Resampled001B6D77 THE WEST VAN NEWS Hollybum Theatre Friday Evening aud Sotuyday Afternoon 0 Evening July 22nd and 23rd The Flaming Forest Bp JADIES OLIVER Ct!R'IVOOII Monday oud Wednesday July 25th uud STIIL Wings of the Storm aud More Pay - Less Work Bobette Beauty Parlor Ambleoide Black I&&h B hiayiue hfuxval oud Curl . 75a Shampoo....... '. 50a Shampoo (Hot Oil) .. 51.00Manicure... 50c Faciuia 51.00 Haircut ................... Ssc Haircut (Children under 12) 25a PHONE )VEST 353 FOR APPOINTSIEVT Hours 10 o. m. &o 6 p. m. unless by special appointment. GEORGEEDIVARD Swan O'ook LANDSCAPE aud GENERAL GARDENERS 155& Dempsep Rd., Upper Lynn Phoae--North IJOORS - 1210RS Lawns. Shrubberies, Rock Goyd- euo, 1Voiha, Drives, Fences, Hadgaa. Gveeahousea, Summer- houses, Pools, Planned oud Constructed Lawns 5'1 Gardens 'hept in order. Apprenticed Gardeners with 30 years'xperience. Well laid out grounds are o thing of beauty. Let Practical mou do pour work. FED UP! Ivheu o woman says she's "fad up" obo means it. Lvheu o mou says it it daoxu'1 matter because ho never did o dop'o washing aud ironing in his life oud doesn't know what hard work is. Hand the "fad up" stuff Io the Bur- rard Laundry,--they'l never tire of doing the real hard work for pou oud &hepTI do it very carefully uud you'l be pieooa&L The BBTofd Laim&hT Limital For People Iyho Are Parr&refer lgmo STREET ieo Sf. Dsymz North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 457Y3. Marriage License Clerk: But, lady, the law requires that I re- cord au previous marriages be- fore issuing a new license. afovie Actress: Good heavens! And I'e got a taxi waiting out- side! POI.LOUGH I'OGUE AFI'OliNTED SPECI A I CONSTABI.E During the spring and early summer considerable damage has been done to municipal and private property on Hooyburn ridge by hikers. The dogwoo&l trees in particular have suffered heavilv. In order to put a stop to this wilful destructinn, Fol- lnugh I ague, a ivco kn(1'&vn I'psl dent of the ridge. has been ap- pointed a special constable by the I'olice Commissinn. He &vio enter upon his duties at once. COUNCII, AGAINST REDUCTION OF TAX I'EiVAI.TIES The hhmicipal Council hns gnne on record as being opposed to any reduction in tax payment penalties. as proposed by sev- eral members of the Union of B. C. hfunicipalities. It is the npin- ion of the council that any re- duction in the penalty may en- courage non-payment of taxes and have a serious effect on municipal finance. iVEIV RIARliNE DRIVE BUILDING iVOIV UNDER COiVSTRUCTIOiV Work on the new building be- ing constructed for George Hay at 14th and iafarine, was started by Contractor P. Tardif. Found- ation work is being rapidly com- pleted, and the building will be rushed to completion. The new building, &vhich &via be of stucco finish, will be of two stories. The upper story will be divided into three suites, and below there &vio be t&vo stores. The building &vhen completed will be a distinct asset to the district. The Department of Public Works has sent the council a copy of their booklet on "Stand- ard Signs". These signs are be- ing manufactured and will be shortly erected by the depart- ment on public highways in un- organized territory. Invited to Fire Convention An invitation has been receiv- ed by the council from the State Fire Marshall in San Francisco to have the fire chief attend the three conventions of fire chiefs to be held in Portland, Aug- ust 4-12. One of the larg- est collections of fire fight- ing apparatus will be on view for the benefit of those attend- ing the convention. The matter was turned over to Councillor IVatt, chairman of the fire com- mittee. Tenders Ca!Ied For Coal Supply Tenders have been called for 100 tons of double screen Wel- lington coal to be divided be- tween the IVest Vancouver schools. The coal for Holly- burn, Pauline Johnson and Dun- darave schools is to be delivered in August and that for Ingle- wood in September. AH tenders must be in by 6 p.m. next Ived- nesday, 27th July. An adver- tisement relative to this tender appears in this issue. FOR Eagle Harbour to have Big Development Eagle liarbnur is evidently in for a perio;I nf development. hiiessrs. Allen Bros., whn, weiw responsible for much of the early &levelnpment of the Horse- shoe Bay district. have control of the ivaterfront at Eagle Ilar- bour aml much nf the land adja- cent toit,and are figuringon mak- ing this one of the numt at(mo- tive resorts on the Nnrth Shore. Wn&9& hns been going quietly forward for some time, and al- Iwa&ly much development wnrk has been done. It is the inten- tion of the oivners to maintain personal management and to give visitnrs and campers every nssistnnce to&yard making their visits hnppy and enjoynble. Eagle Harbour is particularly happily situated, inasmuch as it has two sandy bathing beaches. Bath hnuscs are now ready for use, aml the boat- house is now operating. There is an up-to-date tearoom with a beautiful view verandah. A new road has been constructed from iaIarine Drive to the waterfront. Eagle Harbour is just one and a half miles west of Cnufeikl, aml is reached by the Pacific Stage, North and West Van. Stage, angl the P. G. E. Railway. Ample space is afforded for picnic par- ties with plenty of shade from the heat of the sun. Summer cottages will be built this win- ter. A personal invitation is ex- tended by the managers to ao IVest Vancouver people to pay a visit to Eagle Harbour. It is just a short run by auto and the transportation companies offer a frequent serivce. Huge Electric Sign Visible from City Proposed The Electnc Sign Company of Vancouver have written the council offering to instal on the dock a 16-foot letter sign okVest Vancouver" &complete w'i t h lamps and ready for ioumina- tion for $1,500 approximately. Such a sign would bevisible from Jericho Beach and Stanley Park. They also recommended the new Neon Gas Tube electric sign. The initial cost of tHis sign is double that of the old type, but the po&ver cost is only one-twen- tieth that of other signs, and in addition requires no lamp re- newals, there being no deprecia- tion with age. Its visibility is very nearly double and would be visible at least 1,000 feet in a dense fog. At the present time various naval bodies are experi- menting with it with a view to its installation in lighthouses. Action on the matter was de- ferred. PARKING ON MARINE DRIVE RESTRICTED TO TWO MINUTES The recently adopted Parking Bylaw, prohibiting parking for more than two minutes on Mar- ine Drive, was formally passed. The by-law has been amended to cover ao Marine Drive from Whitecliff to the eastern bound- ary of the municipality. It will be enforced rigidly on holidays, when traffic along the route is unusually congested. COUNCIL FAVORS HIGH GRADE LUSIIIER In ao future construction work the council decided to use clear surface lumber. Although the cost of this lumber is twice that of material used at present, it is stated that the saving on maintenance and other costs will effect an ultimate saving of about one-tihrd. Tru&h Is one of the over)os&fog roose lo success. Phone RIDLEY West 456 An Incident iu the History of the Caulfeild Family The pince names of British Cnlumbin are full of ntemnries. The fnunder of Caulfeild, thnt rack-strewn but flower bcdeck- e&l cnl'n&'I'estling un&I&'r I loop l&urn Riilgi!; gave the name of his familv tn this benutiful spot. Tragedy seems far from Caul- fcil&l, yct in the annals nf the family is an incident ivhlch riv- nls the grim aml unforgettnble ihiassacre of Glencoe. This family originally nf Ox- fordshire, England, was one of those ivliich estnblishcil itself in Ulster during the reign of Elizabeth. Charles Mountjoy, Deputy for the Queen, built in County Tyrone the fort of Chnrl- m&mt to curb the nmbition of 0'iVeio, Earl of Tyrone. Captnin Caulfeilrl became governor nf this fort an&i later Baron Caul- feil&1 of Charlemont. In 1641, Sir Fhelim O'eill- unlike his famous ancestors- a man of feeble and shifty prin- ciples--was selecteil to les&i the native Irish against the English colonists whom, naturally enough, they regarded as usurp- ers. At this date the third Lord Charlemont was, like his unclo and father, Governor of Charle- mont Fort. Against him Sir Phelim decided to strike. On Friday. 22nd October, 1641 Sir Phelim was received at the fort by Lor&l Charlemont with the courtesy due to a friend. Such a reception was in accord- ance with the high traditions of the Caulfeild family noted for its chivalry. Whfie Sir Phelim was being joyfully received and entertain- ed, his followers had gathered in great numbers in the vicinity and at the height of the festiv- ities, at a sign from O'eill, the 'rebels'ttacked the fort, mass- acred the whole of the Gover- nor's retinue and men at arms, and put the genial host himself, his mother, sisters, brothers and aa the rest of the family under strict imprisonment. It was only on the Governor' consenting to reveal the where- abouts of his treasures that his life was spared for the nonce. IVhen the guests were at the height of their rejoicings the first sounds of the attack were heard. Sir Phelim arose and throwing off the assumed air of friendship addressed Lord Char- lemont in words to this effect, "For long the taunt has been thrown at my hea&l from thn Fort of Charlemont that no Ir- ishman could capture what an Englishman had built. Now, I shall prove that taunt is as idle as the spray of the water that breaks over Corey, as meaning- less as the echoes of the IVaup's cry as he flits over Lough Neagh." For fifteen weeks the prison- ers remained at Charlemont. 0'- Neio then sent them about five miles distance to Kioenane; "anil the next day sending away Maj- or Davy, Lord Caulfeild desired O'eill that the Major might stay because he could speak Ir- ish; but Sir Phelim answered that the Major was a traitor an&i should not stay but that he would have better company be- fore night." That night he was sent to the castle of Renar&l- belonging to O'eill--when as he entered one of O'Neifi's cap- tains, McKenna, a&klressed E&i- mund O'Hugh; O'Neio's foster brother, who was waiting to re- ceive the prisoner, Where is your heart now." The second captain, guardirig the prisoner, thereupon turned and fired at Charlemont. The shot missing, O'Hugh seconded the abortive attempt by shooting Charlemont through the back, who as he feo, cried "Lord have mercy on me!" An old tradition relates that (Continued on Page 7) July 22. 1927, "The Best Procurarjle " That'» what yau gei when you deal here. Our nyet coavoyu ie our reputation anil your patio. far&ion. Quality ia uai aorrinveii fm price iu &hia eiayo, The S&are wi&h o nepu&o&ioa Greenwood's GROCERY We deliver West 16 Play a Game of BILLIARDS at CHET SHIELDS I ITH STREE('igh& o& Railwa) (roemug TOBACCO, CoiVFECTIOVERY DUNDARAVE SHOE REPAIRING 25&h oud Marine (next door Lo 'LViieou 5& hfooyo) FIRST CLASS )VORE Reasonable Prices. Patron&so a local buoinoso. ~ ,@la(a' „ckC1"fC Xill)11(10n Vancouver a)&~i'a) irS0- kooifoo'-'rizes&attractilm Goo&7k53 8809~ '-" %/SAN WOOLOJ Cs&sylossuiy STOIIPEPE Soiuisur fosrEDERAT(ou hsKLRT EALEDOSISII 6AIIES IIASSED RAIfDS AUTO RACKS PRKIIIER IJVEsvocg Jgows ASSI&a&TOOL& we SORTICOLTu RA& Rl ID ITS PIP&/r lprpr&rpl)J& i Enfryv&rofJ greafot VonleouVez L'xhibiiioa Assh. 4 40 Fender SI. W Vancouver 9/ .e 199& ~~&Jap~ oooci )tl IO goose t hl"od ,oui'o I b) tl doust" b,iii Guuclu I Bisific Tki iuuu&ily. 99 I 11'SS ucm Vsucou )geol Blot&I& 'sucoc COP Hort" [of &born;„ fof bef 0 up sgs&u yesf Life SavII Fzcvp™ pfovsil Poou wkou at Duudsr I y«loss " i In 'og foocuez ivefe d'»9 Constable Bergt J'hsfgo ', iug comp'i women w«& Tho proP bronze moa mefs sud li'e, violent Bowers'I from beschi sumitstiou, exhibit&os 0 Death 0 I.)cut-Cok Fofster, ihi with palms, ofculosis II Cloud, Fran ot 19th sud here for PI 1929, to uod zotiou of O banks, His children suf tef of Ilfs. I Bellevue. brothers li The deco most distiui ecr oud wo! battalion co In od&litioo he wos twi patches, 9 Vancouver the B. C. the Voucov and wos wi hiro. Peo s cable ffo ing that th h ace yestei ohe aud h, her mothe IVPST V.I& SCII& TSVI Texdwx wi eyllluaol fey Doable 5&vie IOW1; SO tons fw 58 &axx fai SO &exx fay IO Iam for The cexi Jahxxao xxd be Oeliy&vyu uxt oao &ha& Sap&&why& AS Texdyy next wo)nyu Se&ve&xyy I BOARD OP TL&II Cevouch ih Sexhd )fash Aa'eiwk IIII,I "'ooy yeui +ye&a a)xy h the xo« fiya, Sm "&xi'er 2 pyeC, 5!Soul'