Resampled001B6DA7 PRICES TELL and Quality makes you doubly sure. Red angI 1Vhite Chain Grocery Store is the Store of Economy and Satisfaction. %VEER END SPECIALS SUGAR ........................ Eo ibn for .67 LUX .................................................. 2 Pkga for .)9 LOMBARD PLUMS. Maple Loaf, 2'a .. 2 Tins for .25 SPECIAL TEA, vega(ar aoe value ................Xp SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE, r 8'a 2 Tins foe .Ep QUAKER PORK aad BEAiVS, 2's, squat .. . 2 Tins for .Si CRISCO. I lb. tins........... I'ev ib..2r& McLARFN'S QUEEN OLIVES. sox .................. Pvv NATiONAL hIARSHMALLO&V BISCUITS, Special ..... Poe Eta Jm CARNATION hi ILK E'e iin ii Smith 's Grocery 24&6 AND hIARINE, &ipp. Dandarave HaIL I'hoar W FIT 469 THE YVEST VAN NEIVS Al'I'l.l ES FOR I'ERSI IT FOR CHIROI'RACTIC HOSIL'octor ll. S. Simonson, chiro- practor of Vancouver, has writ- ten the council through his law- yer enclosing an application for a permit to erect a building on the rear of lot 12, block 6, D. L. 682, to be used temporarily as a rest home for his patients and afterwar&ts as a garage and serv-ants'ouse. Later in the year he proposes to erect a much larg- er building. size 40 ft. x 3G ft., providing there is no objection to the building being used for this purpose in this zone. The matter was referred to the build- ing inspector with instructions to ascertain particulars an&I get the plan of the building but that no permit must be granted until the council approves. August 28. 1927. A Pleasure Yo Look at nat still ~ gene&or pieanaeo io oai ~ vo the moain diapiaywi ia oae abow canna. The woman wbo ia pari&em)ac shout the mesio nba buys wiii ap- psoviaio ibvir freak appearance, ibo ioa&ioe iooiheomeavna wbirh (noir goo&E looks presage. Thn eieaaimonn»f oar markvi aod iho iow prisonwhich prove&i will a)no appeal io hvv. Try an Em(ay. Phone Your Order 1Vest 3 JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET Neat io Hoiiybaea Tave&so I'HONE )VEST 3 WE DELIVER I e ! L 6 'S RObertS'etter Neats 14th and hiarine West 190 Where Service and Quality Count WE DELIVER iqIORNING 9:30--East 25th Only 11 I30--from Capilano to Caulfeild AFTERNOON 3:30--East 25th Only SATURDAY BRIDGE TRAFFIC 18 SLIGHTLY LESS FOR RECENT YVEEK END Bridge traffic figures for Inst iveek end reveal a slight decrease in traffic Saturday and Sunday last as compared with the half dozen previous week ends when neiv records ivere established. Over the past week end 29,137 persons and 9285 autos crossed the Second Varroivs Bridge this being a decrease of approximate. ly 2000 persons and about 600 autos as compared ivith the pre- vious iveek end. On Saturday 8781 persons and 3337 vehicles of all types crossed the bridge while on Sunday 20,37G persons and 5948 vehicles of all types used the bridge. Sunday after- noon'6 traffic was right up to the usual mark, but the dull weath- er in the morning appeared to have an effect on the traffic. CANDY BOX CHANGES HANDS Pot Roast, per ib. 12c (2 Isc Boiling Beef, por lb. Izc Oven Roast. per lb., from. Epe Boneless Corned Beef, Ila 12&iv Now Zealand Lamb, shoulder por Ib . 25e New Zealand Lamb, rib aad breast, por ib 25c New Zealand Lamb, legs, Ib 35c New Zealand Lamb, loins, Ib 38« Pork Oven Roast, por lb.. 25c Ayrnbiro Bacon, sliced, Ib 35c Cottage Ham, sliced, lb. Ssc Cottage Ham, by piano, ib. 32c Pork Sausage, oae owa make per lb..... 30e Cambridge Sausage, oar owa make, por ib... 2 lbs. 25e Pate Boof Dripping, 2 iba. 25e Fresh Liver. per lb..... Eoc ROASPING. FRYING AND BOILING CHICKEN Glendale Creamery Butter, 3 ibo. SI.40 Local Spring Lamb, aboaidera pav Eb 27& WEDDING OF hIISS JANET BAGNELL The wedding of Miss Janet Bagnell, daughter of George I.. Bagnell to Harold P. Allen of Vancouver Heights took place at the bride's home, 1204 Keith Road, last Saturday evening, Rev. IV. IV. McPherson of the United Church officiating. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked charming in a gown of white georgette with veil and ivreath of orange blos- soms, and carried a bouquet of clematis, sweet peas, fern and white heath. The matron of honor, Mrs. Arthur IVatson, of Duncans, B. C.,wore a gown of fawn flatcrepe and her bouquet was made up of mauve sweet peas, fern, and mauve heather. Archie J. Sands of Vancouver Heights was best man. The rooms were tasteful- ly decorated with streamers of rose and white with crepe paper balls and a profusion of gladiolas and sweet peas. After the ceremony ihfendcl- ssohn's wedding march was play- ed by Mrs. C. B. Kearns, and IVm. Allen rendered violin solos. The guests were hir. and hIrs. Wm. Allen, hfr. and Nrs. J. New- ton, Mr. and hfrs. A. IValker, hir. and hfrs. Jack Paterson, hfrs. Almas, ihiiss hf. Almas, Nrs. Shanklin, ihIiss Hazel Shanklin, Miss Tins McDonald, hfiss Gert- rude Saunders. The happy couple will take up their residence at 1204 Keith Road. SALMON Jaa( oai of the water, lb.. 20e 500 lbs Apples at Slbs. for 25c. Peaches, B. C., Crate... $ I.75 Grooagage Plums .. 2 iba Zie Plums ... 3 Ibn for 25c B.C. Tomatoes 300lbs at 10c a lb. "Is he stingy?" "Indeed he is--so stingy he gives thousands away so people won't know how tight he is." We all admire a man who does things unless we happen to be a- mong those he has done. He--I'm forward on the bask- et baB team now. She--So that's what you'e been practicing for! qVife--'1 took the recipe for this cake out of a cookery-book." Husband--"You did perfectly right. It should never have been put in." "I was out with a real good girl last night." "Yes, I had a rotten time, too." "Isn't there a peculiar smell in the reading room?" "It's only the dead silence." "Hey, Pop, let's bring Eddie fishing with us--he's got worms. 31rs. Jennings has purchased frorii ihIrs. Brereton "the Candy Box" on hIarine Drive, opposite Nemorial Arch, where ahe is ca)Tying a full line of candies and soft drinks as well as ice cream, bread, and milk. Remem- ber the location, opposite Mem- orial Arch. ihlOVIE I'ROhlOTERS CHARGED Jack Anderson and Fay M. Lear, promoters of the iVntional Cinema Syndicate, who recently purchased a block of acreage in IVest Vancouver for their pro- posed studios, were brought be- fore hfagistrate Shaw this week charged ivith conspiring to &lc- fraud the public. A number of witnesses have been called, but so far no evidence has been heard in rebuttal. The case, ivhich the Magistrate is taking as a pre- liminary hearing instead of a summary trial, has been ad- journed until 1st September. An endoyable evemng was spent on Monday, August 22(id, at the home of Mr. and AIrs. Gordon Gray, 26th and Mathers Ave., when a number of her friends entertained her with a delightful su)7)rise party. The guests present included Mrs. F. IV. Lindop, Mr. and Mrs. Gerakl Upton, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cos- grove, hir. and hIrs. IV. Innes Turnbull, Mr. and hirs. V: Chard Brimacombe, Mrs. R. W. Dick- enson, Nr. F .M. Coffin, Mr. Alex T. Cross, Miss Dorothy Purdy, Miss Georgina Purdy, Miss Nina Gray, Mr. E. N. Copping, Mr. Jerry Grisedale and Mr. W. Dur- rant. AUTO DRIVERS GIVEN WARNING hIotorists are warned by the Automobile Club of B. C. to ex- ercise extreme care in crossing Lonsdale avenue, North Vancou- ver, at the Third Street inter- section. Because of the heavy grade on Lonsdale it is difficult for motor- ists coming down hill to make a quick emergency stop. Motor- ists climbing the steep grade should also be given the right- of-way as a matter of courtesy. Any thug can rob a bank, bnt it takes a good man to lift a face. "Did you display consternatio'i when the doctor examined you?" "Oh, I showed him every- thing." hfany a fellow's fortnight at the sea consists of a week on the beach and a week on the rocks. OLD MApd 2?gee 18 GOEN' ID MARLY IHB IE& H WEDOW WHO OWpl&& FO0R FARM GV»» &&v LOVESOME GROVNC) 6HB WAlKS ON( LI MITE D 15th and hiarlne Phone IVest 116 I(ESIDENCE I'HONE: WEST 73X Sigh Snnliiy Lashes is Cheepes& in the end. Lumber, Lath, Shinglee Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE "attcoitver L„ b Th follow profess'ram cs th'nnounces, hie atsg'ne sn 10i P d mfb) oli ~ptcmbcr will be held i school, the bc t'mcd for 10 (11&girls'or aon wan the ", chair and the tended their ci markablc anc pleasing to ou b the applau their annus credit in duc,'or having ob results in the! dinpamL Tbc organic choir is 6 new , dentlf the ai( 1'ealaua pf thc, of their broth( suit ot 3 special clans h, fir these giria ared rivalrl i the result. FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURANCE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON Phone %Vest 5517th Street P. E. Doivney H. E. Innes-Ker Telephone: West 177 Dealers HUDSON ESSEX 2153 hiarine Drive West Vancouver latb aa&E hiARENE Mo WILLIAMS AMDLESIDE CUSTOM TAILOR ORDER YOUR FALL SUIT NOW. Come and see our Patterns. Large selection to choose from. Dry Cleaning CITY and PRICES Pressing We Call For aad Deliver. Dyeing Repairs and Alterations PHONE WEST 20. TRAIN SCHEDULE PACIFIC GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY CO. From North Vancouver io Wby(ociiff, for Horseshoe Bay WEEK DAYS Leave North Vancouver 6.22, 6.68, 8.06, 9.42, )1.42 A. Eii., 2.02, S.02, 4.42, 6.42, 6.22, 8.02; aad Saturdays only )0.02 P. M. Leave ivbytociiff for North Vancouver--7.)0, 7.38, 8.66, 10.S0 A. M., IZ30, 2.50, 3.60, 6.30, 6.30, 7.10, 9.00; aad Saturdays only )0.65 P. 61. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS Leave North Vancouver--8.40, 9.26, E0.25, II.26 A. hf., )2.26, 1.26, 2.25, 3.26, 4.25 6.26, 8.26, 7.30 aa&E 8.30 P. M. Leave WI&y(ecliff for North Vancouver--9.26, I0.25, II.25, 12.26, 1.2», 1626, 3.25, 4.25, 6.26, 8.25, 7.30, 8.30 aa&E 9.30 P. M. RETURN FARE--Adults 60c, Children 26e--Good day of Issue only. Illustrated folder aa&1 further Information may bo obiaiaad at P. G. E. Depot Loandaio Avenue. Phone North 300. Office--Seymour 4991; Residence--YVest 92R2. 1002 Credit Foncler Bldg. Professor Jai Director of the Cha(al 80(ict Choir, Thc lip& newly formed Thc follawn »factor Morga carefully noted era, for, if the to be obtained West Van& , ng up.tod intinctly aul quake, and al I snt, waa '1 einmograph such th;„o'hquakc a& whcrca, pwn win spite of the I e imi niidcr th had nd other 1 not been nab d An( oly an n rclee myaterim ave.hpm „, ulidei th icl aw w ~ caund like able waa a k e rad Pan( adntidca&iver neve(hi ,vcr Pphtica jay)cd You Never Know Your Luck SO WHY TRUST TO LUCK! ResiCleyfee Burglary Iusurauee 86 „8)opo.po GORDON GRAY