Resampled001B6DA7 August 26. 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS ,"I th+ «onr loOT n. coi'er 'iros 'ine, "hen longv vq ETC si 46 vs!ac I ysu irvsd ,D osv cell, b st hluo r I, WEST VAN BATTERY SERVICE (G. K LESHURE, Prop.) AUTO and RADIO BATTERIES Recharged and. Re-bunt In Yates'ew Stores Next Door to The )Vest Van Oil Service Phone West 130 Removing the Attraction The Muse Jacksons were separated and, knowing that Mvs. Jackson was not at home, a neighbor woman's sus- picions were aroused when she saw Mose slip stealthily over the back fence and disappear into the wood- shed. Deciding to investigate, she hurried around to the front gate and met the grass widower emerging with a washtub tightly eiasped in his arms and trailing a washboard and wiipger after him. QWhut yo'wine do wid dern, nig- guh I D she demanded, suspiciously. BHock 'em,B was the emphatic reply. DDat woman ain't gwine to vamp no other nigguh wid mah weddin'res- ents! B--Sovevign Visitor. S:-.:O.E SA L.= The Empire Shoe Store NEXT TO SEED'S GROCERY QUITTING BUSINESS at the entl of the month. BIG BARGAINS IN FOOTWEAR for the whole family. A. C. SEARLE VERNON FEED STORE Phone West 9 FEED Good assortment of Bedding Plants CEMENT FUEL Geraniums, Seed Potatoes, etc., for sale ETC. Ferguson's Freight Schedule Trucks leave West Van S A. M., 1 P. M.--Saturday 8 A. M. Trucks leave Vancouver 11 A. M., 4 P. M.--Saturday 1 P. M. Phones: West 85 -- Seymour 6217. Canadian Window Bakeries Ltd. Agency A. Ik P. VALENTINE 1406 Marine Drive FRESH CAKES AND BREAD DAILY Orders taken for Wedding, Birthday and other special cakes. CANDIES -- CHOCOLATES -- ICE CREAM CIGARS -- CIGARETTES -- TOBACCO Light Lunches--Our eggs are strictly new--Try them!--Tees. Miss IVitter who was spend- ing the week-end at Miss Camp- bell's cottage, "Sunlit Lodge," West Bay, entertained several friends from the city at the tea hour on Sunday. D Mrs. W. W. Boultbee was host- ess at luncheon on Tuesday at Whytecliff, when her guests were Mrs. Henry Macaulay, Mrs. Cheshyre Janion, Mrs. Noble, Mrs. C. D. Macdonald, Miss Ger- aldine Cambie and Mrs. Wood. An interesting event of this week end is the annual badmin- ton dance to be given tomorrow, Saturday evening by the Caul- feild Badminton Club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Davidson, Caulfeild. Members of the younger set are planning to attend and a number of small dinner parties will precede the event; Q Q H. P. Tearoe, 16th and Hay- wood, who has been on a holiday trip to the prairies, is expected home next week. Mr. and Mrs. Crane, 12th and Duchess, have moved into their new home at 11th and Esquimalt. Mrs. W. Burton Forster, wid- ow of the late Lieut. Colonel Bur- ton Forster, M.C., and two child- ren arrived here from Paris, France, on Sunday, and are stay- ing with Mrs. Forster's mother, Mrs. E. J. Pearce, 21st and Bellevue. J. Lynn, the postmaster at Hollyburn, returned yesterday from a trip to Alaska. Mrs. La Chance, who has been seriously ill with pleurisy at the home of her sister, Mrs. G. W. Webster, 2119 Marine Drive, has returned to her home at 17th and Waterfront, and is making speedy progress towards recov- ery. M. F. Moore has bought the south east corner of 22nd and Kings. Dr. F. Stainsby, 19th and Mar- ine Drive, is spending a week' holiday with his father in the city. Dr. A. C. Nash has charge of his practice in his absence. O O Mr. and glrs. L. Burley have returned from a holiday spent at Selma Park. Mr. Searle of the Vernon Feed Store, who has been spending a holiday at points on Vancouver Island, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Smith and family, 20th and Haywood, are holidaying at Selma Park. Mr. Wilson, 17th and Marine Drive, who has been ill with an attack of pleurisy at the Norfh Vancouver General Hospital, has returned home and is able to be about again. O Mrs Edgeley 20th Street who has been on a vacation at Kew Beach, has returned home. D Messrs. Lawson and Pride are repainting their office building at 17th and Waterfront. SHOWER FOR MISS MINA ROWSE The Club House at Horseshoe Bay was the setting for a jollv event recently when Mrs. IV. E. Lofting entertained at a miscel- laneous shower for Miss Mina Rowse, whose maniage takes place in September. Club colors decorated the large room and to hold the gifts chairs were arranged in the shape of a horseshoe, with a canoe connect- ing the ends. The bride-elect was met at the door by Miss Jean Hodgson and escorted to the seat of honor, while Mrs. Maur- ice Hodgson played the wedding march. Assisting in serving the guests were Mrs. Fred Wilson, Mrs. Thorpe jr., Miss Edna Lofting, Miss Betty Lofting, Miss Emma Thotpe, Miss Bema MacKenzie, Miss Marion Harrington and Miss G. Priest. P ERSONALS W. B. A. Resuming its meetings after the summer recess, West Van- couver Review No. 24 met on Wednesday evening, August 24, in the Ambleside Hall. The president, Mrs. Laura Ed- wards, was in the chair. Visitors present were Mrs. E. J. Kidd and Mrs. Green, both nf whom were heartily welcomed. Several communications deal- ing with the amendments to the laws of the association which were adopted by the Supreme Review at the convention held at Port Huron, Michigan, on July 19-20-21, were read and dis- cussed. Chief among these amend- ments was the change of titles of several of the officers. In future the commander will be known as president, the lieut- enant commander as vice-presi- dent, the acting past command- er as acting past president, the collector as financial secretary, the finance keeper as treasurer, the record-keeper as recording secretary, the publicity reporter as press correspondent, the lady- at-arms as lady of ceremonies. the picket and sentinel as inner and outer hostess respectively, the titles of other officers re- maining unchanged. Outlining the plans for the projected European tour arous- ed considerable interest and it is hoped that several IVest Van- couver members may be able to participate. Mrs. E. Denniston, who has been acting as press correspond- ent, has been duly elected to that office. The next meeting of the Re- view will be held on September 14 at 8 p.m. and all members are requested to be prompt as many interesting matters are to be decided. Sincere appreciation was ex- pressed by the members of all who, by their active help and generous donations, made their part in the Jubilee celebrations a success, particularly do they wish to than kthe following gent- lemen, Mr. williamson of the C. Jc iV. Transfer, lhir. Burling, Ihir. Denniston, ihfr. Burkhart, Mr. McVean and Mr. McTavish. siasaDMDtuoalaoiowostslslalBIBIDwlwslsotowtsutoalRIB~IBIBIDIDiatsts~MMBMIDMMMMMIM Minnnnsnnsocosu tmtMlcIDDcIMICCBDtotIBDtQQI\otDDMDMMotMMMDtDIMDMIMIBIBIMMalnntnngtgnyatasue~Is tococotocDQ!coQ Id!vs the :Ii'll Main Office NORTH 305 West Vancouver Office WEST 102 Cor. 18th and Marine Residence WEST 816 'o- I'. I. 'S cL'll. I,'I 'I'..'ctl,I',I.'S ATTENTION! II1S 412L IIC .0 We carry a large stock of Fir, Hemlock & Cedar Lumber of all dimensions. Rough and Finished Lumber, Sash & Doors, Lath 8f Shingles Grade, Quality and Service Guaranteed. Only White Help Employed GET OUR PRICES Neltv ioltoelQCQBIQQBQtototatM