Resampled001B6D77 1) tice f(OS , ina) neat 'ea 'nling nanre ea l eon ! the beak any IheN 'ga, 'e. rein( tea I'h Oi (ron the the hey Of Inth eon. lnn. rhen that eto !he) Iale he!a :ele. !'hat eve dia. IOU ! Oi J. dve 6'e. ger ao one Julv 22, 1927 An Incident in the History of the Caulfeild Family. (Continued from Page 4) the butler remarked that the as- sassin, his accomplices, and the noble family made up the odd number of thirteen, and observ- ed with dread that the murderers often changed both their seats and their countenances, except the bravo himself who kept his place on the left hand of Lord Caulfeild--being an intimate ac- quaintance. The butler told his lady of his uneasiness, telling of his dread of some direful event. She re- buked him for superstition and asked if the company were mer- ry and had all they wanted. He said they were merry and want- ed nothing but grace, and since her ladyship thought his fears were groundless he resolved to take care of his own person and thereupon left the house, mak- ing his way to Dublin. It is probable however that the servants or some of them had prior knowledge of the projected treachery. One of these, three months before, when threatened with dismissal by Lady Caulfeild unless he attended church, said she need not trouble herself for he did not believe she would stay long at Charlemont herself. Fol)owing this murder a reign of terror spread over the land i and in a few months forty thous- and colonists were put to the sword. After the reduction of Ireland by Cromwell, the brother of the murdered man, William, Srd Baron of Charlemont, seized Sir Phelim O'eill on an island in the north and conveyed him tn Dublin where he paid the penal- ty of his crime--a crime which was a blot on the fair nlame of the chivalrous and patriotic fam- ily of O'eill. Revenge and retribution being complete it is pleasant to relate that in 1680, an ancestor of the present Lord O'eill was mar- ried to Elizabeth Caulfeild, a daughter of the 5th Baron, who had effected O'Neill'6 capture. Next Thursday is "JOY DAY" for IVest Vancouver kiddies. They'l all be at the monster Free Picnic at Horseshoe Bay given by the Board of Trade. Cars leave 14th and Marine at 2 o'lock next Thursday. Whimsical Review Little Lucy (to guest): Do you like that Christmas cake, Mrs. Brown? Mrs. Brown: Yes, my dear, very much. Little Lucy: That's funny, 'cause mother said you haven' any taste. Short: Can Johnny come in for half price? He's only got one eye. Weight: You'l have to pay double for him. It takes him twice as long to see the show. "Yesterday I saw a fellow walking a tight wire from one office building to another." "Well, that's about the only safe and quick way to cross the street today." "I had a quarrel with a skunk last night." "What did you do with your suit?" "I decided to grin and bury it." Fresh: See here, waiter, this knife isn't clean. Fresher: Why, it must be. The last thing I cut with it was a bar of soap. "Why did your sister throw that farmer over for the duke?" "She said love in a cottage was all right, but she preferred pas- sion in a palace." Polite Frosh: You know you'e changed since I saw you last. Sweet One: And how? For better or worse? Polite Frosh: My dear, you could only change for the better. Maggie: Can you tell me what the three sexes are? Jiggs: Men, women and--ah- Maggie: And insects. We were just wondering, could a fellow 'who was crazy over electricity be called an electric fan? "Are you theman who saved my little boy from drowning when he fell off the dock?" ccodes o "Well, where's his cap?" THE WEST VAN NEWS We extend our profoundest sympathies to the man whose wife asked him to get her a Stock Exchange seat for her birthday, because she thought it wouk) be an unusual feature for her drawing room. "Yes, the mate fell overboard during the storm and was never seen again." Old Lady: "I suppose he was drowned?" Sailor (patiently): "No, he sprained his ankle." He: Do you believe in life after death? She: No; but I do believe in life before death. Let's go. "You'e got an awful big mouth, haven't you, Ma?" "Why, no, dear, I don't think so. Why do you ask?"" 'Cause I heard Pa telling Nurse last night that you swal- lowed everything." The ladies of the Ladies'id wish to announce that at their semi-annual bazaar they have discarded clothing of all kinds. Grace: I don't like you whenyou'e sentimental. Can't we be just good pals? Tom: Righto! Lend me a couple of bucks, pal. I went broke showing my girl a 'good time. Her voice is so low it's gutter- al. Miner: "How much is my bill, waiter?" Waiter: "What did you have?" Diner: "I don't know." Waiter: "Hash is a quarter." Motor Cop (to fair motorist): "You were specdlug. I'e got to pluch you." must, do It where it won't show." A TASTY MEAL "1 want to ace my father very yar- ticular," said a youngster to the gate. keeper at a cricket match Iu Eug- land. He waa passed through aud hurried to hla father, who was the umpire. "Mother says ahc wants them sand- wiches back." ha said. "Sandwiches back!" exclaimed the surprised parent. "I ata 'cm an hour ago." "Then you'l 'have to clean your shoes with salmon aud shrimp paste," said the boy. "biothcr put the brown shoe .polish in the sand- wiches." IGNORANCE By Maurice Marks bly neighbor Jones Is mighty ulcc, He's always ready with advice, It matters uot what I commence Bnl Jones win lean against the fence. Aml tell me, coundeutlany, A lot ot thloga I tail to ace; "Now those tomatoes," hc will aay,"Should really ruu tbe other way,"They waot more auu to make 'em glow I Your beets aud yeas la crowded ao Rcplautiug'a what they really needs Or you will have a crop of weeds." When I got out my plane aud aawTo braes the fcuca aud collar door.Bnl came to auperluteud the work, Aud I will aay he dido't shirk:"Don't take a chaust with lumber light," Says hc. "It never holds up right;" Aud hc waa sore, I uuderataud, Because I used the atult on band. Bin, hc haa such a hclplag way,tVheu I went out to yltch my hay Hc came, aud smiled, aud told me how To gct it easy lu the mow.It's tuuuy how my croys all grow, My fence stays up, although I know I alu't got half the brains ot Jones, Stln, hla whole place ls full of stones. Aud he doesn't seem to have muchcl'op- Hla doors all squeak, hla fences sop;It's funny, too, without his sense, How my place thrives on ignorance. --Tbc Rotaries. "If you kiss ma agalu, I shall tell Cather." "That's aa old tale. Aayway, it' worth it." Aud he kissed hev. She syraug to her feet. "I shall tellfather," aha said, aud lett the room."Father," ahe said softly to hcr yav- cut when ahe got outside, "Mr. Bolder wants to ace your new guu." "An right. I'l take it lu to him," aud Iwo minutes later father appeared iu tbe doorway with hia guu lu hla hand. There waa a crash of breaklug glassas blr. Bolder dived through the wiu- dow. Slrnraglrs (6alf Course Now open to members for play Fiscal Agents: R. P. CLARK & CO., LTD. 823 Hastings St. W. Say. 7483, 7484 Local Rcpraaautativa C. J. ARCHER. West 861L CLASSIFIED ADS. DRESSMAKING--Mra. Robbins, 29thaud bfathcra Phone West 437R3 FOR ItENT--Fora!shed or uufuruiah- cd, 4 roomed bungalow. Phone West94Y. REWARD--Lost on Duudarave Pierlast Sunday July 17th a grey felthat. Return West Vau. News. RELIABLE aud Expevieoccd Girl will mind children, day or evening.Phone West 174L. NEVV AND SECOND HAND Furni-ture bought, sold, aud exchanged.Fred Titc, Kcvili'a Old Stand, Am- blcaidc. FRObi JULY 1st, permanent tenants only, bungalow at 19th 'aud Marine Drive, full particulars. Apply Say. 4430. 3-Roobf BUNGALOW -- Plastered. Large living room, $276 caah; wIIj gtvc Possession; close to Marine. Snap. Enquire for particulars. West Vau. Investment Co., Phone West 102. FOR SALE Folding Camp 82.50 each; iron camp beds, 83.00 each mattrcasca 81 00 each aud other camp supplies. Camp Salvage Co., Fell Fill, Bcwicke Avcuus, North Vancouver. Open every day in the week aud from 7 to 9 each evening. LANDSCAPE GARDEVLVG, Clearing Cement work aud rock walls built. T. Baruott, phone West 672R. CARPENTER WORK--Repairs aud painting. All kinds of jobs sgurcd on. Phone, West 602-0. 15 WANTED--Part time house mort, caretaker or domestic Apply bfra Jones, 1330 Clyde. FULLY FURNISHED biodcru 4-Room Bungalow on beautifully cultivated lot llix125, clpse in. 8500.00 cash. Full price only 83000. 4.75 ACRES oa Slathers aud 18th, Facing south. A snap at 83000.00, on terms. All exclusively by GEO. HAY Phone West 21. 14th & biariuc Drive 315 Cordova St., W. Scy. 1260. W. Hay, Evenings. West 137K. SEE US FOR SNAPS in Real Estate for quick action on loans or dis- counting Agreements for Sale. Long experience gives us a knowledge of the Insurance business equal to that of any City Office. At your service for anything in the brokerage line. BYRNELL & biAY at the Ferry Landing. Phone West 113 Qiy wl ital IsIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISInllllllllflIIIIOSvsIIIIIIIIIIIIIISIrsllllIIIIIIIIIIIS)iell11! IlIIil88IllllllllTiiKSIIIIlIIIIIIIIIISMOIIIIIIIIIIlIISOxIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS~mIIIIIIIIIIII IaatslIIIIIIIIIIIIIOS 5, illlliI'IOSIIroIIIIIIIIIIII'IOS%lIII& ~O do nlg ade v eb. eep Iit" vu iii Ist &e [i( E B B Now open to the public. Under the personal direction of the owners. Just ta WEST VANCOUVER'S NEW SEASIDE RESORT OII iei vel Iav We invite you to come and spend a happy day. EAGLE HARBOUR is situated 1~ 2 miles west of Caulfeild. The P.G.E. Railway and the Stages give frequent service. Short Run by Stage, I Auto or Railtvay I'OU iod ieg vet III. Two Fine Sandy Beaches for your pleasure and Bath Houses for your convenience. Up-to-date Tea Rooms with a view verandah facing the sea. Good Music and Refreshments. Boating, Bathmg and Fishing. Ample Shady Grounds for Picnics. Parking Space for Autos toe jaf I" L&liiallitrOWs~cit. „III.II,IIS!Ito "o '"I