West Van. News (West Vancouver), 12 Aug 1927, p. 5

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Resampled001B6D96 August 12, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS 5 i 11 ll )I 's e e I 0 llol oln. ott- the ill. ilay leli. 5 )gi on,& ts. ipal H. ind opy Oil ,40 The monthly basket picnic of the Cornwall, Devon and Somer- set Association was held last Saturday at the Eagle Harbour picnic grounds. An enjoyable afternoon ivas spent in bathing and boating. The dancing in the evening was a great success and was attended by a large number of members. e A new school for girls and a kindergarten is being opened in Dundarave on Tuesday, Septem- ber 6th, under the management of Miss Philip, whose telephone number is IVest 333. Miss Philip, who by the way is a niece of Magistrate Philip of North Van- couver, is a teacher of wide ex- perience, and it is expected that her school will have many pupils. ~ e e According to a report from Prince George, two youths, Wil- liam Albert Ross of West Van- couver, and Reginald Wall of Vancouver,were riding a train from Vanderhoof when the lat- ter jumped whilst the train was travelling 15 miles an hour, his head being caught by a brake- beam and the victim instantly killed, Ross reporting the accid- ent to the Prince George police. e Ensign Giga Swartz, who is on the staff of the Salvation Army College at Winnipeg, is paying a visit of three or four weeks to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stratton, Marine Drive at Am- bleside. e Mrs. J. Vance, 26th and Wat- erfront, is leaving for the Old Country next month. H. Booth, during the B. C. Cricket week, made scores of 47 and 32, while playing for the province. H. P. Tearoe and son Dick re- cently left for a trip to Delinda, Saskatchewan, going there by auto. Mr. Tearoe expects to be be back next month. Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Hutchison have returned from their honey- moon and taken up residence in North Vancouver. JULES VERNES'ASTERPIECE "Michael Strogoff" at Theatre Next Week Playgoers who recall the fam- ous Jules Verne melodrama, "Michael Strogoff," which for fifty years has held its popular- ity as a book and as a play, are said to have a rare treat in store for them in the Universal-Film de France photodrama of the same name which is scheduled for the Hollyburn theatre next Monday and Wednesday. As one recalls the thrilling incidents of the hero's adventures when, as "Courier of the Czar," he carries a military message over 5,000 perilous Siberian miles to the Russian army beleagured at Irk- utsk, one wonders why this tale of action, with its gorgeously colorful scenes in camp and court, its tswly barbaric Oriental splendor, with which the magic pen of the author has stirred the imaginations of two generations has not been done for the screen before. Piciure producers in fact, have been frank to admit that while it ofi'ere&1 perfect screen material, it was "too big" even for the screen. 51aterial obstacles surmounted at a stag- gering cost hoivever, "Michael Strogoff," has at last become a visual reality, and one that will undoubtedly pave the way to the filming of other notable stories, equally gigantic in conception. Miss Doris Church of the lo- cal telephone staff has returned from a visit to Lummi Island. e ~ AIrs. George Bannister, who has been visiting the Misses Bannister, Altamont, has re- turned to her home at Bothwell Hi-Way, Washington. Dr. G. Bayfield has had the lot cleared which he bought at 20th and Inglewood, and the work of building his new home there has been started. e e e C. L. Hilborn, 23rd and Be!le- vue, is building a house for Mr. Davie at 22nd and Kings. &' Nrs. Bartlett, 17th and Ingle- wood, who has been away sick, has resumed her duties with the B. C. Telephone Co. here. Mr. and Mrs. Draper, of the Dundarave Home Bakery, spent last week end at Wigwam Inn, going there on Saturday and re- turning on Tuesday. They had a very pleasant visit and speak highly of this popular resort. e Mrs. Percy Hopkins, 24th and Bellevue, who has been in the hospital for the past two weeks, was operated upon yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Clarke, 30th and Bellevue, returned a few days ago from a two weeks'oli- day trip to California,having made the trip by auto, being ac- companied by Mr. Williamson of Harron Bros. and Williamson. Mrs. M. P. Hardman and daughter, Peggy, 21st and Mar- ine Drive, have returned from a stay of some weeks in Victoria. Miss L. Bannister, Altamont, had the misfortune last week to break her ankle at Second Beach while playing there with her nephew and niece, who are on a visit here. She was taken to a hospital in the city where her!n- jury was attended to. R. A. Bindley, 12th and Duch- ess, moved into his new bunga- low at 1729 Gordon Avenue on Wednesday. The work of cutting through streets with blind ends is being proceeded with by the municipal authorities, and 21st street has now been cut through from Es- quimalt to Fulton. H. Turney has sold to J. E. Brown, of Balmy Beach, five acres with waterfrontage in that part of the municipality. NEW BUILDING FOR MARINE DRIVE 51r. Keith, of Coquitlam, has bought property on the south side of Marine Drive, immediate- ly ivest of J. S. Yates'esidence. Mr. Keith, it is understood, in- tends to build a business block on the property, and to open a plumbing and hardware busi- ness there. Salmon Run in Full Swing The salmon run is in in full swing, and local fishermen and others from the city are having good aport in the waters off West Vancouver. On Sunday quite a large number of fisher- men were out trying their luck. Seventeen salmon weighing from 3 lbs. to 17 lbs. were caught on that day off Hollyburn Pier, and a number of salmon were also caught at Dundarave. So far the fish, generally speaking, have been small, but as the season ad- vances the larger salmon will be making their appearance. So far the largest salmon which weighed 28 1-4 lbs., was caught'y Roy Bothwick on Sumlay morning off Ambleside Pier. PERSONALS I GASOLINE Is Made on the North Shore The only 100 per cent. B.C. Oil Company Manufactured by VANCOUVER QIL CO., LTD. First Street and Bewicke Ave. North Vancouver I. O. D. E. TO HOLD GARDEN FETE Final arrangements have been completed for the annual garden fete under the auspices of the Duncan Lawson Chapter I. O. D. E. to be held in the beautiful grounds of Councillor and Mrs. J. B. Leyland's residence at 28th and Waterfront, Saturday, Au- gust 27th, commencing at 3 o'lock, Mrs. A. E. Young being the convenor. The committees are as fol- lows: Reception Committee-- Mrs. W. B. Small, Mrs. David Morgan, Mrs. Peter Wait, Mrs. A. A. Al- mas, Mrs. John Lawson and Mrs, J. B. Leyland. Tea Committee--Mrs. Ogilvie, convenor; others assisting, AIrs. Crawford, Mrs. Dauphinee, Mrs. McVean, Mrs. Jupp, Mrs. Man- ning, Mrs. Page, and Mrs. Hirst. Home Cooking--Mrs. Wait, convenor, with the help of Mrs. Small, Mrs. Lawson, Miss Dau- phinee, Mrs. Dick, Mrs. Prentice. Fish Pond--Miss Lawson and Mrs. Stainsby. Candy--Mrs. Donohoe, Miss Eva McBain. Ice Cream--Mrs. W. B. Thom- as. Novelty--Mrs. Gourlay aml Mrs. Vaughan. Fortune Teller--Mrs. F. John- ston. Gate--Miss Mutchmore, Mrs. Pearson. A generous response is asked by the chapter as owing to tlie ever increasing work their needs this year are greater than ever. As time goes on it becomes more and more difficult to carry on the work, therefore they extend a hearty invitation to the people of West Vancouver. An orch- estra will be in attendance all the afternoon. Hollyburn Rainfafi, July, 1927. July 3....... July 4....... July 6....... July 8....... July 9....... July 10....... July 11....... July 12....... July 13....... July 14....... .04 in. .04 in. .04 in. .44 in. trace .19 in. .14 in. trace .16 iii. trace Total ....1.05 in. --IIxo) aJDB-%I-- Writing A Letter For some people is an arduous task. It won' be if you write on VEN- ETIAN VELLUM STA- TIONERY. It's a pleasure to write on it. In pads 15c-30c-35c. WEST VAN. PHARMACY Phone West 37 We deliver. We Sell Stamps ~%nrsalhaasr~ DON'T BAKE at home these hot days. Come here aud gel the REAL HO5IE COOEliNG Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Pies aud Delicatessen. FOR THE PICiNIC ortheHO5IE MRS. DRAPER 8 SON 2435 MARINE DRIVE Next Duodarave Hall. West 157X For West Vancouver Properties see SAVORY DUVAL 1429 Pie&inc 9!irs Phoae West 540 Specializing in West Vancouver WEST VAId RESTAURANT 1421 Manse Drive at 14th SL Phone West 611-0 Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker 8 Jeweller Marine Dri& e Between 14th and 15th. West Vancouver Board of Trade T. WAL SH P@ntlii) in nll its branches Phone: West 604-0 Clachau Hotel The Regular Meeting will be held in the Canadian Legion Rooms Ferry Building On MONDAY Next August 15th, at 8 p. m. Phone V/es& 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe 16'IU Heywood Ave. West Vancouver LADIES HAIRCUTTING Pearce's Drygoods 14th aod Ma&Inc Phone West 144 Window Blinds and Awnings aud SHINGLING, any Style HOLLYBURN BARBER SHOP 25 years experience !VM. NEIVBY Prop. ESTndaTES FREE PIT%AN BUSINESS COLLKCE DAY aud NIGHT SCHOOL You will receive intensive indi- vidual training. 4 2 2 Richards St. Phone Sey. 9134k Cor. Hastings HARROiW BROS. S& WILLIA51SON glineral Qirectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 BUILD UP THE NORTH SHORE--HOW? Support North Shore Industries. NORTHERN LIGHT