West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Jun 1927, p. 5

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Resampled001B6D4D 927 t will had rind d, June 24, 1927. Shower for Bride-Elect A kitchen shower, compliment- ing Miss Helen Kennington, whose marriage takes place this month, was given by Miss Mur- iel 1. Murray and Miss N. Doris Harraway at the summer home of Dfr. and Mrs. A. J. Harraway, West Vancouver. The table was artistically dec- orated in a color scheme of pink (Hid white, centred with a para- sol covered with rose petals and Streamers with a miniature bride and groom. Covers were laid for twenty-four. Mrs. W. Murray poured and Mrs. Harra- way served the ices assisted by Mrs. Lorne W. Campbell of Vic- toria, and Dfiss Mildred Kidd. During the evening contests were held, the winners being I(lies Edna Lofting and Miss Maude Babcock. Banjo and guitar solos were rendered by bliss Mildred Amos and Miss M. Murray. The guests included: Mrs. E. J. Kidd, Mrs. W. Mur- ray, Nrs. Lorne W. Campbell of Victoria; Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. W. Richardson, Mrs. A. R. Kenning- ton, Nrs. B. Wood, Mrs. Hawk- smith, Nrs. J. Skinner, Mrs. J. W. 1Vhittaker, Mrs. A. David- son, Mrs. Claude Parker, Mrs. A. J. Harraway, Miss Helen Ken- nington, Miss Alice Nicholson, Miss Mildred Kidd, Miss Camp- bell Stevenson, Miss Vernita El- lis, Miss Muriel I. Murray, Miss Edna Lofting, Miss Maude Bab- cock, Miss May Kelsall, Miss Pauline Shatv, of San Francisco; Miss Isobel Briggs and Miss M. Doris Harraway. The flannel dance given by the Liberals in Ambleside Hall last Friday was greatly enjoyed by those present. Good music was supplied and the "party" was kept going until midnight. The ripening berries are at- tracting the bears down to the lower levels. They have been seen on a number of occasions on 1LIathers, and on Wednesday morning M. williams, the tailor, encountered one while driving along Inglewood between 19th and 20th streets. C. N. Barton, 15th and Queens, this week had two bottles of milk taken out of the stream beside his property and enjoyed by the animals. In response to a request from the A. 0. T. S. the council havp. had a tap placed in Ambleside Park grounds to provide water for the refreshment caterers during the Diamond Jubilee cele- brations there. THE WEST VAN NEWS S. K. Jaifary, of Edmonton, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jaifary, 25th and Kings. ~ 'e ~ At Elim Hall, 25th and Mar- ine, at 7:30 next Sunday night, Mr. and Nrs. R. Capper, mission- aries from Yunnan, China, will speak about their work in that country. A special service will be held at 3 o'lock for children. Kitchen and Door Gods, Ancest- ral tablets and other objects of worship by the Chinese will be shown. The Hobb Transfer and Coal Company is the name of a new business organization in West Vancouver. The company is composed of several local busi- ness men who intend adding to their rolling stock as business develops. They are now operat- ing with a dump truck, the first used for general transfer and fuel business in West Vancouver. A new millinery store opens in West Vancouver tomorrow. This is located in Yates'ew building. A large assortment of seasonable millinery will be shown. The boys'hoir will hold their regular practice tomorrow (Sat- urday) at 10 p.m., in the Holly- burn Schooh A full attendance at this practice is particularly requested, as the music to be sung by the choir at the Confed- eration Diamond Jubilee celebra- tion will be practiced. Mr. S. M. Walker, of Caulfeild left last Friday on a trip to the East. Mrs. J. H. Robinson, 17th and Marine, left last Wednesday for an extended visit to Greenwood and points in the Boundary dis- trict. Mrs. Robinson expects to be away for a couple of months. a ~ ~ Mr. and Nrs. Teddington of South Vancouver, are occupying Nrs. J. H. Patterson's cottage at 24th and IVaterfront during Mrs. ~ Patterson's visit to Bradner. L. O. L. No. 2990 is joining with North Vancouver lodge, No. 1840, in building a float to take part in the Diamond Jubilee Confederation pageant. The W. B. A. is also putting a float in the parade. ~ e There is quite a lot of snow left on Hollyburn Ridge. Skiing is still possible round the ski camp, where there is six or seven feet of it. The trail, how- ever, is soft and very few hik- ers are now going up the ridge. e I Nr. Hoy, formerly an old resi- dent here, but who now lives in New Westminster, was here on Wednesday on a visit. R. Kinloch is building a house at Esquimalt and 21st. a Mrs. Dufresne, of Vancouver, who formerly resided here, was visiting Mrs. J. E. Murray, 25th and Ottawa, on Tuesday. e C. L. Hilborn is building a house at Esquimalt and 21st. e Mr. and Mrs. Dean, Duchess and 17th, have returned from a vacation spent up the Cariboo trail. Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Murray, 25th and Ot- tawa, who has been ill, is now much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Rob- bins have bought a lot and cot- tage at 28th and Marine Drive and are now having an addition put on to the cottage. West Vancouver L.O.L. No. 2990, held their regular meeting on Thursday evening in Dundar- ave Hall, when they were visited by Vancouver County Lodge. All the B. C. Lodges this year will celebrate 12th July--the anni- versary of the battle of the battle of the Boyne, in Victoria. Miss Madge Farmer, 23rd and Bellevue, has won the Vancouv- er Exhibition Scholarship ($50) at the B. C. School of Decorative and Applied Arts. This being the highest award for first year pupils. The West Van Restaurant, of which A. W. Lunn is proprietor, has just completed an addition to the dining room, which gives room for four more tables. Mr. Lunn is considering other im- provements to his building to keep pace with the growth of l liis business and the general pro- gress of the district. A suggestion has been made that a moonlight cruise be or- ganized in aid of the West Van- couver Senior League Baseball Club, and that the party be giv- en an hour's dancing at Whyte- cliff. Mrs. J. R. Patterson and chil- dren, 24th and Waterfront, left today for Bradner, B. C., where they will spend the summer. a P ERSONALS ~4')nTDB Il-- Seasonable Goods L Unguentine for Sun burn. Pkg...............50c Eye Shades........20c-50c Writing Pads..... 15c-35c Boxed Note Paper- At ............50c-60c-75c Film for your Camera-- Your Favorite Magazine --Ice Cream Bricks and Bulk. We deiitcr We sell stamps West Van Pharmacy PHONE: WEST 37 Store closed every Thursday si 7 P. DL ~&Qfii} i~~zee~~ B PAINT FOR B JOBS For a good job at an eco- nomical pnce use AYRES PAINTS. We have the one best paint suitable for your purpose. R. SEEDS General Dlerchants Hardware Paint Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 28 T. WALSH Fainting in all its breaches Phone: West 604-0 Cischsn Hotel SUMMER SCHOOL FOR Ste(ALI CHILDREN 19th a Face(welt hn. W. D. Fneet Pheae Weet $3( Tet'ne Reeeeaebl ~ „,„„,„„.,„, MAWILLIAMS „„.„„„, CUSTOM TAILOR SPRING AND SUNDIER SUITINGS Now complete. Large selection--for Sport or Business. Before Ordering Your Next Suit Come and see our patterns. CITY Dyeing, Repairs PRICES and Alterations Dry Cleaning and Pressing PHONE WEST 20 Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker 8 Jeweller Marine Drive Between 14th and 15th. For West Vancouver Properties see SAVORY DUVAL Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe l 6tiu Haywood Ave. West Vancouver Pearce's Drygoods 1419 Szf(zc Drive Phone West 949 Specializing in West Vancouver Hostesses Our Dining Room can be rented for Card Parties, Receptions, Social Dleetings with or without Catering Service. MRS. DRAPER & SON 2(35 5IARINE DRIVE A. C. SEARLE VERNON FEED STORE Phovte West 9 FEED Good assortment of Bedding Plants CE6IENT FUEL Geraniums, Seed Potatoes, etc., for sale ETC. hose calling us mayT do so with the feel- ing of confldence that they are em 0 loy in g the very best available, and with the further assur- ance that the cost will be entirely i n accordance with their own wishes. , Burrard Funeral Chapel CENTER at HANNA LTD. Ezizbiishcd 1693 320 Third Street E. North Vancouver Phone North 1110 B. D. WH(TE ~ MANAGER Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Dauphinee and family, of Altamont, 'left last Saturday for their farm, "Hazeldale," Cloverdale, B.C., where they will stay for the next three or four months. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lunn, of the West Van Restaurant, have taken a house at 16th and Clyde. The alterations at the IVest Bay Store of the Misses Holden and Tristram have now been completed. The business--gro- cery, confectionery and tea room --has now been transfened to the new wing, which is close to the street level. The old build- ing has been remodelled and will, we understand, be occupied as a residence. Dire. IValter Cliff, of Engle- (vood, Vavlcouvcl Is)elhi, is visi- ting in )Vest Vancouver. Nrs. Cliff and her husband lived in )Vest Vancouver for years and were active workers in church aml community circles, 14ih and Marine Phone West 144 Window Blinds and Awnings EST(b(ATES FREE EDWARD GEORGE LANDSCAPE snd GEtNERAL GARDENERS 1584 Dempsey Rd., Upper Lynn Phone--North 1240R2 - 1240RS I.awnz, Shrubberies, Rock Gard- ens. IValkz, Drives, Pencca, Htsfgca, Gctwnhauzca, Summer- huuscz, Pouis, Itlanncd and Constructed Lawns 8} Gardens I ept in order. Apprcnttccd Gardeners wtth 30 years'xperience. Well iaid out grounds are a thing of beauty. Let Practical mcn do your work. PITNAN BUSINESS COIIE(IE DAY and NIGHT SCHOOL Ybu wiii receive intensive indi- vidual ttammg 4 2 2 iiichardz St. Phone Sey. 913th Coc. Hastings I Neat Daade a e Hell. West 157X Specializing in Home Cooking HOUSE DECORATIONS AND REPAIRS-- Interior or Exterior, By Skilled Workmen. Any branch of painting, building, etc. Phone West 437R3 for Ezilmzics F. Newman 8 D. Robbins CARPENTERS hie(hera fk 29th Treat 437 R3 HARROIV( BROS. 8; WILLIA(BISON g IIneral 6Irertors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184