Resampled001B6D63 J 17 9, 1927. GET YOUR NEW CHEVROLET From Your Own Distrubutor North Shore Motors Limited For particulars and demonstration see H. C. OSBORNE--Our West Van. Representative. Phones: West 17 West 628Y North 1186 We have on hand several attractive buys in reliable used cars. %Vest Vancouver Tennis Club Flannel Dance HOLLYBURN PAVILION FRIDAY, JULY 15th, 1927. Dancing 9-12 GENTS 75c ICEFICESHDIENTS LADIES 50c Tickets from: Secretary, Mr. J. McArthur, West 407L. of members of the Committee. Canadian Window Bakeries Ltd. Agency A. 3'9 F. VALENTINE 1406 Dlarinc Drive FRESH CAKES AND BREAD DAILY Orders taken for Wedding, Birthday and other special cakes. CANDIES -- CHOCOLATES -- ICE CREAM CIGARS -- CIGARETTES -- TOBACCO Light Lunches Tens Dundaraue Hairdressing Parlor Marine Drive, Just West of Dundaravc Hall MARCEL AND TRIM 95c Hair Trim, only 35c. Children's Haircutting 25c. Phone West 179 for appointment Open Evenings J. H. REID Sand, Gravel and General Teamwork Manure For Sale Ferguson'9 Freight Schedule Trucks leave West Van 8 A.M., 1 P.M.--Saturday 8 A.M. Trucks leave Vancouver 11 A. M., 4 P. M.--Saturday 1 P. M. Phones: West 85 -- Seymour 6217. THE WEST VAN NEWS BRITISH ISRAEl ASSN. HOLD ANNIVERSARY RALLY NEXT WEDNESDAY The West Vancouver branch of the British-Israel World Fed- eration is holding its first anni- versary Grand Rally in the Unit- ed Church auditorium, next Wed- nesday at 8 p.m. sharp. A num- ber of prominent speakers and leaders in the movement will be present to give addresses. Rev. W. Pascoe Goard of London, England, will speak on "World Conditions and Prophecy as Viewed from London," Professor Odium on "Momentous Events Are in the Offing," Mr. Percy King on "The Accomplishments of the Last Year," and Rev Mark Jukes on "The Changes Which I Have Personally Wit- nessed during the last 85 Years." J. W. Parker will take as his sub- ject "The Higher Knowledge of the Pyramid Builders." A solo "Hear Ye, 0 Israel," will be sung by Miss Anne Ritchie. Everybody is invited to attend this meeting, which will be free to all who care to come. WEST VANCOUVER L.O.L. No .2990 The regular meeting of the lodge was held on Tuesday in Dundarave Hall, when there was a good turn out of members. The lodge will meet next Tuesday at 6 a.m. and parade to Ambleside Wharf to proceed to Victoria for the celebration there of the 237th anniversary of the battle of the Boyne. The boat will leave Vancouver at 9.30 a.m. and return about 10.30 p. m. The lodge will have a tug-of-war team in the competition and it is hoped that they will retain the cup which they won last year. The annual church parade in Vancouver will be held next Sun- day from the Orange Hall, Hast- ings and Gore Avenue, to Christ Church, where Rev. Brother Renison will address the mem- bers. The parade will start at 2 p. m. and the service will begin at 8 p. m. All members are ask- ed to be present. "Nothing the matter with you, my man," said the doctor, "your pulse is as steady as clockwork." BBut, doctor, you'e got your sngera on juy wrist watch!"--TIC-Bits, Lon- don. High SChOOl NOteS J. R. Mitchell, B.A., has been appointed science teacher for the West Vancouver High School. Mr. DIitchell hails from Prince Rupert. is a graduate of U.B.C., and has been for three years science teacher in the Granby High School, Anyox, B. C. He comes to West Vancouver well recommended. The High School float repre- senting B. C. entered the Jubilee parade both in the City on Fri- day and on the North Shore on Saturday. The centre-piece was a representation of one of the bastions of old Fort Langley. In the foreground representing the wilderness and the coming of the White DIan were the figure of a B. C. Indian (Bennie Traf- ford) and tha tof a fur-trader (Douglas Johnston); on the fort side of the bastion the gold min- er (Charles McGowan) the lumb- erman (Frank Colpitts) and the scientist (Bernard Nash) show- ed the development of British Columbia's resources and their future possibilities. Thanks are due the following for help given: Mr. B. A. McKelvie for sugges- tions; Mr. Turnbull for loan of truck, Mr. Tanner and Jack Sum- merfield for aid in construction, the local chapter of the I.O.D.E., for help in costumes and decor- ating, Bob. Bartlett who drove without mishap. A Good Creed 1. Be ao strong that nothing can dis- turb your peace ot mind. 2. Talk ot health, happincaa and proaperily to every portion you meet. 3. Make an your friends feel that there ia something in them. 4. Look on the agmjy Bide of every- thing and make your optimism come true. 5. Think only ot the best, work only tov the best, and expect only the best. 6. Be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. 7. Forget the mistake o! the past and press on to greater achieve- ments of ibe tuiure. 3. Wear a cheerful countenance at an times and have a emile ready for every living creature you meet. 9. Give ao much lime Co the improve- ment of yourself that you have no time Co criticise others. 3 STARTLliVG PICTURE AT THEATRE SATURDAY NIGHT At the Hollyburn Theatre atthe night performance only to- morrow, a very special film will be shown, when none but people over sixteen will be admitted. The titl eof the moving picture, which by the way is presented by the Canadian Social Hygiene Council, is called THE END OF THE ROAD. It is given with the approval of the Provincial Board of Health. In reviewing this picture the opinions of two well known locally will be inter- esting. Rev. A. E. Cooke, who is a holiday visitor here, saitl,BI most emphatically endorse the film. 'The End of the Road." It should be seen by every young man and woman. It is a power- ful sermon on purity, and the dread consequences of .careless- ness on the part of parents in training children of the deepest question of life." and Rev. A. H. Sovereign of St.Mark's Church, Vancouver,"I feel that each girl, with her mother, and each boy with his father, should see thi sfilm--the young people being over 16 years old." The purpose of the film is to warn men and women, boys and girls, from hidden evils of which they know not, and the pictures are true as medical men see them. On Monday and Wednesday nights next week Marie Corel- li's great novel "The Sorrows of Satan" will be shown at the theatre. DEMONSTRATION AT SMITH'S GROCERY A demonstration of Venus Pure Sea Foods will be given in Smith's Grocery Store tomorrow (Saturday). An advertisement relative to this appears in this issue. Free samples will be giv- en of the delicacies put out by this firm. 10. Be Coo big for worry. Coo noble for anger, Coo strong tor fear, aad Coo happy io permit Cbe provence of trouble. 1L Think well of yourself and pro. claim ibis tacl to the world--nol in loud words, but in deeds. 12. Live ln the faith that the world Ia on your aide ao long as you ave true Co the best that la in you. ~aaatMBMDMBttMMMtgajÃttggjajgjaggajtgjaaggatatajajajajatagu~Jt gjggjggjgplaMtajMMataaaa DMMtaMMtMtgattjgamnjj%{jjtjjC., jtggjtggagtgwlgjLajlgaajtlggtttjagga jghjtjjjggugtgjjmjtjh taaalatMMMDDMBDMMBttlMttaMDMMMBDMBMt~ aljjtgtgg0}ttg2ggggangM Bt Main Office NORTH 305 West Vaacouver Office WEST 102 Cor. 18th and Marine i"I I ~$ 2421 ~ Residence WEST 316 I'. I. 'S cI'Il'I'.I 'I', 'cll.",I.'l 'S ATTENTION! We carry a large stock of Fir, Hemlock R Cedar Lumber of all dimensions. Rough and Finished Lumber, Sash 8z Doors, Lath & Shingles Grade, Quality and Service Guaranteed. Only White Help Employed GET OUR PRIC:ES