Resampled001B6D77 THE TVEST VAN NE(VS JulY 22, 1927. The annual basket picnic for children nf the Army and Navy veterans (vill be held at Ilolly- burn, tnnloa'l'nlv. Th('v(nt hsls been arranged hy the Nnl th Vancouver Army and Nnvy Vet- erans'ssociation and the wo- men's auxiliary to the organiza- tion. The party is tn leave nn the '9.40 n. m. Pacific Grent Enst- ern train. Ice cream (vill he pro- vided the chiklren free, n com- plete athletic programme hns been arrnnged and the winners will be given prizes. The cnm- mittee nsserts thnt the larger the number of children that nt- tend. the better the committee members will be plensed. If the "buucb" leads you lo ShllTH'S GROCERY you are lucky, for you will gcl the best groceries at the lowest prices. Our customers are always satisfied. HOT ll EATllER SPECtALS Quaker Corn Flakes ........ lec Shredded (Vbeal...... „2 for 25c Puffed Wheat ......... 2 for 29c Grapeuuln .........=.. (yc Cream of Wheat .......... 25c Early June Peas ......... 2 for 35c Malkin'a Best Coffee .......... 59c Apricots, pcr case ...... $ 1 75& (Crop is short--order carlyl Empress Strawberry Jam 3 tts (llano Jar S.&c Smith 's Grocery A. HARVEY SlnTH. 1'cop. DRY GOODS a SUNDRIES GROCERIES. HA)tlphVARE, I'howe you waam aad wc «ul gite quick acre(co 2(lb AND htARlNE, Opp. Dundaracc Hall I'bouc lrFST (09 Roberts'etter Meats 14th and Marine West I90 Where Service and Quality Count 1VE DELIVER hIORNING 9:30--East 25th Only 11(30--from Capilano to Caulfeild AFTERNOON 3:30-- East 25th Only SATURDAY BUTI'ER--Government Special, . 3 lbs. for $ l.30 Ayrsbire Bacon, sliced per ttn.... 35c Steer Beef, No. 1, pot roast 12usc up Steer Beef, stewing steak ..lhc Steer Beef, slewing beef 2 lbs. for 25c Steer Beef, boiling beef ..12c New Zealand Lamb, shoulder per ib ............ 25c New Zealand Lamb, rib an&i breast, pcr lb . 25c New Zealand Lamb, legs, lb 35c New Zealand Lamb, loins, lb 38c Cambridge Sausage... 2 tb&n 25c Apricots, crate ..$ (.80 Cauliloupe, each .15c 20c 25c ROASTING, FRYING AND BOILING CHICKEN (5Varic(icu of Home-Cooked Deiicaleeaea lo choose from. hyONDAY Apricots, pcr crate ..... $1.80 Boiled Ham, pcr lb.... (9c TUESDAY Frenb Liver. per ib ...... lpc Bacon, sliced, .......39c lb. hlRS. J. J. IIA&NNA IS H(PSTESS TO LEAGUF. )h)EMBERS About sixty-five members aml friends of Canadian Daughters'eague. Assembly &No. 3, held an enjoyable luncheon picnic ou IVednesday nt the home of Mrs. J. J. Hanna, IVest Vancouver. The spacious grounds werc ar- ranged with comfortable Rooks for the guests. Luncheon was served at large tables set on the lawn and decor- ated with vari-colored sweet pea. A short business meeting lvas held in the afternoon, when it was decided to hold a dance in September. A report of the Victoria convention held this month lvas also given. )hlus)c was also enjoyed until late in the afternoon, when the party returned to the city. 31rs. Harry Hodgson is leaving tomorrow with her children for a week's holiday visit to Bolven Island. iNORTH SHORE RAILWAY iVORK STARTED AGAIN tvork is now under way again on the right-of-lvay for the Van- couver Harbor Board's Terminal railway on the North Shore. Ex- cavating has resumed at Moody- ville where 35 men are now em- ployed by the contractor, accord- ing to Harbor Commissioner A. SI. Pound. Chairman F. R. 31cD. Russell, K.C., chairman of the board is expected to arrive from Ottawa today. Son: I am going into your business lvhen I grow up, Papa. Druggist Papa: I'd rather you wouldn'. And why not, Papa? Papa: Because it's a vial busi- ness, my son. "I avant something for fleas." okVhv don't you get a dog?" imext Thursday is "JOY DAY" for TVest Vnncouver kiddie~. They'l all be at the monsier I'rce 1'icnic nt Horseshoe liny given by the Board of Trade. Cnrs leave 11th nnd is)urine at 2 o'lock next Thursday. TVEST VAiN. BEAT EI.KS Blair Edwards pitched the West Vancouver Senior Baseball team to a well-earned victory over the Elks at Ambleside Park last night by a score of 9 to S. sfuch enthusiasm was aroused in the last innings, whe(s, after the Elks tying the score in the first half of the frame, Daven- port hit a mighty wallop between first and secoml for two bases, bringing Sangster home. BUSH FIRE ON CROTVN MOUNTAIN A bush fire which at one time threatened the entire northwest- ern slope of Crown Mountain, was under control at an early hour IVednesday night, accord- ing to reports from forest rang- ers. The blaze started early Wednesday afternoon about eight miles above the Capilano lvatenvorks intake. The cause of the fire has not been determined. Nearly 150 men employed by the Capilano Timber Company assisted in extinguishing the fire. The large plume of smoke which rose from the back of Crown Mountain was seen from many points around Vancouver. The members of the British Columbia branch of the Canadian Authors'ssociation are invited to meet at the residence of Mrs. J. Kilby Rorison, Caulfeild, to- morrow afternoon at 3.30 o'lock. Dr. L)one) Stevenson has kind- ly consented to give an account of the work done at the recent Ottawa convention. Each mem- ber may bring one friend. Trains leave North Vancouver at 2.02 p. m. aml 3.02 p. m. (VED'.(ESDA Y Boneless Stewing Beef, 2 lba 25c Fresh Beef Dripping ..(pc lb. THURSDAY Cauteloupe, each lsc 20c, 25c Stewing Steak .........(5c lb. FRIDAY Fraaer Spring Salmon ... 25c ib Chamois leather, seccotined in- side the back and sides of shoes that are too large, prevents holes in stockings and also keeps the stockings from being stained by the leather. Brown shoes can be darkened if they are rubbed with flannel dipped in ammonia. Repeat the process once or twice before pol- ishing the shoes in the usual way. Grease marks can be removed from brown shoes by rubbing French chalk well into them, and leaving for a day. Rub off and polish. If necessary, repeat. YOU are cordially invited to visit the MODEL SUBURBAN HOME at Cypress Estates (North Side of isiarine Drive at Cypress Park.) Furniture and Drapes by Hudson's Bay Company Electric E(iuipment by British Columbia Electric Co. Open for inspection, MONDAY, July 25th BELL-IRVING, CREERY 9'OMPANYLTD. Hard water is softened by us- ing a tablespoonful of borax to about two gallons of water. 989 nastinas Street W. a&a&cue&a Vaoooorer (&ca& Ym&asc maenaoce. Sey. 9301 Foggog yoUg HUgcH ii(M&;.SATi'It'I"A& Tender Roasts BUY nERE A&MD SAVE lvo ca\ ry only the blgbcal grade of fresh meats au&i an or&teen are (Bleu with accuracy au&i promp(ncaa. lvbclbcr a chop or a roan(, we gb&u you goo&i service as&I fair trna(maul. JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET &Ncnl lo ytoliyburu Theatre PRONR WEST 3 lvE DRI.(YRR llith iluali(y Lumber is Cheapest in the en&). Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE FOR WATERFRONTAGE snd other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSUIIANCK, ETC see JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone West 55 IF MQVING Phone West 17 HOBB COAL & TRANSFER CO. 1470 Marine Drive Coal Wood Sand Gravel P. E. Downey H. E. Innes-Ker ....arine...otors Telephone: TVest 177 Dealers HUDSON ESSEX 2153 Marine Drive TVest Vancouver I'ARENTS! Give your boys and girls an outing at HORSESHOE BAY Where they can have the most fun uu&(cr ideal con&lit(pun. PACIFIC GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY CO. Is operating a convenient train service lo this children's playground. The train ride through beautiful scenery, in airy aust comfortablo concbca, appeals especially to the children. RETURN FARE FRO51 NORTH VANCOUVER TO bVHYTECI.IFF for HORSESHOE BAY Adults 50c (Good day of issue only) Children 25c Tickets, lime tables ao&) illustrated folder may be ob(aine&i at Passenger Department, 533 Granvnlc Street, phono Scy. 0331, aust P, G. E, Depot, North Vancouver, phone North 300. WATER SERVICE IMPORTANT No Garden Hose may be used before permit is paid for. Sprinkling hours until further notice are: 6 to 9 a. m. 5 to 9 p. m. Leaks or wilful waste of water should) be reported nt once to the Water Department, Telephone West 44. Signs&i, JAMFS OLLASON, C. M. C. West Vancouver Lumber Co. LiM)TED 15th and Mar)ne I'hone West 115 RESIDEN(.'E ('l(ONR: lVEST 733 u 9 'oar(l Tbe Sps ki ycat ('0, melvelln pf tbe 0 IP teadiag 1 present. (oD.yof 'fCPmm)t) sii the "e" wss sbb' by the m" tee. Trsua bear of sll takes care (s pa&4 cpu 'rucks, Pr I&ps,g convey tbe pu srrivlul tbst the su ared from i Cpmpsuy b the gift « from tbst 00 tbeir pl free of cbs sulk sud ln Three willi busy for a iug ice cre sundry; an the nuPP)y however, 3 S sde sppnsrn,P'ss kept-i draughts 0 drink. Su( m to the clan fore 3 mo'ports gn races, the given be)os prizes beil uers. Dur more than bsd been call to "cpl some wpl home-cook the mptbe of young( grow(I up with gust& ried back Some w went rac)s around an with old f~ er old or having "j During excitemes. three clpu~ greatly al eut, sud very mnt picnic the Frank 8) Ipy to tb, luy Rpbei clowns we« tp bptb have beer these nrt) well worl gave ever SPecisl of the cp& Timber C,'ie) tbul pn Company m the gener true)u to Ports)le(s sud tp ti )usued tb the Psn ley lcef, I geuerpait milk 304 1 be on)ot the dn 4yhud',