Resampled001B6D57 THE Vi'EST VAVi NEWS 8IRS. CLARA WII qON'8 R ECITA I. The piann recital given by the pupils of Mrs. Clara Wilsnn in Dun&larave llau last Thursday was successfully carried out. A- mongst those present was J. D. A. Tripp, the master pianist, who, in speaking of the work of the pupils, said that they show- ed control, technirnl fluency and interpretive al&ility, and that the ensemble wnrk in pieces for two pianos was very good. Splen- did progress has been made by the students since last year. The two pianos used by isirs. IVil- son were Heintzman's. Aubrey Clarke, soloist. was in extremely goo&i voice and charmed the au&l- ienee with his songs, "Cobbler's song" and "Just n 'Wearying for You," nnd in demand for nn en- core, "IVhere the ebb ti&le flows," being accompanied by birs. IVil- son. During the evening several beautiful bouquets were present- ed to Nrs. Wilson. The pupils taking part were: Jean Hill, Margaret Saunders, Ralph Bur- bridge. Peggy Hnrdman. Alee Bnxter, Na&leleine Ecclestone, Barbara Alhvork, Alnn Vaughan, Ruth Bluir, isiarjorie Hill, Olive Chilton, Josie Leylaml, Margaret Giuett, Sue Proctor, Joyce Her- rin, Hilda IVHson, Kitty IVilson. Hollyburn Theatre EB.SON%I S Friday and Saturday July 1st and 2nd. Cnlonel and Nrs li Logan are spending the summer at Balmy Beach Colonel Logan iu on the staff of the University of B. C. ~ ~ Mr. an&I Mrs. IV. J. P(tman and family of Prince George. who have been on a ten days'isit to ikirs. Pitman's parents, Mr. and slrs. John Lawson, have left for home by motor via the Cari- boo Road. Miss Gertrude Law- son accompanied them. ~ ~ ~ Dr. A. H. Bayne, who has been staving nt his home at 23r&l and Marine Drive. returned with his family to Prince George. ~ ~ ~ C. L. Hilborne is building a house on Bellevue near 23rd St. ~ ~ ~ Betty, daughter of bir. and 8Irs. F. X. Hodgson has return- ed from St. Paul's Hospital where she underwent an operation for tonsilitis on Monday last. v v v bfiss E. NcVean of the staff of the B. C. Electric is leaving tonight for a two weeks'oli- day to be spent at Berkeley, Cal- ifornia. Miss McVean will go down by stage. staying off at Portland and Seattle. ~ v v Sneak thieves broke into the Rawkin's boathouse on Saturday night and stole about 815 worth of cigarettes. No candy was taken, although there was quite a stock on hand. ~ v R. Parkin who was recently injured by a bear while attend- ing to his duties as linesman for the B. C. Electric, is feeling al- right again although still some- what sore. He has been given a special permit to carry a rifle while on his rounds along the high tension line. v Mr. and Mrs. J. Sutherland of Vancouver, who were formerly West Vancouver residents, have moved to a cottage at Cypress Park. ~ v David Dewar, 22nd and Mar- ine Drive, is building a house at 24th and Bellevue. v The Royal Life Saving Society is giving a life saving display on Saturday, 16th July, at 3.30 p. m., at Dundarave Pier. The special feature of the afternoon will be the Mainland Diving Championship. Jifr. and sire. R. Capper, ikiis- sionaries from Yunnan, China, who were at Elim Hau, 25th and sisrine, last Sunday (vill remain here for a feiv days giving other addresses on Sundav at 7.30 p. m., and next IVednesday at 8 p. Tn. ALOMA OF THE SOUTH SEAS From the popular stage play of the same name. See Gilds Gray in the dance which made her world fam- ous. An auto accident occurred on Saturday afternoon on Marine Drive, when a Ford car driven by sire. Baker of iVorth Vancou- ver and a Paige demonstrator car crashed together, npposite the West Van. Garage. 51rs. Baker, who had just left the gar- age, was going east and the dem- onstrator car was going west. The Ford lost a front wheel and had the front axle bent and the fenders smashed. The Paige was also badly damaged, the steering gear and front axle be- ing both bent, two fenders dam- aged and the running board smashed. Nrs. Baker, who was bruised and shaken, was taken into the IVest Van. Garage. ~ ~ ~ hIrs. A. H. Prentice wiu return to her home "The Hollies," 20th Street, today, accompanied by her newly arrived son, Peter Humphrey. Peter was born in the Vancouver General Hospital on 15th instant and so far seems to thoroughly enjoy life in gen- eral. Father is holding himself a reception committee of one to meet the new arrival, ably assist- ed by his daughter Betty. ~ v ~ Juh'th, ikfonday STEPPING ALONG July 6th, Wednesday: DRU8IS OF THE DESERT A Zane Grey story. Mrs. Clara Wilson Tea&bee uf Pianoforte aniI Theory Announces Summer Courses for Beginners aud Advanced Stud- s&its. A very pleasant afternoon was spent on Friday last when Mrs. F. X. Hodgson gave a miscellan- eous shower in honor of her sis- ter, Miss May Garland, who was married on Monday 27th inst. The house was decorated with white bells and Frau Carl Druski roses and Master Frank Hodgson presented the gifts to his auntie. The invited guests were Mrs. Dewar, Nrs. H. Garland, Mrs. Bissett, Mrs. P. Waitt, Nrs. W. Gourlay, Mrs. Harding Priest, Nrs. Farmer, Miss Madge Farm- er, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Neville Smith, Miss Phyllis Smith, Mrs. H. IVright, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Mc- Daniel, Mrs. F. Lefeaux, Mrs. Masterman, AIrs. Grout, Mrs. Yates, Mrs. Gamage, Mrs. Rob- inson, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Wood- cock, Mrs. T. Garland, Miss Nay Garland, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Bickneu of Kerrisdale, Mrs. G. Flake and Miss Hill from Van- couver. 2267 Dlaciuc Drive, Duudurave Phone Wcu& 669X J. E. Condon, 16th and Ingle- wood, had the misfortune to lose a pair of young blue foxes last week. After a thorough investi- gation he is satisfied they were stolen by some one well up in fox farming, the cube being only five vveeks old and just weaned. v v ~ Nrs. L. B. Reid and family, 30th and IVaterfront, have tak- en a cottage at Balmy Beach and will stay there for the summer holidays. DUNDARAVE SHOE REPAIRING rnb uud Dlaciua (next door to Wilson a Moore) FIRST CLASS WORK Reasonable Prices. Patrouisc a local business. WEST VAN BATTERY SERVICE MEETING TO ARRANGE CRUISE--FUNDS TO BUILD BLEACHERS TENDERS ASKED FOR GRADING AND EXCAVATING A meeting will be held in the Canadian Legion Rooms, ferry building, next Tuesday,,July 5th, at 8 p.m., under the aus- pices of the combined baseball clubs. The object of the meet- ing is to arrange for a moonlight excursion to create a fund for the purpose of building bleachers for Ambleside Park. All inter- ested in sport of any kind are asked to attend and assist in this very worthy cause. (G. E LESHURE, Prop.) Tenders have been called for clearing and grubbing a six foot trail and excavating a pipe trench 3 feet deep and 16 inches wide along Queens Ave., 22nd Street, and Palmerston Avenue, ten thousand feet in length; also for clearing and grubbing an 8 foot trail in D. L. 1494 and D. L. 772 approximately twenty four hundred feet in length and clear- ing and grubbing a six foot trail approximately fifteen hundred feet long and excavating a trench for a water main approximately four thousand feet long. Tenders must be in not later than 5 p.m. on 4th July. Ad- vertisements relative to these appear in this issue. AUTO and RADIO BATTERIES Recharged and Re-built In Yates'ew Stores Next Door to The West Van Oil Service Phone IVest 130 GOLF COURSE NOW OPEN Gleneagles Golf Course is now open to members for play. In- formation regarding the club may be obtained from Captain C. J. Archer, West 651L. LUMEER SPECIALS OF HIGH QUALITY NEW BOOKS FOR LIBRARY The Library Committee re- ports that several new books have now been added to the shelves. Particulars of these will be given by the librarian- Nr. Gemmill--to members and prospective members. Mr. and Airs. IV. E. Wifiins have taken a cottage at Caulfeil&l for the summer. CANADIAN LEGION AND VETERANS, ATTENTION! 6" Cedar Beveled Siding, clear.................. $12.00 2x6, 8, 10, 12 Com. sized ........................................ 16.00 6" Cedar Shiplap .................................................... 12.00 4x4 and 5x5 Cedar Posts .............................................. 24.00 Ix4 Short Flooring and V Joint ........................... 20.00 June 80, 1927 The Proof of the Pudding If our merchandise was not just as good--more oft- en better. It our prices were nnt just as low- sometimes lower, than can be obtained elsewhere. our business would not grow as it has, and our customers woul&l not be so well satis- fied. There'9 a reason. Good Goods, Good Service nnd Fair Prices Phone i%est 16 Greenwooil's GROCERY IVe deliver Play a Game of BILLIARDS CHET SHIELDS I ITH STREET rishi al Rail«sy Crossing TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY New classes now being formed J. M. Morgan 'EST VANCOITVER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Phones West 178 Seymour 8058o LADIES HAIRCUTTING uud SHINGLING, uuy Style HOLLYBURN BARBER SHOP 25 years experience WM. NEWBY Prop. -- Try the Burrard Laundry If you'e ever had trouble with your laundry work or feel sick and tired of washing at home, try the "Burrard." They'l do up everything beautifully and the very modest charges will act- ually surprise you. Ring up and enquire about our "Services." The Burrartl Laundry Limi&cd Fac P«pic (VXo 4cv Paruvvlcc IS(ID ETSEET ivi ST. DST(DS North Vancouver Phone North 1310 1917 Jupe 3 'P~V IG" GA)IE AT euler Tbe V,st Vs gsm~ tppig bill~ ujil be fpr park North V park &essitf t(i the "l ssd Dtsu'pr tb& gipus ~ gsui&tlpn. 'Isuy @, lp. Iis l Thea& 'l, purloin d is 'ugb. rpus sthe I'd sss( pens I tbe ( f(cis bst reslis dpiei $19, At tbescb .d psi Amblesi bs( pr s(Xfive P d scti arne, su I deal sev tmys I'6" this vlsy Tbe plug S cpuver wi 'll rei They ususlly 't'IP" c Tbs father p nlsgbsm pf A u&sy ln Psk dsy. The d Tbpmss Kerb 6368 Lpcksle) Csl, wss 6 vi cpuver last I mpurn bls lea sud twp dsu, stsu snd Edi Mrs, II. Cusl Marine, iyesti Frances G( number of be friends st 6 2 lawn piker bi The sfterpppr es which T&ei by the young ments of 6 children (vere The council on klpndsy 9 wsSTD of J. dsy from III be perfprms i FIRE CHIEF Iisypr Bsk 6 letter tp tl the Fire Cb Combined Fi tips, which i City Hall, P 4-12. Cpu, msn of the I attend, if it i him tp dp sp These Speciale are all of good grade and we guarantee satisfaction. Come in and look them over. At Lower than City Prices. Phone IVeat 199 16th and Marine Amblesifle Lumber Co. Every member of the Canadi- an Legion as well as au veterans are especially asked to take part in the Diamond Jubilee parade in West Vancouver on Saturday morning. The parade will form up on that day at 10.30 a. m., at the intersection of 11th and Mar- ine Drive and headed by the Boys'and of Vancouver, will march along the Marine Drive to 14th Street, thence by 14th and Argyle Street to the stand at Ambleside Park, where a pro- gramme of music and addresses will take place. It is requested that medals be worn, when pos- sible. Ice Boxes qt)2 5O Either apply this as rent, for season, or as part payment of $6.00 which is full price of the box for immediate delivery. RIDLEY MILK & ICE CO. Phone West 45B 1 '"' dp 6( I "8 oic "ey are i Tery best with tbe I uce lbstl eutirel "hh their