Resampled001B6D63 THE WFNT VAN NEWS Julv 8, 1927 July British Israel World Federation West Vancouver Branch FIRST ANNIVERSARY--GRAND RALLY Ul I TED CHL IICH AUDITORiU»--WFDNFSDA Y. JULY 13 fi P. Sl. Fharp. Sl'BAKERS( REV. W. I'ASCOE GOARD I'ROF. E. ODI.USI. F.R.G.S. ILA„ ILSc F.n.('.S. from G.H.Q., London, England SI: BI ECI'I "Slnmenious Events Are [ Iophecy as 'k'tawed f1otn London." MR. PERCY KINCo REV. SIARK JUKES. iSI.A. Pres. North Van. B. I. Assn. "The Changes Which I have Subject -- "The Accomplish personally Witnessed During ments of the Last Year." Ihe Last 85 Years. hIR. J. W. PARKER SUBJECT--"The Higher K&nou.ledge of the I'i ran(id Builders." %EST VA'NCOV VER Christian Science Society ('It('n('B ED(PI('E 28th and Eaquimait, Iionybucu Sunday Savvica at 11.80 a, m. Subject July 10th "SACRASIENT" Sunday Schaol at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting every Wad uaaday at IL16 p.m. St. Stephen's Church Trinity 6, (July 10th). 8 n.m.-- lloly Communion. 10.00 a. m.~Run&lay SchooL 11.15 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. The service Sunday morning at Caulfeild &vill be held at 11.16 at the home of Mrs, Stuart Cnm- el'nn. The Paint That Costs I The Least face--that tnkes this the Paint that covers the grentest sur e shnrtest time tn apply--that wenrs the longest. t»artin-Sennur "100 u Pure" Paint does nil three. Ilere's the proof, u100'%ure" Pnint covers 900 square feet of surface per gallon. Hnnd-mixed-lend-and-oil, and chenp prepared paints. cover only about 600 square feet The greatest cost of painting is fnr labor. It tnkes less time to apply Mnrtln-Senour uloocb I'urea I'nlnt becnuse its fine, even texture spreads much ensier. Why use cheap paint-- that is expensive to put on--when iklartin-Senour u100'j6 Pure" I'aint wears nenrly twice ns long? Distributors for )Vest Vnncouver I J gpss& ,ticuls" For Im.C. 03R'. Phases We haveo'seful Recipes ( Rhubarb Slarmalade One lemon, two oranges, four pounds rhubarb, one pound seed- less raisins. six cups sugar. Re- move the juice from the lemon and oranges and combine with the rhubarb cut in small pieces. Chop the rind of the lemon and oranges, the seedless raisins fine. and add to the rhubarb. SIix all and let stand one-half hour. Add the sugar. bring to a boil and simmer one hour, stirring very frequently. IVhen the mixture becomes thick, pour into hot wet sterilized glasses and allow to stand until cool. When dry cover with paraffin. Rhubarb Pie Wash, pare and dice enough fresh rhubarb stalks to make two and one-half cups. Cover the fruit with boiling water and let stand at boiling point for eight minutes, but do not boil. Then throw off the water and fill the pie-crust with the fruit. Add a cup of sugar to which a tea- spoon of cornstarch has been added, and two tableupoors of water. Bake as usual, and ivhen done, co&I, then chill the pie. The pie may have the regular top crust or an old-fashioned lattice crust. Raisin Cream Cheese Salad One pound cream cheese, one- half cup chopped raisins, three tablespoons cream, one teaspoon salt, one-eighth teaspoon paprika lettuce, salad dressing. MLx cheese, raisins and cream in a paste. Season with salt and pap- rika. Form into balls the size of a hickery nut. Press whole large raisin on each side. Place three or four bails on crisp let- tuce leaves or individual salad plates. Serve ivith mayonnaise dressing. Raisin Porridge One teaspoon salt, three cups boiling water, one cup oatmeal, one-half cup chopped raisins. Add salt to boiling water. Add oatmeal slowly and boil ten min- utes. Cook in double boiler at least forty-five minutes, and add plumped raisins (to plump, cover with hot water for five minutes and drain). Lemon Adds Flavor to Prunes. To give a delightful flavor to prunes cook a slice of lemon with them. Raisins IVhen putting raisins through a food chopper try putting pieces of cracker through with them. Tbe raisins will not stick and gum up the chopper, and the crackers in no way change the flavor of the raisins. Try a dish drainer. It is silli- ness to go without one, for they are so inexpensive. They not only save time in drying dishes, but buying, making and washing of dish towels. Grigor'8 Dry Goods Store 1460 Marine DriVe ~wes~t Vau Iacage A Few of Our Week End Specials: Ladies Art Silk Hose in shades of Bran, Grey, Champagne, Nude, Black and White, only .............................. 45c Pair Also a higher grade quality of Hose ..... 95c, $ 1.25, $ 1.95 Pair Children's Rolled Top Hose to clear .......... 2,&c and 50c Pair Men's Fancy Hose ........ Men's Work Hose ............ ..... 39c and 75c Pair 25c and 50c Pair Men's Dress Shirts, made of English Broadcloth with roll- ed cuffs and extra collar.............................,....,.......... $ 1.95 Our stock of Children's Straw Hats to clear .. 15c up 10 only Men'8 Straw Hats, with sun-visor attached ONLY inc SOLO--"Hear Ye, 0 Israel" Siiss Anne Ritchie, Soprano Everybody Invited -- Admission Free--Collection for Expenses The Anglican Summer School &vill open at Crofton House next Tuesday morning at 9.30. The Rev. C. H. Shortt is dean of the school and the faculty consists of Bishop Adams of Cariboo, the Rev. A. J. IVillinms late of Hon- an, China, and the Rev. IV. H. Adcock, of Regina. St. Stephen's Choir picnic will be held at Whytecliff on Satur- day afternoon. The annual Sunday School pic- nic held IVednesday ivas the us- ual happy event for the children aml parents still young enough to enjoy such affairs. The teach- ers &vere indefatigable in their efforts on their pupils'ehalf and despite the rain which fell in the latter part of the afternoon all seemed loth to leave Ceper- ley Playgrounds and English Bay when Ferry No. 5 came round the point at 7 p.m. The sports &vere keenly contested and the juntps especially attract- ed much attention. The events and prize winners were as fol- lows:-- 1. Girls under 7 (Balloon Race) --I, Dorothy Sharman; 2, Doris Howdle; 3, Joan Thomp- son. 2. Boys under 7 (Balloon Race) --I, Ralph Tipton, 2, Hu- bert Cunningham; 3, Julian A- jello. 3. Boys 9 and under--I, Had- dow Barton; 2, John Moe; 3, Sidney Kerslake 4. Girls 9 and under-- I, Peg- gy Barker; 2, Josephine Allan; 8, Bertha Paulson. 5. Boys 12 and under -- 1, Metfor&1 Chapman; 2, Milton )Yard; 3, Geo. Faulkner. 6. Girls 12 and under -- 1, Mabel Phillips; 2, Barbara Harri- son; 3, Edith White. 7. Boys 14 and under -- 1, Metford Chapman; 2, Milton IVard; 8, Rex Rhodes. 8. Girls 14 and under -- 1, Phyllis Johnson; 2, Doris Rivers; 3, Muriel Dawson. 9. Girls, Peanut Race--1, Ada Albin; 2, Doris Rivers; 3, Franc- es Brydon-Jack. 10. Boys, 15 and over -- 1, Jim Chapman; 2, Knox Richard- son. 11. Girls, 3 legged race -- 1, A&la Albin and Drusilla Dawson; 2, Marjorie Crawford and Mu'riel Dawson; 3, Phyllis Johnson an&I Muriel Hoivdle. 12. Boys, 3 legged race -- 1, J. and M. Chapman; 2, George Faulkner and J. IVatt; 3, Tom Timbrell and Alan Vaughan. 13. Girls, 15 and over--I, Ada Albin; 2, Frances Brydon-Jack; 3, Helena Rivers. 14. IVheelbarrow Race -- I, Teddy Beard and Tom Timbrell; 2, Alan Vaughan and Dick Tim- brell; 3, Knox Richardson and Jim Bloxham. 15. Parent Teacher Race -- I, Mrs. Harrison; 2, Mrs. Sharman; 3, Mrs. Davey. 16. Girls'lacc I(clay--I, Miss Archer's Class--P. Johnson, D. 17th nnd Mnrine (Hooper and Son) IVE DELIVER I'hone )vest 46 Brydon- Jack, D. Dawson, I I. Rivers and M, Edwnrds; S, Mrs. Rivers, E. Black and M. Howdle; 2,Miss Hubbard'8 Class -- F. Neville Smith'8 Class--M, Yates, B. Bradford, M. Dawson and A. Binning. 17. Boys Class Relay-- I, Mr. Smith's Class--T. Timbrell, T. Beard, T. Killen, G. Cornish; 2, Mr. Crickmay's Class--J. Chap- man, S. IValker, T. Turner, K. Richardson; 3, Mr. Smith's Class --R. Faulkner, G. Faulkner, D. Timbrell, J. IVa&ldingham. 18. Boys'road Jump,13 an&I under--I, Jack IVatt 12'"; 2, T. Timbrell; S, R. Rhodes. 19. Broad Jump, open--1, P. Johnson, 13'"; 2, F. Bry&lon- Jack; S, hluriel Dawson. 20. Boys'igh Jump, 13 and under--1, T. Beard, 3'"; 2, M. Chapman; 3, R. Rhodes. 21. High Jump, open--1, J. Chapman; 2, K. Richardson; 3, M. Dawson. CHOICE CAKES Are baked fresh dally In our as- tabiiahmaut. Why bother with home bakiug thia weather, when you can gat ouch daiicioua cakes hero fresh avery day. Drop in this u(tcruoon aud aca our dia- play. A trial of anything wa make will convince you of ita quality. OUI( BBEAD Is baked Crash daily anil may be had at our shop or dafivarcd at your home. Phone (Vest 27 aud our delivery mau will calL STRATTON'S BAKERY Ambleside Tea Rooms Forcy Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp uud Picnic Suppliaa, Tobaccos, atth United Church H. PERRIN, R o OPTONETRIST Acn OPTICIAN tyaduaadaya from 2 p.m. Evenings from 7 p. m. Soool Sooh Olde. Phoae Woot aaau Rev. IV. R. Scott will take the service in the morning, and Rev. Dr. Ogden in the evening. On the following Sunday Rev. Richmond Craig will be in charge of the morning service and in the evening Rev. Dr. Ogden will take the service. The many friends of Rev. A. M. O'Donnell will be pleased to hear that he is much improved in health according to reports re- ceived from Sherbrooke, where he is spending his vacation with his family. Established over G~/z Years C. J. OVERIN(ITON 14th anti Marino BARBER For the couvauicuca ot the ladies of the District I have had the telephone installed PHONE WEST 1$$ aud make an appointment. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. FUEL DryBark, Coal & Wood of all kinds, Marine Woodyard (G. E. Currie, Prop) 25th and Marino Phone West 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed WeSt Van NettjS «~r« I'ubiiohcd Every Friday Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sumlay--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a.m. Benediction. 7.30 p. m. )Veek Days--Mass 8 a. m. VITAL STATISTICS Slight variation is shown m the report of vital statistics on the North Shore for the first six months of this year, compar- ed to the corresponding peri&xi last year, according to R. F. Archibald, registrar. This year so far, in the three municipalities, there have been 144 births, GS deaths and 35 marriages, compared with 141 births, 58 deaths and 32 mar- riages during the first six months of last year. E. IIODOSON aud F.F.LOVEBBOVE IVest 19L West 412L Publishers Buaiucaa aud Editorial OI(ica'261 hier&us Drive sian Add&coo: IL O. Bou 101, Iiunyburu, B. C. $ 1.00 a year by muii or cupciar, News. ~ tauda sc pac copy. ADVEI&TISIN(i BATES ON Al'PI.ICATION Holi@burn General Store Boa&icy 8'.11 „sygssshi ?i&tot II Imtdl& 6 F y,(LSI FI 0&dam take CANI ci( uttt t, Dont Mair Trim pt o 4 ygosg 8886 Sand Fergu Trucks leave Trucks leave