West Van. News (West Vancouver), 26 Aug 1927, p. 6

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Resampled001B6DA7 ~, ,I 26 Lesagehasit Don't forget that in rainy weather &e&o are as ocoi to this ctoco os yoo ove to your phone. CUT RATE DRUGS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPKCIALS Lots more speci«is in Thursday night's P&e&vince. page t, every «ewk under "Cot Rate Drug«" 26" W t Gi cc ........... 1&c '5c trooitborr'o Soap, 1 for 6«c Thc Absorbent Cotton...... & Ic $ 1.20 Scott'o Fmu o 60c Iodine Tcod'7c $ 1.60 Fellows S&v. Iiypophoe-' o ...,$ 1.10gpc Sulphur &6 biol«coco . Ipc ph&tco .. F ..............&9c Thc Petrolatum ............. 2«cThc Parishes ood hpc Sqoibbo Tooth Paste &Sc25c Talcum.... Iac 60c Castor Oil, 6 os..... 27c hpc Pc codcot Tooth Postc 3«c 26c Cot(coco in mco"6c Cot"mcot.......... 1«c 60c Phillips hi&1k of his«- cps 1sc25c Siooo'o Liniment .. 2«c ocsio 7(ic Wood««cd's Gripe Water 67c 16c Pears Soap... IT( 65c groschen Sotto ....„62c $ 1.'26 Nojol... $ 1,90 26c French Cleaner ......... 17c $ 1.26 Rnos ....., 96c $ 1,60 Wilson'e Invalid Port $ 1.07 Spc Costono .. 22c $ 1.60 &Vine«rois Wino... $ 1.29 25 Co(tee's Pills, .... 21& Lesage Drug Store North Side Marine. near 14th We deliver anywhere. No Order is too small WEST 323 kve give Trade Discount Receipts. Save the Coupons. Lesagehasit STONES fN some European countries weight is still measured in "stones." A peasant woman carries several "stone" of water in a dsy. In our country electricity pumps, sweeps, does the was~os the "stones" of life, big and litt)e, E)ectricsd facilities a6'orded Canadian women surpass those available to the women of any other country. Housewives arc learning as business men bove already learned--that electricity is the cheapest servant Bmm Gumaaa 'rxcTIacR)taMIrCo. vsNcxwvaa vicvo&uo 1-ii (I 'Pou&u(/o the groifIIII brain Statistics prove that Milk-fed school children get the highest marks- Use Fraser Valley Milk for Safety. ~» p:,'i gag Vhj")IaflL9 quarts fo. $1.00 North 122 Ssj THE IVEST VAiN VEIVS Auguet 26 )OJT I'Literary Society PER.SOMA.LS ihfrs. Anna I Lynch of iVew York City is a guest at "the Clachan." ~ ~ ~ The salmon Ashing in the wat- ers off Amblesi&le, Ilollyburn nnd Dundarnve &iers has been ood v " Orig)ussll upi tips sd es, e ". mmthef ! Bm «h( II. &Vapier. 13th an&i Fulton, caught a salmon &veighing 2012 lbs. on Sunday. hetneen Hnlly- burn and Ambleside piers. This is the third largest salmon caught in IVest Vancouver wat- ers this 9('a«ion. The arrangements for the an- nual excursion of the Literary Society hnve been left year after year in the capable hands of ihlrs. Be)woo&I, secretaim, and Nr. Duncan, vice-preshlent. As the mu ici alit hns been opened up Pem the) ~)ter t i were Sm nFor Pn sei a&alt P,j theism" ,dm) iutp 1 ers is tu 3+les ui'e tsj& smp which or Nettle Elm) Is th g the Gi cans ij™ third djvh spd the 7 vrpuld cove kisds Oi J In the ipg ssd 6 is the us ju usmiug etc, but common 0'crsbla ptpfmsloa desi with I tries whe& national )1 The Pro sud srtsul constitute which sll & therefore trees drtt select only 2nd in this are fsmilii varieties ii 'DESTBO'S Tl c John Bi an!" ,(: That is local pictu burn The )Veduesds lsr Watue will be shi Bsrrym First he 1 father, Dp tdlous, sul who djscp s)C': faithful, d ) to his bp) meu or 1} Next B Don Juan, mid the I Reise pf 1 ss deve)OPI Points of memoisbh sissauce 1& played pu iui'6 "Th pus, seduc! smile on minds of tp his irr Thus he b&'+ Bariym& slity has I reports, b&~ projected Excellent, puces iu 'The Ses I meu)s are uificsuce b Ju&u&; th& uisde pf horolla rounThe rom,cdagainstdoi'hst a th9 Pou gloriouily h tern thtoughyjt clteiueut "e giesteg John Barr, Gies! I n pthis &reek nncl 0 number of nng- the places visited hnve l&eenhirs. Rei&i an&I her daughter, lers have been out every &lay try- choo n s as to study a new nn,ih)argaixt, and bliss Kenealy, ing their luck, in most cnses suc unhackneym) b&auty sppt each21st and Marine Drive. returned «ssfu))y. Good catches of the on Sat«dnh fi'om a trip to Eng- bl"ck A)ae"0 c«l »ve also lump T), e„parsi„n of )nst S&atur&iavland and France. ma&le off Dundarnve pier, Cove, an&I was probal&ly the rich-»» C»mbers of Swift C&ir- . " his 6 hf»y»&j Cather- I jt ) ) r frent, is staying with Fred Tjte ine hfacdonakl of Orillin, Ontario, of Ambleside. He is much im- were here on Tuesday visiting P ed 1th the future of Vvest I) t f n n sible to &hnrter one of the munl Nrs. P. A. IifcRnin, SOth and een mace. Vancouver, and is looking round Wnterri out. cipnl buses, which hekl the en-«1th the »tention of eettling N B V h tire pnrty comfortably. Thishere. Nr. Barrett of Vancouver. a„'eprived ibir. Lawson of the~ ~ o rented the Page house at 25th chnnce to repeat the performJ. Tite from hiort)ach, Sask., an e evue. nnce of inst yenr when his exbrother of Fred Tite, theAmble-, n ) hnustive local knowledge enabledside Shoe Repair Shop, arrived Nrs. Su)Icy of Vancouver, nnd him to start after everyone elseof Col)in woodhere bv auto 0 few days ago and " "' g aiul got home before everyoneintends to remain here Peru&an Enst, are guests at the Fortune e)ee, though at the cost of aently. He has rented the store up ""' ~ , steeplechase across sections. )lein the Tates Block, now occupied &li&l not worry, however, for he m i d a)ers and will Sir. an&1 Mrs. Pat Fiekl and trave)led in appreciative comp-take ossession on the first of ™y, who have been sp g any this time.endinthe month. It is rumoured that e possession on the summer at a house at 25th The party, on reaching Copperurchased the shoe r and Bellevue, have taken up Cove Gas Stiition carried its impairing plant from his brother " " ~ their residence in the city. pedimenta to the vernn&lah of theFred. Miss Jean Pearson, 'who has " 0 " P been visiting her sister, Mrs. Col- It then macle for the beach, L . in Turner, 13th and Haywood, where the necessary compli-has left to visit her other sister, ments were paid to nature on her Nrs. Robertson of Robertson's scheme of decoration. The ex- cursionists then divided into o bathers an&i ramblers. The form-comp ete or 0 uncan aw- son Chapter's garden fetptomor- The staff of the B. C. Tele- er, with Mr. Harrison at their ro&v afternoon on the grounds of phone Co. here are giving a ' h f head, enjoyed the contact with Councillor and Nls. J. B. ey- dance on Friday evening. 6 Th mblers under the guidance .Le- land's home. Nrs. A. U. De Pen- September. The hall where the pier &vill open the Fete at 3 dance is tobe held has not yet " knoll above White Bay,o'lock and the following ladies been decided upon. have kindly consented to assist as Patronesses: Nrs. R. C. Proc- Mrs. Eddie Kirby and daught I obscured the details of Bowener June of Calgary are visitmg I 1 d I f pn) 0 j B)aV. Vinson, Nrs. A. D, Mc ae, Mr. and Mrs. George Childs, tain behind; but the features ofand hIrs. J. H. Redd». West Beach. the npaier coast bne with thtThe guests will be received by beach an&1 hea&llands an&I islandsNrs. kv. B. Small, Mrs. D. Norg- Ensign Schwartz of Winnipeg. a d th &vppds stiB clothing thean, Nrs. P. tvajt, Nrs.. A. - who has been visiting Mr. and he;ghts stood out clear andmas, Mrs. J. Lawson and Mrs Mrs. J. M. Stratton, Marine beautiful in the sun of after-J. B. Leyland. Drive at Ambleside, left on Sat- nppnTea will be served on the lawn urday for Victoria and returned by the following committee: Nrs here Tuesday. She left Wed- Ogilvie, convenol; those assist nesday for Winnipeg, where she . " ' k thing, Mrs. tv. Crawford, Mrs will resume her duties at the N J Nrs Manning Mrs., o o 'uitoes were practica y 0 sent,Dauphinee Mrs R Mcvean Salvation Army College there h h h d 'll I bM but for 6 time the wasps tnedPage and Nrs. Hirst.. Mrs. Jim Holt, Marine Drive to take their place Mr. Dun-A beautiful Home Cooking at Ambleside, underwent a ton- can obtained a broom; but itstall with Mrs. Wait as convenor, sil oPeration on Tuesday morn- roved as futile as the mo ofing at St. Paul's HosPital. Nrs. Parting)on which fai)ed toLawson, Miss Dauphinee, Mrs. prentice. Ice Cream stall -- . ' S«at«». M»ino Porter used his cap,--0 weaponDrive at Ambleside, and her which he had learned to handieNrs. AV. B. Thomas with t 0 as- daughter CaPtam St& atton left with success on the mormng fer on Saturday for a visit to Vic- r bpat This djd v interestin su rise for the toria. CaPtain Stratton return- til the table-cloth was spread, ry ed to her home here on kvednes- after which )owe)s had to be used instead. But n panful of apple jelly tarte brought by Nrs.Percy Casson, 23rd and Ful- Lawson drew so many enemies ton, was taken seriously ill while that the ladies were constrained Mrs. Cutler will have a very to corn to th help of th merhouse of some fnends there, men After a short but sharpwhere he still remains. His con- conflict, the surviving wasps ioc Golf will be played and 6".perv d y™Jor '" dition precluding his being fled Thp tea, hot and strong,brought home. was delivered by Mr LawsonThere will also be tea-cup read- from the spout of a Brobdlng-in, uessing contests and fort- une-telling. g g . George Hay and Gordon Rob nagian kettle which had been son, the municipal solicitor, have securecl by Mrs. Selwood; an&I ice Quajn and Mr J A Flett ac )«1 «&r 0 motor triP to Calgary the piles of good things prepared The soloists will be Mrs. aur- companied by Nr tv W»d go'ng by way &&f Sp&»anp. They by the ladies circulated freely 0-md'o't f t t rrow Sat- will motor back, visiting Banff, bout the long table to the ac- O D F Lake Louise, Golden and Nelson companiment of well-turned on the return trip. comphments and tales told outto the front and extend a nearty ~ o ~ of school.invitation to all people of )Vest V v . tV. B. Turnbull of Edmonton, The clearing of the table wasancouver. of aAt the entrance will be Miss is visiting his brother, W. J. followed by tho reading o a Muchmore, Mrs. T. Garland and Turnbull of the West Vancouver short paper by the editor on Mrs. Pearson. Lumber Co., Ltd. Hp is leaving "The Diary of A. C. Benson." A h t ill b in attend- in two weeks for Kingston, On- Mrs. Harrison read two of thpnore esrawi eina en- ance all afternoon. Visitors tario I t '. O. D. E. Fl t o ' have a))learned to associate with 28th and Marine. W. R. Link)ster is building a her pen. The party then gave house for Nrs. W. B. Inman at itself up to community singing the corner of 14th an&i Ingle- under the leadership of Mr. Har-Doctor, advising patient who Icd a rison. The singing was continu-rather wild i&to. "Yoo muot change ed in the bus until Altamont wasyour method ot living, ceriy to bcd ond cociy to rise makes o moo healthy, Nr. Chapman, 15th and Ot- 1'cached, after which the mem-wealthy ond wise. Go io bcd each taws'as moved into Captain bors engaged in handing bou-"'ght bct cc" si sd eight Tho Smith'6 cottage at 12th and &lucis to Nrs. Selwood and Nr.so&loot brooks io with "Hock, Doc, my ml 8 co age a Duncan.bcd won't hold that many." 'uchess.