a great deal of 'int- erest' bu( I can assure you that they have absolutely no financial interest in the company." John Redden, presiden~ the company, said he thought it was remarkable how the firm had made such progress in the short time it bad been in existence and said that this was undoubtedly due io the loyalty of the dealers and the people of Vancouver wbo desired, whene;er possible, to support a ho;ne industry that produces goods equal io--if not a little better--than any of the outside firms. is(inc(y per cent. of the employees are North Shore residents and a steady pay roll is provided. Young IVife: "I took the rec- ipe for this cake out of the book.'usband: "You did right. It should never have been pui in." Schoolmaster -- "Give me 6 good example of coincidence." Brown, Minor -- "bly father and mother were married on the same &lay." "You look sad?" "Yes; the doctor has or&lereil my wife to go into the country. If I look please&i she won't go.'hereService and QualityCountWE DELIVER9:30--East 25th Only 1 1 t30--from Capilano to Caulfeild 3:30-- East 25th Only SATURDAY Sept. 24th Small Girl -- Grandpa, were you in the Ark? Grandpa--Certainly no(, my dear. "Then why weren't you drown- ed 9 NEW ZEALAND BUTTER 3 tbs $ (.35 EGGS--BABY EXTRAS 2 dozen 55c Pure Perk Sausage, per lb.. 30c Cambridge Sausage.... 2 lbs. 2ie A)vsb:re Bacon, sliced, ib.. 35e Cottage Ham, piece, ib... 32e Cottage Ham, sliced, ib..... 33& Shamrock Pure Lard. 2 Ibs 45e Ceokett ............2 ibs. 45c Pure Dripping ......... 2 lbs. 23e New Zealand Lamb, legs, ib 34e Yew Zealand Lamb, loins. Ib 34c New Zealand Lamb. Ribs and Breast, Ib . 2ie Salmon Just out of the water Sliced .... 20c ib. Half or whole..... )5e lb. No. I STEER BEEF-- Boiling Beef, per ibioc 3: )2e Pot Roast, per ib .... 12e &h tsc Rolled Rib Oven Roast, ib 25e Shoulder Steak, ib... isa Pork Oven Roast, ib... 27c Veal Oven Roast, ib ...... 20c Stewing Veal, ib ....... t5c ROASTING A.'&D SOILING CHICKEN PEACHES. crate ..... $ ).75 PRUNES. per crate.... $ (.00 PEARS............. „. 4 ibs. 25c CRAB-APPLES .. 4 lbs. 25e TO51ATOES, ib ..... )oc GRAPES ........... 2 lbs. 35e CANTELOUPES, each toe, 12& (k tsc GRAPE FRUIT...... 4 for 25c APPLES, Weaithy ... 4 lbs. 25e itONDAY Shoulder Steaks.... 2 ibs. 25e TUESDAY Shoulder Steak ..... 2 ibs. 25u WEDNESDAY Cambridge Sausage, per rb toe TEL ttSDAY Corned Beef. Beneiess 4 lbs. 5ue FRIDAY Loggie Haddie, per ib..... )se "Tell your wife not to worry about deafness, as it is merely an indication of advancing years. "LVould you min&t telling her yourself, doctor?" blaid: "You know that old vase you said had been handed down from generation to genera- tion?" bIisiress (anxiously): "Yes." "LVeo, this generation has dropped it." "I shall never marry now!" said the rejected lover. "Don't be foolish! Why not?" inquired the girl. "LVeo, if you won't have mc, ivho ivlu? A London tax(-driver was held up outside a house that was half- way through being repainted. "You'e making a good job of that," he nodded io the painter. Then, after a pause, "Which 'arf 'ave you done?" They were discussing insom- nia. It was suggested that a glass of Scotch whisky every half-hour was an excellent rem- e&ly. "Will that cure it?" said the victim. "No," replied the other, but it makes it a pleasure to stay a- wake." man whose life ha&I been spent in active business passe&1 to the spirit workl. On arriving there, he thought, "Now for some rest and perfect peace." After quite a short time 0 spirit tapped him on the should- er an&i sai&l, "Excuse me, sir; you are wanted on the ouija hoard.'It is extraordinary that blrs. Jenks can never see any faults in her children," observed Mrs. Smith. "51otbcrs never can," remark- ed ber husband. What an absurd idea, James! So like a man. I'm sure I shoul&l sec faults in our children at once --sf tb«y had any." bfiss Elizabeth Tripp will make her debut on Thursday, Septem- ber 29th, cards having been is- sued by her mother, bfrs. J. D. A. Tripp for an "at home" at her residence, Point Grey Road, on the afternoon of that date. v \ s A son was born to bir. and bIrs. A. E. Boshier, 11th and Jefferson, last Friday, the 1Gtn instant. At a recent meeting the com- mittee of the Victorian Order of Nurses arranged to hold their annual cabaret Friday, October 14, in the Drill Hao., North Van- couver. Mr. and bIrs. Thos. Dunlop an&1 children of 25th Street, Vancou- ver, spent last week end at "The YVee Burn," the home of bIr. Frank Patterson, Matbers and 15th Street. NEW SCHOOL iNOhV Ol'EN The new Inglewoo&l School was occupied for the first time on iilon&lay. At present there are six standard class rooms, labora- tory, domestic science room and teachers'oom, and in addition a large auditorium with balcony, stage and dressing rooms. To blr. and bIrs. Bernard Ward, HoHyburn, September 19, a girl. PERFECT SEAL JARS, Quarts............. Dnnen $ t.zt PARA)VAX, I ib. bricks .............„................... ib .14&is B. C. GRAY. St&CAR ........., . )0 ibs..66 WILD ROSE PASTRY FLOL)R ......,„...... 10 ib. sark .48 ROGP:RS B. C. GOLDEN SYRUP ..... 2 ib tin .i, i LiBBY'S PRFPARED h(USTARD ........ Jar .i.'t SERV-US BRAYD RICE Sack 25 COW RRAYD SODA I ib. pakg .it ITALIAN I'RUYFS.....,„................. per case st.ou Sh(ITH'S -MAYPOLF," TEA........,.......Its .59 tt'HOLE )VHEAT FIX)UR--Vernon 4: Buckerfiel&ts.... (0 ib. sark .50 COFFEF Ground while you wait......., ....... Ib. 59 FRESH PULLET EGGS, per des 30e...... 2 dna. Ior .59 BUTTER, ixew Zealand or Finest Aiberts 4 iha. (er $ t.gri If you want the Best Satisfaction in Meats Baay from JEFFERIES You'e get ta bring contentment to ynur nppetite three tin&as a dsy to keep it satisfied an&i the meats yeu buy have get to mnke good with your &tigest&nn. JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET Pi(ONE ivEST 3 CLOSED THURSDAY Ay i O'LOCK ivE t)EI.IVE&t West Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMITED 15th and Mnrino I'hone West 115 Residence I'hone: bVcst,'IGB I. High iluaiity Lumber is Cheapest in the eni. Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property IIOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURANCE, FTO. Seo JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone West 55 P. E. DOWNEY SP'ONS Marine Motors SERVICE THAT SATISFIES I'bone West 177 22nd and Marine 10th anu MARINE Me WILLIAMS AMBLES(DE CUSTOM TAILOR ORDER YOUR FALL SUIT NO(V. Come and see our Patterns. Large selection to choose from. Dry Cleaning and Pressing We Call For snu Deliver. CITY PRICES Dyeing, Repairs and Alterations I'IIONE )VEST 20. To be sold at big sacrifice.-- Cleared Lots in )Yes(on. Size 50i142. between 21st arul 22nd Streets aml Marine an&I Inglewo&,&l. Seven minutes'alk from Ferry. In the heart of (Ves( Vancouver $ 2~S eaSy tel'mS K. A. RAY, West Vancouver, or SO Hastings Street )Vest. I'hone, Seymour 0511. The WEST VAN NEWS 1351 Marino Drive Phono )vest 412L You Never Know Your Luck SO WHY TRUST TO LUCK I ldesideuce Bfrrglayy lusurayfce 0,"",".'„'0"„'„'"„ GORDON GRAY 1009 Cr(dst I oncmr BldgOffice--Seymour 4991; Residence--West 92R2. pjljcil Equip( ploygm& is uow h,igd t& ing "'oon(od d,iinitel TO CLII The h Alpioe ( ning 69 gain rliu event w This wi~ peaks v by Cnpi Then 23 whei dum wil cent wl Jtod the club trn An e Novem( aud Ly( the mnr trip to 3 ed for bridge. taken D Holly Uory 7, and Foi tniu Fel (V. IV, club at October An( is re Nort Drui uerv Eutn suite dent 'I muu of tl Only reuli has i by tl I of tb uiit i is ou Iden( nom( to 6( rneui „of hi ogeu 'I Plaui Driv utru( Purtl brow (vor) T oou I wotu tor'4 diuu( inclir, '6 th brow «oou Imku flrson