West Van. News (West Vancouver), 30 Jun 1927, p. 2

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Resampled001B6D57 THE WEST VAiN NEWS 11'RST VANCOUVER June 30, 1927. ~)( Ii&l. $pec FA.CTS KVorth Knobving,j Use a tablespoonful of milk in which a little brown sugar has been dissolved to glaze cakes or past& y. To keep fiatirons in good con- dition, wash them occasionally in hot water to which a gener- ous amount of soda has been added. Scorch stains on white silk can be removed ivith bicarbonate of soda mixed to a paste with cold water. To hasten the setting of 0 jeuv. place the mould in a basin containing cold )cater in which a little salt has been dissolved. When hands are stained by peeling fruit or vegetables, rub them «ith a mixture of vinegar and salt. Add a tablespoonful of para- fin to the water ivhen washing linoleum. This not only removes stains but helps to preserve the linoleum. The corks of bottles contain- ing gum and other sticky sub- stances should be rubbed with grease to prevent them becom- ing fixed. A few drops of parafin added to the water in which clothes are being washed will save a great deal of rubbing. If olive oil is added to the water when washing flannels, there will be no danger of these articles becoming hard and 'felt-ed.'se a tablespoonful of oil to every gallon of water. Glassware should be washed in warm soapy water, and after- wards rinsed in cold water to ivhich have been added a few drops of idnegar. This helps to give it a lustre when polished. Leave it to drain for a few min- utes, and dry with a soft cloth. To keep the hands white and soft, use glycerine and lemon juice in equal quantities. Rub this in after washing. Allow the lotion to dry into the skin. To clean a bottle, half fifl it with cold water and add a tea- spoonful of dry mustard. Shake vigorously, and then let stand for half an hour. Rinse thor- oughly vrith clean water. Varnished walls require care- ful treatment when they are washed. A little ammonia should be used with warm water and an old chamois leather. Do not dry in the ordinary way with a cloth, but use the leather as much as possible.. Two tablespoonfuls of soda, a teaspoonful of amfnonia and a gallon of boiling water make a good disinfectant for the kitch- en sink. Pour this down while very hot, and then brush the sides of the sink. Whimsical Review She& Do you think that plas- tic surgery would improve my features'I He: No. She: Then what do you sug- gest 7 He: Blasting. "How long did it take you to learn to run a motor ear7" "Oh, three or four." "Weeks?" "No; motor cars." Smith: That man of mine ought to be hung. Smithers: Not hung, my l&oy --hanged. Smith: Hung, 1 say; hanging is too good for him! "She isn't exactly pretty, but she has that indefinable some- thing--" "So 1 har;; her father has piles of it." "She has a very difficult part in that play." "Difficult? )Vhy she doesn' say a word. "Well, isn't that difficult for a woman 7" Grocer: 7&fy son--the one that used to help me in the shop here --he's gone in for boxing. AVon a championship. too! Customer: Aye, 1 remember him. 1 suppose he'l have won the lightweight championship? "Ah shuah pity vou," said a Negro pugilist to his opponent as they squared up. "Ah was born with boxin'loves on." "Maybe you was," retorted the other, "and ah reckon you'se go- ing to die the same way." FIRST WEST VANCOUVER I.O.D.E. CO. G1RL GUIDES The following guides were suc- cessful in passing the test for their sick nurse badge. The names are given in order of rank --Ruth Jackson 99;Phyllis Lec- kie 98; Betty Beard, Eunice Davis, Olive Knipfel, Jean )Vat- son, Maud Lambert, Phyllis Bloxham, Audrey Lester, Ada Albin, Margaret Baker, Evelyn Dickinson and Muriel Howdle. The classes were conducted on Saturday afternoons in the Red Cross offices in the London Building, and the girls are very grateful to bliss Davidson for the very practical and useful knowledge which she imparted in such a lucid and interesting manner. Soda dissolved in the blue water when washing clothes will prevent any blue stain remain- ing on the garments. Grijyor's Dry Goods Store 1460 Mal'lue Dl'lVe v&Iomac b)au baca'ge A choice assortment of Ladies Hap- Men's Fine Dress Shirts in stripe pi Coats, in beautiful Eaaiccu aud plaiu broadcloth, soft coIlara Color&age, only aud cuffs, only.. 7&.95 Ladies Spun Silk Dresses, white aud co&ops $3.95 sicu'a Summer-weight combiua- IMado from the well kuowu (ious . 75c suit. up Standard Silk Quality) Christian Science Society ('Hi'B('H RDIF&i'R 20(h aad IBquimalt, Houybucu Sunday Sorcico at 11.30 a. m. Subject July 3rd: i (tOD" Sunday School a( 10.00 ~ . m. Toa(imauy afcc(ing every Bod- uosday at 0.10 p.m. St. Stephen's Church Trinity 3 (July Srd.) 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.16 a. m.-- i loly Communion 7.16 p. m.--Evensong. The evening service on Sumlay ivifi be a special thanksgiving service in commemoration of the jubilee of Confederation. AH ex- service men are specially invited to this se&mice. Despite the inclement iveather there ivas 0 goal attendance at the laivn social Inst Saturday at isirs. Berry's, given by the Jun- iorAuxiliary. The number given by the pupils of Mrs. Fraser, of the Framar Montesorri School, were very well executed and were enjoyed by children and grown-ups alike. The annual Sunday School pic- nic will be held next Wednes&lav to Second Beach, Stanley Park. Children and parents able to at- tend are asked to take the 9.30 a.m. ferry for the city. In the evening the party will embark from the pier at English Bay. United Church Professor Odium w&ll preach a't both morning and evening services. Under the auspices of the Young People's Society 6 delight- ful garden party was given at the home of Nrs. A. Chilton, 16th and Inglewood, last Tues- day afternoon. Tea was served on the laivn and the visitors were entertained with a splendid musical programme. A feature of the afternoon was a treasure hunt which afforded much a- Inusement, the lucky finder be- ing Nrs. Banfield. An attractive candy booth was provided by the C. G. I. T. girls. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Association of the United Church will not be held during July and August. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Church Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.SO a.m. Benediction. 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Maes 8 a.m. P I'P i» intort: Eb.ollol»ical~i i til'ill lkcilairs SIARTIV NENOUI('S 100CF I'1&RE I'AIVT is Ihe most economical I'Rini Io use "game the surface and you save all"ff'I.(B&B I'AINT I'(&B('H I'AINT VABN&BH STAIN DE I.iix R FN AS&BI. I'BEI'ABRI& )VAX rii'TI& I&NA5(RI ('ANDS RVA',&IRL a(ABINR I'AINT IIH&N I'AINT ( BEO I.AC far Sbiaglca &VOOD STAiiVS PAINT BR510'VEB 6('BEEN PAINT STOVE PH'E ENA)IEI ivc carry In a(o&L ~ full Iiuo aud In aB a&zca. No maiiec wbai you want io pain( coma aud aco us, we will give you the rigbi pain( for iko pill'poam CIILDA GRAY AT HOLLTBURN THEATRE Gilds Gray, one of the most popular stage dancers of the day, is coming to )Vest Vancouver. Miss Gray comes to the Holly- burn Theatre tomorrow and Sat- urday in her first starring mo- tion picture, "Aloma of the South Seas," a Paramount Picture with Percy Marmont, )Varner Baxter, Wilfiam Poweo and Julanne Johnston in the supporting cast. It is more than five years since Gild aGray first burst across the Broadway horizon, but far from setting--her star is still on the rise. )Vhat is the secret of her success--her lure, to be exact? We have had hula dancers and shimmy dancers and girls who sing "blues" songs by the score, but few of them have received more than passing notice, while the girl they sought to imitate has remained 0 fixture on the American stage and is now its highest salaried star. Gilds has talent. She stamls pre-eminent in her chosen field. But her personality is something indefinable. It reaches right over the footlights and embraces even the doubting Thomases who come to criticize. New Archway Completed The construction of the new archway over Marine Drive at the eastern boundary hss been completed. Its huge peeled logs embedded in concrete and the truss of smaller logs which join them together over the Drive are in entire harmony with the wooded aml mountainous nature of the landscape, and form a very fitting entrance to our municipality. It is being decor- ated by the Scottish Society for the Diamond Jubilee celebration. Jubilee Committee to Meet 13th July CHOICE CAKES Aro baked fresh dally in our oa- tabBshmcu(. Ivby bother with home baking this weather, wbau you can gci such douciouc cakes here fresh every i&ay. Drop In this aficcuooa aud aco ouc dis- play. A (cia( of anything we make will convince you of Ita quality. OUB BREAD Ia baked fresh daily aud may be had at ouc shop or iiolivcrcd at your home. Phone &Vcai 27 aud our delivery mau will cell. STRATTON'S BAKERY Ambleaida Taa R00&as Faery Hbacf WEST VANCOUVER Camp aud Picnic SuppBoa Tobaccos, oic. H. PERRIN, R o. OPTORETRIST ARO OPTICIAN Wcducudaya from 2 p. m. Evenings from 7 p.m. Ress& Sssh SIC(. Phes~ West COON Established over 6&/I Years C. J. OVERIN(aTON 14th and Marino BARBER For the convenience of the ladies of the District I have bad the telephone installed PHONE WEST 136 aud make an appoiuimoui. FUEL Dry Bark, Coal 8 Wood of all kinds, Marine Woodyard (G. E. Curris, Prop) 26th and Marine Phone West 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed WEST VAN RESTAURANT 112& Siariuo Drive at liih SL Phone &Vcs( 611-0 A final meeting of the Jubilee Committee will be held on )Ved- nesday, 13th July, at 8 p. m., in the Council Chamber to wiml up affairs in connection with the celebration. THE West Van News I'ubfisbcd Every Friday H. HOI&GSON aad F.F.LOVEGBOVE )vest 19L bvest 412L Publicbcca Hollyburn General Store (Hooper and Son) 17th and Marine WE DELIVER 1'hone West 46 &P rof parti&6 pbooe'tutii A ay, VAbl I prder& ut C&bib C uiii I Duu Hair Tria Pbuus I ygsgz isab SaBI Fergi Trucks leai Trucks lea& Lad&ca Crepe Drcaaoa, aH colors bien'a Neckwear aad Semi-aoft coi- 95c, $ 1.25 cack lars, ail sizes..... 25c each (Noaiiy made, with embroidered mo(ifa) Silk Knit Ties. 25c aud ssc each Ladies Silt Hase 50c, ssc, IM gt up Men's Sox .25, 39, 65, 95c pair Standard Quality Spun Silk, 30" wide, only 79c yard, white aad colors Pongee Silk, 31 wide, ouiy 69c yard Colored Crepe Paper for dacoca(ivc purposes... oaiy Isc roll ELIM HALL Marine t)rive Mr. and Mrs. R. Capper w'ifi give a further talk on their work amongst the Chinese an&I Tribes people of Yunnan, China, next Sunday at 7.30 p. m., also on )ve&lnesday, July 6th at 8 p. m. A Special Service will I&e held on Sunday at 3 p. m. for children. AH %Welcome Bualucsa aud Ed&(or&ai Off&co: 1361 Siariuo Dries fdaB Addrcaa& I'. O. flax &OI, Hou)bucu, B. C. $ 1.00 a year by mall or cacuiop, News ~Iauda 6c pcr copy. ADVERTISING BATES ON AI'PLICATION