Resampled001B6D96 Lesagehasit When you have a prescription filled here you can rest as-sured that the ingredients and cnmpounding are just as theyshould be. Your doctor knows that we fill prescriptions withabsolute accuracy. You sill find that our prices are right. Friday and Saturday Specials Watch for cnmpl&te list of specialn appearing ln THURS- DAY NIGHT'S PROVINCE EVERY IVEEK--Page 4. Hereare a few: 1 lb. Absorbent Cotton... lic snc Cvcoliu...... 29c25c Woodbury'c Soup.. l for 69c 50c Giu Pills ...... lsc76c Kruwbcu Salts .......... otc hoc Squibbc Dental Cream ... ln&Riucx for Asthma .......... 61.00 $ 1,25 Eno'c Fruit Serio... 93c60c lpunu Tooth Paste..... - 39c rhc Dier Kiss .................. llc Ooc Dod&pc Pills................ suc $ 1.00 Glover'c htungc Cure. 69c $1M Thermos Boiilc.. 79c l KOI)AK FII,NS AND FINISHIViGi 1'bouc your rcc Cream ordccc here. Suu Vicocc uud Barbing Caps. Lesage Drug'tore North Side trtarine. near 14th We deliver anhnvhere. No Order is too small WEST 323 We give Trade Discount Receipts. Save the Coupons. Lesagehasit The Ox %Fornax , ~ i%&Iv I I-,gJlj+w ~N an Essr Indian tsrm. where~ 0 ~eimm rhe Crop m tcav a wooden plow turns up the rich black sofi. drives, another woman pulls, and s bard& nx pufis beside ber. c7Hany Canadian women often wnik as hard as their Oriental sin&era They lnB at the washtub, they carry mater, &heychurn byhan~ tasks which clccrriciti csn da The release ot nue women from physi- cal drudgery is coming about rhrnugb tb& uso of electricity in the home Anmsn Cpcrnrnrs hrzctmcaernrnyflp v*Ncn&rvrm vlcvnarc & ri i gy9inest'Pvoduct 000O'ap Col THE IVEST VAN iVEWS August 12, 1927. J. G. FARAIER API'OINTED SURREY CLERK J. G. Farmer, 23rd and Belle- vue. has been appointed munl- Afrs Harold Lynum and hi!as Edith Hanbury, of the city, are spending a holiday at I forseshne Bay. ~ ~ ~ ihliss Edith Cowdry and Mrs.William ihfanson, of Vancouver.are visiting at Horseshoe Bav. ~ ~ ~ Mr. aml Airs. Keith and familyof Coquitiam are occupying, temporarily. the Boy Scouts'uiklingat 17th street. ~ ~ o Nr. and Nrs. IV. Gormely nnd family, 1376 Burrard St., city,are spending the summerat their summer home at West Bsy. Re- cent guests at their home were Mr. Gormely's brother, Mr. J. P. Gormely of Boston, Alass., AIr. and Mrs. J. F. Yates, Mr. and Airs. Pickett, Mr. and AIrs. Pas- coe and Miss Pascoe of Long Beach, Cal.. aml Air. H. G. Iios- kins of Ocean Falls. ~ ~ Miss Catherine Harrison of Caulfeild has as her guest AIiss Dorothy Pound of Vancouver. o ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. iVewby, Marine Drive, at Ambleside, were visited on Tuesday by Air. and ltfrs. J. Wickham of Victor- ia, and Nrs. and Miss Joyce of Kamloops. ~ ~ o The St. Patricia Kindergarten and Girls'chool, 20th and Hsy- wood, will reopen on Tuesdav, September 6th, under the direc- tion of iAIiss J. Durbin. Miss E. B. Harrop, Aiarine and Radcliffe, West Bay, is being visited by her mother and fath- er, Nrs. and Mr. L. F. Harrop, of Calgary, Alta., who made the trip from the prairie city byauto. Mrs. R. B. Crunny, of Vancouver, a sister of Miss Hur- rop, is also spending a holiday visit with her. c Afr. and Mrs. Harry Davison and family arrived last week from Edmonton, Alta., and have taken a house at 20th and Kings. o The Big One Got Away Two anglers had an unusual ex- perience while fishing last week off Dundarave Pier. One of them hooked a large salmon at the same time as a big Alaska cod took the bait of the other, and in endeavoring to land the t vn fish, the lines became fouled, re- sulting in the salmon breaking the lead and getting away. The cod, however, was landed safely in the boat. The angler who had the salmon on his line secured an 18-lb. salmon n'ext day, but says it was not as big as the one he lost. o c Nrs. Howard Green of Dun- bar Ifeights. accompnnied by her tuo small arms, whn han been spending a holidny at IVest Bay, the guest of her parents. Afr. nml Mrs. L A. Alounce. has returned to the city. ~ o ~ One of our contributors sends us the following: "One of the surest signa of an early fall in n banann skin on the sklewalk." ~ ~ ~ E. Allnn, 11th and Kings. loft nn Wednesday for Mnidstnne, Saskatchewan, ivhere he wil! help in garnering the prnirie hnrvest. ~ ~ ~ ihlr. nnd Mrs. E. A. Willsher, 25th and Kings, who with a party of friends made an auto tour to points on the Okanngan- Cariboo trail, returned last Fri- day after being away two weeks. Intense heat was experienced in the Okanagan Valley, and, though it was a wonderful trip, they were glad to get back to the salubrious climate of West Vancouver. ~ c ~ Messrs. Newman and Robbins. whose advertisement has been running in THE NEWS re their building and painting and paper- hanging business, have bought a new house at the corner of 28th and Marine Drive which they will occupy on September 1st. o o o Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch of Ed- monton, Alta., who arrived hero on Thursday of last week, travel- ling by car, started on their re- turn journey last Wednesday. Nrs. Murdoch is a sister of Mrc. Pinder-Moss. ' ~ ~ Mrs. Harry Jones and family, coming from Edmonton, Alta., have joined Mr. Jones, who has been here for several months, and are living at 13th and IVat- erfront. ~ c The many friends of Mrs. Col- in McLean in West Vancouver, will be glad to hear she is making a steady recovery from her recent attack of pneumonia. AIrs. McLean, who is now soloist at Chown church, Vancouver, was closely identified with the musical life of West Vancouver during her many years'esi- dence here, both. through the United Church choir and the choral society. ~ 'ubreyA. Clarke wrote to the council regarding trafFic on AIar- ine Drive, suggesting that cars be not allowed to pass standing stages and drawing attention to near accidents which he had wit- nessed. cipal clerk, assessor and collect- or for Surrey Municipality, suc- ceeding J. P. Myers Grey, who has resigned. ihlr. Farmer was fnr many years municipal clerk of the District of North Van- couver, resigning tn gn into pri- vate business in iVorth Vancou- ver. He has been a real&lent of West Vnncouver for a number of yenrs. AIISS STRA('HAiV IVINS FOUR SILVER BOWI S Alias Joy Strachan, 24th and IVaterfront has won four silv- er bowls in less than three weeks nt tennis. In partnership with Mrs. J. S. F!anagan, 23r&l an&I Waterfront, she won the Indies'oublesin the Nainlnnd league and with the same pnrtner the ladies'oubles in the West Van- couver tennis club's tournament. Partnered with li. Dempster, of Point Grey, Miss Strachan wns the winner in the mixed doubles in the Mainland championships, and with Colonel Tristram won the mixed doubles in the recent tournament of the West Van- couver club. Mrs. Dorais of Fulton street has rented her home an&i is now in Victoria visiting friends. WATER NOTICE (Ucc uu&t Storage) TAKE NOTICE &hot HOOD POINT ESTATES, LIMITED, whose a&!&truce Is 303 Rogers Building, 470 Grunvilro Street, Vancouver, B C, will apply toc u !&cence ro take aud usc 100,000 gal roue pcr day und io store Tblriy acre- feet ot water out of an Uuuamc&t Sr&corn flowing oui ot what Is locally '-Im known es "Honeymoon Luke" which 1flows North-westerly eud dru!ua intact@ IIbGrottos Bay, Howe Sound, about Mile Northerly from South west cor- ner Lot 2966; Group 1, N.W.D. on North side of Bowcu Island. The etorogc-dom will be located at the rvcet Eud of Honeymoon Luke. The capuciiy of the reservoir to be created is about Thirty cero-teer, uud it will flood about Eight accus ot!au&L The water will be diverted trois the stream at a point ebour 1600 feet north-westerly from Iuiorscction ot East boundary of Lot 2967, G. 1, (cuir North boundary of Lot 1674, G. I.l end will be used for Domcctic purpose upon the Land described at Lots 623 aud 2260; Group 1; New Westminster c District, Bowcn Island, This notice wac pasted on the ground on the 26th day ot July, 1027. A copy of this notice and an oppli- cariou pursuant thereto and to the"Water Acl" will be fllcd in the office of the Water Recorder at Vancouver, British Columbia. Objections to the application moy be flrcd with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller ot Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Vic- toria, B. C., within thirty &roya utter the flrcr oppcoroucc of this notice in u !ocul newspaper. HOOD POINT ESTATES, L15HTED, Applicant. By J. Alex. Walker, Agent. ~ i Take PLi'RSONA.LS I92 &&ps& wne 6 TheN pn I npg lh' hut the june, htnnch pp&reN still lei doll ~ "the C ,tntlp elute no" tnhen hb, diet nie 6 nrpnt nn cc pnd f~pfdi9 n~rernge pi in h I lie& pnpt hltehen& tsined 6 lprne nun&rue 77&pre hin& I nc™ etherine. inidte Ifiins",I',.„0!ieel Lsy II '„derepr B.C. I t!IjItp'l fpl gnJJOI) I Q'raser 8/allot ~Ykilh Phone North zan g Quarts for ft.oo C. J. Archer applied to the council on behalf of Dr. Moody for permission to erect kennels for foxes on property adjoimng Marine Drive, east of D.L. 1040. The matter was laid over until next council meeting. ~ c In order to control traffic on ihfarine Drive, the council have ordered three "stop" signs for Marine Drive. o c ~ The engineer's report on the Capilano River was laid over by the council until their next meeting. ~ & ' Bellevue, between 13th an&i 14th streets on the North side of the P. G. E. Railway is to be opened up. ~ ~ c At Monday night's council meeting the engineer put in a report recommending an ex- penditure of 31500 for bank pro- tection work on the Capilano. The matter was laid over until next meeting. E~yress PacificStages tO Canacha's Paciiic Exhibition The shortest way to the great Exhibition from any point on the North Shore is via Pacific Stages. IVe will take reservations on Coaches for passengers wishing to return home at a certain hour. For further information, phone Seymour 4000. d71- H.C. OR~ANSPORI~ggl'r t fo B; C.