West Van. News (West Vancouver), 30 Jun 1927, p. 5

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Resampled001B6D57 Ig@ I I t Ies Ifi 'alI IIIC evs $ Itf le 3P ep. with sick Sale, Ido Slid sct- snd s June 30, 1927. GAiDIE TONIGHT AT MAHON PARK The senior league baseball game--West Van. versus Elks-- billed for tonight at Ambleside Park, will be played at Mahon Park. North Vancouver, owing to the necessity of constructing a stand and arranging the grounds for the jubilee celebra- tion. The game is timed for 6.15 p. m. Many Balls Lost at Games The action of the small boys in purloining balls knocked out of the grounds is causing much ex- pense and annoyance to the of- ficials of the club. Few people realise that these balls cost 819.20 a dozen, that is, $ 1.60 each. At the games played at, Ambleside Park an average of five or six have been lost each game, and action is to be taken to deal severely with any of the boys found "swiping" balls in this way. The Drug Stores in West Van- couver will remain open tonight They usually close on Thursdays at 7 p.m, s The father of Mrs. Milton Cun- ningham of Altamont, passed a- way in Oakland, Cal., last Tues- day. The deceased -- Henry Thomas Kerley, who resided at 6366 Locksley Avenue, Oakland, Cal., was a visitor to West Van- couver last fall. He leaves to mourn his loss a widow, two sons and two daughters -- Gordon, Stan and Edith of Oakland, and Mrs. M. Cunningham, 29th and Marine, West Vancouver. Frances Guinan entertained a number of her pupils and young friends at a garden party on the lawn of her home on Wednesday. The afternoon was spent in gam- es which were greatly enjoyed by the young guests. Refresh- ments of a kind appealing to children were served. The council at their meeting on Monday night increased the wages of J. Watson to 85 per day from 22nd June so long as he performs foreman's duties. FIRE CHIEF INVITED TO CONVENTION Mayor Baker of Portland sent a letter to the Council inviting the Fire Chief to attend the Combined Fire Chiefs Conven- tion, which is to be held in the City Hall, Portland, from Aug. 4 - 12. Councillor Watt, chair- man of the Fire Committee, will attend, if it is at all possible for him to do so. hose calling us mayT do so with the feel- ing of confidence that they are employing the very best available, and with the further assur- ance that the cost will be entirely i n accordance with their own wishes. THE WEST VAN NEWS PERSONALS I KoDAKs I You'l need a lot of things for the Holidays: Buy Paint as You Would Buy Lumber S. A. Dean, 1364 Duchess St., has purchased the lot to the east of his property. Miss Williamson of Vancouver has rented the Campbell cottage on Haywood and 23rd for the summer. s s A banner has been placed by the Forestry Department across Marine Drive at 16th Street, warning hikers and picnic parti- es of the necessity of taking the ordinary precatutions to prevent forest fires being started. The stand has been erected for the Diamond Jubilee celebration in Ambleside Park. WEDDING OF POPULAR COUPLE The wedding of Edith May Garland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Garland, to Kenneth Howard Robinson, son of Mrs. R. M. Robinson, took place at St. Stephen's Church on Monday evening, Rev. A. Harding Priest officiating. The wedding was one of the most popular of the season. The church was crowd- ed, many having to wait to see the bridal party as they left the church. The service was fully choral, and the church was pro- fusely decorated with flowers. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked charming in a white silk dress and bridal veil with wreath of orange blos- soms, and carried a bouquet of roses, lillies of the valley and orchids. The four brides maids were the Misses Margaret Ny- lands, Nora Sherwood of Vic- toria, Jean Miller of Vancouver, and Phyllis D. Smith. Kenneth Garland was best man, the four ushers being Jas. Cornish, Frank Cullin, J. Early, and Edgar Grout. Mrs. Davies presided at the organ, and Mrs. Mrs. F. X. Hodgson sang a solo during the signing of the regist- er. A reception was held after- wards at "the Bungalow," Am- bleside Park, Mrs. Neville Smith, Mrs. Hampson and Miss Marion Almas assisting in the serving of refreshments to the 150 guests who attended. A large number of beautiful presents was received. Later the bride and groom left for a motor trip to Windermere and Banff. Burrard Funeral Chapel CENTER l% HANNA LTD. EslabIIsbed 1093 320 Third Street E. North Vancouver Phone North 1110 n. D. WHITE ~ MANAGER Mrs. W. S. DeWitte of Boston and Mrs. R. D. Atkinson of Ad- vocate Harbour, Nova Scotia, have arrived on a visit to their mother, Mrs. George Pineo, Keith Road and 13th. s s s St. Stephen'3 Sunday School picnic will take place on Wednes- day, 6th July, at Second Beach. The children will leave Amble- side on the 9.30 a. m., ferry and it is hoped that the return will be made by special boat from English Bay. s Mrs. H. G. Selwood and Mrs. R. Reid visited the Point Grey Rose Show last Saturday. Both these ladies are active members of the West Vancouver Horticul- tural Association and ever on the look-out for new ideas and suggestions to promote the local association. Mrs. Draper and Son the Dun- darave Home Cookery have re- cently installed a large new oven to replace the smaller one with which they started business just a few months ago. We have FLAGS, SUN VISORS, MAGAZINES, FILMS, ICE CREADL CANDY, UNGUENTINE if you get sunburned. Buy paint as you would lumber--by the number of square feet it covers. Many of our customers have found that the extra coverage of Ayres Paint makes it the cheapest to use.We denver. We sell stamps. West Van Pharmacy R. SEEDS General Merchants Hardware Paint Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 28 PHONE: WEST 37 Store closed every Thursday at 7 P. 5L Finishing T. WAL SH Painting in ~ Its branches SUMMER SCHOOL FOR SMALL CHILDREN 13th 5 Svaplataft Iba W. D. Prater Passe West SSI Tsetse Resseaabt ~ Phone: West 504-0 Ciachau Hotel FEED Good assortment of Bedding Plants CEMENT FUEL Geraniums, Seed Potatoes, etc., for sale ETC. Mrs. F. X. Hodgson has dis- continued teaching for the month of July and, with her family will spend the month at Saginaw Lake near Fender Har- bour. M WILLIAMS CUSTOM TAILOR SPRING AND SUMMER SUITINGS Now complete. Large selection--for Sport or Business. Before Ordering Your Next Suit Come and see our patterns. CITY Dyeing, Repairs PRICES and Alterations A surprise party was given Mr.and Mrs. Duncan McMillan, 15th and Esquimalt, on Friday evening, June 24th, the occasion being the eighth anniversary of their wedding. The evening was very pleasantly spent with cards and dancing. The prize-winners were Mrs. W. Simpson and Mr. George Hughes. The consola- tion prize went to Mrs. A. Down- ing and Mr. D. McMillan. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. A. Downing, and Mr. and Mrs. Wolff, of Kamloops; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hughes, San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. A. Fin- layson, Mr. and Mrs. J. McCully, Mr. and Mrs. B. McCully, Miss T. Menzies, Miss N. Chalker, Mr. V. Reid, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gardiner, Mr. and Mrs. A. Menzies, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Al- lan, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wilson, Mr. Wm. Simpson, West Vancou- ver. Dry Cleaning and Pressing PHONE WEST 20 For West Vancouver Properties see Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing SAVORY DUVAL The West Van Watchmaker 8 Jeweller Marine Drive Between 14th and 15th. Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe l 640 Haywood Ave. f429 Malice Drive fbeee West 340 Specializing in West Vancouver ASK THAT STREET BE OPENED A petition signed by Jessie Farmer and eight other proper- ty owners has been received by the council asking that the por- tion of Bellevue Avenue lying immediately west of 23rd Street be opened up and graded in its proper location and a gravelled sidewalk be constructed to con- nect with that on 23rd Street. LARGE NEW OVEN We are sorry to have disap- pointed some of our customers for Bread.. It has been neces sary to iuslai a larger oven to care for our growing trade. With this new equipment we can . MRS. DRAPER fI SON 2435 bIARINE DRIVE Neat Dsseara e HJL West 157X Speefanxiug in Home Cooking West Vancouver Pearce'8 Drygoods 14th aad Marine Phone West 144 Window Blinds and Awninds ESTlatATEE PEER RATEPAYERS'ESOLUTION FILED At last Monday's meeting a letter was read from the Rate- payers'ssociation requesting that a bylaw be placed before the people for the building of a new ferry boat, this in accordance with a resolution to this effect passed by the association at their Friday's meeting. The council ordered the letter filed. HOUSE DECORATIONS AND REPAIRS-- Interior or Exterior, By Skilled Workmen. Any branch of painting, building, etc. Phone West 437R3 for Estimates F. Newman R D. Robbins CARPENTERS blethers ae 29th West 43783 rITNAN BUSINESS COUKCE DAY aud NIGHT SCHOOL You will receive intensive indi- vidual training 4 2 2 Richards St. Phone Sey. 9135. Cov. Hastings I GEORGEEDWARD Swan O'oo& LANDSCAPE aud GENERAL CiARDENERS 1584 Dempsey Rd., Upper Lynn Phone--North 1240R2 - 1240R3 Lawas, Shrubberies, Rock Gard- eas. 1valks, Drives, Fences, Hedges, Greenhouses, Summer- houses, Pools, Planned aud Constructed Lawns A Gardens kept Iu order. Apprenticed Gardeners with 30 years'xperience. Well laid oui grounds are a thing of beauty. Let Practical meu do your work. HOLLYBURN PAVILION OFFERED TO COUNCIL An offer was received by the council at their meeting on Mon- day night from N. Williamson to sell the Hollyburn Pavilion for a community hall. The price quoted was 83,000 cash and the assumption of a mortgage of 86,500 held by the Westminster Trust Co. The council regretted that they were unable legally to make such a purchase. HARRON BROS. 8-, WILLIAMSON gIIIieral 6Irectorsi North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Streeg Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 A. C. SEARLE VERNON FEED STORE Phone West 9