Resampled001B6DB9 MRS. F. X. HODGSON Teacher uf Voice Production Song Iuterpretatioa aud Piano Study with 0 good 0&comPdal&t PuP06 tia[ucd for COP&crt, OPSTdt[c or Church So[0[St& CLASSES COMMENCE SEPTEMBER 6th Phoae West 66SR Re B LOX HAM 3[ASON, CONTRACTOR Specialty:--F[ycp[accS aud Tile Mautc[0, Sinks, ctc. Phone: LVODt 497. L. O. B. A. It &vas decided at the Inst meeting of Ruth Lodge 703 to hold a tvhist drive and dance ofi Friday, September 30th, in the Ambleside Hall. Good prizes and good music. Details later. J. M. Morgan f'huua LVP&1 173 WEST VANCOUVER Send the Children to Sunday SchoolTeacher of Voice Production and Singing UNITED CHURCH SUiVDAV SCHOOL '[VPPt Vancouver VANCOUVER STUDIO Pbuuo Seymour 101 To the Fathers and ilfothcys of )Vest Vaucpuvcy: There is a band of loyal tcachctu wbo meet every Sunday morning at our Sunday School for the purp010 of training pour young folk in Bible truths aud for fitting them to fight the battles of &[u aud temptation which they uow face aud which will become stronger as they grow older. These teachers willingly sacrifice their time a[[ through the year aud cudcavcur to cooperate with you that your boys aud girls might grow up tu be mcu aud women of high character, which wc know is your desire. We feel sure you realise the import- ance of thp Sunday School where Bible instruction is g'fvcu especially when it is realised that uo instruction a[urg these lines is carried out in the day schools aud when it seems more diffi- cult every day for you yourselves tp devote the time necessary for the purpupc. The Sunday lesson which takes less than half an hour each week is a[I too short, but it is Our pyapcy that even in this short time some good seed map be sown which will iuflu ence pour boy or g.'yi to choose the right course in life. Lvc meet every Sunday morning at 10 o'lock aud we endeavour to make the hour one of the happiest of thc week for the boys aud girls for we have a yea[ good time with bright singing. We have a c[add foy thc little tots aud classes fuy boys aud girls afi the way up tn IS aud if your young folk are upt attending any Suuday Schno[ [n the muu[ripa[ity wc woold be pleas cd for yoa to bring them along or wud them along with some of their school friends. Sunday, September 26th, is Ra[[y Day aud we expect the ha[[ will bc filled with boys and girls, but don' v;a[t until the 26th send the children along next Sunday, wc will be delight- ed to 000 them aud will make them feel perfectly at home amougDt Puma of the hxppfc t bp&0 aud girls [1 West Vaucoutcy. On behalf of the Teachers Of the United Chuyc[b B. R. HARRISON, Supt. BETTER BREAD Wc a[1 want the utmost in value for the money we spend. Ypu gct full value when you buy "STRATTON'S" Bread, Rolls, aud Padtv[DL Better tbau "Home-made" ouc cudtomera say. Phone West 27 aud out delivery mau will call. STRATTON'S BAKERY Ambi aside Tea Rooms Fatry Whatf WEST VANCOUVER Camp asd Pi«u[0 Supp808, Tobaccos, ata. H. PERRIN, R.o. OPTO3IEI'RIST aad OPTICIAN Wednesdays from 2 p. m. Every Evening from 7 p. m. Ro) a[ Bank B[dg. Hn[[ybuyu THE West Van NeIys Pub[[abed Every FR[day IL HODGSON aad F.F.LO'VEGROVE Pub[[dhcyp Phones: West 363 West 412L Buniacaa aad Editorial Office: 1361 lfariap Drive llai[ Addycapi P. O. Box 101. Ifofiybuya. B. C. 01.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands 6c pcy cupy- ADVEI&TISING RATES ON APPLICATION Values in Dry Goods If you are not a regular customer at our store, come in and get acquainted. You will be more than satisfied. It is true economy to b&LV here. Wo offer you real good. reliable. first quality merchandise only, and at mttdng priceyk Grigor'8 Dry Goods Store 1460 Marine DriVe 3'b'0".t'Ly.u'P~'~ Toys and Orders taken for Nofjelties Hemstitching THE WEST VAiN NEWS September 0. IDWI Vb EST VAiNCOUVER Christian Science Society CHL'R&'H EDIFICE 20th aad EPuuima[t, 1[n[[ybuya Sunday Service at 11.30 a. Ta. Subject September 11th HSUIISTANCE" Sunday Schon[ at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting avOTy WSd- uadday at 0.16 p.m. UiNITED CIIURCI I WOSI EN TO SIEET ON TUESDAY The regular meeting of the Women's Association of the Un- ited Church will be helil in the Church Hall next Tuesday thc 13th inst at 2.16 p. m. An in- vitation is extended to all ladies of the congregation and their friends. "Snare the surface and Pd»1 "P vfOLR SL~ ~ ILRtPT~ Cia&a UP Henour's Floor I'nint Fny a[[ Inside f[nnTP. Dries hard over u[ghL Outside I'orch I'aint Foy voyapdph f[nnyp 0 porch 0&0pp Neu-Tune A washable flat 0[[ paint for interior decoration. bb ood-Lac b arnLsh Slain Im,ypvPa the new, renews the old. For Rpny0 aud furniture. Slartln's de Luae I'.nnmel Highent grndP Onam0[ [n white aud colors. THE PAINT FOR %FEAR and %VEATHER For Eaterior and Interior WFe CARRY A F(jI.L STOCK. LET'S TAI.K IT OVEII Trinity 13 (Sept. lith). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a m --Sunday School 11.16 a. m.--iblorning Prayer. 7.16 p. m.--Evensong. Sunday will be observed as Rally Day in the Sunday School. Regular choir practice was re- sumed Wednesday night anal un- til Mr. Grout is able to resume his duties, Major A. M. Lester has kimlly consented to act as c mont mee Auxiliary in the Parish I at 2 p.m. The Sunday School, holders of the Allan Cup for track and field sports, are preparing to defeml the trophy and many boys and girls are entered for the sports at Brockton Point Saturday aft- ernoon. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a.m. High Mass, 10.30 a.m. Benediction. 7.30 p. m. lveek Days--Mass 8 a. m. Cv RO('ERI EH 17th nnd Marine HARI)WARE (Hooper and Son) LVE DELIVER I'A INTH. ETC. I'hone Ivest 46 BEST HEI.I.ING BOOK COSIES TO TOLVN AS MOVIE Samuel Goldwyn, whose fond- ness for best selling novels as preferred subjects for big films dates back to his pioneer film- making days, has done it again. The maker of "Stella Dallas" &&&bw presents "The LVinning of Barbara LVorth," a Henry King Production based on the Harold Bell Ivright best selling novel which sold into two million cop. ies. The film comes to the Hollv- burn Theatre next week. The producers of the film, which boasts of Vilma Banky in the Barbara LVorth role and Ron- ald Colman as the Eastern engin- eer, Willard Holmes, es[iimate that teu million people have al- ready read the novel. There mere, first of all, the two million purchasers of the original Wright 62 book. Then addition- al millions read the serialization of that novel in more than onc hundred newspapers in the Unit- ed States alone. W. B. A. The next regular meeting vf Review No. 24, will be held in the Ambleside Hall on Wednes- day, September 14th, at 8 p.m., prompt. lltoiN IN(: I.OIIF Woollens an&I tussore s[lk should be quite dry btforc being ironed. All other materials should be ironed while slightly &lamp. I Use a cool iron when pressing artificial silk. Ss a hot one will cause the material to shrink. A number of sheets of news- paper spread flat and fixe&l nt each corner with a few stitches make an excellent substitute for an ironing blanket. The pape will retain the heat of the iron ~longer than a blanket. The clothes will iron much~ more easily if the starch is made with soapy instead of clear wat- er. A few drops of paraffin ad&l- e:I to the starch prevents the iron sticking an&1 minimises the danger of scorching. Silk should be ironed on the right side first to produceagloss. )Vhen ironing handkerchiefs begin at the centre of eacn, working towards the borders. If ironed in this manner there will be no danger of the han&lkpr- chiefs "balloonmg.n Flat irons that have become rusty can be restored to their original brightness by soaking them for a day with hot powder. ed bathbrick and polish with a clean soft cloth. The Pacific Great Eastern Railway Co. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE Effective Sept. 12th. FROfvl NORTH VANCOUVER [Deity[Dally[Dally[ Vally[ually[ Dally[ Dally[ VallySnn.[Snn.[san.[Snn. exep[ x PJexepfexvp. exvp. exep. xeplvxen.enly I enly I nnly I nnly San. i San.f San [San. Snn. f San. Snn.'an. f P.M.[ A,M.[ A.&l.f P.M.I P.M. P.dl. P.M. P.ISV A.M. A.M. A.M. &.4&I 4.00 0.40' .04 5.42[ ~ .01 6. ~ 4 4.0D 4.4ii 4.12 d.40 4.16 &.dl i.ld d.W,'.17 &.dd ~ .ID &.&7 4.21 Nevth Vancouver .. I Veu A anne Pembvvtan Avenue Cap liana Ambleelde Hnllybnvn W ten Dnndarave 4.401 2.00[11.2&I $ .40 8.&iu 4.&i 2.0 ~ it&.24 D.44 8.40 ~ . ~ 7 2.01[& &.27 D.47 5.42 i.40[ 2.00'I I.RD 0. ~ 0 dmd 4.&tf 2.12[11.02 D.W Kt&~i.dd 2.12'11.$ 2 P.dt 5.4S ~ .W[ R.i&[i&.'$& 0.'5& &.'51[ 4.57[ 2.17[11.27 0.07 8.5$ 4.502.10l11.40 D.dD 8.&d 5.01 R.2 III I. ~ I 10.01 8.57 8,1&i $ .24 1.40[ D.OO 1.44'I.O ~ I 47[ 0.07 I.ID D.OD I'.62[ 0'.it 1.5$ 0.1$ I.dd I.di 0.11 1.&0 0.10 2.01 Ii.ti 7.lfl d,d'I 1.20 $ .40 7.22 d.42 Tf'10 0.4'I 7.1ii $ .4a 1.10 O.iP 7.51 0.41 7.$ 0 4.W 7[60 $ .65 7.$ 7 Aitament Marine ~ .22 .... 2.04 &.R7 .. 2.01 I.RP ...... 2.0D 4.$ 1 ... 2.11 ~ . $4 ..'.... 2 . I 6 4 . 2 0 ... 2 . I iI 4. ~ 0 ...... 2.20 ~ .44 ........ 1.27 .... 220[ il.&0 S.dD 7.02 D.oi 7.0 ~ 8.0$ 0.26 T.SP 0.27 7. ~ 'I D.2D 7.44 Of&1 7.44 D.dd T. ~ 0 0,$ 4 7.50 ".." 0, ~ 0 754 0.4$ [ 7.&ll Oft&i '1[01 10.0$ 11.4T 10.07 I I.ill 10.00 11.& I 10.11 Il.&& 10.10 Ii»0 10.15 12.00 10.20 12.0$ 10.2 8 12.00 10.20 6.0$ 2.2 ~ 5.07 2.27 6.00 2.20 0.11 2.$ 1 5.16 Ldd &.Id 2.$ $ 6.20 R.i& 5.2$ R.W 5.24 2. ~ 5 W t llay Shennaa Cypress Park Caal fetid K em Beach PAP I ~ Harbour Gl nmxlee Whyteellii 7.08 0.05 7.0II ...... 1.10 7.14 7.15 1.17 FROjvi VVHYTECLIFF Dal&yl Dauy[Dallyf DallyiDaluf I ~xep.fexep. excp.f xeD. exep.( I Ban.l san. San. I San. Snn. I A&1[ A.N[ A1& I PM I PM[Whyteeuii.. Ii.00 Ii.&0 2.$0[..... Dl neaxlve.... Il.&l 0.&2 2.82~Anehevaxe,....,. „,....,..... II.PSD.W $ .$ 5 Vmcle I&ark nv .. 0.0$ O.SD R.dli Ken D ~ b . „....„. „... 11.07 10.00 2.40,Caalielld.....„. 0.10 10.0 ~ 2.44[ Cvprm Park ......... 0.12 10.0 ~ 2. ~ dl Sheen an ..........., 0 Ii 10 00 R,illi Went Bay ...... il.l SILO.I II R.5tl .. dlaylae ......... 0.11[10.1 ~ [ 2.0 ~ (Aliameni........ $ .49'.1011&. I&I 2.44Dandava e .. T.PII 0.21[&0.&TI R.difWmten.. 1.02 Il.2&10.101 t.00 Hollybnrn . 7.05[ 0.24IIO.tlf 2.01[ Ambi ide ........ 7.0 ~ 0.24'P.WI LOR[ Capllaaa ......... 7.00[ 0.20f 10.24[ ~ .Odl- V mb rien Av na ... --..-- .. 7.12 II. ~ 5[10.2ii S.DII LWI Veil 4 vane...... T.i ~ 0.$ ~ '10. ~ I P.l I $ .44 North Vaaeeav 4 .. - .--.. 1.1 ~ Ii»ii,'10.~ 0 $ .1 ~ 4.05 Dally[ Vallyl &tally[ San. I Snn. [ San. [ Snn. ~xep. aep[ aen[enly [ eely I only I enlySnn. Sna. I Ban. P.M. I P.M.I ILM. A.M.[ P.&l. P.M. 4.60f ...... T.ta 10.20 11,50 '2.&0 4.$ 0 1.21 10.$2 Il.dt S.W Ldt T.W ID.W I I.dd R.dll d.lid 7.24 ld.~ 0 11.40 R.W LII 0 7.27 10[ia It[00 0.00 4[10 7.$0 10.44 11.0 ~ Loi 5.41 'I.dt 10.i4[12.0 ~ $ .08 4.44 1. 2 ~ I 0. 4 9 I I 2.0 0 ~, 0 4 ~ . I e 7. ~ 4[10.51 It.l I) S.I I Lilt ~ .52 ~ .01 4.00 5.00 0.04 &.dd 1.07[14.~ 1i 1t. 1$ , ~ . I ~ 0 4II 7.$ ~[10.45 12.14 ~ .14[ 5.54 7.4IIIO.&1[12.11 5.17[ Ldi5.11[ Llii L&0 ~ .20 ~ . ~ I[ d.tti ~ .24 ~ .IPI ~ .50 0.21[ II.OI $ .11 5.01 S.Wi ~ .Dd ~ .'Sn; 4.'ee ~ .SII LII L$ 4I 4.1& 1.4 '10.$0 12.10 7. ~ 0 I I 1.0 If I 2 . 2 I 'I. ~ 4 11.02 12.22 7. ~ 0'11.0d[12.2$ T.Will.dii It.tati 7» 0 [ I I. I I I I R. ~ I 7.$ 9'I &.ld 12.$ 51 5. Wl ~ .21[ 4.29 5.00[ ~ .21 $ . ~ 2[ 8'.$ 5 0'.2&[ St. Stephen'6 0urch Hollyburn General Store &9 I 901 SPP SC ~6[so I (+0 FDII 6 aad Day I,sad F 99th 6'NO , ib STd i,bust )1" g Schopl I gNDER~ 221d 02d by )RSS f' eey» [0[ littdSy tO fii ilostesso[ fo ', 2 )ptsoo v,mS'sci [nb ddd F. E&bauttive iea people uee Tbat means ii pptjca[ 221 7[25 It may be tl your 2) ed[Tiff aad we earue4[ matter of bavi Evenings fro[