Resampled001B6DA7 THE IVEST VAN NEWS August 26. 1927. gg I'~ugus Hollybum Theatre Open Monday. Wcducwiay Friday ~&Ui Saturday Admisaioa Ztc snd iac. August 20th and 2T&ia THE PARAMOt'NT JUNIOR STARS u& "Rolled Stockings" Mouday aud Wednesday AUgUst 20th a&Id 31st, JOHN BARRTSVORE "DON JUAN" There's real enjoyment in a game of BILLIARDS Two full sized tables at CHET SHIELDS 1 &TH STREET right at Raiiaay Crossing Tobacco, Confectionery and Periodicals GEORGEEDWARD Swan O'ook LANDSCAPE aud GENERAL GARDFNERS 1636 Dempsey Rd., Upper Lynn Pboua--North 12&OR2 - 12&OR3 Lawns. Shrubberies, Roct Gard- cus. Walks, Drives, Fcucm, Hedges, Greenhouses, Summer- hoascs, Pools, Planned aud Coustructcd Lawns 4& Gardens kept in order. Apprenticed Gardeners with 30 pears'xperience. Well laid out grouuds are a thing of beauty. Lct Practical mcu do your work. FED UP! When a woman says she's "fcd upo shc means it. Wbeu a mau says it it docsu't matter because hs never did a day's washing aud ironing in his life aud doesn't know what hard wort is. Hand the "fod up" stuff to the Buc- racd Lauudcy,--thcySi never tire of doing the real hard work for you aud they'l do it very carcfu0y aud you'l be pleased. The Bayard Lauldry Limited For Prop&a VVTro Are Par&isaac Tails SllEET sat Sl. DSTSS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone 1Vest 457Y3. %caen Did You Paint Last? CC7 3&0 Houses in this district painted with Ayres Paints usually deceive strangers who find it difficult to be- lieve a three year old job was not done last year. This store recommends Ayres Paint because it is made right here in Vancou- ver to suit our climate. R. SEEDS General Merchants Hardware Paint bfarine Drive. Ambleside Phone West 28 PERSONALS Miss Pearl Scott and Stanley Blake of Calgary, who have been visiting his sister. AIrs. IV. D. Colvin. 14th and hlarine, return. cd home last Saturday, travelling by auto. ~ ~ hlr. and Nrs. S. G. Hodge of Duchess Avenue, with their daughter Gvvendoline of the telephone staff, have left on a motor trip to 61ount Baker and giount Rainier. ~ o ~ Mr. and Nrs. Burdick and fam- ily, formerly residents of Iyest Vancouver, but now living in Se- attle, are he&a visiting Mr. and Nrs. IV. Partridge. 22nd and Waterfront. o o o Nrs. A. D. 61aclean, 13th and Fulton, who has been a patient at the Vancouver General Hospi- tal, returned home last 51onday. Mrs. 51aclean is making good progress but it vv&11 be some time before she &vill be able to be 0- round again. ~ o ~ Nrs. R. Ford &vho has been spending the past month at White Rock has now gone to her summer cottage at Bowen Is- land for the rest of the summer. ~ s Nrs. NcKitty of Auburn, Wash., vvas the guest of Nrs. Roy Faulkner, Marine and 24th, last week end. o o hrr. and Nrs. R. Froud and family, 25th and Mathers, left last week for a holiday on Cortez Island. o Miss Mildred Ford spent the week end at Bowen Island. o o Mr. Fires and Miss Amber Fires returned to their home in Bellingham, hyash., last Sunday after a pleasant visit to IVest Vancouver, the guests of Mrs. Roy Faulkner, 2319 Marine Drive. Roy Faulkner returned with them for a short visit. Nrs. Fires will return home later. Miss Norma Cox, Edmonton, is the guest of her aunt Mrs. E. J. Pearce, 21st and Bellevue. o Nrs. Barbour, Radcliff Ave., West Bsy, has moved to the city for the winter. o ' Major Lester of Vancouver, has taken a house at 28th and Bellevue. glrs. Rulverta A. Vasm chiro- practor of Vancouver, who re. sides In Aliamont, is opening nn otf&ce in the Isles lilock. ~ o ~ In response to the request of glr. Keith, who is erecting n business block on the south side of 6&farina Drive bet&veen 16th an&1 I Gth Streets, the council have authorized the opening of a lane east of 1Gth and south of filarine Drive to the east line of Mr. Keith's lot at a cost not to exceed $ 120 provided he vvrit- es a letter to the council guaran- teeing to gravel the lane, it need- ed, at his own expense. ~ ~ ~ A resolution was passed by the council on Non&lay night to call for tenders for the installation of a &cater main on Queen's Ave- nue, such tenders to be for wood, steel and cast iron pipe. o ~ ' The Empire Shoe Store is clos- ing up at the end of this month, and is putting on 0 special sale to clean up their stock. People of Iyest Vancouver who want to buy shoes should get down early and take their pick of the bar- gains. o ~ ~ The directors of the Horticult- ural Association are now busy preparing for the Fall Show which will be held on Saturday, September 10th in the Amble- side Hall, corner Marine and Fourteenth. o o ~ Dudley Roberts and Bert Gis- by who were away together on a week's holiday trip to the dis- trict adjacent to North Bend, re- turned home last Saturday and report having had a "fine" time. Secret of Cake Magician's Success A woman noted for the delici- ous cakes she makes never makes but the one kind of cake. All her variations are made by means of different fillings and frostings. Her foundation cake she has made so often that she knows exactly when she has creamed her butter and sugar long enough, and always gets the proper thickness for her batter. As her oven has a heat regulat- or she is sure of her baking with- out looking into the matter after she has set it at the proper tem- perature. Like most other cooks she has favorite frostings and fillings from which she obtains consist- ently good results. Her frosting is what she calls twice cooked. It really is a plain boiled frosting but after the syrup has been boiled to the thread stage (238 F.) and has been beaten into the stiff egg whites the bowl is set in hot water and the beating con- tinued until the frosting is just right to spread. Some good cake bakers prefer the frosting which has little corn syrup added with the sugar. This is cooked to a higher tem- perature and must be beaten longer after the syrup is added to the eggs. This is not set in hot water. It keeps soft indefin- itely. Ed. Black has a photo of his three children at Sechelt show- ing them each with a 4 lb. sal- mon caught by each one morn- ing last week before breakfast. As the two younger are only 5 and 7 years old respectively, it is evident they have inherited their father's capacity for suc- cessful fishing. o An appeal is being made for $50,000 to clear the new Orange Home for Children at New Iyest- minster of all indebtedness. The home is maintained for all prot- estant children in the province, and this work has been carried on for the past 17 years. Since the home was first started near ly 700 children have found shelt- er and succor within its walls. NOTICE To RENTERS JUST THINK OF 4 BEAUTIFUL ROO61S; CUT STONE FIREPLACE; STANDARD I'LUNBING; CEMENT BASE- 6IENT; I'IPE FURNACE; 50 FT. CORNER I,OT NEAR .VIAIN DRIVE; ONLY $300 CASH. NO hlORTGAGE. Your present rent money will take care of your monthly payments. Built by day labor for the owner's personal use now finds he cannot live here. A beautiful home and all bran&j new. Let your next move be to a home of your own. PARTICULARS FRO61 IVEST 331L. Loadorl tt British North America t',ory Ltd. London Bldg. Vancouver You cagg't go wrong qNhe X«g«o Greenwoods for Groceries Phone i%est 16 TENNIS CLUB DAI&&CE lVe Deliver Our Annual CLEARANCE SALE The Iyest Vancouver Tennis Club is giving a dance on Friday September 9th, at Hollyburn )'a- vilion. Dancing 9-12.1 Refresh- ments will be served. Tickets 75 cents. Closes tomorrow SATURDAY NIGHT Nr. an&I Nrs. William Thom- son and daughter Chrlstinn. of Fernie, visited last week Mr. Thomson's sister, Mrs. T. Pur- cell Hardman, 21st an&1 Marine Drive. ~ ~ ~ Edwardh--Alder Mr. and blrs. P. H. Abler of Sherman, Iyest Vttncouver, an- nounce the marriage of their youngest daughter, Edith, to Mr. Gordon Edwards, of Sherman, IVest Vancouver The ceremony took place wednesday, August 10, in North Vancouver. o ~ \ Mrs. T. Purcell Hardman, 21st and Marine Drive, had as her guest last week her cousin, air. Mathew Whitelaw and family of Fernie. Mr. Iyhitelaw is pur- chasing agent for the Crow' Nest Pass Coal Co. o ~ Dr. F. E. Dorchester, the well- known health specialist, who re- sides in Altamont, has a new book on the press. This bemg the fifth of his published works. Dr. Dorchester's series of articl- es which have been running daily in the "Morning Star" since May 21st, are widely read. Come and get the Bargains. Pearce's Dry Goods 14th and hrarlne The Candy Box VIARI'&b, ilitiVE (Opposite Memoria& Park) CANDIES ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS BREAD MILK Mrs. L. Jennings, Proprietress. A few drops of lemon juice added to the dough when making pastry will render it more digest- ible.FERRY PASSENGERS KEEP TO THE RIGHT llfuch trouble is caused travel- lers on the Ferries by the many who insist on using the wrong gangway to and from the Ferry Boats. The West Side should be used by those boarding the boats and the East Side by those leav- ing. Notwithstanding the prom- inent direction signs many still persist in using the wrong side to the great inconvenience of the late comers endeavoring to "catch the boat Keep to the nght when board- ing or leaving the Ferry Boats. Always grease cake tins with butter. The cake will turn out easier and no pieces will be left behind as so often happens when other fats are used. When washing new sheets or white lace curtains for the lirst time, soak them overnight in water to which one or two hand- fuls of coarse salt has been add- ed. The salt takes out the lime dressing and saves both soap and labor. Two ounces of fuller's earth boiled m half a pint of vmegar and the juice of three onions is excellent for removing scorch marks from linen. DEAD BLACK FISH DRIFTS ASHORE Black fish, a small species of the whale family, are often seen in the Gulf of Georgia, and oc- casionally some of them come up Burrard Inlet. Last Friday a dead one drifted ashore at Cyp- ress Park, and, havmg made the neighborhood distinctly unpleas- ant, was towed out into the bay and later in the day drifted a- shore again at 15th Street. It was for obvious reasons again towed out, and from last ac- counts was stranded on the beach above the mouth of the Capilano. It was the size of a large row boat and minus its tail, which had probably been cut off by the propeller of some steamer. To clean suede gloves, put them on the hands and rub well with fine oatmeal. Remove ob- stinate stains with benzine ap- plied with 0 soi't piece of flan- nel. Lemon juice rubbed into the scalp before washing the hair will remove all dandruff. It will remove warts if applied regular- ly every day, and there is noth- ing better for corns and bunions than to soak them in hot water and apply 0 bandage wet wildelemon juice. Bran tea is excellent for hoarseness. Put a tablespoonful aml a half into a saucepan with a pint of cold water. Bring to a boil and simmer ten minutes. Then add half 0 tablespoonful of honey and a small piece ot but- ter. Dissolve and strain careful- ly. CADET CLASS TO BE STARTED J. E. Condon, the popular puh- lic school teacher, who has al- ways taken such an active inter- est in school sports, has return- ed to his home at 16th an&I Ing- lcwood after taking 0 6 weeks'rainingcourse at Rod Hill camp near Victoria, to qualify for a cadet officer. It is his inten- tion to start a cadet class in the schools this fall. Mrs. Condon returned with him after spend- ing a week's holiday In Victoria. Ths Ladder of Sue&&os 100r%%d-- 1 d id 00%-- 1 wiii S0%-- 1 can T0%-- 1 think I cou uoyr--1 might try 60Sr-- 1 suppose I should s0%--what is it I a0%-- 1 wish 1 could 20%--1 don't know. 10%--1 can' o%%d--I wou't. s Sditl To the Vau Iy«,'es& he'ba 8if: ut e . bcltei lt ~(0&0 Ciaa o;I 6 pl+ pa) "~lw iu& bridge DTS 'They&i Caustic " one by .Iav ubmittesu i„g the tol the 6" Now ea& ~ dlstlu& ;6, the bfl& o„t the 0'his&inc I ' hillis& through 1 Cspilauu I IIuder & JIuulcipaI imyers sl Say SS io~ fund 00 the ci aud a&cop INt by-h ptndiiuls Icd tu thi dtcisiou. Is ation it w ratepayer ia the ma It can i that a la& payers m, I Fo Op Da isc Dev Gr Sahi Tea s Dau 0 our Iy, be glad lais hiom, I'tlone