Resampled001B6D63 THE WEST VAN NEWS July 8. )927. Lesagehasit DRUG SPECIALS FRIDAY R SATURDAY 60c 16 ox. Bottle French ('ieaner................................ 25c 50c Colgates Tooth Paste ..................................... 45e 60c Pepsodent Tooth Paste ....................................... 39c 50c Klenxo Tooth Brushes .......................-.......... 29c 40c Castoria ...........................................-.............. 33c 61.15 Tan)ac ............................,...........-...-.-.-...................... 98c loc Jergens Pure Lavender Soap ......................... 3 for 25c 35c Handy Package (Fancy Linen Envelopes and Paper) 21c 76c Writing Portfolio ......................................... 49c 75c Vacuum Bottles .............................---------.-.--.... 59c 75c 16 os. Bottle Rubbing Alcohol .................................... 59c Bathing Caps, Sun Visors Developing ard I'rinting Kodak Films Lesage Drug'tore jVor(h Side Marine, near 14(h IVe deliver anywhere. iso O&x)er is too small WEST 323 Lesagehasit Sensny Sou CTION R ofcivilixation, nstruction engin- eer seeks out and plans the electric power without which the modern com- munity could not exist. Bmra&gg GKUl&IIIM~EIZCHInltlllgSKFGL v 4 &rcouvsa v&ceoa&4 & s-&r Ogge Quart ~fi gee@ Kiddies drink. PRasvRVaiLD'lLK for Safety catt the FraserValletj Mapb to-mornn&) morning A Cream Wagon o)L et)ery street- et)ertt notvttintg 9 Quarts for $ 1.00 Phone North 122 PL&RSOViA.LS An empty rowboat &vas seen drifting on u&turday off East Beach. Ross Baron went out in birn. Grant's boat and brought it in. It &vas found to belong to Simpson's boat house in English Bay. There &vas fishing tackle in it and apparently it had brok- en adrift and been carried bythe current across the bay. ~ ~ ~ blrfu D. Preston nnd her daughter of Vancouver, spent the week end at "the Clnchan." ~ ~ ~ ibliss IV)nona Armitage is home from Relleville, Ontario. ~ ~ ~ blrs. F. Barbour nnd family, 26th and Waterfront. hnve gone to Victoria for the summer. ~ o ~ A meeting is to be cnlled shortly to organise n senior and junior soccer football team for 3Vest Vancouver. ~ o ~ Miss Johnson has rented the Lloyd cottage near Palmerston Avenue. ~ ~ ~ bfr. Und blrs. W))son of the Dundarave Candy Store, are re- turning to Ireland shortly. ~ o ~ Mr. and Mrs. Napier of Van- couver, are staying &vith blr. an&i birs. Southcott, 13th and Fulton. 'e o Mrs. David IV))))ngton and familv, 16th and Fulton, have gone to Robert's Creek for the summer. o ~ Mrs. Thompson and family, 13th and Fulton, left on Thurs- day for Victoria. Francis Nash, son of Dr. A. C. isash, 15th Street, is serving his apprenticeship as a druggist at the West Van. Pharmacy. bIr. and Mrs. G. A. Coney an&I family have moved from their ranch at 19th and Queens, an&I have taken a house at 24th and Ottawa. Mrs. Maurice Hodgson and family of Vancouver are spend- ing the summer at IVhytec)jff. o o ~ Quite a number of West Van- couver residents went &lown to the beach on Saturday night to watch the display of fireworks at English Bay, many of the rockets being plainly visible a- bove Stanley Park. In some cas- es the display was so brilliant that it lighted up the water from the park clear across to our shores. blrs, Allan and her son of Vnn- couver, are paying an extended visit to I&lrs. A. W. Brine, Iiith an&I Bellevue. ~ ~ ~ biirs. Alee Stronge, 11th an&I Marine Drive, is conteruplnting leaving in two &reeks for a trip to California. ~ ~ ~ E. Lane, of the 22n&l Street school. is tenching nt the sum- mer school in the city. ~ ~ ~ iblr. Kearns of the ferry staff. who has been seriously ill at his home at 12th nml Keith Road, is progressing favornbly. e o ~ bliss Ashworth an&I bliss Form&e have taken n cottage on Amblesidc Bench for tho sum- mer. ~ ~ ~ Mr. Low of Prince Rupert, in n guest at the Clachan. ~ ~ Mr. A. F. Tabor and son left here on Monday for IVoodstock, New Brunswick. Miss Ella Tab- or left at the same time for a trip to Vermillion, Alberta. The United Church Sunday School is holding its annual pic- nic next Thursday, 14th instant, at Second Beach. ~ ~ Mrs. Londry and her daughter of Vancouver are guests at "the Clachan." o Reeve V. V. Vinson and Mrs. Vinson had as guests over the week end the Reeve's brother, H. H. Vinson, and his wife of Bellingham. D. Davidson, principal of Hol- lyburn School, has gone for a visit to his old home in Ontario. e Mrs. W. A. Adair. Riverside, Capilano, entertained her co- directors of the Horticultural Society, with strawberries and ice cream. The future activities of the society proved a fertile field for discussion and develop- ments of a progressive nature may be looked for. o bIiss Nellie Searle of the local telephone staff, is back at duty after her annual vacation. ~ o e The Royal Life Saving Society is giving a life saving display on Saturday, 16th July, at 3.30 p.m. at Dundarave Pier. The special feature of the afternoon will be the Mainland Diving Champion- ship. "From fhe oeu fo pour roh/a" VENUS PURE SEA FOODS Fish Balls Salmon Quenelles Canadian Fish Dinner (with brown gravy) Salad Salmon (Red and White) Salmon Chowder Sandwich Spread Send /or FREE BOOKLET o/new Seo Food Reo/&ere. Cenera& Off&sc 512 Born&n&on Bund&ne Vancouver. Cannery 540 Front S&ree& New Wes&m&ns&er. FREE DEMONSTRATION SMITH'S GROCER Y 24&n and Mar&na Dr&va WEST 469 All Day Saturday, July 9th. VENUS FISHING & CANNING COMPANY. LTD Caulfeild Badminton Club Hold Tea S IL I isp tbl')fd (Ps&) af&)es 4O tbe v g)PP(g „O 5& the~pi tbe 5'1U&& leaves cpve(e& dense" t&vez t tb de),.gb Vjra Uij(s)I'hen a"vs/v s spt p)reer tbjs b fof&s tp zing Ipr dsy, b bkb tp I(p&s this i bst bpgd t fp( b»ds t bf& g frpn& tbv bzd a I l,t spm &neve&s e»tz 4 )m&r '" I the w' tb( ger&)en, bst y, came t& n,;g ~cnlk& )j~gbt pf being the b&eeze, the! s gtt)e tpp "'wjg,with tbe tbe cradle (Pc) an extra b&g) snappe(), ssd ( njg sttscbcd t& twp white ei ~,I b«ws, were I& Tb)z wss s accident for t which one w« 'bs ~ would bsve b~ nnd sorrow, b& 'his did spt & case, as the b (nerrily as ev& days could be singing away & tree from wbjc, had iages, lri UU( household concerned ab dent than selves, and in & cpnside(at)ps & their trouble, t «gy lifted sn() &n the tree fs fagep. It wss ban) that the b)nh UP)r the U&n fUrtber supply d&d we expect days tbe)i wp& their old nest by Piece aws) nest in anotbe lpt, and in s ve, hsd another ('de in wbhb young. IP(e tbjs & wea )Uterez& Daddy bird „& and being, re«, UU() zt)jto kspw that e tls&e w) ~ ) e b&es &Utb s!nging ~ e& Ul ztnfiaz Npw I cou)d &pve yp&on tbe way t Point&nest I se little b&,~yoU vdg b at I WPU)d lcannot JU mptberasd I 'sta& the&r&t, b . r/w&„ cou)d t g UU Refp+ I UU. I think (UU& ks(,w b I bsd Red gy pv ~ dpUbt b V&r& uP in lb ds& w&t h trees 'wglpw ez g&ees ) nearly &UUP sp&net) Ut)UU st sing)U the] hunt;U "g but g Under «ulfeikl lindm&nton ( I eM iti& opc&ung tea ( f Ih on Saturilny afternoon. when blrs. John il. Redden and iblisses Hi)by were hostesses to members anil friends. Those present were ibir. and iblrs. A. A'. )larlnw, iblrs. Ilail, blrs. Connell. ibirs. Mc- ('ullough. iblrs. J. D. A. Tripp, bliss Elizabeth Tripp, Mrs. Lucas llunt, Mrs. )V. A. Anderson, Miss Louise Scott, bliss Ma&le)inc Stone, bl)ss Jean Davidson. Miss Gertr»de aml ibliss Irrances Grif- fin, Miss lie)un biathcnon nnd Miss l)prot hy Pounil of Vnncou- vc&'. Many remnrkcd on the benuti- ful &lccorntions of the staml erected in Ambleside Pnrk for the Diamond Jubilee celebra- tions. Credit for this is due tn the I)uncnn Lnwson Chnptcr, I. O. D. E. Marriage of Miss Rudolph Rev h E Cooke w&th h&s wife and family of Denver, Col- orado, is staying with his par- ents, Mr. and AIrs. E. Cooke, 22nd aml bIarine Drive, for a few days before proceeding to his summer home. Mr. Cooke is tak- ing charge of the IVes)ey Church Vancouver, for thc months of July and August. THEY TOOK IT TO THEibISEI.V ES Two Americans were stamling on blonday in front of the Credit Foncier building on Hastings Street, and the following conver- sation was overheard by a form- er resident of West Vancouver, who was standing near them. First American--"I guess we want in our town some of the spirit that these Canadians are showing here. Look at all the decorations they have put up to welcome us.o Second American--"You'e said something." The former resident was strongly tempted to explain, but finally decided it was not worth while disturbing such sublime self-con I idunce. The marriage of Miss IVin)- fred Ruilolph, el&lcr (iaughter of Mr. Uml birn. F. W. Rudolph, 29th an&I blethers. to Mr. Alnn Cleveland. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ii. W. Cleveland of Dnlemea&l, Alberta. was solemnised on Thursday, June 30th, at 2 p.m. The service was fully choral an&I the church was beautifully &lcc- orated for the occasion. Given in marriage by her father, the charming young bride wore n French creat&on of &vory geo&gette ove&'ihcr with an interlining of shell pink. The bouffant skirt was finished in Van Dyke points disclosing in- sets of Limerick lace, her court train also being lined with palest shell pink aml silver. The plain bodice was enhanced by n rope of exquisite ol&l pearls. Her beautifully embroidered veil was arranged in Juliet fashion, caught with orange blossoms. A shower bouquet of Ophelia roses aml lily of the valley completed the ensemble. Miss Nancy Rudolph, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and the two train bearers were the Misses Peggy and Bunty Mar- shall. bfr. Brian Garner acted as best man and Mr. Cyril How- arth and Mr. Vernon Lester were the ushers. A reception was hei&i at the home of the bri&le's parents. Mr. aml blrs. Cleveland afterwards leaving'on an extended honey- moon through the Okanagan aml the Kootenays. They will take up their residence in Dalemead. Alberta.