Resampled001B6DB9 THE IVEST VAN NEWS qeptember 9 IoJi Roberts'etter Meats 14th and hlarine West 19Q Where Service and Quality Count WE DELIVER hIORNI&iNG 9:30--East 25th Only 11130--from Capilano to Caulfeild AFTERNOON 3:30-- East 25th Only SATURDAY EGGS--BABY EXTRAS pcr doves .......... 30c Glendale Creamery Butter, 3 lbs. $ 1.(0 Beef Dripping ...2 Ibn 25c Cottage Ham, sliced, Ib ..... Zoc Cottage Ham. by piece, ib. 32c Ayrnbire Bacon, per Ib ..... 35c Pork Sausage, our own make per lb...... 30c Cambridge Sausage, our ows make, per ib... 2 lbs. 2oc Liver, Frenb, per lb.. ' Ioc ROASTING, FRYING AND BOILLNG CHICKEN SALMON, Just out of the water, pce lb. 20c No. I Steer Bcc(-- Poe Roast, per lb.... 12c aod !Jc Boiling Beef pcr ib Ioc and 12c Oven Roast, per Ib = . 15c op Boneless Corned Beef, ib 12V&c Lamb Shoulders (iocai) lb. 27c Fresh Fesie and Vegetables FRESH FRUIT AHD VEGETABLES PEACHES. crace . $ 1.75 PEARS ........ 6 lbs. 25c SIONDAY Stew Beef, boneless„.. 2 ibs. 25c TUESDAY CAMBRIDGE SAUSAGES pce Ib . .. ..... . I oc WEDNESDAY Shoulder Steat, per lb... 15c THURSDAY Bacon, sliced, per Ib... Ioc Liver. pnr Ib .. Ioc FRIDAY Haddics, pee lb....... Isc Tripe, Fresh 3 lbs. 25c Mr. Spendix: Any install- ments due today? 51rs. Spendix: No, dear, I thinl. not. hIr. Spendixi Any payments due on the house, the radio, the furniture, the rugs, or the books? hfrs. Spendix: No. Mr. Spendix: Then I have ten dollars vre don't need. What do you say if we buy a new car? Little Robert: Pa, a man' vrife is his better half, isn't sho? His Father: We are told so, my son. Little Robert: Then if a man marries twice, there isn't any- thing left of him, is there? The greatest college faculty is that of doing without sleep. tVEST VANCOUVER TENNIS CLUB Last Dance of the Season 11oiiybnrn Pavilion FRIDAY, Sept. 9th GOODHEART S ORCHESTI.A Dancing 0 eo 12 Rc(reebmcatn Tickets 75c. CAisIADIA&sd LEC&ION TO jiIEET NEXT FRIDAY The regular monthly meeting of the West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion &vill take place next Friday, 16th Septem- ber. at 8 p. m., in the Canadian Legion rooms, ferry building. As this is the first meeting held since the annual meeting last June and a number of important matters will come up for discus- sion, it is earnestly requested that every member will make a special point of being present. Hoe Apples Slowly bis arm stole around bcr waist. He wan only s clerk, snd nhe bad seemed no &oung, no pure, sod bec very goodness frightened him. It bad taken about an hour before be bod dared eo nie beside ber. Sbe was noe a product of the astificiai city, and about bec wan 0 wholesome daintiness ebse be feared eo touch. One kiss from bee aod bc would have been in heaven. Bue no, surely nhc would noe, nhe wae a good girL Fina&iy be ventured. "Alice, for one kiss I'd buy you the world." "Ob, nhoclsn!" nbe replied, "I used eo do that for apples up on the fares." Don't ever say that a girl clung to you like ivy. Ivy invari- ably clings to old rums. A!though sbe ban an assortment of hats, nbe wants s new one. (Tbse's a woman for it.) He says be thinks nbe can get along without it. (Tbae'n the men of it.) She insists that nbe csn'1 smd she' going eo gce it. (Tbse'n the woman of it.) Hc nays, "moe if be knows it." (Tbae'n the msn of it.) Sbe breaks down snd weeps. (That'n ebe woman of it.) Hc gives in. (Tbne'n the esd of it.) "If one icicle is an icicle, what are two icicles?'A bicycle." Hc Craved Speed A Colored Bootlegger (three jumps ahead of the o(((cern): "Gimme 0 tick- ee on de speediest train whue runs. I craven distance and needunt mind where eo." Ticket Agent: "Boe the fast train bmn just gone." C. B.i "Nc'ind. Just show me de track what it ler on." He: Dear, if I can't return for dinner I shall send you a note. She: Do not bother yourself, hon, I have already found the note in your inside pocket. "How's your new radio?" "Better still, old man, better stilL" Groceries Save Money by buying at the RED AND WHITE CHAIN STORES Friday and Saturday Specials IVESTERN CORN FLAKES .... 3 pilcksigl'e 23&c SPECIAL BROOMS .. each RKGAI. TABLE SALT ......................................2 packages tic (ac Packnmv Iodined Salt Free) PURE STRAtvBERRY JAM, lace, siapie Ridge........ Tim esc PINEAPPLE. i Se ................................. 2 Tins ioc B. C. ICING SUGAR ...........3 ibn, 2. c SUNMAI!& SFEDt.ESS RAISINS"..'.-.--...2 ibn for 2 ic LUX TOILET SOAP ... 3 cokvn Ior 2Oc &VK Si ECIALIFK IN THK VKH V FINEST RL'TTKH NEW ZEALAND or SPECIAI ALBERTA ........ 3 ibs. $ 1.ta Smith's Grocery Zeeb A;FD tIARINK, Opp, Doodarnve Hall. I'hoon &VKHST (69 IHG IN( REASE IN FERRY TRAVIII, The wisdom of reducing the ferry fares and provid- ing a half-houely servtce is being clearly demonstrated by the rapid increase in the number of passengers this sssmnler. In spite of the small n- mount of fine lventher that has prevailed. August lvas again n I&cord month lvith a total of 86,849 passengers as ngainst 77,027 in Aug- ust, 1926. Up to the end of last month 50 000 more pas- sengers used the ferries than in the first eight months of 1926. FIRST SiNOW HERE The cool lvet lvcather of the past week has resulted in the first snowfall of the season at heights above 4500 feet on all the North Shore mountains. Snow was visible on Labor Day from IVhytecliff on the sum- mits of the highest peaks north and east of thnt place. This is the earliest that snow has fallen on these peaks for a number of years. A Pleasure To Look at Bue still n gros(or piennure eo eni ~ ee the meats diepimyed Is& oor show coven. Tho woman who I.i!or oboue the meats nhi buys mill op- peer!neo their fresh nppvnennce. the tends; eooeheoesenene wb'eb choir I«'kn pei'siege'. rbe riven!ice'nn o( o.&r mnrkee ll«I the low pe(eve which prevail wni a(co sprvml eo hve. Tiy oe e«!oy. giih Guelity Lnmhee is Cheapest in ihe end. Lumber, Lath, Shingle8 Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVIC'.E SALhloiN RUN TO COi)IE According to the Siwash Ind- ians living on the reservation, the salmon run has not yet ar- rived. They prophesy a period of fine weather which &vill bring the fish into the First Narrows and English Bay. ihIrs. Alex Stronge, 14th and Marine, who has been visiting in California for some weeks, re. turned home last Sunday. Miss Kathleen IVinmoth has gone to Okeover Ann, where she has charge of the school there. A. Chilton, manager of the Royal Bank here, has resumed his duties after an absence of two weeks on holidays. Choirs to Practice Boys choir tomorrow--Satur- day--morning at 10 a. m., in the Hollyburn School. Girls'hoir at 11 a. m. Same place. hlusical Society--First rehear. sal of the semen on Monday night at 8 p. m. OFFERS OF FIRE APPARATUS A letter from the American La France Company with refer- ence to their forest fire equip- ment was laid over by the council at their Tuesday night's meeting for future consideration. The International Harvester Co.'s communication desiring to tend- er for a new fire truck, which they said they had heard the council were thinking of pur- chasing, was referred to the fire committee for their report. RIVERS BACK AT NORAIAL FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO l(ENT, FIICE INSUIIANCE, ETC. 17th Street see JOHN LAWSON Phone West 55 'ARINEMOTORS (DOIVNEY dte SONS Phone hvest 177 22nd and hlnrine HUDSO¹ESSEX MOTOR CARS GOODYEAR TIRES SHELL MOTOR OILS We specialize in Hudson Essex aml Chrysler Cars. General Re- pairing. All work guaranteed. Authomzed Brake Service Station for John Manville Brake Lining. Official Auto Club Towing Service. If you have troubles--Tell 'em to Mickey. ioeb nnd MARINE Mv WILLIAMS AMBLESIDE CUSTOM TAILOR ORDER YOUR FAI.L SUIT NOW. Come and see our Pattest&s. Large selection to choose from, Dry Cleaning and Pressing l'Vc Call For amd Deliver. CITY PRICES Dyeing, Repairs and Alterations I'HONE &VEST 20. You Never Know Your Luck SO WHY TRUST TO LUCK! Resideyfce Burglary Iyjsurauce $ 0 p aippp.pp GORDON GRAY Office--Seymour 4991; Residence--West 92R2. 1002 Credit Foncier Bldg. To be sold at big sacrifice.-- Cleared Lots In spite of the heavy rains that have prevailed the last week, the streams are now back to norma) after being consider- ably swollen by the continual downpour. There is said to be no danger of flood conditions oc- curring now. The discharge of water by the Capilano has been higher than the average according to the guage. During August it regis- tered 260 cubic feet per second, compared with an average of 187 for the past 13 years. The maximum was 2040 second feet and the minimum 90 second feet. in )Yes(on. &Size .&OK142. between 21st aml 22nsl Streets an&i ihlarinc aml Inglewo(,&l. Seven minutes'alk from Ferry. In the heart of West Vancouver $ 22S eaSy termS K. A. RAY, %Vest Vancouver, or 80 Hastings Street hgest. I'hone, Seymour 65 I I. They advertised a chorus sif seventy--and they looked it. The WES T VA N NE WS 1361 Marine Drive Phone West IN:I JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET CLOSED THURSDAY AT I O'LOCK I'HONK 1VKST 3 IVR 1)KI.IVF.'R West Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMI THO 16th and Nnrine Phone West 115 Residence Phone: West 388L IL 1 0 0 v.i I'atepa)'e 'u TcsPonm ~ "oticea bycr'I ves tsxpsy uAmbleni prjve uae sighL The iueetiu1 r by the PT 'hapmas,,"I joe I for whg) called, na)»g „ith 6 view t of imP&rtsut ii psyers more the pnposed tbe expenditu liuadred 7,"0 Gapilauo Bfidi tb, hlariue III st cousiderabk sity of di&cug expeudit( Reeve aud Co'ct upon the by-law, aayiui the Taxpayen N'oice in the p bylaw, and ii open diecunei(n prior to th dress, the min oua meeting 0 f(rmed& also 3 ata&IBag Cow with reference a permanent P A letter wa retary iuvitin council to h( meeting aud I read frrom th his inability t One of tlie the question I Provincial Go tributing tou improvement, that the Cove iug fifty pei posed outlay. Another m know what h mg of hlarii awer was "n uuifonu wu it being exp feet waa ami In safety It was exp »g that the( )'et commit( ture, ao nat eratiou of tb ture waa evii tore. Ou« m'mbera the ded in order White houses foi happen 1, erweh during th, 6resident ue reaaoy ould bu,l houses f sold 6 10 &nder our peo oi houses I „ targe ut we th state ho If 60 'ug neu me hu(„