Resampled001B6DB9 THE IVEST VAN iNEIVS September 0, 1027 fhe Lesagehasit You are as near to this store as you are to your phone. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Sl'ECIAI«S Lots more specials on Thursday's I'rovince under Cut Rate Drugs--Page 4. CUT RATE DRUGS 76c Rubbing Alcohol .. 19c 26c Woodbuty'0 Soap.... 1 Iot ri9c $ 1.00 Cw&y'0 Powder = 590 doc Cso&otin ....,... 250 25c A. B. L C. Pills ... 1st 600 Phillips hin«ncoin ., &nc $2Jio Lndioo Srrinao ... $ 1.19 $ 1.26 Itonincd Vcno& 50c Iodine ................. 27c $ 1.00 Lovotio ......, Soc $ 1.26 Enno .............. 9ac Ioc To&le& paper...,.. 9 Iot 25c 50c Squibb'0 Tooth Paste .. Ogc soc Ctcolin.............„, 29c 75c Hospital Co«on ............ &1c 750 Parishes Food .....,., 19c Cat&co'0 Pills .........., . 21c $ 1.00 Vacuum Bottles... 590 Soc Andrew's Liver Salts .... 19c 250 Kleenex ......,.. &sc Extra Special $ 1.25 Oohilp(ION HOT WATER BOTTLE ......... 960 Lesage Drug'tore North Side Marine. near l4(h We deliver anywhere. No Order is too small WEST 323 Lesagehasit %York ~th Electa lcity AP those wires &bs& run near youiTplace aod put electricity &o work Do sg the hard part by electricity. Electricity on your farm will not only assure you of e well-lighted home snd bupdings, but it will supply electric power for pumping, grinding and a thousand other farm tanks. cAnk the nearest B. C. Electric agent &o tell you how electricity will save you time, labor and money'. jIIILwlt tIOIZlIIIHH FLSTKCRlIIDIIFtIO. &&wan opt&ca ~ v&u&coUvga.s.c. P&u» »w '5 Q Tip&gib i ITAL(gi -VZXu Vnf.f.n', ILKfor Safety A Crearno 'IVagon on everystreet every morning Bene the/lant or call the milhman 9ruserVaQeg JHilh. 9 quarts for $1.00 North 122 Useful Recipes I Air. Gilmore of Cypress Park. has moved to the city. ~ ~ 0 Aiiss O. B. Bryan, the agent here for the B. C. Telephone (.'o., left Saturday night to spend a short holiday at her home in Innisfail, Alberta. Her sister. Alias Bryan, &cho has been visit- ing in IVest Vancouver for some &reeks. accompanied her. ~ ~ ~ Air. nnd giirs. James H. Smith and family, 20th and Haywood, vvho have been holidaying at Sel- ma Park, &&turned home Monday night. ~ ~ ~ Air. an&i Mrs. Boyd of Belling- ham, have movcwl into the IValk- er house at 24th nnd Nathers. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and igirs. Smith. 24th nn&l Nathers, have moved to the city. ~ 0 ~ B. T. Ronald, nephew of Nrs. J. T. TVatt, and IV. Bradley, both of Seattle, were the guests of Councillor and Airs. J. T. IVatt over the week eml. ~ 0 0 The Lesage Drug Store are moving into the corner store of George Hay's new building about October 1st. 0 1 0 Nr. and Airs. H. Lang, 2084 Marine Drive, have returned home after spending the summer at Balmy Beach. 0 0 Mr. and Airs. Jim Holt, Marine Drive at Ambleside, with Bill Stratton and Miss Phyllis Neale spent the week end on a motor trip up the Cariboo trail. ~ 1 R F Parker has purchased the north-east corner of 18th and Haywood and is getting out plans for building a 85,000 home on the property. » ~ 0 Mr. and AIrs. F. D. Cramer of Seattle, were the guests of Nr. and Mrs. Chet Shields, 14th and Bellevue, over the holidays. Mn. Cramer is a sister of Chet Shields. 0 Mr. and igfrs. Nillar of Winni- peg, have rented G. C. Byrnell's house on AIarine Drive between 13th and 14th Sts. Nr. AIillar is on the teaching staff of one of the city schools. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ashe and family, who have been occupying the Pattullo cottage at 28th and IVaterfront, have returned to their home in Kerrisdale. Jack Strat ton and Arnold Malpass left on Monday night for Gull Lake, Saskatchewan to assist in the harvest operations there. They will meet Tom Armstrong and Harold Dewar, who left for that point two weeks ago. ~ 1 Airs. S. Gray of Vancouver has rented a cottage on East Beach at 13th Street, and expects to spend the winter there. ~ 1 Nadine, the little daughter of Air. and Mrs. George Gemmill, left on Monday to return to St. Helen's school, Vancouver Heights. Mr. and Airs. Lestock Reid an&I family, who have been spending the summer at Balmy Beach, have returned to their home at 30th and Waterfront. ~ ~ 1 Mrs. F. Barbour and family, 26th aml IVaterfront, have re- turned home after spending the summer at Victoria. 0 ~ 0 Nrs. J. R. Patterson and fam- liy, 24th and IVaterfront, who have been spending the summer at Bradner, B. C., have returned home. Afiss De Witte and Alias Em- mett, who have been summering at 0 house at 26th an&I Bellevue, have moved bnck to Vancouver. ~ ~ ~ AIr. aml Nrs. Howard an&I fam- ily, who have been occupying the Iiarbour house at Kith an&I IVat- erfront. have left for the city. ~ ~ ~ Air.and Airs. Numlell of Van- couver. who were formerly resi. dents of IVest Vancouver, were visiting here on Tuesday. 0 ~ Nrs. Robinson, 17th and Mar- ine, &vho has been in Greenwood, B. C., for the past two months returned home this week. 0 ~ ~ Airs. C. Lauder, 24th an&i Alar- ine, &vho has been visiting her sister at Slocan Park. B. C., for 0 couple of months. returned home last Sunday nn&l is much beneilted by her visit. ~ 0 1 Mr. and Airs. A. E. Morris, 24th nn&l Bellevue, left Inst Thursday for a visit to California an&i expect to be away for about three lveeks. ~ 0 0 Joseph Oliver wrote the coun- cil, thanking them for their kind letter of sympathy an&i for the wreath they sent to the funeral of the late premier. ~ 0 ~ A letter received from the secretary of the U. B. C. Muni- cipalities'onvention, was laid over by the council at their mpet- ing on Tuesday night. 0 Mr. Longton, principal of Port Haney High School, who with Mrs. Longton and family, spent a short holiday in West Vancou- ver occupying Mrs. Harrop's cot- tage on the IVaterfront near 13th Street returned to Port Haney this week to resume his school work. Alother's Ten ('akes One egg one cup of ougar ono half cup nf butter or I&eef m&et, one quarter cupof water. one tea. spoon of soda. flavor with n little cinnamon. flour enough to roll. Cut out in fancy patterns an&I cook in a quick oven. Iinfermented I)and«lion ('nrdisl To one full quart of dandelion blossoms ad&i one large lemon. sliced, and two large oranges, also sliced, three pouruls of white sugar, and four quarts of boiling water. Let the mixture stnnil fo& 0 few &lays. strnin an&I serve with ice. Shortbread One pound butter. five cups flour, hnve butter 6 little soft, put in sugar nml flour. Do not use n spoon as n spoon will mnke it greasy, but using the hami work In the flour gradually. Di- vi&le mixture into four parts aml roll out with hnn&l until about one inch thick nml bake on brown paper in a mo&lernte oven. True Yorkshire I uddmg Use only one egg which is beaten up, a&Id a cup of milk aml three tablespoonfuls of flour,mix well, and, if desired, add a pinch of salt. About 20 minutes be- fore roast of beef ls done, pour the pudding into the roasting pan an&I 1st it cook along with the meat. Serve with the meat, pip- ing hot. Suffolk Salad Fill a naiad bowl from half M to three parts full of very ten&t- er lettuce, shredded small, minc- ed lean ham and hard boiled eggs or only their yolks, also minced, placed in alternate layers; dress the mixture with salad sauce, but do not pour it into the bowl until the instant of serving. A portion of cold chicken, cut in thin slices, may be added when convenient. '0 0 0 AI&ss AIelrose Davidson of Cal- gary, Alberta, who has been stop- ping at Lake Louise, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. R. B. Cripps, 2361 Marine Drive. Miss Davidson will probably remain here for two or three weeks. 1 ~'. S. Glover, teller in the Royal Bank here, spent the holidays at his home in Union Bay, Vancou- ver Island. 0 ~ ' AIrs. hV. B. Small, 20th and Fulton, has left for a holiday at Selma Park. 0 ~ AIiss Gertrude Lawson, 22nd and Bellevue, returned home on Saturday from Prince George, where she has been on an extend- ed visit to her sister, Mrs. IV. J. Pitman. Boston Cream I'ie Cream one cup butter, a&Id one cup sugar gradually. Beat in the yolks of four eggs, beaten until very light; add alternate- ly one cup of milk and three cups of flour which have been previ- ously sifted with four teaspoon- fuls of baking powder; lastly fold in the whites of four eggs, beaten dry. Bake in three round layer-cake pans. Put the layers together with thick cus- tard or cream an&I spread the top with a thin layer of confection- er's frosting. Cucumber Salad P&cl an&i slice as thinly as pos sible a firm, fresh cucumber. Cut fro mthe thick en&I of the veget- able, working &lown towards the stalk. Slice two or three spring onions and put these along with the cucumber, with a good sprinkling of salt. Cover and set aside for an hour or so, then pour off the liquid which gath- ers. Arrange neatly on a salad dish an&I pour the dressing over. Garnish with a little finely chop- ped parsley. PRESIDENT WESTERN EMPIRE LIFE TO MAKE TOUR OF INSI'ECTION IVilliam Smith, President of the IVestern Empire Lii'e Assur- ance Company, is scheduled to make a tour of inspection of the company's interests in IVest Vancouver in the early part of next week. J. R. Sigmore of Cypress Park is the Provincial Manager of the Company. I.emon Tsrts One cup of warmed Iar&l, two tablespoons lukewarm water, one egg white beaten stii'f, half tea- spoon salt, sift together one cup flour, quarter teaspoon so&la. half teaspoon cream tartar, mix thorughly and a&Id more flour tu enable rolling out. Cut in three and a quarter inch squares, put in patty pans aml put in two teaspoons of lemon filling to each shell. Fokl the corners over the top and bake quickly. IVA NTS ROAD DH'ROY ED James Tait requested the coun- cil by letter to have some im- provements made to the road on the north of lot 64, D. L. 556, in order that trucks might be able to bring in material where he is about to build a house. The matter was referred to the chair- man of the Board ol'orks and the municipal engineer with pow- er to act. PERSONA.LS ggph gptg ~& 6 co™b o'n I &o " «oo&o att mopr~m"t ood olttr o g,&g «m I gwsuo Snplortt ~goon n&ms.ho&'o r I «g&oosw «go«S Jt&old ~ Aha „mol «Ato I po ,'lo ou do d( «htro ~ m 'ri(lg „Too «Ith "' &0th Con I'u m nuo«ttp oog I ~b gbrm bug I.h,loh ,mr doog b&ot l ~Id. gwpi Tn no&hot ~ ~ Itw «otdo p nl pno oi pmt&p "'" I out call om ng hb ~y go& nmttlo ggi gmog Sor'unitr I go&ho&i rou boot thou Smog Sor: tinging, 'gga ptd Idlhmoo: " were botnlnp gto&tbmon: ~ td In&hot goo&ok Idthmon: "' odx go rou o rout pnronio'n' ~ gto&thmnn ii m& bnd hiutnt coil &born hi&co Johnny oud hi ling weeds onl hoppcntd &o pl lots oi mud on Pop, ain't I o&t Then hio In&i arel" Then Jobnnr omi The«bolt the other tnd l A Don& Judgo'Ti throwing pout the m'ndow." Prisoner: »I Ing, oit." Judge: »Ttt &mori& migb Passing bp 0& A rlmchmu Iioh boo& wh„„ Iotociouo u Itiiud laid ~ Snow never bim!" Tool» said hnow &o od 0"ogo, bo& m 01 odugo l» I ~ doc&ot child&&&& p weight "Too don'I d"Ropo. »Livo on milh 0& olio ,»Xopo, w'0 0milh Jot'&b Tbl~ m&m .«BE in~ott» Pon &oh '"'lo o(l"" mt Ptbio! 'It ood Inglp dnughg" d o In&bin btt ~bi go mu& Iow d, mon ls u m ovo po uitod bu& 4', on uliv p,m Iit'o A„ «tong 'I J Labn'tl&v Tout&0', "Tw op Joh„n 'IP yoh»