Resampled001B6D77 1927 July 22, 1927 THE WEST VAN NEWS Council Team Beaten in Annual Trap Shoot Last Monday the North Van- couver city council won the cup donated by the Scenic Highway Gun Club tvith teams from the District and West Vancouver councils. The score of the win- ners was 53 birds against 46 for 1Vest Vancouver aml 43 for the District. The cup will be placed in the North Vancouver city council chamber for one year, being put up again for competition next year. P ERSON ALS %our KodakPrint Lasts Longer Looks Better Ia $ ' )II i0 ~v IN~-- ISIII Life Saving Display at Dundarave Exceptionally fine weather prevailed on Saturday after- noon, when the Royal Life Sav- ings Society held their display at Dundarave Pier. Various methods of life sav- ing, rescues and resuscitation &vere displayed. Constable H. H. Duggan and Sergt. J. A. Parsons were in charge of the exhibition. Div- ing competitions for men and women were also held. The programme included the bronze medallian class of swim- mers and life savers, chain res- cue, violent rescue, suicide, Fred Bowers'quatic derby, rescue from beach, boat rescue and re- suscitation, boat accident'nd an exhibition of juvenile rescue. Death of Col. Forster Lieut-Colonel W. B. Burton Forster, M. C., Croix de Guerre with palms, who died from tub- erculosis last Friday in St. Cloud, France, resided two years at 19th and IVatei&ront, leaving here for Paris in November, 1923, to undertake the reorgani-, zation of the string of Adams banks. His wife, who with two children surives him, is a daugh- ter of Mrs. E. J, Pearce, 21st and Bellevue. He has also three brothers living in Vancouver. The deceased officer had a most distinguished military car- eer and lvas one of the youngest battalion commanders in France. In addition to his decorations, he was twice mentioned in des- patches. While living in West Vancouver he lvas manager of the B. C. Products Bureau of the Vancouver Board of Trade, and was well known in the city. Mrs. Pearce has just received a cable from her daughter say- ing that the funeral would take place yesterday, following which she and her children will join her mother here. WEST VANCOUVER BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES TENDERS FOR COAL Tenders will be received by the und- ersigned for the supply of 100 tons of Double Screen Wellington Coal as fol- lows:-- 30 tons for Hollyburn School 30 tons for Pauline Johnson School 30 tons for Inglewood School 10 tons for Dundaravc School The coal for Hollyburn, Pauline Johnson and Dundaravc Schools is to be delivered daring the month of Aug- ust and that for Inglswood School in Sop&ember . All Tenders must be in by 6 p. m. next lvadncsday, July 27th. H. B. GARLAND, Secretary Board of School Trustees. Hollyburn, P. O. BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES TENDERS IVANTED Concrete Retaining Wall and Pipe Railing Sealed tenders will be received by Hugh A. Hodgson, architect, up to 4 o'lock p. m. on Thursday, July 26th, for concrete retaining wall and pips railing at the Hollyburn School. Plans moy bo obtained at the architect's of- fice, 320 Province Building, Vancou- ver, B. C. Signed H. B. GARLAND, Secretary West Vancouver Board of School Trustees. Mrs. C. H. Ray, 13th and Keith Road, left today on an ex- temle&1 trip to Portland and points in Californi. s To-morrow is.95 cent &lay at Grigor's Dry Goods Store. The Secretary of the Board of Trade has received a letter from the Superintendent of Pos- tal Services, Vancouver, advis- ing that the department would be unable to put in the addi- tional postal boxes asked for. t o ~ An invitation has been receiv- ed by the Board of Trade to at- tend the second annual conven- tion of the boards of trades to be held in Vancouver 12-14 September. The secretary and at least one delegate are invited to be present at the convention. Mrs. Webb, 29th and Belle- vue, with her father and mother Mr. and Mrs. Waddell, have re- turned from a motor trip to the Pacific States. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gibbs and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Clark, of Didsbury, Alta., were guests this we k of 5Ir. and Mrs. W. D. Calvin, 13th and Marine, travel- ling from the prairie by auto. Mickey Abbott has recently joined the staff of the Marine Motors. He is a specialist in Chryslers having just come here from Portland, Oregon, where he spent a year on this make of car. On ille Falconer, 26th and Waterfront, has left here for a motor trip through the Cariboo. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Blair, of Edmonds, who have been spend- ing a vacation here, have return- ed home. They expressed them- selves as delighted with the scenic beauties of West Vancou- ver, more especially the western end of the municipality. Mr. and Mrs. George Coe and family of Vancouver, have rent- ed the James'ottage on West Beach, Ambleside, for the sea- son. MANY WEEK END VISITORS TO GLENEAGLES GOLF COURSE Gleneagles during the past week end presented a vei~ ani- mated appearance. Considering it is a new course, the fairways and greens are looking very at- tractive. Quite a number of members and friends are now playing regularly, and the or- ganizers are very pleased with the general progress and the steady increase in the member- ship. It is suggested by the mem- bership committee that the new course provides an excellent op- portunity for those wishing to get initiated into golf playing, especially during week days, when fiiayers are not so numer- ous quiet practise may be en- joyed. Among those playing during the past week end &vere: Dr. and Mrs. Munroe, Mr. and Mrs. Mattheson, Major McPherson, Gordon Ross, Dr. and Mrs. Stamsby, Mrs. Ban, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Marshall, C. E. Gar- rett, Capt. and Mrs. Binks, Mr. G. Mathers, Mr. and Mrs. Sig- more, Mr. and Mrs. D. IVhite- side, Capt. and Mrs. Archer, Mr. and Mrs. G. T, Clark, Mr. F. J. IVilson, Mr. If. Urquhart, Mr. K. Rundfor&l, hfrs. Gordon, fifr. aml Mrs. F. J. Merrick, Mr. and Mrs. Morrow, Reeve aml Mrs. Vin- son, Miss F. McCleery, Mr. J. R. Stewart, and Mr. J. C. Richard- son. The ten-year-old son of Jas. Hill, 51arine Drive, was the vic- tim of a accident on Friday, when he fell out of a tree while picking apples and fractured his arm at the shoulder joint. Af- ter receiving medical attention he was taken to St. Paul's his- pital. Scott and Allen Richardson, 24th and Lawson, are leaving shortly for the Church of Eng- land Camp at Long Bay, Gam- bier Island. s s s The Board of School Trustees are calling for sealed tenders for a concrete retaining wall and pipe railing at the Hollyburn school. Plans may be obtained at the architect'6 office, 320 Province building, and tenders will be received up to 4 p. m. on Thursday, 28th July. An adver- tisement relative to this appears in this issue Miss McVean, of the B. C. Electric office, returned last Sunday from a vacation spent in San Francisco, and other Cal- ifornia points. Miss McVean travelled all the way there and back by auto stage. At the regular meeting of West Vancouver L. 0. L., No. 2990, held last Tuesday in Dun- darave Hall, it was decided to hold a basket picnic at Boundary Bay the first week in August. The lodge will give a party on 28th September to celebrate its second birthday. A good pro- gramme is being prepared for the occasion. All those interested in bee keeping are invited to attend the lecture and practical demon- stration on "Bee Culture", to be given by A. W. Finlay, Provin- cial Apiary Inspector, next Tuesday at 8 p. m., in the new Ambleside Hall. The lecture is given under the auspices of the Horticultural Society and admis- sion will be free. The council have agreed to open King's avenue at 22nd street to D. L. 554-4-8 at a cost not to exceed 8240, providing J. Davis will furnish the usual building bond. I. O. D. E. A garden tea is bein given on Saturday, August 27th, at the home of Councillor and Mrs. J. B. Leyland, under the auspices of the Duncan Lawson Chapter I. O. D. E. The Misses Gwladys Davies, Ruth Jackson, and Jean Watson are attending the Dominion Jub- ilee Girl Guides Camp at Univer- sity School, Victoria. TEACHERS APPOINTED FOR NEW INGLEWOOD SCHOOL Three appointments have been made for the staff of the High School which opens this fall. J. C. &Mitchell comes from the Anyox school and will spec- ialize in physics. Miss Mar- garet IValf, previously on the staff of the Surrey schools, will be the commercial teacher, and Miss F. C. Davidge will be the domestic science teacher. Miss Davidge comes from Chilliwack. TENDERS TO BE CALLED FOR NELSON CREEK WATER EXTENSION Tenders are to be called to supply steel pipes for the Nel- son Creek water area, also for trenching work in connection with the laying of water pipe in the same area. Both temlers are to be delivered at the Muni- cipal Hall before noon, August 1st. aea handled here wah promptness and satis- faction. Leave your film any time today and they will be herc--iinished at 5 p. m. day follow. ing. We deliver We Sell Stamps West Van Pharmacy I hone West 'i7 IVe don't say all the good looking houses in this dis- trict were painted with Ayres Paint but all those painted with Ayres Paint are good looking. This store is glad to recom- mend Ayres Paint. R. SEEDS General sferchants Hardware Paint Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 28 T. WALSH I'alnting ln all its branches Phone: West 604-0 Clochan Hotel WEST VAN RESTAURANT A. C. SEARLE VERNON FEED STORE Phon~ West 9 „„„„„„,„, MsWILLIAMS „„,„„„, CUSTOM TAILOR SPRING AND SUMMER SUITINGS Now complete. Large selection--for Sport or Business. Before Ordering Your Next Suit Come and see our patterns. CITY Dyeing Repairs PRICES and Alterations Dry Cleaning and Pressing PHONE WEST 20 Watch, Clock aad Jewelery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker 8 Jeweller hfarine Drive Between 14th and 15th. For West Vancouver Properties see SAVORY DUVAL Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Ete. H P. Tearoe 16%0 Haywood Ave. West Vancouver Pearce's Drygoods 14th and Marine Phone West 144 Window Blinds and Awnings EST&a! ATES FEEE 1419 Iforiae Ikioe Phoae West 940 Specializing in West Vancouver Very Special DATE and N UT LOAVES nice for picnics or for the table. Currant Buna and Lunch Rolls, Fresh Daily. Sponge Cake, splendid for Rasp- berry Short Cake. MRS. DRAPER 8 SON 2435 3IARINE DRIVE Neat Dunavvavv Hall. IVcst 157X Specializing in Honte Cooking rirl&IAN BUSINESS COLILCE DAY and NIGHT SCHOOL Yon will receive intensive indi- vidual training. 4 2 2 Richards St. Phone Sey. 9135. Cor. Hastings J. M. Morgan WEST VANCOUVER HOUSE DECORATIONS AND REPAIRS- Intenor or Extenor, By Skilled Workmen. Any branch of painting, building, etc. Phone West 437R3 for Estimates F. Newman 8 D. Robbins CARPENTERS blethers a 29th Wast 437R3 Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Phones West 173 Seymour 3058o LADIES HAIRCUTTINC and SHINGLING any Style HOI.LYBURN BARBER SHOI'5 years experience Whk NEWBY Prop. HARRON BROS. E% WILLIAM I SON giinPIal 6IEPCtarS North Vancouver Parlors 122 IVest Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 FEED Good assortment of Bedding Plants CE5IENT FUEL Geraniums, Seed Potatoes, etc., for sale ETC.