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Roll out one-quarter inch thick and fill with previously prepared cherries. Roll up like a jelly roll and then place in a well greased and floured pan; bake in a mod- erate oven for thirty-five min- utes, basting every ten minutes with syrup made from one-half cup of brown sugar, three-quart- ers cup of boiling water. To pre- pare the cherries; stone two pounds of cherries and place in a saucepan and add one cup nf brown sugar, four tablespoons of water. Cook slowly until the cherries are soft and then add two tablespoons of cornstarch disso)vied in three tablespoons of water. Bring to a boil for five minutes. Cool and use. This mixture must be very thick. cure professional assistance as you are choosing something which is likely to be permanent. Some of the most beautiful trees under cultivation belongs to the Evergreen family. They are picturesque and majestic as single specimens and are wond- erfully effective and imposing in masses. They are invaluable for screening objectionable objects and for windbreaks. They make ornamental planting when used to form a background en masse, against which the showy flowers of spring blooming shrubs may be contrasted or bright winter colors of the bark of small trees or undergrowth brought out more noticeably. Originally, practically all the plants now under cultivation were growing wild. As civiliza- tion advanced the wild plants, trees, etc., were cultivated and names given to them. Some- times they were named after the person who discoveredd them, or after the locality in which they were first found. For practical puiyoses the most general division of plants is the family, which in turn is div- ided into the Genera,--the Gen- era in turn into Species and Species into Varieties. For ex- ample take the American Elm which belongs to the Urticaceae or Nettle Family. Ulmus (or Elm) is the second division call- ed the Genera. Ulmus Ameri- cana (American Elm) is the third division called the Species and the next and last division would cover any variations in the kinds of American Elms. In the professional landscap- ing and gardening world Latin is the universal language used in naming plants, trees, shrubs, etc., but for the amateur the common or English name is pre- ferable. Latin is used in the profession in order to be able to deal with growers in other coun- tries where English is not the national language. The proper selection, spacing and arrangement of trees should constitute the foundation upon which all other planting is made, therefore always choose the trees first. In selecting trees, select only the hardiest varieties and in this connection unless you are familiar with the different varieties it is much safer to se- DRESS5IAKING--Mre. Robbins, 29th aud hfathere. Phone West 437R3.Now open to members for play NEW AND SECOND HAND Fural- tare bought, sold, aud exchanged. Fred Tire, Kevilpa Old Stand, Am- bleaide. FOR SALE--hloffat Electric Range eud Wood Heater. Barrymore Rug 9'xlo" 6', Steel double bed, walnut finish complete; Couch with adjust- able head rest; Gate-leg table. All practically new. Phone West 445Y. LOST--On Sunday. Oxford lau shoe. Right foot, Marine Drive, Dundar ave. Finder phone Seymour 2365. Fiscal Agents: R. P CLARK gt CO., LTD. 823 Hastings St. W. Sey. 7483, 7484 Local Repreeeulalive C. J. ARCHER. West 651L REVT--Attractive buugaloev,, semi- furnished; 5 rooms. garage, modern; near blariue Drive aud Waterfront on 31st Street. 335. Phone West 430L2. MONEY TO LOAN 3500.00 up No delay West Vau. Investment Coy. Notary Public. West 102 NOTS--Tbe welter wlu coasldev It ~ pleasure to answer questloas coaeeraloe tbe eardeo Ia this coltuuu. Tbe questloas should be addressed to tbe welter Iu care ol tbe Editor. The ~sewer wul appear la ao eavlr Issue or II ~ persoaal ccplr Is desired a stamped, ~ell-addressed envelope should be eaclosed. FOR RENT--Five room eemi-bunga- low, hot aud cold water in bedrooms, bath aud toilet, open fireplace, new- ly decorated. Cor. 11th and Ingle- wood. J. Z. Hall it Coo 734 Hast- iuga West, Phone Seymour 658.Music Teachers Re-open Classes Whimsical Review FOR BUILDING, Contracting aud allkinds of construction work, Phone Colin E. Turner, West 679R. Carrots and Green Peas Two cupfuls diced carrots, three cups boiled green peas, two tablespoonfuls oil or drippings, one tablespoonful finely cut pars- ley, one tablespoonful salt, dash pepper, one tablespoonful flour. Wash, pare and cut the carrots into fine dice, put in saucepan and cover with boiling water; boil twenty-five minutes or until tender; drain and save the stock for the sauce. Put into casserole dish with the green peas, cover with the sauce; mix welL Cover and place in moderate oven twen- ty-five minutes. The sauce: Put the oil or drippings and onion into small pan and cook until the onion is tender; add the flour, mix well; then add one cupful of the carrot stock and boil three minutes; add the parsley, salt and pepper. Serve in the dish in which they are baked. He took her in his arms. "Oh, darling," he murmured, "I love you so. Please say you'l be mine. I'm not rich like Perci- val Brown. I haven't a car, or a fine house, or a well-stocked cel- lar; but darling, I love you, and I cannot live without you!w Two soft arms stole around his neck, and two ruby lips whis- pered in his ear: "And I love you, too, darling; but--where is this man Brown?" West Vancouver has for a number of years been well known as a musical centre, and its pre- dominance in this regard has had a good deal to do with its recent phenomenal growth. With the approaching end of the holiday season parents are giving their attention again to the question of their children's studies botn scholastic and musical, and in the latter they are particularly fortunate in that we have sever- al highly qualified teachers in every department of music. Announcements by three of the leading teachers of the re- opening of their classes will be found in this issue. These are Miss Margaret McIntyre, Mrs. Clara Wilson and Mrs. F. K. Hodge, who will all resume work on Tuesday, 6th September. These teachers have always been especially successful in bringing their pupils to the front, and musical students can be assured of receiving the very best tuition under their care. FOR SALE--Singer Sewiug 51acbiue Good condition. Apply aSea Echo- ea,u 43 East Beach. Ambleaide. WO5IAN WANTED -- For General housework, a few hours every morn- ing. Apply Mre. W. Burton Foreler clo hire. Pearce, 21st aud Bellevue, West 103L. ACCOiitfiIODATION OFFERED Married couple or business lady or gentleman. Board optionaL Apply uDuudarave,u c!o West Vau. News. GURNEY OXFORD RANCE for sale. Cheap. Good condition. Phone West 66. "Would your experience con- firm the popular notion that there is a sense of honor among thieves?" said the visitor to the prison chaplain. "Well--no. There may be ex- ceptions," returned the chaplain, "but generally speaking, I find thieves just about as bad as oth- er people." PARTLY FURNISHED COTTAGE-- Moderate rent. Apply 1271 Clyde Street, or phone West 621L. WANTED--Cood cooking range or . stove with hot water attachment. Apply Range, cio West Vau News. SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE to rent Full plumbing. Ap- ply Burley, West 159LS. "DESTROY WOMEN" IS THE MOTTO OF SCREEN DON JUAN John Barrymore Appears as the Greatest Lover of All Ages. John Barrymore as "Don Ju- an!" That is the treat promised for local picture-goers at the Holly- burn Theatre next Monday and Wednesday where this spectacu- lar Warner Brothers production will be shown. Barrymore plays a dual role. First he appears as Don Juan's father, Don Jose, a courtly, punc- tilious, subtle Spanish aristocrat, who discovering his wife is un- faithful, dies with this warning to his boy, Juan: "Destroy wo- men or they will destroy you." Next Barrymore appears as on Juan, grown to manhood a- id the magnificence of the ome of the Borgias. The role, s developed in the picture, bears oints of resemblance to that emorable character of the Ren- issance lover which Barrymore layed on the stage in Sem Bell- ni's "The Jest," a silken, sensu- us, seductive lover, who, with a mile on his lips, poisons the inde of the women who yield o his irresistible fascinations. hus he becomes the destroyer. Barrymore's magnetic person- lity has never, according to all eports, been more effectively rojected than in this picture. xcellent as were his perform- nces in "Beau Brummel" and 'The Sea Beast," these achieve- ents are said to fall into insig- nificance beside that of his "Don Juan"; the godlike pagan who made of his life the most glam- orous romance. The romance has been screen- ed against backgrounds of splen- dor that ravish the eye. Here is the pomp and pageantry of the Eternal City in its most gloriously beautiful period. And through it all is the tingling ex- citement of love as realized by the greatest lover of all ages. Lamb in h1int Jelly This is a summer lamb dish which will delight the eye and please the palate. Chop fine a bunch of mint cover with vine- gar and add sugar to taste. Let stand over night. Rub through a fine sieve and add enough lamb or veal stock to make the requir- ed amount of jelly. Tint green with vegetable coloring, if de- sired. For each quart of stock, add one package of gelatine which has been soaked in cold water and dissolved in hot stock. To the stock add one tablespoon of finely chopped mint leaves. pour a thin layer of jelly into a mold cover with thin slices of cold cooked lamb, let harden. Re- peat until the fold is full. Chill; unmold, garnish with fresh mint leaves and serve with mayon- naise. "What was the trouble at that house the complaint came from yesterday?" asked the manager of the gas works "Nothing much," replied the inspector. «I found a centipeed in one of the pipes." "Ah, an extra hundred feet. See that they'e charged for that." FIVE ROO31 COTTAGE, uufiruahed attic, full basement, on good vieur lot facing south' minutes from ferry. Snap at only $1500.00, on terms. 33-Ft. Lot on biariue Drive, close to ferry, 3650.00, terms. LISTINGS WANTED. GEO. HAY Why the Dog Barked A mau called to aee his neighbor and found him in the garden. He had a big dog hitched to the garden plow aud was plowing the ground for plant- ing. The dog stood still in his tracks aud began to bark with all hia might. Afraid of the threatening looking dog, the visitor stopped. "Needn't mind him," said the gard- ener: "he's jest warkiug to keep from pulling." It is easy to find fault with what is being done, but isn't it better to pull?--The First Baptist Advance. Customer: oYou said this blanket is all wool, and yet you can aee it is plainly marked cotton." Clerk: "Well, you aee we marked it'cotton'o fool the moths."--Drexerd. If to be Clever If to be clever means that I must queer At every honest effort to be good, Must tear to pieces all the brave re- vere, Aud scorn what isn't clearly under- stood; If only what is rotten can be art, Lord, keep me from the aiu of being smart. 14th aud Marine Drive, Phone West 21 Eveuiugs: IV. W. Hay, West 137X First Actress: Yes, when I came out the audience sat there openmouthed. Second Actress: Oh, nonsense. They never yawn all at once. WATER NOTICE (Uae aud Storage) TAKE NOTICE that HOOD POINT ESTATES, LIMITED, whose address is 303 Rogers Building, 470 Grauville Street, Vancouver, B. C., will apply for a licence lo take aud use 100,000 gal- lons per day aud to store Thirty acre- feet of water out of an Unnamed Stream flowing out of what is locally known as "Honeymoon Lake" which flows North-westerly aud drains into Graftou Bay, Howe Sound, about Mfie Northerly from South west cor- ner Lot 2958; Group 1, N.W.D. on North side of Boweu Island. The storage-dam «fill be located at the West Eud of Iloueymoou Lal'e. The capacity of the reservoir to be created is about Thirty acre-feet, and it will flood about Eight acres of land. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 1600 feet north-westerly from Intersection of East boundary of Lot 2957, G. I, (aud North boundary of Lot 1674, G. 1.) aud will be used for Domesttc purpose upon the Land described at Lots 823 aud 2260; Group 1; New Westminster District, Boweu Island, This notice was posted on the ground on the 26th day of July, 1927. A copy of this notice aud an appli- cation pursuant thereto aud to the ulValer Acg'ill be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Vancouver. British Columbia. Objections lo the application utay be filed with the said Water Recorder or with tbe Comptroller of Water Rights Pall!ament Buildings Vic- toria, B. Cu within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. HOOD POINT ESTATES, LlilllTED, Applicant. m a m t T Bore: "Yes, I don't know how it is, but I feel thoroughly wound up tonight." Hostess: «How strange! And yet you don't seem to go.u Departing Guest: "Enjoyed ourselves? Oh, yes! What I'm upset about is leaving your hotel so soon, after I'e bought it." An Irishman said in a confer- ence: "Gentlemen, this is a most in- sidious proposal. If you accept it, you will find it neither more nor less than the thin end of a white elephant." "Your wife is very broad-mind- ed, isn't she?" «Oh very! She believes there are two sides to every question --her own and her mother'." uI have ahvays had a presen- timent,w she said, "that I should die young." utVell, dearie," remarked her woman friend, "you didn't after all, did you?" "Open that door,'cried the turkey "it's roasting in her»." CARROT PUDDING Cream one-half cup chopped suet, add one and one-third cup stale bread crumbs. Beat the yolks of two eggs till very light, add two-thirds cup of brown sug- ar, combine the mixture. Add one-half cup grated carrot, one- half cup raisins, cut in pieces, one-third cup currants, three tablespoons ground cloves, one- fourth teaspoon cinnamon and a little salt. Add grated rind of one lemon, a half tablespoon of vinegar and the whites of two eggs beaten stiff. Put in a mould and steam for two and a half hours. Serve with 0 sauce. If to be clever means that I must jest At all that men hold eecret, aud dis- dain The simple teachings telling what is best, Must serve the passion for my pock-et'a gain; If brilliance means an utter lack of heart, Lord save me from the ein of being smart. If to be cle ver means that I must aee All that is base and vile aud call that real, And fiudiug honor, swear it cannot be Because I'e known some men to lie aud steal; If wit must tear all gentle worth a- part, Lord save me from the eiu of being smart. --EDGAR A. GUEST Ink stains can be removed from linen by putting melted tal- low on the mark and then wash- ing the article. Gvaduate lu Laadscauloe U. ol C Americas Scheol ol baadscaae Accbltccture aad Oavdeulae. Member Natloaal baudscaae Sevvlce.