Resampled001B6DB9 September 9, 1927. BRIDGE TRAFFIC HEAVY IN AUGUST'he Burrard Inlet Tunnel and Bridge Company have just is- sued their monthly report for August, by which it appears that 272,681 persons used the Second Narrows bridge during last month. Automobiles to the number of 87,996, 9,631 trucks and 2,402 vehicles also paid toll. CONSERVATIVES CHOOSE DELEGATES FOR WIN- NIPEG CONVENTION The Executive of the various North Shore Conservative Asso- ciations met at 8 p.m. Monday in the Board of Trade rooms, North Vancouver, to elect dele- gates for the forthcoming con- vention in IVinnipeg. Dr. Frank E. Dorchester was unanimously chosen as the delegate for West Vancouver, and Jack Loutet, was elected as delegate for North Vancouver. CONSTABLE WILSON FIRST IN REVOLVER SHOOT The North Vancouver City Police Department carried off the shield for the highest team score, at the inter-provincial re- volver shoot on Saturday after- noon. District of Nullah Van- couver police won the cup pre- sented as second prize. West Vancouver was third. Constable Wilson of West Van- couver gained the honor for in- dividual score. Constable Shan- non of the City Department was second. On the 10-yard range Wilson made a score of 31 and Shannon 38. At 20 yards their scores were, Wilson 50, Shan-~ ron 43. In the match between the wthree Chief Constables, Chief W. W. Hemingway took first place with 41 points; Chief Peter Stewart was second with a score of 37, and Chief F. W. Squires, West Vancouver, third, with a total of 28 points. CHIROPRACTOR Roberta A. Vass D. C., P14 C. Vancouver Graduate of Palmer School TENNIS CLUB DANCE TONIGHT--GOODHEART'S ORCHESTRA IN ATTEND- ANCE The dance given by the West Vancouver Tennis Club tonight at Hollyburn Pavilion is the last of the season,and it is expected to be one of the most successful. The organisers are expecting a record attendance and have made provision for a very enjoyable evening. Dancing is from 9 to 12 and refreshments will be serv- erl. Goodheart's Orchestra will be in attendance and good music is assured. Owing to an error on our part the notice in our paper last week announced that Edna Heywood's Orchestra would be in attend- ance. This is not so. Goorl- heart's Orchestra will supply the music. Mrs. M. Kenealy, 21st and Marine, and her sister, Miss Sharpe, returned last week from a holiday at Lummi Island. Mr.and Mrs. Rowe, who have been spending the last two months at the Bishop cottage, 26th and Bellevue, returned on Tuesday to the city. x The hikers are starting again to take the trails for Hollyburn Ridge. In spite of the heavy rain on Labor Day quite a num- ber were seen on their way to the ridge. 51RS. GRISEDALE WINNER OF MANY PRIZES Mrs. Grisedale of West Van- couver obtained many successes with her exhibits at the Van- couver Exhibition, although the competition was keener than in previous years. Her prizes were as follows: 1st, conserve; 1st, red currant jelly; 1st, catsup; 1st, sweet tomato pickle; 1st, mixed pickle; 2nd, Devil's food cake; 2nd, raspberry jam; 2nd, plums; 2nd, menu for four people for one week at cost not to ex- ceed ov12.00. B. R. Harrison and Percy Mas- terman appeared before the council on Tuesday night, asking that a parks'oard be appoint- ed and a money bylaw passed. The matter was referred to the incoming council. HOLLYBURN RAINFALL August, 1927 Branch Office: Yates Building, Marine Drive at Amble- side. Office Hours:-- 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. August 11-- 12-- 23-- le 24 rr o6 rl 30 31-- Total .29 inch. .01 .06 38 II .54 2.62 32 Ir 4.22 inches North Shore Motors Ltd. North Shore Distributors of CHEVROLET and OLDSMOBILE Motor Cars 135 First St. W. Phones: West 828Y West 17 North 1186 North Shore Motors Ltd. Have been appointed Distributors of The Oldsmobile Six a full line of The New 1928 Models are now on the way. Our West Vancouver representative--H. C. OSBORNE-- will be glad to give you advance information, prices and all particu- lars. Before deciding on your new car, investigate the OLDS- MOBILE. THE WEST VAN NEWS School Days g,, ARE HERE AGAIN And perhaps you have no one to run to the store for your errands. Phone us your wants aml they will be delivered at once. We will call for, dis- pense and deliver your Pre- scriptions. No extra charge for this service. Local Product a Trial/ Whsu your local product proves superior to others, you hsvs much to gain aud nothing to lose by using it. P. Q. Gas has established its superiority. It is crystal clean 100 psr cent. gssolluo, thus giving increased power aud more mileage at less cost. You can easily prove these facts for yourself by filling up with this local gas at your local gss station. Phone West 37. WEST VAN PIIARMACY Night Calls -- Emergency only--West 321. NORTHERN LIGHT P.Q. GAS dosed tu North Vaucouc VANCOUVER OIL CO. LTD. An All-British Columbia Couccru The hVest Vancouver TELEPHONE GIRLS are giving a DANCE on Friday, September 16th in the HOLLYBURN PAVILION Edna Haywood's Orchestra Dancing 9-12. Refreshments Correspondence The Earthquake of August 29. Editor: I have been asked to obtain sime information regarding the recent earthquake. Can any reader let me know if he noticed any top-heavy object thrown over, especially one with a very narrow base such as a vase of flowers? If so, would it be pos- sible for me to obtain the width of the base, the height, and the direction in which it fell over? Any information on these points would have a very definite scien- tific value. Yours truly, J. PORTER, 1471 Duchess Road, Hollyburn. hVANT BETTER LIGHTING With the approach of fall the council is receiving applications for more street lighting. F. Harrison, the Vancouver post- master, who has a house at Caulfeild, has by letter asked for a light to be placed on a post on the Pilot House Road, and a petition was received from eight residents requesting a light at the corner of 23rd and King'. Both communcations were ord- ered placed on the light file. Fill up at these NORTH VANCOUVER Forcmau's Garage-- Esplanade East Lousdalc Motors- 15th and Lousdalc North Shore Garage-- First St., West Reliable Service Station-- Third St. rent Forbes Avs. QUALITY in Home-made Baked Goods, can only be obtslusd by using the best ingredients. Our goods are absolutely pure aud made from tried recipes. MRS. DRAPER 8 SON 2435 MARINE DRIVE Next Duudevuve Hall. West 157X Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker III Jewelier Marine Drive Between 14th and 15th. PlTIWI BUSINESS COULCE DAY aud NIGHT SCHOOL You will receive intensive indi- vidual training. 4 2 2 Richards St. Phone Ssy. 9135.. Coc. Hastings HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON gnneral SirectarII North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 N. Shore Stations WEST VANCOUVER Ed. Black- 25th Ave. rrs Marine Drive Wast Vancouver Garage- Amblsside. SECOND NARROWS Burrard Service Station-- Second Narrows Bridge. For West Vancouver Propertie's see SAVORY DUVAL I429 IIsrisc lhirs ?hoss Wert 346 Specializing in West Vancouver WEST VAN RESTAURANT Phone West 611-0 T. WALSH Painting in na its blnncbcs Phone: West 664-0 Clachau Hotel Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe l 640 Haywood Ave. Wast Vancouver WANT KING' AVENUE REPAIRED A request has been received by the council from nine of the residents affected asking that repairs be done to King's Ave- nue between 23rd and 24th Sts. The matter was referred to the municipal engineer for his re- port. B. R. Harrison appeared in person before the council re- questing that some improve- ments be done to the same ave- nue between 25th and 26th Streets. This was laid over for the 1928 estimates. aud SHINGLING, any Style HOLLYBURN BARBER SHOP 25 years experience Whl. NEWBY Prop. 14th ssd Marine Phone West 144 Wnrdew Blinds and Awningt EST4ESTES FREE COUNCII. TO lllEET EVERY TIVO WEEKS The next meeting of the coun- cil will take place on hlonday, 19th Sept., at 7.30 p. m. There- after the council will meet at the same hour every two weeks. LADIES HAIRCVTTINtl Pearce's Drygoods