Resampled001B6D96 ISI7 p L I August 12, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS C sduate io taadscaplos u. oi C Americas Scbool ol Laodscspe Architecture aod Gardealo . Member Natloaal Imadscape Service.GOOSEBERRY FOOL Stew the gooseberries with just enough water to cover, till reduced to a pulp, then rub through a sieve, sweeten to taste and thicken with a custard. GREEN BEAN SALAD Have the beans previously cut up and cooked. Dry them and mix them in a salad bowl witn two or three sliced spring onions and some chopped parsley. Pour over a vinegar dressing and gar- nish with one of two hard-boiled eggs. Prices Reduced For Netfj Prices see H. C. Osborne REPRESENTING North Shore Notors Iitd. in 1Vest VancOuver Phones: West 17 West 628Y North 1186 around the roots, wrapped in burlap. This should be kept thoroughly wet until after plant- ed. After placing the evergreen in the hole cut the string arouml the top of the burlap and spread away from the stem and fill in the hole with earth. The bur- lap will soon rot and will not in- terfere with the growth, while if it is removed the ball of earth may be broken and the roots ex- posed. Never tamp the ball of earth or jump on it with your feet, but tamp the soil carefully all around it and fill in the hol as explained above. In transplanting shrubs and trees, especially those of a deci- duous nature, care. should be taken to cause as little injutw to the roots and branches as pos- sible so that there will be fewer wounds and bruises to heal up during the time the tree or shrub is establishing itself in its new location. filuch of the subsequent suc- cess of your garden depends on the care taken to place the plants in the soil in such a way that they find at once conditions suitable for growth. The square hole is easier to dig and is very much better than the circular one as the rooots tend to force themselves beyond the walls of a square hole but in a circular hole are apt to con- fine themselves 'to the hole it- self. The hole should be larger than the plant requires so that the roots will not be cramped. They should be allowed to spread themselves out to their full length. The hole should be as wide at the bottom as at tho top, and slightly deeper at the sides than in the centre so that the water will run to the sides and not to the centre where it might remain for a considerable period and rot the roots. In throwing the soil about the plant, start from the stem, aud work outward. This will have a tendency to keep the roots straight and unbroken. After covenng the roots with two or three inches of loose soil, take hold of the stem of the plant and shake it gently so as to settle the soil around the roots, fill in to within a couple of inches of the top of the hole, then fill the hole with water, let it soak away and fill again. After this has soaked away, fdl with earth to the top and tamp firmly. After planting it is a good plan to mulch with half rooted manure. This helps to retain the moisture and keeps the soil warm and mellow and the hu- mus and plant food of the mulch are washed into the soil around the roots of the plants when watered. Evergreen shrubs and trees require watering more frequent- ly than those which shed their leaves, due to the greater evap- orating surface of the leaves on the evergreens. Evergreen trees and shrubs are usually received from the nursery with a ball of earth SWEET PICKLED CARROTS Two quarts carrots, one pint vinegar, half pound granulated sugar, one ounce mixed whole spices. Select small, slender car- rots of uniform size and color: clean with a vegetable brush and blanch in boiling water 4 to 6 minutes. Cold dip and skin. Place in a saucepan and boil un- til nearly tender in slightly salt- ed water, drain and cover with vinegar in which the sugar has been dissolved. Tie spices in small muslin bag, add to vinegar and let simmer for half an hour. 'Handle carrots carefully so that they will not be broken. Pack into hot sterilized jars and seal. You Never Know Your Luck SO WHY TRUST TO LUCK! Residence Burglary Insurasee ps „6 ppp.pp GORDON GRAY Sey. 4991 1002 Credit Foncier Bldg. NOTE--The writer wiU cooslder U ~ pieasure to aaswer questloas coacerolas tbe sardeo lo this columa. Tbe questloos shtutbl be addressed to the writer Ia care oi the EtUtor. The aoswer wsl appmr la aa early issue or Il a pe soual reply L dmired ~ ~ tamped, ~eli-addressed eavelope should be eocloscd. Canadian Window Bakeries Ltd. Agency A. a F. VALENTINE 1406 Marine Drive FRESH CAKES AND BREAD DAILY Orders taken for Wedding, Birthday and other special cakes. CANDIES -- CHOCOLATES -- ICE CREAM CIGARS -- CIGARETTES -- TOBACCO Light Lunches--Our eggs are strictly new--Try them!--Teas. ORANGE LODGE VISITS ORPHANS AT BOUNDARY BAY The members of L. O. L. No. 2990 left here at 9 a.m. last Sun- day in seven cars for Boundary Bay, where they gave about 50 orphan kiddies in the Orange Camp there a real day's treat. Plenty of dainty eats, ice cream, fruit and candy were supplied to the youngsters, whose ages range between 8 and 11 years. After lunch pictures were taken and every child was given cash to buy candy. The party spent the afternoon bathing. The land and camp is owned by the Ladner Lodge and is situated about 50 yards from the beach, making it convenient for the .children to go in bathing. It is the intention of the local lodge to put on another big day for the kiddies before they leave the camp to return to New West- minster. BUTTERMILK CAKE Cream half a cupful of butter with one cupful of brown sugar and two lightly beaten eggs. Mix together one and a half cupfuls of sifted flour, one eighth ot a teaspoonful of ground cinnamon, one-fourth of a teaspoonful of cloves, a few grains each of nut- meg and mace and four table- spoonfuls of chopped black wal- nuts. Combine the two mixtures, alternating with half a cupful of rich buttermilk into which has been stirred half a teaspoonful of baking soda. Bake in a large pan lined with buttered paper, using a moderate oven, and frost with lemon or orange frosting. This cake will keep moist for two weeks. A. C. sEARLE VERNON FEED STORE Phone West 9 FEED Good assortment of Bedding Plants CEMENT FUEL Geraniums, Seed Potatoes, etc., for sale ETC. J H REID PeuLTo"NPHONE466 1 Sand, Gravel and General Teamwork Manure For Sale Ferguson's Freight Schedule To get an obstinate cork out of a bottle dip the neck of the bottle in hot water and you will be able to lift the cork out with your fingers. Trucks leave West Van 8 A.M., 1 P. M.--Saturday 8 A.M. Trucks leave Vancouver 11 A. M., 4 P. M.--Saturday 1 P. M. Phones: West 85 -- Seymour 6217. mmismtqmptptislaptlmuptptstsasatssaissssmuuum satmumuuammtmmm~+UtirdaLu~ti8C" ttbsttsiatstesta~tctqsqasaampiaesia mmmomcasuegedxs !~I u to ttmtmlltut tulm am m mt ststuutuis.Ussasgg~u tsyummmtammm ummmlmaullamtattmtutumttmouttmamLlmmmmm ssssstsogststsdggssth~ettUUIUURB~ISUssssuekgi GARDENS AND GARDENING/HE/R(jI ET ) Useful Recipes By 511NA G. HUTT,Landscape Architect Main Office NORTH 305 :jI'll West Vancouver Office WEST 102 Cor. 18th and Marine tSI II Of I sit I ~ Residence WEST 816 I )S )rs I,. I'. I"8 ck II:. I.I'",'clI.';I:I.'S ATTENTION! We carry a large stock of Fir, Hemlock 8z Cedar Lumber of all dimensions. Rough and Finished Lumber, Sash & Doors, Lath & Shingles Grade, Quality and Service Guaranteed. Only White Help Employed GET OUR PRIC:ES C. Imlllul\tMNlotcuumtbttxss