Resampled001B6D96 TEIE WEST VAN NEWS August 12, 1927 tpJ'u(g'ollyburnTheatre Friday Evening aud Saturday Afternoon ar Evening August 12&k and 18&k. "The Penalty" LO:V CHANNEY hlonday aud Wednesday August Ts&h aud 17th. Jules Vernes masterpiece "1%chael Strogoff TT Phew f Its Hot Come and Enjoy a game of BILLIARDS at CHET SHIELDS 14TH STREET right at Railway Crossing The Coolest Place in Town EDWARD GEORGE Swan O'ook LA.iDSCAPE aud GFNERAL GARDE'.iERS 188( Dempsey Rd., Upper Lynn Phoae--North 1240R2 - 1240RS Lawns, Shrubberies, Rock Gard- caa. Walks, Drives, Fences. Hcdgca. Grccuhousca. Summer. houses, Pools, Planned aud Coua&vuc&cd Lawns a Gardens kept in order. Apprenticed Gardeners with 20 years'xperience. srcn laid ou& grounds are a Ching of beauty. Lc& Practical mcu do your work. MADE IN B.C. for BA'EATHER AYRES PALNT is made in B.C. to stand B.C. weather. Customers tell us that it wears so well that once they do a job with AYRES they can forget it for a long time )Ve sell and serve AYRES PAINT. R. SEEDS General hierchants Hardware Paint Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 28 FED UP! When a woman says she's "fcd up" aha means it. When a mau says it it doesn't matter because hc never did a day'a washing aud ironing in bix life aud doesn't know what bard work is. Hand the "fcd up" stuff &o the Buv- rard Laundry,--&hcy'8 never tire of doing the real hard work for you and &hey'0 do it very carcfufiy aud you'l be pleased. The Bmvanj Laaa(jfy Limited Fcc Pcop(c h(&o Are Parriccaw Tg&SD STSEET ua ST. DSTms North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 457Y3. UP-TO-DATE FIRE EQUII'hl EST I'ROP(kqED BY FIRE CHAIRNAil Councillor )Vatt, chairman of the Fire Committee, presented to the council on hionday night an interim report nn changes and additions proposed in the fire department as a result of the recent trip made by him and Reeve Vinson to the Fire Chiefs'onventionin Portland, &vhere they revie&ved the largest exhi- bition of up-to-date fire appara- tus ever assembled on the Pacific Coast. His recommendations &vere: The purchase of one 7o horsepoiver n&itor on a suitable chassis with standard equipment as follows: (a) 1,200 feet of hose suitable to the require- ments of the underwriters, (b) A 600 gallon capacity pump worked from the motor capable of delivering water from our o&vn system or if necessary from salt water or creeks. (c) The latest in ladders. (d) A 40 gal- lon chemical tank with special hose for same, length of hose to be matter of best advice based on experience. 2. Advisability of procuring t&vo motor cycles equipped with hose and line for )Vhytecliff and Caulfeild areas. Such motor cycles would cost in the neigh- borhood of 81,500 pach. The cuts of the equipment pro- posed &vou)d be forthcoming at an early date. Councillor )Vatt stated in his report that the Reeve and him- self had been much interested in a fire hall of bungalow design like one recently erected in Port- land, which provided living quarters and everything com- bined. The approximate estimate of costs were: Cost of combination truck and equipment„87,500; cost of lot for fireball, 81,000; cost of hall for storage, 86,500, making a total of 615,000. The figures might be less or more, but accurate figures would be submitted on the final report. The engagement of a capable mechanic to act as driver was a matter for discussion, he thought, but hIr. Dowling of the Fire Under«Titers should be consulted first, because his opin- ion would be necessary on all of above changes if, as it was hop- ed, the cost of such changes were to be offset to the ratepay- ers by an equal reduction in in- surance rates. It would be necssary to pass a by-law for a sum not exceed- ing say 820,000, which should be submitted to the ratepayers as early as possible in order to have the scheme in operation early in 1928. Copies of the above interim report were handed to the mem- bers of the council. USE YOUR PHONE P ERSONALS The sympathy of the commun- ity will go out tn Mr. and hirs. G. H. hiitchell, 14th and Fulton, whose sixteen mnnths'ld baby bov died last Thursday week after a short illnes~. ~ ~ ~ hirs. La Chance, 17th and Bellevue, who is ill with a severe attack of pleurisy at her sister', hirs. G. W. Webster, 21st and hiarine, is doing as well as can be erpccte&l. It will be several weeks, however, before she will be able to be around again. 1 s hiir. and hiirs. V. Nightingale and family, 24th and Haywoo&l. are spending a holiday at their summer home in Mission. ~ ~ ~ The destruction of the newly built vacht Borniti by fire on Sunday evening off Jericho Beach was distinctly visible from )Vest Vancouver. The pillar of flame from the burning craft was seen by a number of water- front residents. ~ ~ Ed Black, Dundarave, left on hIonday for a week's holiday at Sechelt. c c a Rev. A. Harding Priest return- ed on Monday from the Church of England camp at Long Bay, Gambier Island, where with Rev. A. T. F. Holmes, he was in charge of the camp for the past two weeks. The folowing boysl from the St. Stephen's Sunday School, who have been spending a fortnight's holiday there, re- turned with him: George Fergu- son, Allen and Scott Richardson, Teddy Beard, Frank Stewart, Tom Timbrell, Albert Kendrick, Teddy Reid, David Stewart, Frank Smith, and James Con- way. All report having had a very good time at the camp. Nrs. R. C. Proctor and family are spending this month at their summer home at Qualicum Beach. c Mr. and Mrs. Roblin of Van- couver, who are camping at 26th and Waterfront, had an addition to their family on Sunday. A boy was born to them on that day at the North Vancouver General Hospital. Both mother and babe are doing well. V. Hanssnn of Vancouver is a guest at "the Clachan." ~ ~ ~ Nrs. P. C. Chapman and fam- ily, King's Avenue, are holiday- ing at Sechelt. ~ c ~ ihir. and Nrs. Alfred Hough- tnn. 30th nnd ihiarine Drive, are spenrling a month nt Qualicum Beach. ~ ~ ~ Nr. nml hire. H. Nillan hnve rented C. N. Barton's ranch at 15th and Queen'. ~ ~ Visitors from Calgary Mr. aml hire. W. D. Colvin, 1357 Marine Drive, have ns their guests Nrs. Colvin's brother, Stanley Blake and hir. Colvin's brother, Fred, an&I his wife nnd bliss Pearl Scott from Calgary. Alta. The party made the trip from the Prairie City by auto arriving here last Non&lay. ~ ~ ~ hIr. and Mrs. ihlark I'hillips, 22n&l and Inglewood, have moved to their new home at 23r&1 aml Inglewood. Dudley Roberts an&i Bert Gis- by are leaving next Sunday for a week's holiday, which they will spend in the district north of North Bend. c c Owing to so many being away on holidnys, there will be no meeting of the British-Israel As- sociation next IVednesday. c Nr. Kenneth P. Caple enter- tained at dinner Wednesday ev- ening in honor of Miss Mildred Teeple, at the Cliff House, Whytecliff. Covers were also laid for Miss Mary Teeple, Miss Ruth Teeple, Miss Jean Kirk, Miss Marjorie Kirk, Miss Mary Carter, Mr. Richard Leckie, Mr. Ralph Smith, Mr. Charles Teeple Dr. Harold Caple and Mr. Monty Caple. A few words nver the tele- phone will bring the family food. Or&ler your groceries over the phone from us. Our servi&e consists not only of free ilelivery, but guaran- teed quality at lowest prices Creeuwoo(I' GROCERY )Ve deliver West 16 EXHIBITION TICKETS Buy your Exhibition Tick- ets at Gemmill's Drug Store an&i get a share in the Drawing for the Bungalows Autos, and other prizes. Tickets bought nt ent- rance do NOT entitle you tn share in the drawing. Reeve Vinson an&I Councillor )Vatt, chairman of the Fire Com- mittee, have returned from Port- laml, where they attended the Fire Chiefs'onvention, and in- specte&l the exhibition of fire- iighting apparatus on display there in connection with the con- vention. Jack Knowles 11th aml King'8+ pis building a house on Lawson, ~u between 26th and 27th Streets. ~ c Nr. Bordessa of the mumcipal eng(neer(ng staff, has rented H. A. Nillan's house at 25th and Nathers, &vhich he will occupy with his bride. Corporation of the District of West Vancouver SPRINKLING HOURS REDUCED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE SPRINKLING HOURS FOR THE EVENING ARE AS FOLLOWS: GLENEAGLES COUNTRY CLUB Many New Members Joined Failure to comply will render party respon- sible liable to prosecution. JAMES OLLASON, C.jhI.C. HOLLYBURN, B.C. 2-8-27. This week has seen a lot of play on the Gleneagles Golf Course. J. A. Yellowlees went round in 31, which is a recorrl so far for the course. Among those registered were: H. Green, B. C. Binks, F. Wea- therhead, H. Hanson, H. B. No- ble, R. Jackson, Alee. S. Smith and wife, Mrs. David Whiteside, Mr. and Nrs. J. R. Sigmore, A. E. Duke and wife, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Burbridge, Miss G. Beck, J. D. Foran, Mr. and Mrs. Part- ington, K. Partington, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sowden, Capt. G. H. Jackson, Dr. F. Stainsby, Dr. E. R. Rowan, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Clark, Nr. and Mrs. R. Allan, Nirme Bloomfield, Edith Kay. Margaret Kay, E. )V. Williams, Sid Dean, J. Reynolds Tite, D. Whitelaw, G. F. Mercer, K. Wicks, W. Newcombe, A. P. Y. Merrick, F. Wetherhead, P. Jackson, A. E. Duke, G. H. Sar- din, H. J. Bremmer, G. W. Na- ther, Thos. Gillespie, J. A. Yel- lowlees. The following have recently been elected members of the club: Geo. Clark, 29th street, Allan Speck, 29th street. hiise F. hlcC)eery, Ambleside, Nrs. MCLeod, hiathers avenue, Mr. R. Allan, Altamont, Donald David- son, Hollyburn, Dr. Frank Dor- chester, Altamont. MAGNIFICENT VIEW LOTS in a New Subdivision HEAVY TRAFFIC OVER SECOND NARROWS Figures given out today by of- ficials of the Second Narrows Bridge reveal that August prom- ises no let up so far as heavy traffic over the bridge is con- cerned. On Saturday last, 9,5S5 persons and 3,585 vehicles cros- sed the bridge, while on Sunday, 16,150 persons and 6,235 vehi- cles crossed the bridge. There was a slight decrease in the num- ber of persons crossing the bridge as compared with the past few Sundays, but the auto- mobile traffic was right up tn the usual figures. The Saturday and Sunday totals combined re- veal that over the past week-end 25,735 persons and 9,820 vehi- cles of all classes crossed the bridge. PAVED STREETS -- LIGHT -- WATER Unquestionably the best value offered in West Vancouver to- day. One of the best Marine views to be ha&I anywhere in the district. 3 Blocks from Marine Drive 10 Minutes walk from the Ferry Lots 54 feet by 141 feet $50 cash, balance $20 a month Full price around 6300. Here is an opporunity to get a remarkably line Homesite for little money and with the knowledge that it will rapidly increase in value. Whether you intend buying right now or not we invite you to see th(s property. Savory A DuvalHe: "Why didn't you answermy letter?"She: "I didn't get it.""You didn't get it?" "No; I didn't get it; and, be- sides, I didn't like some of thr things you said in it." 1429 Marine Drive Ambleslde Telephone )Vest 340 EAST OF 22nd STREET..„„..., 7 to 8 o'lock only WEST OF 22nd STREET..... „.. 8 to 9 o'lock only Ths „ ll& 9 osih tbo „ mist&o prcgic Ig (ias (ters+. I T sg&), wgs s i bostm 'vegigf dcdb orgy S fs iieg C 0I mvglbo ~ w sebo& hig()era" e og 'ugds""g's(ter 'iliP of hlhw ii'cs bcv isuug , the " vrho ) cphr hlafistm icis s pcr(c h ) wiBbcf SC A(co&(iiug prince Um I i(srg Albo Tt 6 couVCr sg(l Vaucou&'cr i" fium Vagdc" ier jumped w ttsvclligf head being cr bears sgd th biped Ross T cut to the Pr Eusifu Oli on the»" Army Coficg.'yiuf a iris( vrcchs to hl St&st tag, him blcside. JI(s. J, Vm p erirogt, is lc 'Couutry gc« B. Booth, Cricket week, aud 32, whii province. II. p. Tea&( ceutly left fo'askatchewsr auto. ()IT. Tr be back next c hlr. aud hi have returner moon aud th iVorth Vauco JULES YE )hchge) Si( Playgocvs «8 Jules "hlichae) Si ,"ity years h ity as a bool s@d to have for them in de France p Same game «r the Bofi 5 udayaud recalls iho t the hero's a «urier oi ia military n Perfious Sib Russ(au a~tk,„„„ oi action, w colorful scm'ts tvu BPlcudor wii pell of ih h 2(nations b uot been I, 'leiove. piact, have b,that wh i acvceum 1oven I, ate obst,'I r thl goriug Ul'rogoff„ coat visual '( u '&alitu(krubi l illm(u y equali, oi