West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Jun 1927, p. 7

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Resampled001B6D4D (&v )0 7'JTHE WEST VAN NEWS Birds in Our Gardens June 24, 1927. CLASSIFIED ADS. PLAN PHOTOGRAPHIC SURVEY OF MUNICIPALITY J. Porter has been granted the uce of the ferry committee rooms for amateur photography meet- ings, in connection with his idea of putting forward a scheme for a photographic survey of the municipahty as a basis for the work of future geographers. It is proposed to hold meetings o:ice a month during the photo- g aphic season to examine pho- tos and formulate plans. ANNOUNCEMENT THE CLASSIC MILLINERY 'nver, ectffc IVest tenm ir nn ntrol'e. IVest 'tqsi. DRESSMAKING--hics. Robbins, 29th aud Mathers. Phone West 437R3. B. R. Harrison No. 8. FOR SALE--Piauo, Gurney Oxford Range, Sewing hiachiue, New Bed, Chairs, aud other household artic)es. Phone West 629R. 1-24-6 remember on one occasion when in Paris on a holiday, walk- ing through one of the many beautiful parks that make that city so charming, I forget for the moment the name of this particular park, but well do I re- member the entertainment I en- joyed by seeing a gentleman who had made friends with the city sparrows. So tame had these birds be- must be on the safe side and hat or shoulder without the slightest fear, and his out- stretched arm formed a human perch for numbers of these birds to sit in a row and, although I do not know if he had a special name for any particular favorite, I think it not at all unlikely. Then again, on another oc- casion, it was my pleasure to see how very tame the squirrel had become in the public parks in Minneapolis, and even I, a stranger, at once gained the con- fidence of many of these bright active little animals as they climbed up my coat to my shoul- der where they knew a peanut had been placed and I can as- sure you that it was quite a new experience for me to have no less than three of these little fellows making their way to reach the nut. I also remember how thought- less the owner of a dog was when he enticed the animal to hunt the squirrels which I was glad to see were far too quick for the dog and when they reached a place of safety up the trees they had no further fear from the dog, although the thoughtless man even lifted the dog up the tree as a further en- couragement. Now both Paris and Minne- apolis are a long way from West Vancouver, but I want to tell you of the success I have had with both animals and birds that have placed confidence in me here in a West Vancouver gar- den. Many years ago, no doubt be- fore some of my little readers were born, squirrels were for more cominon about our district than they are at the present time, I am speaking of 15 years ago when we first came to live at Dundarave, for then we had as companions both chipmunks and squirrels, for the birds were not nearly so numerous as they are today. These little animals would come into the house and in the garden would feed out of my hand. You boys and girls often see pictures of birds sitting on peo- ples'ands and shoulders, just like the sparrows in Paris, but has it ever occurred to you that it is just as possible for any of you to gain the same confidence of both birds and animals, all that is required is a little pa- tience, you will then realize that the birds are not quite so wild as you may have imagined them to be. I hope you do not think that I am wandering in my notes this week, but what I have already written is by way of an introduc- tion to what I have to say con- cerning a bird that we have been successful in taming, and this is one of the commonest of our West Vancouver birds, but do you know the gentleman who runs this paper threatened to cut my article in half last week, so I have got to be very careful this week, and I really think I come that they would sit on his leave what I have to say about this bird in my next week' notes, and you will have all week to try and guess the name of the friendly little bir&l which ivill be the basis of my next talk. Cordiallyismitesyou toattend the opening of their shop in the New Yates Building, on Marine Drive, at Ambleside Tomorrow, Saturday, June 25th. FOR SALE--A Faw«ett High Oven Range in excellent condition, snap. Phone 159 R 3. WANTED at once, first class Lumber Saiesmau for North Shore terri- tory. State experience. Good prop- ositiou to right mau. Apply "Sales-mau," c',o West Vau News. 1-24-6 FOR SALE--Nanny Cost; 6 months old, 35. Phone West 184L 1-24-6 e inn '4 on t hin) n tin 3 'sides il'ASEBALLThe West Vancouver Inter- mediate Boys Baseball Team cinched first place in their divi- sion by defeating their nearest rivals, Grandview United, 9 to 7. They have now won 7 out of 8 games and should win tonight against Chown Adanacs in the last'ame. They will then meet t'ie winners of the other divi- sion for the championship of Greater Vancouver. On Thursday night the West Van Seniors proved too much for the younger boys and won 8 to 1. The boys put up a good fight and with the exception. of the third inning, when they weak- ened after two were down to let the men score 5 runs they held their own. Chapman and Blair Edwards pitched for the Sen- iors while Jack Normand and Fred Condon hurled for the In- termediates. A splendid array of the latest styles in Straw, Silk and Felt Hats will be seen. There is 8 choice collection to choose from. The "Classic" also handles BEAUTIFUL FANCY WORK. Prices reasonable. WE HAVE quite a few odd wiudows aud sash at very iow prices.Ambieside Lumber Co., Marine at16th. I-24-G FURNITURE FOR SALE--le-oz. Duck Tent, 12'x14', fi2o; Hammock, 35; White Sewing biachiue, 310; 2-burner Acorn Oii Stove aud Port-abie McCiacy Range, 310; Perfec-tion Oii Heater, 33; Washstand, 82)Portable Cooler, 02; can be seenafter 7 p.m., 51)as Head, hiAV. cor.18th aud Bellevue, Hoiiyburu. 1-24-6 FOR SAI.E--Ceuuiue old Violin "Am- uti Copy" very fine tone withbow aud case complete. Appiy dies.F. K. Hodge, 13th aud Duchess,West Vaucouvec. Phone ((Vest 624R. FOR SALE-Some cottage furniture. lPhone West 697LI. REPAIRS for Stoves, Ranges, Lawn IMowers, etc. Reasonable charges. 1hiacLeau, 13th aud Fuicou, Phone ',West 197R. STRAYED--From 13th aud &lathers, ~Black Nubian Goat. Auyoue fin-din same piease phoae West 617R. FOR SALE--Fufly furnished 4-coom Imodern Bungalow: roses, shrubs,aud lawn; large aud small fruits. 3500 cash, perhaps less, full priceonly 03,000. West 3311 Lou- idou Ji British North America Com- !pauy, Limited G26 Peuder StreetWest, Sey. 6285. GOATS ~ (ix--U.. B d (i&acid). We are uow prepared todeliver this superior milk, a natur-a) food for mfauts aud remedy foracidity, m West Vancouver distnct. ~North 1261 L 1. F. Uuderwoad (kSou. hflet Ilia fard ther- rrey, '-r of of hire, 'land ice Boxss K)2'5 Rev Either apply this as rent, for season, or as part payment of $6.00 which is full price of the box for immediate delivery. RIDLEY MILK & ICE CO. Phone West 456 eve. incfi ',hal. fan. v nt aver that enid r The for np. lone &nfi- n it GOD GAVE ME TIVENTY CENTS "I prayed--and God gave me twenty cents." That's the way Herbert Bren- on's latest Paramount produc- tion ends. Dixie Willson's story, "God Gave Me Twenty Cents," is a tale of two men,--one good, the other bad; of two women,-- one a mere child, the other, hard; and of two dimes,--both false. It tells how the two wo- men,--one innocent and naive; the other, rough and hard; came to love the same man. And how, with the aid of two thin dimes, the latter almost succeeded in wrecking her rival's happiness. Fraught with romance, color, action, drama and suspense, this depiction of the New Orleans waterfront during a Mardi Gras carnival, is expected to prove one of the year's most unusual pictures. "God Gave Me Twen- ty Cents" will be shown at the Hollyburn Theatre next Wednes- day. 10 Times a Day Pacific Stages pass along the famous Highway of the North Shore bound for:-- Vancouver Cityiss NEW AND SECOND HANiD Furs)-tare bought, sold, aud exchanged.Fred Tite, Keviii's Old Stand, Am-bieside. and towards 'iers .ital nes- ;ked ter- hnst ime. F no and vell- ndi- her leas- ster- sent very point Atkinson GARDENING,Laudscape aud GeneralLawus aud Rockeries my specialty.Gardens kept in shape. H. A. MiiiauWest 311RI. I-17-GLeave Vancouver A.M.--7:30, 8&30, 10&30, 11:30. P.M.--1&30, 3:30, 5:30, 6&30, 8&30; Saturday aud. Sunday, 10&00, 1200 Leave Whytecliff Park FRO51 JULY 1st, Pecmaaeui &coasts ouiy, buugaiow at 19th aud MarineDnve, full particulars. Apply Sey.4430. 3-ROO(M BUNGALOW P)m&evA.. Large living room, 3275 cash; wfiigive possession; close to Marine. Snap. Enquire for particulars.West Vau. Investment Co., Phone West 102. LANDSCAPE GARDENING, Clearing Cement work aud rock walls built. T. Bacuott, phone 8 est 672R. A. 5L--9 M5. P,M.--12&55, 2:55, 4&55, 6:55, 7:55; Saturday aud Sunday, 11&25. Leave Caulfeild A.M.--7:30, 8:30, 10:30. Phi.--12:30, 1:30, 3&30, 5&30, 7 &30, 8:30, 1030; Saturday aud Sunday, 11:55 W. B. A. At the regular meeting of Re- view No. 24 held Wednesday in the Ambleside Hall it was de- cided to enter a float in the Jubilee parade on July 1st and 2lld. It was also decided to give a garden party on tvednesday, July 13th at the home of Mrs. Strong, Mrs. McTavish to be the convener. An invitation to a garden party at the home of Mrs. Grise- dale on Wednesday aftprnoon, June 29th, was accepted with pleasure. A beautiful silver spoon, the gift of Mrs. Le Gallias, the health supervisary, was present- ed to Mrs. McTavish for her baby, by Mrs. E. J. Kidd. In presenting the gift, Mrs. Kidd expressed the sincere wish of all the members that the baby would have a happy and prosper- ous life and ivould long enjoy a continuance of perfect health. Along the smooth shore-skirted road from Second Narrows Bridge to Whytecliff Park--new splendid views of scenery all citizens love--sensations of color, spring-scented breeze and the shimmering Gulf, there are the experiences of a trip on DE LUXE Pacific Stages to any point on the North Shore. EXTRA GOOD 60 foot ioi on 'lienee Drive (North Side). Business or residentiaL Very good value at 3750 on terms. SAVORY &k DUVAL 1429 Marine Drive. West 340 he And then there is no more direct route to Vancouver City than by Pacific Stages. You have no changes to make--you arrive in the heart of the shopping and theatre district--you enjoy the conveniences of our new splendid terminus. SEE US FOR SNAPS in Real Estate for quick action on loans or dis- counting Agreements for Sale. Long experience gives us a knowledge of the Insurance business equal to that of any City Office. At your service for anything in the brokerage line. BYRNELL R iiIAY at the Ferry Landing. Phone \Vest 113 SirnraIIlrs ho PHONE SEYMOUR 4000 ,. acific Stages Notice to Contractors 'KOllllh ll Klllb An informal meeting to which mem- bers aud prospective members are in- vited will take piece at GLEN- EAGLES at 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 25th, to inspect the Coif Course aud diseuse general matters pertammg to organ&sat&os relative to the open- iug of the Golf Course for pixy. Fiscal Agents: R. P. CLARK R CO., LTD. 833 Hastings St. W. Sey. 7483, 7404 Local Repceseutatlve C. J. ARCHER. 1Vesi 051L sey. 4ooo H.U. SSTORfg3LNS130RT~PP'EALED TENDERS so)i be receiv- ed by the undersigned up to Tuesday, July 6, at Gi p.m., for the erection of a J-stozy business aud apartment block, at the corner of 14th street and Marine Drive. Plans aud specifica- tious can be seen at this a&fice. The lowest or any tender uot uecessavi y'I accepted. GEO. HAY Phone )vest 21. 14th Ik Marine Drive 315 Cordoea St., IV. Sey. 1260. IV. Hay, Evenings, Wesi 137K. vt SEYMOUR AT DUNShlUIR Moths will not come neai'oft brooms last longer sprinkled with turpen- ped occasionally in hot,clot es sprin and salt,tine. if dip- Vote for The Bridge Buy commutation tickets--s'ave money and get luxurious, comfortable transportation.