Resampled001B6D4D 19gl Lesagehasit For roar cnnvcnirncc we maintain ~ FAST DEI.IVERT SERVI('E. If you scc an! thing in those sPccisls that appeals lo ynu, I'&IDEE t'S OIV and wc will insure prompt deliver!.. DRUG SPECIALS FRIDAY O'ATURDAY FREE--Buy a 601 tin of Rcxan Fruit SaIts and gct a Rogers'tainless Silver Teaspoon, FREE. 60c Extra Large Tube KLEKZO SHAVING CREA)I .......... S91 FREE--Buy a Ssc tube of Palmolive Shaving Cvcam and gct a Sac tin Palmolive Talcum, FREE. 61.00 10-ounce bottle RUSSIA'A )11!(ERAL OIL (hcavy) ...spc FREE--Buy a Sac tube of Kicnxo Tooth Paste and gct a Sponge Playing Bail, FREE. 76c KOTER .......................................... Spc REXALL SEIDLITZ PO&rDERS, 10 in ~ box ........................... Ioc KODAKS and KODAK FII.)IS -- DEVELOI'IK(; snd FIKISIIIKO Lesage Drug Store JVorfh Side Marine, near l4fh We deliver anywhere. No Order is too small WEST 323 Lesagehasit Wear and tear pon electric rail- ay tracks go on ontinually. The ackman plays an important part maintaining ood service. ycarnu Cms&r&as E&ac&I&lb»z»srCa The safety of the health of your family and the success of your baking often depends on the choice of Good AIilk THE VVEST VAN NEWS June 24, 1927 It I LIIKIN CI %)I Fl) II)& I)EAR NEAR )VEST BAY R. I'arkin of North Vancouver, linesman for the B. C. Electric (n. nn&l n member of the West Vancouver Senior baseball team. was clawed hy n she-l&enr on Tuesrlay nfternoon while patrol- ing the high tension line l&e- tween Snn&ly Cove an&I West Bay. A bear cub hnd just cross- ed in front of him when he ran into the mothrr. She stood on her himl legs and struck at him with one pnw, the claws ripping hLa shirt an&I vest aml lncernting his chest nn the left el&le besides l&renking two ribs. PKH.SOKA.LS ms&amma&so ('harles Kearns of the ferry staff is seriously ill at his home at 12th and Duchess. ~ ~ ~ E. A. Ilnthje, 13th aml (. Iyde, has bought a new stucco bu»ga- imv at 1315 Gordon nvenue. ~ ~ ~ Airs. (*. Pineo, 13th an&1 Keith Road, &vho has been seriously ill for some &reeks, has much im- p roverl. ~ ~ ~ Miss E. Steven, 22nd and In- glewoorl, hns left for a trip to the okl country, &chere she will join her mothet, Airs. P. C. Stev- en, at Glasgow, Scotlanrl. They will return at the beginning of September. 1 ~ ~ George klolt, son of Mrs. Holt, Dundarave. broke his leg on Momlay when he slipped nnd fell on the floor. He is now in the General Hospital. 1 1 1 Air. and Mrs. Harry Nesbitt, Clyde street, have had an addi- tion to their family. A baby daughter was l&orn to them on Friday at the North Vancouver General Hospital. Mother and baby are both doing well. 1 Airs. )V. B. Small, Mrs. P. C. Chapman, and Mrs. Pearson rep- resented the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E. at the Decora- tion Day ceremonies at AIoun- tain View Cemetery on Sunday when representatives from all chapters of the I.O.D.E. in Greater Vancouver were present. They took over with them a quantity of beautiful flowers do- nated by the )Vest Vancouver Horticultural S o c i e t y and others. Al. Giuliani, of Vancouver. has rented Airs. Harrop's cot tnge on East Beach. ~ ~ ~ Air. nnd Airs. It. A. ilunt, of the city, have taken the Balrlwin cottage. at 19th and Bellevue. 1 ~ ~ J. N. Mark, of Swift Current, arrived here on Fri&lay nnd is visiting Fred Tite, Amblesi&le, for two weeks. ~ ~ ~ Alr. and Airs. Jim Holt, I li&8 Alarine Drive, spent the week end at Bowen Island. ' ~ ~ The First National Cinema Studios started work on Tues- day on the property they recent- ly purchased from the Numcl- pality. A number of men are em- ployed in buil&ling a road through the property, this be- ing the first thing necessary to be done in the work of &ievelop- ment. ~ \ ~ Nr. and Airs. L G. Fewings, of the Fortune Cup Inn, are now residing in Vancouver, having sold out to Miss Strachan and Mrs. Knowles. Nr. Crossley, of Vancouver, has moved from the Fortune Cup Inn to a house at 23rd aml IVaterfront. r 1 Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell aml family left on Monday for Sher- brooke, Quebec, where they will meet Rev. A. AI. O'Donnell an&i spend a holiday there together. They are expected back about the end of August. ~ r Dr. McClure and his son-in- law, Dr. Holborn with Nrs. Hol- born and family, who, since their return from China five weeks ago, have been guests at "The Clachan," left on Saturday for Toronto. Went-- Rutherford The marrlnge tonk pInce quiet- ly in Montreal on June 4 of Alias Sybil Aiargnret Ihtthet'for&i, daughter of Nrs. A. AI. Ruther- ford, Blindly Heath. Surrey, England, nml gramldaughter of Sir James Roberts, ilart.. of Strathallam Castle, Perthshire, Scotland, and Air. Cecil Itowlnml Ivest, AI.Sc., son of the Inte Rev. F. G. )Vest aml Mrs. West of IVcst Vancouver. HORTICULTUIIAL SOCIETY DEI'OSITS CUI'VITH CITY W. McQuaker on Monday eve- ning handed over to the council for safe keeping the silver chnl- lenge cup won by the )Vest Van- couver Horticultural Society at the Vancouver Spring Flower and Tulip Show. He stated that it was his hope the society woukl win it again next year. The reeve in accepting the cup for safe keeping, expressed his ap- preciation of the good work done by the society and his confl- dence in their ability to win it again in 1927. Nrs. A. IV. Bennett, Calgary, has rented Miss AIurray's cot- tage at 26th and Lawson for the summer. GUINAN RE(.ITAL SUCCESS The Frances Guinan Dancers held their seventh annual recital in Hollyburn Theatre last Tues- day. The building was packed to near capacity and the enter- tainment proved one of the most enjoyable held for some time. Miss Guinan is an artist of no mean ability an&I the grace aml ease of her dancing drew a well- merited applause from the audi- ence. The performance of her pupils was a particularly pleas- mg part of the evemng s enter- tainment, and those present showed their pleasure in a very evident manner. 1 A Vancouver man on Sunday, while fishing off Altamont had his hook caught in a large seal which was dead. Hoping to get the bounty on these destroyers of fish life, he towed it to Dun- darave pier, only to find the nose of the animal had been cut off by the person who had previous- ly collected the bounty. r Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, of Van- couver, have rented C. Ray's bungalow at 13th and Keith Road for the summer. r Mrs. Southcott, of Vancouver, is moving next Tuesday. into her new home at 13th and Fulton. r r 1 Albert Banham, 22nd and La&vson, has bought a lot on 11th and Kings John Harte, 17th and Esqui- malt, has built an addition to his home next to that in which he has been living. He is now moving in, the work of construc- tion having been finished. Mrs. Charles Stevenson on Thursday afternoon, June 16th, entertained at her home, 19th and Bellevue, the ladies and friends of the Baptist Church Mission Circle. Nrs. IV. R. Scott, of Strath- cona Heights, being the guest of honor, was presented by Mrs. Adair on behalf of the ladies, with a lovely cut-glass berry bowl as a parting gift. Nrs. Scott suitably responded. Mrs. Stevenson, assisted by her daughter, AIiss kielen Stevenson, served refreshments, Nrs. Craig poured tea. Miss Blanche Neville played several musical selections. The ladies present were: Alr&L Adair, Mrs. T. Armstrong, AIrs. Rey- nolds, sr., Mrs. P. Colpitts, Mrs. G. Faulkner, Mrs. klenderson, Afrs. IVitherly, jr., Airs. Ritz, Miss Ritz, Airs. Hibberd, Airs. Hibberd, jr., Mrs. Vernon, jr., Miss Mildred Scott, Airs. An- drews. OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO AlJ"I:I O~l(I ')S Northern Light Gasoline The Quality of Northern Light is recognised by all who use it. THIS IS A NORTH SHORE I'RODUCT The manufacturers guarantee and can prove that no better Gasoline is offered for sale in British Columbia. SUPPORT HOAIE INDUSTRY "Northern Light" is made in North Vancouver. The new pump we have just installed is specially to meet the demands of users of tIew A splat FE kia-'hoos ,'he "Dl tce E ;; ID A.)L-)i It)L-11 A.)l.--I it)I 11 Aloai Btl&lgc citizear the ski DE Ll.'nd than bl arrive i enjoy I Buy co&afpri FRASER VALLEY MILK never disappoints--- Its quality never varies. 9 Quarts for f1.00 Phone 1&&orth 122 RECORD BRIDGE TRAFFIC OVER THE )VEER-END Saturday an&i Sunday witness- ed the heaviest traffic in the his- tory of the Second Narrows bridge. On Saturday 8585 per- sons and 3202 vehicles crossed the bridge, and on Sunday the bridge was used by 21,455 per- sons and 6,067 vehicles of all classes. These are records both for pedestrians and vehicles. NORLITE AIOTOR OIL will reduce your lubrication cost. Manufactured by 0 protected patented process. Buy Northern Light Gasoline and Norlite Motor Oil from West Van Garage I'hone West 130Ambleslde Sey, 4 Aiptk&s clothes tiae