Resampled001B6D96 R.I4 D AND AVHlYL4 CHAIN GROCERY STORES The independent gsocctu hate otganiuog the RED aad )VHITE CHAIN STORES to ploce themselves in a better position so uctto yoa. Ia a moto efficient manner, in a scientifically arranged Store. better foodn, at lowered prices. Do you know your RED aag )VHITE MERCHANTI Smith's Grocery DRY COODS a SL&WDHRIES~ ~C~ROCEmIIIES. HARI)IVARF„ SDME nF DUR srEclxi.s: Gtaaalatcd Sugar, 10 iba. Iot 67t Quaker Cata Flakes, 3 pkgo. for zgc Pl)to Sstaabosvy Jara, Iatgo FMu-Nap&ha Soap... 3 banco zic Tia ............................. &9c QaaLct Brand Tomatoes, 2&4'a Full Sine Canned Cern, 2 Sian gic 2 tins for gic New Season's Straabotty, Shredded Wheat. pct pkg . 1st Royai City........., 75c Libby'u Potted Meats 3 sian zic Old 1)utch Cleanser, pcr sin sc Yoa will like it! OUR TEA Highest Quality OUR COFFFE, pct Ik.... ..... 65c Fteuh ground ............. 60c Roberts'etter Neats 14th and sfarine West 19Q IVhere Service and Quality Count WE DELIVER 51ORiNIiNG 9:30--East 25th Only 11130--from Capilano to Caulfeild AFTERNOOiN 3130-- East 25th Only L. M. Duval of Savory and Duval, is attending the Realtors'onventionin Seattle. BUY YOUR EXHIBITION TICKET HERE If you are going to the exhi- bition. and most everybody will be there, you should buy your tickets at Gen)mill's Drug Store. and so get a share in the draw- ing for the bungalows. autos. and 01her valuable prizes thnt are heing offered............. ....Those purchasing tickets at the ground do not get a share in the drnwing. It costs you just the same amount to get your ticket here nnd you mny get one of the prizes. Use a little linseed oil on flan- nei for cleaning varnished paint. THE IVEST VAiN NEWS Correspondence Altamont, West Vancouver, Aug. 9, 1927. Editor, IVest Van. News: Dear Sir:-- I shnll be giad if you can per fnr a few remarks I would like to make abnut the wnter supply )vhich is so inadequate. IVe live nn islarine Drive, west nf 22nd, and cnnscquently shoulrl be nble to make use of nur "Sprinkling Permit." between 8 aml 9 p.m., but ns we cannot draw even a cup of water b& tween 7 and 9 (several nights )vc hnve had no water between 6 and 10, it is a farce to tell us at which hour we can use the sprinkler. We have friends on the water- front and on certain higher levels )vho have plenty of water and can have baths galore but we cannot even wash our hands, or hnve a drink, an&i the young- sters go to bed unbathed. As a mere woman, it seems to me folly to spend $30,000 on a park and another 5300,000 on a bridge and the Marine Drive to attract more residents, when we have not sufficient water for our own needs. Apart from this menanw to health, one dreads to think )that would happen if a fire broke out. How many fires are checked by the timely application of a pail of water. Surely a by-law should be in- troduced which will provide IVest Vancouver with adequate )tater storage facilities. Yours truly, A RESIDENT. SATURDAY Boiling Beef, pct lb. 12c Pot Roast, pcr lb. from. 12nc Naw Zealand Lamb, shoulder pct Ib .. 25c New Zealand Lamb, tib and breast, pot Ib .. 25c New Zealand Lamb, legs, ib 35c New Zca)aad Lamb, loins, Ib gsc Fresh Beef Dripping.. 2 Ibu 2oc Ayrahitc Bacon, sliced, Ib 35c Cottage Ham, uticod, lb........ Jgc Cottage Ham, by piece, lb. 32c Cambridge Sausage 2 I bee 25c Pure Pork Sausage, oar own make, pct Ib . 30c Glendale Batter. 3 Ibu. 51.31 ROASTING, FRYING AND BOILING CHICKE)I AI'P LES 5 Ibu for 25c Field Tomatoes, pct lb.. Isc Piamu, par lb........ 15c Pct Basket...... 60c Pears, put dozen... 35c MONDAY Pork Steak, pct Ib .... 23c Boilet Ham, pcr Ib Itc TUESDAY Fresh Liver. pcr lb. 1st Bacon, sliced, pct Ib 40c WEDNESDAY Corned Beet. pcr lb....... )2c THURSDAY Stewing SteaL, Ib 15c FRIDAY Loggia Haddie, pct lb.. Isc Doctors "Your husband'6 nut so well today, slrs. Maloney. Is he sticking to the simple diet I prescribed?" Mrs. M.s "He is not, sorr. He maya he'l not be after starvin'imself to death just for the sake of livin' few years long- er." o o o Suitors ")Veil, Tommy, con- gratulate me; your sister ham just prom&ed to marry me." Tommy: "That'0 old news. She promised &mother she'd marry yon years agn. She) "Of course, I'm greatl) honored by your proposal, hut I don't believe in lying myself up to one man. I must refuse you.", Hes "IVell, if I organize a syni dicate would you consider our of- fer?" M. WILLIAMS CUSTOM TAILOR SPRING AND SUMMER SUITINGS Now complete. Large selection--for Sport or Business. Before Ordering Your Next Suit Come and see our patterns. CITY Dyeing, Repairs PRICES and Alterations I'HONE )VEST 20. Dry Cleaning and Pressing )Vc Call For aad Dc)iver TRAIN SCHEDULE PACIFIC GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY CO. From North Vancouver to )Vhytccliff, for Horseshoe Bay %EEK DAYS Leave North Vancouver 6.22, 6.68, 8.06 9.42, 11.42 A. M., 2.02, 3.02, 4.42, 5.42, 6.22, 8.02; aad Saturdays only P. M. Iaavo Whytcciiff for North Vancouver--7.10, 7.88, 8.66, 10,30 A.M., 12.30, 2.60, 3.60, 6.30, 8.30, 7.10, 9.00; aad Saturdayu only 10.65 P. M. SUNDAYS AND HOIJDAYS Leave North Vancouver--8.40, 9.26, 10.25, 11.25 A. M., 12.25, 1.25, 2.26, 3.26, 4.26, 6.25, 6.25, 7.30 and S.SO P. M. Leave Whytcciiff for North Vancouver--9.26, 10.26, 11.26, 12.26, 1.26, 2.26, 3.26. 4.25, 5.25, 8.25, 7.30, 8.30 aad 9.30 P. M. RFTURN FARE--Adults 50c, Children 25c--Good day of issue only. Hiauttatod folder ared further information may be obtasned at P. G. E. Depot Lonudaic Avenue. Phone North 300. OUR 1VATER SUI'PLY--LETTER FROisl COUNCILI.OR WATT (Continued from Page I) connecting at 11th street, Caulfeild and Nelson Creek to our present supply and also at the most suitable point at Capilano to the 31etropolitan supply. This would likely mean a main at Capilano of 14 inches reducing gradually to 6 or 8 inches at Whytecliff, as the borrowing po)ver of the municipality would be affected by this proposal and so many other necessary things calling for attention, it will be seen that it is not a matter of necessity as much as of finance with which your council is confronted. It is rather exasperating to see at many points on the Pacific High)vay lovely gardens being sprayed at any hour'f day or night and on enquiry I find that no extra charge is made for this rather necessaqy utility. I have always been opposed to a tax for sprinkling and I believe our rates are too high in comparison but this is a matter for consideration, and it is ju5t possible that it cannot be done for less under the circumstances. As mover of the resolution covering the amendment to the sprinkling hours, I wish to thank you for your article. It may be necessary to split the area into three or four sec- tions in order that some pressure might be obtained at the points complained of and if so I would ask that the public co-operate and assure you that whatever is being done is ir. the best interests of all concerned. Yours respectfully, J. T. WATT, Chairman IVater Committee. August 12, 1927, All Meats kept in refrigerator d tirintv llo't Lvcn'ther 'ivhen yoa coma here wo serve yoa properly aa I give )roa «hat yoa 'weak )Ve have Et&ryshiag ia sieaiu, aag )shat ie moro yoo noe only receive Iho utmost in quaiuy bai save gooJ money in adiinion. Sith Quality Lumher is cheeper& in the eni. Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRFi INSURANCFi, ETC. see 17th Street JOHN LAWSON Phone 1vest 55 P. E. Downey H. E. Innes-Ker ....arine ....otors Telephone: West 177 Dealers HUDSON ESSEX 2153 Marine Drive West Vancouver FOR Phone RIDLEY West 456 ELEVENTH ANNUAL DUNDARAVE REGATTA AND AQUATIC SPORTS THE BIG EVENT OF THE YEAR P I'l 'I ' 'if I L,, ij,c Tomorrow Afternoon SATURDAY, 2 P.M. At Dundarave Pier Come and see the Champion Swimmers, Divers an&i Canoeists. Lots of Fun for Everybody Reserved Seats in the Stands. JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET PHONE )VEST 3 )VR i)EI.IVFR West Vaucouver Lumber t',o. LI MITE D 15th nnd Marine Phone West 115 RESIDENCE PHONE& WEST 7$ X a I 6 I Ci 5I.C k, cuggidg litf 'aglcip B uyb glluu (utes&4 gg » gsd psuupufg ivc guch P rely rnatter 0I gcfcggisl thg fact thg ihu mucking trict uf«",, sgd (fern hig the bug)geng dug&4; gsd I 1'gncuaver b egin theset'i time. lVe gnd gnxioug 'gdbeen SU& I iefyy conn gg it might I IVe have gdvefggiy. ( cr Iggiggific which we hg Those wi itg egriy grg very cyeditgi iy in itg infgi of the cummi criticism, II have arrived tron siege cgr degree 01 eg.'icuisriy to t obtain the is A memb m the ferry that cushier elegance gsr provemegt I to the cons thing, it we especially 0 immune fr weather co The thn ably impru gibiy in th& tigue to ui compel the gucceggors It hgg I bust ginuig tumporgril future. bust that & under gli c 3 bust wou bat whgt 1 vision ef I street+sr districts gi Not ug bat also in the gppegi L their diulii tween thei iVe de w'I huh(i «rvicu w fe give cry; er aging service wl afford gtup gn&t i gdvucgte Aiiteu(lq Will V e cuun& "otbing gnceuv g te