Resampled001B6DB9 West Vancouver Ratepayers'ssn. WII.I. I)IEET AT AAIBLESII)E H&tl,l. Next TUESDAY, 13th September, at 8 p.m. TH E Mrs. P. C. Chapman aml fam- ily, King's Ave., whn have been sumniering at «Sechelt, returned home nn Thursday, 1st Septem- ber. ~ ~ ~ Mr. nnd hire. J. R. Tiderington and family, who have been nccu- pying the I'attersnn house at 24th nnd Waterfront, have mov- ed into a house at 25th an&i Belle- vue ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Howes who have been summering at No. I Wing's Point. have returned to their hnme in Princeton, B. C. ~ n ~ hfn. Murison has moved into Mrs. B. hi. Grady's nnnex. 24th and Waterfront. ~ ~ ~ & Kenneth R. Ti&lerington, son of J. R. Ti&lcrington, 25th and Bellevue. is ill at St. Paul's Hos- pitaL n n ~ hlrs. jviackenzje, ivho has been visiting hirs.hlacdonajr,23rd and Jefferson, has left on her return to the east. o o ~ hlr. and Mrs. McNab of Van- couver, IVashington, visited hlr. J. Finlayson of the Dundarave Pharmacy over the holidays. They were much impressed with the beauties of West Vancouver. ' Mrs. Sully and hlrs. Loveley, who have been guests at the For- tune Cup Inn, have left for Van- couver. o n n Mrs. Obery, who has been a guest at the Fortune Cup Inn, has returned to the city ~ n Mrs. Armstrong, 23rd and Bellevue, has returned from a trip up the coast. n o ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kloepfer, 19th and Waterfront, have re- turned to Vancouver. ~ n ~ Mrs. Nina hlcCarthy of Van- couver who has been holidaying for some weeks in Penticton and the Okanagan, is spehding a fort- night in West Vancouver. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Black of Calgary, who are on a tour of the Pacific Coast, were the guests last week of Mrs. George Pineo, 13th and Keith Road. ' n J. W. Lynn, the Honyburn Postmaster, asks the public to remember that he has an out- going and incoming mail to at- tend to between the hours of 3 p. m. and 4 p. m. If many come for their mail during this period, it makes it very difficult for him to attend to the two mails going out and coming to his office. IIEI.I.OI Glul&S IIOI.D l)AN('I NEXT FRIDAY. The girls o( the )Vest Vnn. router Telephnne Stnff nre giv. ing n donee next Friday in the Houyburn I'nvuion.. Edna Hay- iiood's Orchestrn will supply the music. Dnncing from 9-12. Re- freshmenis will be served. The Telephone l)nnces. ns they nre known io the people of West Vnncouvcr, nre alwnys enjoyable (unctions and (rom the reports we henr ihe one next Friday will be n very enjoynhle n((nir nnd will be well patronized. Cboop (oodoturfo oro done ot any price. quol&ty obnuid be the I)cot conc&devotion. Ynu can always rely upon the quality or nur son&to ond- our prie&a oco tow on&i cennnu. obio but--we never cut qunilty mr prie&. nuy here ond get the mnot real value for your money. September 9 PERSON ALS It is proposed to spend approximately $ 300,000 on hlarine Drive and Capilano Bridge and a By-Law may be submitted soon. who Pays the BillY What are YOU going to do about it? FOOD FPR OVR HEALTH Creenweo(I'I GROCERY West 16All Ratepayers should concern themselves in thesematters. hfembership in this Association is a duty to yourself and provides the only oppnrtunity for intelligent discussion on Public Matters. MEETINGS hlONTHLY FEE--$ 1.00 Per Annum Phone your orders We deliver.ihlr. Tomlinson. Rndcliff Ave.,West Bay, hns returnc&l to Van- couver. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Forsythe, who have been living at IVhytccjjff, have moved to the city. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. D. A. Tripp and hliss Eliznbeth Tripp, who have been occupying their sum- mer cottage at Caulfeil&l, have returned to the city aml have taken the residence of Mrs. Wes- ton Fuoerton, 2446 Point Grey road, for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taaffe and family, who have been spending the summer at Rev. A. M. O'Donneu's house on 25th St., have returned to their home in the city. ~ ~ West Vancouver L. 0. L. No. 2990 had a most successful meet- ing on Tuesday night. One new member was transferred from an eastern lodge. o ~ ~ Pat Grady, 19th and Bellevue. has returned from a two weeks'rip up the West Coast of Van- couver Island on his fishing boat "the Gilford." He caught 12,000 fresh halibut during the trip. o n ~ AIrs. Johnston has returned from the city and is fixing up her home on West Beach. n Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover have moved into the Poisson house, Lawson Avenue, between 25th and 26th Streets. Mr. Brown, Balmy Beach, has purchased a two-seate&l Wjjjjs- Knight car. ~ ~ Mrs. John Oliver of Victoria, and her daughter, Mrs. A. E. Savage of Montreal, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Fay of Dundarave over the week end. WEST VAN Garage Amhleside BUSINESS W05IEN E&x(TERTAliNED BY M(SS DAUPHINEEHoHyburn Theatre TIRES -- TUBES ACCESSORIESOpen Moudoy, Wednesday Fr&day aud Saturday Admission zuc oud luc. The Vancouver Business and Professional Women's Club spent the week-end entertaining local members and out-of-toivn guests at a series of varied events, com- mencing with a banquet on Sat- urday evening in Spencer's din- ing-room, and fonoived on Sun- day by a motor trip and social time at the home of Miss Jose- phine Dauphinee at Altamont. The club colors of green and gold predominated as banquet decorations. hIiss Amy Edwards, the president, ivas in the chair; hljss Jean Cantelon was toast- mistress, and Miss Laura Cars- cadden general convener. Fav- ors for honored guests were small perpetual calendars with green and gold bases, and place cards bore tiny nosegays oi golden flowers. Bouquets were presented to the speaker, Mrs. A. A. hIatthison, aml the solo- ist, Mrs. F. X. Hodgson. Carry- ing out the color scheme in their special costumes ivere the ushers who wore golden blouses in peas- ant style, with short full skirts of soft green, with crush girdles of black. A satin rosette on the shoulder held long streamers of black, green and gold. The menu cards of golden color were hand- painted and designed by a club member. Nearly seventy guests enjoy- ed tea at the Cliff House, Whyte- cliff Park, on Sunday, when in- formal speeches were given and songs enjoyed. hfiss M. A. IVig- ley, president of the Victoria Club, presented the Vancouver Club with a lovely picture for its club-rooms. Later in the aft- ernoon, the guests were enter- tained at hliss Dauphinee's resi- dence before which a big bonfire was built on the beach. Hours 8 to G. West 130 Friday oud Saturday September Otb oud intb. Estnblished over 6&/4 Yenrs C. J. OVERINCiTON 14th nnd Mnrlne We'e In The Navy Now WALLACE BEERY oud RAY)IO)OD H.'&TTO)V rdoudoy aud Wednesday September )2ttx BARBER For tbo convenience of tbc lodico of tbc District I have bad tbo telephone InstalledThe Winning of Barbara Worth PHONE WEST 135 ond make an oppoiotmcnt.RONALD COLE))AN oud YIL)IA BA))EY People Will Talk There's real enjoyment in s game of It's as cosy to make o bod name for yourself as it is to make o good one. When people are pleased with the Laundry they deal with they just keep on telling tbcir friends. Aod that's exactly wby we have oo very many thoroughly cntioricd customers. BILLIARDS Two full sized tables at The Burrard Laundry Limited CHET SHIELDS 14TH STREET cigbt at Railway Crossing For People Wbo Acc I'octicuior THHtD ST. eud ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. Tobacco, Confectionery and Periodicals West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone IVest 457Y3. For Ladies, Misses and Children THE CLASSIC MILLINERYB 'AINTFOR B 'OBS o ~ n Mrs. Carl W. Reid an&1 her two children with her mother, Mrib C. H. Wood, have returned to thc city, after a holiday spent at Cypress Park New Yates Building, Marine Drive between 14th an&I 15th. INVITES YOU to come and see their splendid array of the latest styles In headwear-- SILK, FELT and PLUSII HATS. A large selection to choose from. Reasonable Prices. For a good job at an eco- nomical price use AYRES PAINTS. A. g9'. VALENTINE P. C. CHAPhIAN, Pres. B. R. HARIIISON, Tress. C. T. KENDRICK, Corr. Sec. W. BLAIR, Rec. Sec. CIIIROt Roberta & 4 D. Cv van& G&aduau c& Branch Offi& Vates Bu Marine D side. Office Hour, 10 s,m, Nortl rp Scp ffj test& 87 IIBIDS IISA) & lu'fhoS" posy Com outl S&jdsc„;v iuo h j(„m&«A„&om& mouth,( 8788' mhvr o «hjcjc: so so 2488 vc BV,171, COS 6&ITS DSLS"8 S„costive Th h «CoSorth cl st j clo iho I'sucouvci Ko&th Oo (o gstco (, jfjuujj cooties &chcv 8 D o,lhedc eh&sou 4 v sud vrzo vlcc Vzucou«r CO&NSTABLE 887 DY RSVj 'fhc N' police DePart 'hechield for gore, ot th m'olvcrvh« ,t on Djotrlct lice i«couvcr po ocutcd as sccou Vancouver wss Constable IVils couvcr gain ' dividual tcore uos of the City I second. On th& Wilson made s Shannon 38. A scores were, iV vou 43. In the matc v three Chief Cons W. Hcmiugwuy with 41 pojsu Stewart wus ocn «37, sud Chjcl Wcot Vancouver tonal o( 28 point. We have the one best paint suitable for your purpose. R. SEEDS General hlerchants Hardware Paint Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 28 He: "How do people tell you twins apart?" She: "Oh, my sister has a mole on her thigh." Lieutenant (examining re- cruit): "Have you got any scars on youvn Recruit: "No, but I can give you a cigarette." Canadian Window Bakeries Agency. )4OS bio&inc Drive FRESH CAKES AND BREAD DAILY Orders takeo for Wedding, Birthday oud other special cakes. LIGHT LD)VCHES Store Closes 9 p. m. TEAS " O'EAR(.E VERNON FEED STORE»" w 19 FEED Good assortment of Bedding Plants CEMENT FUEL Geraniums, Seed Potatoes, etc., for sale ETC. Fergusou's Freight Schedule Trucks leave West Van 8 A. hf., I P. M.--Saturday 8 A. M. Trucks leave Vancouver 11 A. M., 4 P. M.--Saturday I P. M. Phones: West 85 -- Seymour 6217. New Stock coming in ao the time AMBI ESIDE LUMBER CO. Marine Drive at 16th Street SERVICE AND QUALITY IN Sash, Doors, Lumber O'uilding Material Sl'ECIA I.S: 6 lt. 10x12 Sash.......................$ 1.60 each 4 It. 10x12 Sash ........................ 1.35 6 it. 8xlO Sash........................ 1.45 4 lt. Sx10 Sash...................... 1.10 Inside Doors from .....,............. $3.00 up Glass Doors from....................$5.00 up We have a quantity of odd Sash an&i iVindows on hnnd to moveat half price. I'hone West 199 GET OUR FIGURES YOU SAVE MONFY &v OUI'Vcot V be glad to 8'efor& hlOBILB. Nortl