Resampled001B6D63 Hollyburn Theatre Friday Evening and Saturday Afternoon THE FAMILY L1PSTAIRR nnd LONE HAND SAUNDERS SATURDAY Night Only fIts -'-":-P i ~ i TheA re Wat( &) Purpose Rfonday and Wednesday July 11th and 12th THE SORROWS OF SATAN Marie Correl)i's great novel featuring Adolf Benjou DUNDARAVE SHOE REPAIRING 2itk snd Marine iusxt door &a 'iViisau d( kiaors) FIRST CLASS WORK Reasonable Prices. Ps&ranise s local bus(nasa TENii)S CLUB DAiNCE iNEXT FRIDAY The West Vancouver Tennis Club is giving a flannel dance next Friday evening, Ju)y 15th, iii Hoi)yburn Pavillon. This ls the second of the series to be given this season. The initial dance held the latter part of May proved a very enjoyable and euccessfulaffair, and it is expect- ed that this one will be even more successfuL The comniittee in charge are making stenuous ef- forts toivards this cnd. Good music is assured aml refresh- ments )vill be served. Dancing 9-12. Tickets may be obtained from the secretary, J. 61cArthur, West 407L or from members of the committee. W. B. A. The officers and members of Review No. 24 extend to all a cordial invitation to their annual garden party to be held at the home of ibfrs. Alex. Strong, 14th Street, Ambleeide. on Wednes- day, July 13th. This is confident- ly expected to be one of the most enjoyable affairs of the season. There will be home-cooking and candy stalls. fish pond and many other attractions too num- erous to mention. Tea will be served from 2.30 till 5. The public liability insurance on the municipal ferries which ivas placed with R. P. Clark g( Co., has been renewed. FOR I v i WHYTECLIFF A SPECIAL One Strap Patent gQ g5 in all sizes EMPIRE SHOE STORE LUMEER SPECIALS OF HIGH QUALITY 6" Cedar Beveled Siding, clear..................................... $ 12.00 2x6, 8, 10, 12 Com. sized .................................... 16.00 6" Cedar Shiplap .................................... 12.00 4x4 and 5xfi Cedar Posts ........................................... 24.00 Ix4 Short Flooring and V Joint ............................. 20.00 These Speciale are all of good grade and we guarantee satisfaction. Come in and look them over. SASH, DOORS AND FR At Lower than City Prices. Amble8ide Lumber Co. Phone West 199 16th and Marine We are now making regular deliveries in Whytecliff, Leave order at ibir. Allen's Rieat Market, Whytecliff. RIDLEY MILK & ICE CO. Phone West 456 Ladies'hoes THE WEST VAiN NEWS JU)i)I.EE CO3)g))TTEE TO 5IEET WEDNESDAY A final meeting of the Jubilee Committee will be held next Wednesday. 13th July, at 8 p.m., in the Council Chamber to wind up affairs in connection with the celebration. INCREASE le FERRY TRAVEL The ferries carried 9,201 pns- sengers betiveen Friday morning and Sunday evening, ivhich is n good showing. when it is remem- bered that there )vere a num- ber of hami concerts an&I special jubilee meetings in Greater Van- couver ivhich kept many from crossing over to the North Shore. The figures for June show 76,202 pnssengers as having used the ferries as compared with G6,1G3 for June 192G, or nn in- crease of '9,039. This is a satis- factory increase, when the late- ness of the season and the lack of ivarm iveather is taken into consideration. Credit for the beautiful Sas- katchewan float. which was in charge of the West Vancouver Public Schools, is chiefly due to btiss Creweon and J. E. Condon, who with the able assistance of many of the school staff put a great deal of time and effort into its construction. BASEBALL WEST VAN. AND BAPTISTS FAIL TO BREAK TIE West Vancouver United Inter- mediate baseball team, winner of Division I, played the first game of the finals against First Baptists, winners of Division 2, on ibIonday at McBride Park and held the city champions to an 11 all draw. )Vest Van. held the lead until the eighth innings when First Baptists tied the score. In the last innings there were no runs. Bill Davie, who had pitched a great game all evening, fanned the last three batters by the strike out route. Stan Stronge played well behind the plate and made several put outs of what looked like sure runs, as well as knocking a home run in the third inning. Eddie Downey on first, picked up sever- al hard grounders and went through nine innings without an error. On IVedneeday evening on their home grounds, the West Van. boys staged a great fight, holding the visitors to a 7 all tie. The game was played through a drizzling rain. Quite a crowd wae on hand and excitement ran high until the very end as one team and then the other took the lead. The winner always being in doubt. Bill Davie again pitched a wonderful game, going through nine innings without relief and with a little steadier support would have won the game. Stan wae relieved behind the plate by Orrin Downey after catching a scorcher that put hie catching hand out of business. It was his unlucky night as a slippery high fly went through his mitt at short and )anded hard on hie forehead, nearly knocking him out, he continued the game, how- ever. The most spectacular play of the game was the running catch made by Art Burns in right field which cut off a couple of runs. As this is the first year for the boys in organized baseball they are all playing a good game an&I from the shouting IVednesday night have a good chance to cop the championship. Tonight the boys play at Granville Park and quite a number have signified their intention of going over so that the boys will be assured of plenty of support. On Monday night the teams will meet again at Ambleside Park and it is expected a real crowd will be on hand. Results of Friday'8 Celebratioa Sports 1. 25 Yards ltnce-- )3oys umler 6 years-- 1st, Kenneth G. Moe: gn&l, Donakl Reynolds. 2. 25 Yards Baca--Girls under G yenre-- 1st, Phyllis Taylor; 2ml Dorothy Sangster. 3. 25 Ynrds Race -- Boys G years-- 1st Douglas VVatt: 2nd Wan&le) W)ther)y. 4. 26 Yards Race -- Girls G years--1st Dorothy )lill; 2n&l. &llary O. Iteynol&le. 6. 60 Yards Race -- Boys 7 years-- 1s,t Bobby Jupp: 2ml, Leslie Rerric. G. 60 Yards )tace -- Girls 7 yenrs--1st, Ilnzel Sangster; 2nd, Grace W nght. 7. 60 Ynr&ls Race -- Bove 8 years--1st, Bernnrd i)redford; 2ml, Buddie Fitzpatrick. 8. 60 Yards Race -- Cirls 8 years--1st, Betty Gourlay: 2n&l, Phyllis Brown. 9. 60 hards Race -- Boys 9 years--1st, Frank Tearoe; 2ml, John Fiddes. 10. 60 Yards Race -- Girls 9 years -- 1st, Ida Boshier; 2ml, Kathleen Rerrie. 11. 60 Yards Race--Boys 10 years -- 1st, Bobby Hill; 2ml, Euetace Rerrie. 12. 60 Yards Race -- Girls 10 years--1st, Eileen IVare; 2nd, May Armstrong. 13. 100 Yards Race--Boys 11 years -- 1st. George Faulkner; 2n&l, Milton Ward, Bobby l)ill. 14. 76 Yards Race--Girls 11 years--1st IVilhemina O'rady; 2nd, Made)inc Cross. 15. 100 Yards Race--Boys 12 years--1st, IVa)ter Tearoe; 2nd, Jeff Cornish. 16. 75 Yards Race--Girls 12 years -- 1st, Julia Pyne; 2nd, Nancy Kearns 17. 100 Yards Race--Boys 13 years--1st, Jack Turner IVatt; 2nd, Tom Timbre)I. 18. 76 Yar&le Race--Girls 13 years--1st, Phyllis Johnston; 2nd, Ione bicDonald. 19. 100 Yards Race--Boys 14 years--1st, Ivan Murray; 2nd, Byron Ferguson. 20. 75 Yards Race--Girls 14 years--1st, Marguerite Edwards 2nd, Muriel Dawson. 21. 100 Yards Race--Boys 15 years--1st, Jack Turner IVatt; 2nd, Milton IVard. 22. 100 Yards Race--Girls 15 years--1st, Phyllis Johnston; 2nd, Marguerite Edwards. 23. 100 Yards Race--Boys 16 years--1st, Frank Colpitte; 2nd, Byron Ferguson 24. 100 Yards Race--Girls 16 years--1st, Drueilla Dawson; 2nd Julia Pyne. 25 100 Yards Race--Boys 17 years--1st, Jack Harrison; 2nd, Frank Colpitts. 26. 100 Yards Race--Girls 17 years--1st, )one McDona)d; 2n&l, Drueilla Dawson. 27 440 Yards Race--Boys open event-- 1st, Jack Harrison; 2nd, Frank Colpitte. 28. 880 Yards Race--Boys, open event--Scratched. 29. 300 Yards Race--Relay- race teams of 6, Boys under 14 years--1st, Jack& Turner IVatt, Dick Tearoe, IVa)ter Tearoe, Frank Tearoe. Jeff Cornish, Rex Rhodes; 2nd, Tom Timbrell, Bob Hill, Ivan biurray, G. Master- man, George Faulkner, Milton Ward. 30. 600 Yards Race--Relay- race team of G. Boys over 14 years--Scratched. 31. 300 Yards Race--Relay- race team of G, Girls under 14 years--1st, Phyllis Johnston, Drusilla Dawson, Roberts Daw- son, Muriel Dawson, IV. O'rady Fileen VVare; 2nd, Funice Davis, Ione McDonak), May Armstrong, Ju)ia Wright, Grace Russell, M. E&l wards. 32. 300 Yards Race--Belay- race team of 6, Girls over 14-- Scratched. 33. Broad Jump--Boys umler 10 years--1st, Frank Tearoe; 2nd, Bob Hi)l. Julv 8, 1927 PHONE YOUR ORDER West 16 You get exactly the same service whether you bring your market l&askct or whether you telephone us 1'oil&'rd&'1'. Our reliability will give voii gl'eat !&(ltisfaction Creenwoo)I I GROCERY Wc deliver Play a Game of BILLIARDS at CHET SHIELDS 1(TI I ST11 EET righ& si Rsi(wsy ('rossing TOBACCO, C&)'AFFCTIOVEI&Y WEST VAN RESTAURANT 1121 iisrisa 1)rive s& 11(h SL I'hans (Vast 611-0 FED UP! iVhen s woman says sha's afau upa she means it. When s msn says it it doesn't matter because hs never u(d s day's washing su&i ironing in his life sud docsn't know what hard work is. Hsnu the afed upa s&uff ta the Bur- rsrd Laundry,--they'l never tire of doing the real hard work for yau sud they'l da it very csrafufiy aud you'l be pleased. The Burrard Laundry Limited Far Paapla (at&a Ara Par&laalar tells SIRKKI isd SI. DSI(DI North Vancouver Phone North 1310. 34. Broad Jump--Girls under 10 years-- 1st, Peggy Har&lman; 2ml Phyllis Brown 35. Broad Jump--Boys umler 14 years-- 1st, Jack )Vatt, 14'"; 2nd Byron Ferguson. 36. Broad Jump--Girls umler 14 years--1st, Phyllis Johnston,14'"; 2n&1 D. Dawson. 37. Broad Jump--Boys under 18 years -- 1st, Bill Davis, 16'"; 2nd A. C. Murray, )6'". 38. Broad Jump--Girls under 18 years-- 1st, Eunice Davis, 12'"; 2nd, M. E&lwarde, 11'". 39. High Jump--Boys umler 10 years--1st, John Fiddes; 2nd, Frank Tearoe 40. High Jump--Girls umlcr 10 years-- 1st, Grace Russell; 2nd, June )Vright. 41. High Jump--Boys under 14 years--1st, Byron Ferguson; 2n&l, Gordon Maeterman. 42. Iligh Jump--Girls under 14 years-- 1st, Margaret Ed- wards, 2n&l Eunice Davis. 43. High Jump-- Boys under 18 years-- 1st, VV. Jessop; 2n&l, B. Clemente. Thu high jump for girls under 18 aml the juv«nile races had to be scratched owing to darkness. «8,)8' laa A )p costs cb)I4"')d Ip'tf)P. Dfauu, Rail it tba kid sud "l mstdfi'be &as move &" Tp + lbp iug iu eu& bsuii bstbn „tfi lbp water u&svpt~ diesm b eg.i dry iu side wit wrppif s ' little )s.)I( is potato" in 4 flaun d pf wsia s silva( s ,, ty yaiutr'sis (cube & &lee( .«g with daa Tp clean tb( d~ tbst ba( t~ rubbing 4( it with s p)& iratstaes sgill ;I left ta at for about s l u bpfpfp bp(ug Aypiy spa biped saaka4 corn sud cove& pr ai)d() twelve baura sary Bp upt let ai it ta simmer tbe liquid is" tips, sud the ls lost, if tbp has)ad tpa quii 0 wapdeu be le gaud cpildltl sl washing wit of viupgar sud prevent woad festiug the wa& Rub warts a with castor pik shrink aud dis Turpentine polish that be After wasbi little lemon rlllslllg, Tbb soap aud bell bright glint ii If new aba try rubbing tl cut leman, then clean in 7 base &lp 1 ipg p( ( bpy arp with tbp Peti(Ply lib upi