Resampled001B6D63 921 n I n ss ee n SL h 4 4 lip sitie did a ss life ork ie e Bsr. ;ice of m azd rozil under dmsn; u,d. I i4'"; under ~ inston, g 'nder ris, ii's , under 'i'is, 9. under is 2nd, under & tusselll ,undg rgusia' under ei E5 ,under'.2nd isundg 3had is srknts July 8, 1927. nowing A good loop for men's and children's coats is made of a strip of kid from an old glove. Roll it around a piece of string and sew the kid down firmly to the coat material. To remove creases from cloth- ing, hang the garment in the bathroom and turn on the hot water until the room is full of steam. Leave them for an hour, dry in the air, and press on the wrong side with a rather cool iron. A little baking powder added to potatoes will make them white and floury. Mustard mixed with milk in- stead of water tvill not blacken a silver spoon. Dirty paint, enamel, or porce- lain can be cleaned with paraffin mixed with soap powder. To clean the neck of a silk dress that has become greasy, try rubbing dry magnesia over it with a piece of flannel. Potatoes will cook more quick- ly if left to stand in hot water for about a quarter of an hour before being baked in the oven. Apply a poultice made of white bread soaked in vinegar to a corn and cover with a piece of lint or oiled silk. Leave on twelve hours. Renew if neces- sary. Do not let soun boil, but allow it to simmer slowly. Much of the liquid is wasted in evapora- tion, and the best of the flavor is lost, if the soup boils or is heated too quickly. 0 wooden bedstead can be kept in good condition by an occasion- al washing with a weak solution of vinegar and water. This will prevent wood insects from in- festing the woodwork. Rub warts night and morning with castor oil. In time they will shrink and disappear. Turpentine eeiill soften shoe polish that has become hard. After washing the hair add a little lemon juice to the final rinsing. This will remove the soap and help to bring out the bright glint in the hair. If new shoes will not polish, ti~ rubbing them with a piece of cut lemon. Allow to dry and then clean in the usual way, hose calling us mayT'o so with the feel- ing of confidence that they are employing the very best available, and with the further assur. ance that the cost will be entirely i n accordance with their own wishes. THE WEST VAN NEWS Mr. A. W. Lunn of the West Van. Restaurant, paid a holiday visit to Eagle Harbor this week. Mrs. R. E. Stewart with her children, of Olds, Alberta, is pay- ing an extended visit to her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Berry, 21st and Marine Drive. Her hus- band, who is principal of the High School at Olds, will be here shortly. Miss Bessie Berry, who 'is a nurse in training at St. Paul's hospital,is also spending her holidays with her parents. Mrs. O. G. Bibbs left on Tues- day night for an extended visit to Del Monte, California. Miss Mildred Amos and Miss Muriel Murray, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Harrawry for the past few months, have left on an extended trip to Ocean Lake and Thvin Falls. Mr. Anderson of Tacoma, mot- ored up to spend the week end with his brother-in-law and sist- er, Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Chris- tie. He took their son back with him for a short holiday in Ta- coma. a Mr. and Mrs. E. Rudolph ent- ertained St. Stephen's choir at a garden party at their home at 29th and Mathers, on Saturday afternoon. Tennis and other games were played and tea was served on the verandah. Mr. and Mrs. H. Twigg and son of the city were visiting Mrs. I. Grant, East Beach, over the holidays. The cup for the best boulevard donated by the West Vancouver Board of Trade to the Horticult- ural Society is on display in the window of the West Van. Jewel- lers. Mrs. J. Auton and son of Van- couver, are staying for a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Innes-Ker, 2163 Esquimalt Ave. 9 The Ridley Milk and Ice Comp- any are now making regular de- liveries of ice to Whytecliff. Orders may be left 'at Allen's Meat Store at that point. The Empire Shoe Store is hav- ing a special sale of ladies'shoes. Burrard Funeral Chapel CENTER St HANNA LTD. Estabnshed 1S93 Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Tiffin and daughter of the city, are leaving on Tuesday for their summer home in Caulfeild. Mr. J. H. Redden of Caulfeild, managing director of the North- ern Light Gasoline Co., who went to Rochester a couple of weeks ago for examination at the famous Mayo Institute, returned home last Tuesday being much improved. Mr. Stanley Smith of Seattle, who is staying for a short holi- day in Vancouver, was a visitor here last week encl. Mr. Smith who is a former resident of West Vancouver, was much im- pressed by the tremendous growth of the municipality since he left here five years ago. Mr. and Mrs. H. Maltby and son visited W. Morris, 24th and Mathers, over the week end. Mr. Maltby is assistant manager of the T. Eaton Co., Regina, and motored here with his family from that city. On Saturday morning a nine- year-old boy got into difficult- ies while swimming out to a canoe lying off Hollyburn Pier. He had gone down twice when Tim Healey of the city noticing his plight, jumped in with all his clothes on from Rawkin's boat slip and rescued the drown- ing boy. Artificial respiration had to be used to bring the boy to. s Mr. Everett Davis, who is with the Consolidated Mining Co., of Trail, is on a two weeks'isit to his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davis, Dundarave. Mr. and Mrs. G. kV. Kissick, 13th and Gordon, spent the holi- days in Seattle, returning Wed- nesday. R. C. Proctor, who is making a very successful recovery from his operation, has left the hospi- tal and has been staying in the city with his brother, Dr. Proct- or. He is expected home today. Mr. and Mrs. M. Williams, 16th and Marine Drive, spent the week end at Woodfibre, on Howe Sound. Dr. and Mrs. Stevenson, of Vancouver, have taken a cottage at 18th and Waterfront. Mr. Cox, 11th and Mathers, who has been very sick with pleurisy, is improving slowly. Miss Winnie Creelman oi the local B. C. Telephone staff, is away on a two weeks'acation. Rapid progress is being made with the new school building at 17th and Inglewood. The found- ations have been laid and the frames are now being set up. Mrs. IV. J. Osborne, mother of H. C. Osborne, 13th aml Gord- on, arrived here today from Peace River. Miss Johnson and Bfiss Mabel Davis of Toronto are visiting the latter's brother, J. A. Davis, Dundarave. Tenders for Painting 320 Third Street E. North Vancouver Phone North 1110 8 D. WHITE ~ MANAGER Separate scaled tenders, marked "PAINTING FOR DUNDARAVE SCHOOL" nnd "PAINTING FOR PAULINE JOHNSON SCHOOL" ro- npcceivcly, will be received by Hugh A. Hodgson, Architect, up eo .I o'lock, P. M., or Thursday, July 14th. Spocificneionz mny be obtained ne the Architect'9 office, 320 Province Building, Vancouver, B. C. H. B, GARLAND, Sccccenry, Ivcze Vancouver School Boned PERSONALS --lb')sJD'%.iI-- Mosquito Bites need attention just now. IVe have preparations to prevent them biting, but if you have been bitten we have preparations to allay the bites. I'Yc dcurcr. Ivc sell senmpn. West Van Pbarmacy I'HONEi WEST 37 Store closed every Thursdup ne 7 P. SI. ~ ~ I-- Lasts Longer Looks Better We don't say all the good looking houses in this dis- trict were painted with Ayres Paint but all those painted with Ayres Paint are good looking. This store is glad to recom- mend Ayres Paint. R. SEEDS General tTierchants Hardware Paint Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone IVest 28 T. WALSH Painting in all its branches Phone: West OOS-O Clnchnn Hotel SUMMER SCHOOL FOR SMALL CHILDREN 13th 3 Esesfnsle nn W 9 rratet Phase West 931, Teems neasenshls „„„,„.„,, MaWILLIAMS „„,„„... CUSTOM TAILOR SPRING AND SUMMER SUITINGS Now complete. Large selection--for Sport or Business. Before Ordering Your Next Suit Come and see our patterns. CITY Dyeing, Repairs PRICES and Alterations PHONE WEST 20 Dry Cleaning and Pressing Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker 8 Jeweller hiarine Drive Between 14th and 15th. For West Vancouver Properties see SAVORY DUVAL Phone West 34 for Sand, Gravel Truck Work Ete. H P. Tearoe 164u Hnywood Ave. West Vancouver Pearce's Drygoods 14th and Marine Phone West 144 Window Blinds aad Awnings EATlsenTES I'EEE 1419 ferine Dries Phone West 940 Specializing in West Vancouver OUR BREAD iTHE REAL HOME-MADE) romnins the same price 10 cents a loaf Special Fruit, Coke, 25c. lb. MRS. DRAPER 8 SON 2S35 SIARIiNE DRIVE Nest Dnnnara e HalL Ivcze 157X Specializing in Home Cooking PITIIIAN BUSINESS CUIIEGE DAY nnd NIGHT SCHOOL You will receive intensive indi- vidual training. I 2 2 lnchurdz Se. Phone Scy, 9135. Cor. Hastings I Netv classes now being formed J. M. Morgan WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Phones West 178 Seymour 8058o LADIES HAIRCUTTING nnd SHIiNGI.liNG, any Stree HOI.LYBUIIN BAIIBER SHOI'5 years ozpcricnco Whk iNFIVBY Prop. HOUSE DECORATIOindS AiND REPAIRS-- Interior or Exterior. By Skilled Workmen. Any branch of painting, building, etc. Phone West 437R3 for Eselmaecs F. Newman 8 D. Robbins CARPENTERS Illnehcrn tte 29th Ivcse 437R3 HARROiN BROS. L% bviLLIAII ISON /unct al 9irrctars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Stree) Phone North 1S4 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 1S4 A. C. SEARLE VERNON FEED STORE Phon~ West 9 FEED Good assortment of Bedding Plants CEtYIENT FUEL Geraniums, Seed Potatoes, etc., for sale ETC. -sd